The Basingstoke Canal News (BCN) is the Society’s quarterly newsletter, available on-line and in printed form to members
Previous Editions Archive
All editions of the Basingstoke Canal News back to the first in early 1967 can be found in the archive below. They give a fascinating account of the Society’s early campaign, struggles and setbacks to get the Canal purchased as a public amenity.
Later issues recount the Society’s work in restoring the derelict canal, a work celebrated by the Royal re-opening of May 1991 by the Duke of Kent. More recent editions describe the challenges met with keeping the restored canal maintained and open to navigation, particularly as cuts in funding began to bite.
To access the latest BCN, please click here where you can access your member account or register for membership.
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Robbie Cumming visits the Canal, Chobham Talks, The Ideal Christmas Present, Work Party Report, In Memoriam—David Junkinson, Boat Accessibility, Kitty II Progress, From the Archives, Will Writing Service, New Book – Bridges of the Canal, Odiham Raft Race, The Cong Canal, News in Brief, Events, Membership
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Chobham Talks, Welcome Tarun Ingvorsen, Work Party Report, Canoeing on the Canal, From the Archives, Sketches from JPII, Thanks to Stihl, Oak Processionary Moth, Inglis Bridge Listed, News in Brief, A Summer of Events, Membership
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, AGM Report, Working Parties Report, Archivist Action, Basingstoke Canal What?, News in Brief, John Pinkerton II Themed Trips, BCS Events, Membership, AGM Awards
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, AGM Announcement, AGM Notes, Save the Canal, Lobbying Campaign, All Done by Volunteers, Archivist Action, Society Archives Update, Working Parties Report, Kitty II Progress, News in Brief, Events, Water Voles, Rambling Time, Chobham Talks, Membership.
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Fundraising Success, Kitty II Progress, John Pinkerton II, Anniversary Celebration, Odiham Raft Race, Boat Trips Report 2023, Working Party Report, Sluice Matters, Maudie, News in Brief, Events, Chobham Talks, Membership.
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Campaign Update, Call for Volunteers, What is a Lengthsman?, Perseverance, Farewell to Fiona, News in Brief, BCA Patrol Boat, Working Party Report, FLY II Renovation, Bathymetric Survey, Events, Membership.
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, AGM Minutes, In the News, Keep Your Canal Alive Campaign, Woking Oil Spill, In Memoriam, Work Party Report, Kitty II, Forthcoming Events, From the Archives, Membership.
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Notice of AGM, JPII, Nature Notes, Safety First, Greywell Tunnel, Canal & River Trust, WEEVILS vs PENNYWORT, RHODODENDRON WARS, Chobham Talks, Events, In Memoriam, Sunken Barge ReFloat, Work Party Report, Membership, BCS Information, New Gates for Lock 3.
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, 4th Odiham Raft Race, Work Party, Colt Hill Towpath Repair, Kitty, 2006 Options Review, Health & Safety, Projects, Auction of Paintings, Fundraising, Christmas is Coming, Events, Insects on the canal, Dingy free, Jim Woolgar, Lookback, Membership, BCS Information, Bank protection in Surrey.
Editorial, Chairmans Report, Guidance for canal users, Water!, Kitty, John Pinkerton II, 2023 Calendar, Volunteers, Weed Removal, Events, Houseboats, Letters, Members, Membership, BCS Information, Low Water,
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, 45th AGM, 30th Anniversary Party, Surrey Heath Show, Platinum Jubilee, Basingstoke Festival of Transport, Trees, Work Party, News around the Canal, Boat Company, Kids Corner, Farewell to Southampton CS, 1791 Receipt, Membership, BCS Information, CCCC at Colt Hill,
Editorial, Vice Chairman’s Report, Work Party, Contractors at Work, Events, Boat Company, Kids on the Canal, Articles of Association, Information Boards, Canal Society AGM, Gifting to the Society, Farewell Flo and Tony Davis, Farewell…., Membership Report, BCS Information.
Editorial, Vice Chairman’s Report, Canal Society AGM, Accounts for Year End, Woking Wharf, Odiham Raft Race 2021, Winter Works, Work Party, Other Volunteers, Kids on the Canal, Pledge, Film, Shop, Election of Committee, Membership Report, BCS Information.
Editorial, Vice Chairman’s Report, Holland Moorings Opening, Mikron Theatre, Accessible Boating QAVS, Work Party, Raising the Titanic from the Basingstoke Canal, Remake of the African Queen, Belfast Girl goes to Weybridge, Project Group, John Pinkerton II, Kitty in 2021, Events, Captain, Film, 2022 Calendar Competition, Membership Report, BCS Information, Is this what they mean by a listed tree?
Editorial, Vice Chairman’s Report, New Gates for Deepcut, Charity Puddle, Work Party, Holland Moorings, Up Nately, John Pinkerton II, Replacing Kitty, Canal Reopening 1991, Mikron Theatre Visit, Stop Press, 1880 Canal Map, Lunatic, Dieter Jebens Trophy, Letter – Perseverance, Management, 2021 AGM, Membership Report, BCS Information, Visiting Boats,
Editorial, Vice-Chairman’s Report, Canal Society Mission Statement, Winter Contractor Work, Holland Moorings, John Pinkerton II Progress, Sub-Committee Activities, Floating Pennywort, Canals and the Countryside, Dick Snell, The Great Bottom Flash Flying Boat Mystery, Membership Report, Survey Feedback, BCS Information, Pennywort Control.
No 267: Autumn 2020:
Editorial, Vice-Chairman’s Report, Tuesday Workparty, New Tools for Volunteers, Pinkerton’s progress, New Society website, Canal Winter Works and Stoppages, Farborough Road moorings, BCS awards, Theatre Group Performance, Farewells, Opportunity for budding lengthsman, Robin Higg’s stuff For Sale, BCS Organisation, BCS Who’s Who, Volunteer Vacancies, BCS Membership and Information, New Chobham Road bridge
No 266: Summer 2020:
Editorial, Vice-Chairman’s Report, Ex-Chairman’s Report, Report by Philip Riley, Pinkerton’s Progress, New Society website, Annual General Meeting, Society accounts for 2019, COVID-19, 2020, Chobham Road Footbridge, A recent trip on the Basingstoke Canal, Presidents’ Canal Trip 2020, BCA comments, Pleasure boating, JP progress, Letters, New books, BCS Membership, BCS information, Boat at Eelmoor Bridge
No 265: Winter 2020 (1):
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Work party in action, Work on the canal, Ash Lock work, John Pinkerton CC report, JP II trips, Kitty, Events, Canal d’Orléans – vive l’entente fluviale!, Canal visitors, Lime burning, a canal-side industry, volunteer vacancies, Annual General Meeting, BCS Membership, BCS Information
No 264: Autumn 2019:
Editorial, Chairman’s AGM Report, Visiting Groups, Work on the Canal, John Pinkerton report, Kitty report, Events, Trees down, Deepcut drain down, John P, Leave a Legacy, Memories of the Canal in the 1960s, Sales, New Children’s book, New Chairman wanted, End of the 200 club, BCS Membership, BCS Information
No 263: Summer 2019:
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Odiham Raft Race 2019, John Pinkerton report, Kitty report, Work Party, BCCC 40th Anniversary, Events, New Footbridge for Woking Latest Proposals, Mikron Theatre, A Day on the Wey, Water Supply Report 1825, Committee Who’s Who, Obituaries – Robin Higgs, Roger Thomas, BCS Membership, BCS Information
No 262: Spring 2019:
Editorial, Chairman’s AGM report; Annual General Meeting and Society Accounts 2018; Events; Unity Restored! – BCA Dredger back in action; Otters in Odiham; Woking Town Wharf opened; Volunteers; Memories of the Canal in the 1950’s to early 1960’s; Obituaries – Paul Vine, Dieter Jebens, David Horwood; BCS Membership; BCS Information
No 261: Winter 2018/9:
Editorial, Chairman’s report, Appeal to members, Help wanted – events, Winter work, Volunteer activity, QAVS Trophy, Odiham Boat Basin proposal, Murder on the Basingstoke Canal… and other more sedate cruises, Books for sale, BCS books for sale, Events, Canal d’Orléans, Canal Society General Meetings, BCS Membership, BCS information, Woodham Volunteers.
No 260: Autumn (2) 2018:
Editorial, Chairman’s report, No go to the C&RT at present, A fun weekend at Mytchett and Odiham, Royal visit to present the QAVS, Events, Work party report, Emergency dam practice, John Pinkerton, Report from the JMC meeting, Vision for the Future, Opportunities to help sustain and promote the Canal and the Society, BCS Membership, BCS information, and Raft Race winners.
No 259: Autumn 2018:
Editorial, Chairman’s report, Volunteers at work, Tuesday Volunteers, Contractor work, Canal Centre development plans, News from the Boat Company, Social media, Artefacts, Events, A Woking philosopher?, Water Problems by Duncan Paine, GDPR reflections, Sales, BCS Membership, BCS information, and Crookham wharf.
No 258: Summer 2018:
Editorial, Chairman’s AGM report, AGM report, Society accounts for 2017, AGM, Work on the canal, The perils of Facebook, Events, Environment Agency, Old Pinkerton’s new progress, General Data Protection Regulations, BCS Membership, BCS information, and Crookham Wharf.
No 257: Spring 2018:
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Update on the Future of the Basingstoke Canal Society, Future of the Basingstoke Canal Update, JMC, Inspecting Our Canal, Weedcutting, Fly, BBC CountryFile, Society Annual General Meeting, Events, Chobham Talks, The Battle of Pondtail or how the canal was saved by a good lunch, Farewell Peter Coxhead and Ken Thornber, BCS Membership, BCS information and Tunnel inspection.
No 256: Winter 2017:
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Update on the Future Management of the Basingstoke Canal, Letter, Men at work, BCA Operational Report to JMC, Canal Society Work Party, New work boat “Jim Douglas”, Odds & ends, Chobham Talks, Voices from the past, Sales stand, Trip boats, Farewell Ron McLaughlin and John Kilburn, BCS Membership, BCS Information and Kingfisher.
No 255: Autumn 2017:
Editorial, Chairman’s Report, Dogmersfield slip – nearly finished, Volunteering on the Basingstoke, More volunteering, New work boat?, David Junkison, JP & Kitty Report, Cream Tea cruises, Sales, Chobham Talks, ‘Juniper’ at Galleon Marine, Woking Grand Prix, Farewell Les Harris, John Humphries OBE, Clive Durley, Jan Smith and Terry Harrison, BCS Membership, BCS Information and Dogmersfield slip works.
No 254: Summer 2017:
Editorial, Chairman’s AGM report, AGM report, Society Accounts for 2016, Work Party report, Winter & spring works on the canal, Lock 14, Developments in Woking, Bits and pieces, The Canal in Woking during WWI, Sales, Ian Cripps, BCS Membership, BCS information and Dogmersfield slip works.
No 253: Spring 2017:
Editorial, Chairman’s report, Basingstoke Canal Future Management Options, Moves at Ash Lock, Society Work Party activities, Volunteers – We need you!!, Winter works on the canal, Reminiscences of dredging the canal and how the Society became the proud owners of a Ruston Bucyrus Dragline, Chobham talks, Canal Society AGM, Letters, Membership, BCS information and Busy morning at Ash Lock.
No 252: Winter 2016:
Editorial, Chairman’s report, Society Work Party activities, Notes from the JMC, There is no such thing as an accident!, C&RT – The Future, Canal winter works, Canal works Winter 2016/17, William Carter, canal owner 1905-21, Chobham talks, Letters, Canal still in trouble in the 1890s, “Chain Gang” to King John’s Castle, Christmas on the Canal at Odiham, BCS Membership, BCS information and Dry Dock in use.
No 251: Autumn 2016:
Chairman’s report, Woking Canal Festival 2016, Spanton’s wharf in use again, Early days of the Canal Society, HNBC’s Warbler & Clover above Lock 15, More recollections of early days, Kitty’s progress, Egremont, Letters, Chobham talks, Society Work Party report, Canal trouble in the 19th century and ‘TENCH’ at Bedser Bridge.
No 250: Summer 2016:
Chairman’s AGM report, Society Accounts for 2015, Out and about on the canal, Events, Canal to close for the Farnborough Airshow, Woking Canal Festival 6/7th August 2016, Pinkerton’s progress, Lengthsmen, Eagle Radio grant, Ramblers walks, Letters, Canal in trouble one hundred years ago and Kitty’s cabin.
No 249: Spring 2016:
Chairman’s report, News Round-Up from the BCA, More News from the BCA, KESCRG visit, More canal news, John Pinkerton report, Events, Woking Canal Festival 6/7th August 2016, Woking Canal Festival 1962, Lookback, How the BCA manages water on the Basingstoke Canal, Wellesley Woodlands, Notice of the Canal Society AGM (14 May 2016) and Claycart work party.
No 248: Winter 2015:
Chairman’s report, Joint Management Committee report, Rangers at work, Crookham Wharf Dragon Teeth Rescue, BCA Patrol Boat back in service, John Pinkerton, A busy day on the canal, Events, Woking Canal Festival 6/7th August 2016, Odiham Castle or King John’s Castle?, Lookback, Home rule for Hampshire?, Xmas trips from Odiham, New signs, Story Trails, River Wey Festival, Canal Guide revised and reissued and Blown sill repairs at Ash Lock.
No 247: Autumn 2015:
Chairman’s report, Magna Carta Plaque, Canal Society AGM, Bedser Bridge, Boys’ Brigade boat donation, Canal Centre boating, Canal Centre, Events, Canal Society 50th Anniversary 2016 planning, An open letter to the Canal JMC, Repairs, Work Boats, Another fallen tree, Lookback, Share the Space, Drop your Pace, Water levels and A good year for birds.
No 246: Summer 2015:
Chairman’s AGM report, Canal Society AGM, Society Accounts for 2014, Events, 50th Anniversary 2016 call to action, Odiham Magna Carta rally, Towpaths re-opened, Ash Wharf – Eyesore or asset?, Share your Space – Drop your Pace, Barbara Durley, Mystery solved, BCS Membership map, Letters and Dogmersfield towpath reopened.
No 245: Spring 2015: Chairman’s report, Work party, What’s going on on the canal, Dogmersfield slip, Aqueduct inspection, Milestones display opening, CRT Photo Archive, Events, John Pinkerton Report, Lookback, Letters, Legacies, HELP!, Canal Society AGM notice and BCS Membership.
No 244: Winter 2014: Chairman’s report, Work parties, Thames barge, Waterway Recovery Group, Milestones, Basingstoke Canal Authority, BCA report, Dogmersfield slip, The Internet of Things comes to the Basingstoke Canal, Events, John Pinkerton Report, Out and About, Lookback and Betty Scammell 1928-2014.
No 243: Autumn 2014: Chairman’s report, Work parties, Boat Company, Basingstoke Canal Authority, Dogmersfield slip, Colt Hill barn dendrochronology, Canal d’Orléans, Farewell to the John Pinkerton, Chobham Social Meetings, Sheerwater woods, Mystery bridge, Weedcutter, Galleon Marine, Ramblings and John Pinkerton handover.
No 242: Summer 2014: Chairman’s AGM report, Society Accounts for 2013, Decorated boat parade in Woking, Colt Hill Barn, JP News, Fox & Hounds Rally, BCBC – the first 25 years …, Canals and Geology, BCA Boaters Meetings, Blue-Green Algae warning, Storm fallout, Managed Navigation – Updated opening hours, Lookback, John Pinkerton’s escape.
No 241: Spring 2014: Work on the Canal, BCA Navigation proposals, Lengthsmen, Around the Canal, Events, Dogmersfield slip on the move again, The Basingstoke Canal in the 1960s, JP News for 2014, Lookback, Canal Society AGM notice, BCS Membership – Situations Vacant.
No 240: Winter 2013: BCA Winter works, James Taylor – Surrey County Council, Last attempt to reach Basingstoke 1913, John Pinkerton Canal Cruises, Events, Perseverance, Bridges, 1950s problems, Bankside badger watch, Farewell Dick Elder, Mike Burrow and David Hoyle, Storm damage.
No 239: Autumn 2013: John Pinkerton II naming, Canal Society website, Work party & WRG, Out & About, Lengthsmens Report, Dieter Jebens Vice President, Helen’s trip, Events, Who’s who on the Canal Society Committee, Future of an old canal, Peter Fethney and Dorothy Bracewell.
No 238: Summer 2013: Chairman’s Report, Society AGM and address by Mike Rodd, 2012 Accounts, Operational update from HCC, Easter Re-opening and Return to the Basingstoke, Launch of the John Pinkerton II, On the Canal, Goodbye and Hello.
No 237: Spring 2013: Boating on the Basingstoke, The Redway Lock, Overhauling stop plank grooves at Pondtail, New footbridge in Woking, 36th AGM notice, Boat counters and water supply, The first lock gates, Lengsthman scheme, SHCC AGM notice, New treasurer – Guy Faller.
No 236: Winter 2012: New Canal Manager, Lock 12 work, BCA rangers report, Update from Surrey CC, Archives, Re-branding the Society, John Pinkerton II, Nostalgic Cruise.
No 235: Autumn 2012: Canalside Jubilee at Frimley Lodge Park, Perseverance, Trees and Weeds, Farnborough Airshow, Work Parties, Contractors at Work, Surrey Heath, Ian Brown retires, Monitoring, Farewell Charles Hicks.
No 234: Summer 2012: 35th Society AGM report, Accounts for 2011, A New Trip Boat, Mikron Theatre Company and new venue, Open Access – to Brookwood at Easter, BCA Navigation update – May, Mrs Noah’s Cruise.
No 233: Spring 2012: A vision for the Canal, Waterside Jubilee, Farewell “John B”, Deepcut concerns, 35th AGM notice and new venue, New committee member – Stuart Black.
No 232: Winter 2011: Fox & Hounds Rally, JMC Report, IWA Call to Arms, Waterway Recovery Group – Peter Redway Memorial Dig, Boat building on the Basingstoke.
No 231: Autumn 2011:New Committee members, Report from National IWA rally, BCA Navigation Update, Micron Theatre report, Appeal for new captains of John Pinkerton.
No 230: Summer 2011:Report from new Chairman, AGM report & Accounts,Canal Ranger activities,Obituaries: The Earl of Onslow, Shirley Trott, Dick Harper-White, Dennis “Joe” Lyons.
No 229: Spring 2011: Peter Redway Obituary and Funeral pictures, John Pinkerton replacement, A day in the life of a ranger.
No 228: Winter 2010:
No 227: Autumn 2010:
No 226: Summer 2010:
No 225: Spring 2010:
No 224: Winter 2009:
No 223: Autumn 2009::
No 222 Summer 2009:
No 221 Spring 2009:
No 220: Winter 2008:
No 219: Autumn 2008:
No 218 Summer 2008:
No 217 Spring 2008:
No 216: Winter 2007:
No 215: Autumn 2007:
No 214 Summer 2007:
No 213 Spring 2007:
No 212 Winter 2006:
No 211: Autumn 2006:
No 210: Summer 2006:
No 209: Spring 2006: Canal funding crisis; vandals; canal twinning; etc.
No 208: Winter 2005: Farewell Leigh and Andy; Brookwood 2006; Fox & Hounds; Ron Jesse obit.; Canal in 1947; etc.
No 207: Autumn 2005: Leigh Thornton’s ‘goodbye’; new bridge at Crookham; etc.
No 206: Summer 2005: AGM; Campaign Rally; Woking Canal Festival; Ernie Pull obit.; etc.
No 205: Spring 2005: Pinkerton; Ian Brown, new Ranger; Deepcut; etc.
No 204: Winter 2004: Value for money?; Waterways Trust; Canal in 1806; Canal du Midi; etc.
No 203: Autumn 2004: Farnborough Air Show; Wildlife in danger; Obituaries: Alec Gosling, Stan Knight,
No 202: Summer 2004: Bridge Barn; Water usage; ‘Isobel’; etc.
No 201: Spring 2004: Surrey CC move; Management Plan; etc.
No 200: Winter 2003: Drought; Panic!; Pinkerton’s 25th; etc.
No 199: Autumn 2003: A day in the life of a Ranger; Lady Redgrave obit.; etc.
No 198: 2003:
No 197: 2003:
No 196: Winter 2002: Mrs Marshall’s Talk; BCA; Western End; etc.
No 195: Autumn 2002: Western End; Ask Tony Harmsworth; Mob-H; etc.
No 194: Summer 2002: Backpumping; AGM; Graham Hornsey; Bridge Barn; etc.
No 193: Spring 2002: Brian Percy obit; dredging at Brookwood; Berks & Hants canals; Andrew Stumpf; Early days; Dredger Memories – 4; etc.
No 192: Winter 2001: Andy Howard; Stan Knight; Silvester’s Bridge – gone; Dredger Memories – 3; etc.
No 191: Autumn 2001: Work camp; IWA National rally; Xanth; Dredger Memories – 2; etc.
No 190: Summer 2001: Bridge Barn & Odiham rallies; Dredger Memories – 1: etc.
No 189: Spring 2001: Hard times; On the canal in 2001; etc.
No 188: Winter 2000: Moving to Canada; Weather!; Wallis & Steevens; etc.
No 187: Autumn 2000: Work camp; J Pinkerton; Last attempt to Basingstoke; Jim Foley; new Norris Bridge; etc.
No 186: Summer 2000: AGM; Galleon Marine; Dragonfly; Bridge Barn; etc.
No 185: Spring 2000: Woking Festival; new weedcutter; Nancy Larcombe; the Houseboats; etc.
No 184: Winter 1999: Pavillon d’Or; 200 Club; etc.
No 183: Autumn 1999: Work Camp; trees; Paddy’s farewell; ‘Nelie B’; etc.
No 182: Summer 1999: AGM ’99; ‘Teddy’ Edwards obit.; a new ‘Dawn’; etc.
No 181: Spring 1999: Pinkerton; Joan Marshall article; etc.
No 180: Winter 1998: Water Appeal; Hart attack; Elizabeth Rose; Bats & Tunnels; etc.
No 179: Autumn 1998: Galleon Marine; Society’s new trip boat; etc.
No 178: Summer 1998: AGM; Bridge Barn; etc.
No 177: Autumn 1997: Lock gate building; Joan Marshall obit; Heritage Lottery Fund; etc.
No 176: Summer 1997: Kingfishers; Water nomads; AGM report; Queens Rd Bridge refurbished; etc.
No 175: Summer 1997: Fishing; Stan Meller; Bridge of Beauty; etc.
No 174: Winter 1996/97: Swans; Tony Harmsworth; Millennium; badgers; etc.
No 173: Autumn 1996: Waterwatch; Les Foster; 30 years ago; etc.
No 171: Spring 1996: Right of Navigation; events; etc.
No 170: Winter 1995/96: Surrey wildlife; Western End; Bats; IWA Golden Jubilee; etc.
No 169: Autumn 1995:
No 168: Spring 1995: Last 5 miles; Greywell – easy option; SSSI reactions; BVR aqueduct; etc.
No 167: Winter 1994/95: Last 5 miles; angling; licence fees; AGM; etc.
No 166: Summer 1994: Civic Trust scheme; Tale of 3 Bridges; Canal Festivities; etc.
No 165: Spring 1994: Future of the canal; Arthur Attwood; Naturalists’ viewpoint; etc.
No 164: Winter 1993/94: Kings Head Bridge; New swing bridge; Farewell to the JP; etc.
No 163: Autumn 1993: Into the Greywell Tunnel…; bats; Sandhurst; etc.
No 162: Summer 1993: A Bridge too far?; French connection; Perseverance ‘pay-off’ party.
No 161: Spring 1993: .
No 160: Winter 1992/93: Perseverance history; Bridges old & new; BVR; Hotel boats; 200th anniv.; Brickworks Arm.
No 159: Winter 1991/92: Working party; 200 Years Ago; etc.
No 158: Sept 1991: What they said…; Thank You Robin; Welcome David & Peter; Management structure; Coals to Perseverance.
No 157: June 1991: The Royal Reopening; Celebration Day; Canal by-laws.
No 156: Mar 1991: Plans for Royal Reopening; J. Pinkerton.
No 155: Jan 1991: Kings Head Br reprieved; Zoning proposals rejected; Locks full or empty.
No 154: Nov 1990: Wildlife conservation; Kings Head Bridge; Houseboats with history.
No 153: Sept 1990: Battle over bridge; Western End; Ash Lock.
No 152: July 1990: NCC wants restricted boating; BVR; Sanitary stations; Dry dock charges.
No 151: May 1990: Management; Great Canal Auction; Dredger reaches Fleet.
No 150: Mar 1990: BVR preview; Bats/cave; W/end bought.
No 149: Jan 1990: Last swingbridge; Sheerwater moorings.
No 148: Nov 1989: Canal Director takes stock; Down the tunnel; BVR
No 147: Sept 1989: Land slip; Woodham topping out; Greywell and beyond.
No 146: July 1989: Canal Director appointed; Kings Head Bridge; Mike Fellows review.
No 145: May 1989: Boating Club formed; Perseverance into Fleet; Col. Cody.
No 144: Mar 1989: NCC calls for delay; New road under canal.
No 143: Jan 1989: Conservation sites; Mike and Ken; Houseboats new deal; NCC.
No 142: Nov 1988: Water, and SSSI; Naturalists control closer; Bat movements.
No 141: Sept 1988: 2yrs work to re-open; Lock 1 open; New lift bridge installed.
No 140: July 1988: Wey link bridge erected; Greywell AV show; Flora Survey; Pondtail Plan rejected.
No 139: May 1988: Woking Canal Basin; Trust supports Restoration.
No 138: March 1988: Society’s Future Role; Councils support Canal Costs; Another 2yrs Dredging; Galleon Marine.
No 137: January 1988: Hurricane damage; New silt dump halted; Bats’ own tunnel?.
No 136: November 1987: Killer Weed; Canal that Never Was; Houseboat Owners clash with Council.
No 135: September 1987: Fight for Navigation; Water down to Woking; Last Summer Work Camp.
No 134: July 1987: Councils re-afirm Navigational Use; Bat Habits.
No 133: May 1987: Frimley Festival; Vandals cause Setback; ‘Seagull’ progress.
No 132: March 1987: Lock 1; Frank Jones; Guildford Water Festival.
No 131: January 1987: ‘Restoring to Life’; Gen. Sir Hugh Stockwell; No funds for liftbridge.
No 130: November 1986: Workcamp ’86; Canal Postcards
No 129: September 1986: Canal’s future; Basing House; Houseboats.
No 128: July 1986: More Tunnel turmoil; Shape of ‘Seagull’.
No 127: May 1986: Basing House; Society’s 20th Year.
No 126: March 1986: Counties seek greater canal use; Special Deepcut trip; Ash Lock rally.
No 125: January 1986: Final push; Restoration target; JP profits increase.
No 124: November 1985: Wildlife conservation; Peofitable JP season.
No 123: September 1985: Public meetings; Greywell Bats; Tunnel inspection.
No 122: July 1985: JP down Deepcut Flight; Greywell Tunnel; ‘Seagull’; Guildford Festival; Biggest Work Camp; .
No 121: May 1985: 4-year Plan; Target 88; Home of British Army.
No 120: March 1985: Historic canal films; Basingstoke or bust; etc.
No 119: January 1985: 4-year completion plan; Pinkerton’s Profit; Colt Hill; etc.
No 118: November 1984: Perseverance celebrates; Waterside Watch; etc.
No 117: Sept 1984: Seepage at Ash Vale; Biggest summer work camp; Greywell Tunnel Study; etc.
No 116: July 1984: Visits; rallies; etc.
No 115: May 1984: Saga of the Jp; Move to salvage ‘Seagull’; etc.
No 114: March 1984: Need for slipways; Centre length Re-opened; etc.
[There was no No. 113]
No 112: December 1983: Surrey Full-timr Team; Lower Heyford Crane; etc.
No 111: 1983: Work Camp; Ten Years Ago; Dry Dock opened.
No 110: August 1983: Angling in the Canal; Canal’s Natural History -2; Dry Dock completion; Patrick Moore visits.
No 109: June 1983: Greywell dredging; Canal’s Natural History; 10,000 fish; etc.
No 108: Aptil 1983: Canal Wildlife; Potter’s Plan; Pondtail Br mooring basin; etc.
No 107: February 1983: Pondtail Br slipway; Dogmersfield Slip; etc.
No 106: December 1982: Greywell water supplies; Slipway proposals; Cowshot Bridge re-opened; etc.
No 105: October 1982: Cut-price canal holidays; Dry Dock Restoration; etc
No 104: August 1982: Volunteer’s View; Canalside Collapse; Ash Lock Cruise; Forth & Clyde.
No 103: June 1982: Planning Appeal; Tailway Group’s farewell; Bricks & Bricklayers; Dogmersfield Slip.
No 102: April 1982: AGM; JP record profit; Westel Canoe Trials.
No 101: February 1982: New Secretary; JMC; Hants Emergency Drill.
No 100: December 1981: Those Were The Days; Ten Years Ago; etc.
No 99: October 1981: Protecting the Canal; Bridging the Gap; Odiham Castle.
No 98: August 1981: Broad Oak Bridge opened; Godalming Water Festival.
No 97: June 1981: Mr Pumfrett obit; Thames and Severn.
No 96: April 1981: Hampshire delays; Greywell dredging; Robert Aikman obit.
No 95: February 1981: Reading Waterways Festival; Frimley Aqueduct.
No 94: December 1980: Woking’s Canal Day; Canal du Midi; JP goes East; New Loco Shed opened.
No 93: October 1980: Helicopter Hitch; Hawke narrowboat diary; County Council activities.
No 92: August 1980: Council to maintain support; Vanished Viaduct; Canals that never were -5.
No 91: June 1980: .
No 90: April 1980: Vanished Viaduct; Canals that never were-5; 10yrs ago.
No 89: February 1980: Taking up the challenge; Canoe Club; Youth Employment Grant; 10 years hard.
No 88: December 1979: Trip Boat season; Canals that never were-4; French Connection; Railway Navvies; 10yrs ago..
No 87: October 1979: Approaching a crossroads; Narrow guage rly’s future; Canals that never were-3; Noris Br tumbles down; Lock opening ceremony.
No 86: August 1979: Odiham bypass; Canals never were-2; County Connection; 10yrs ago.
No 85: June 1979: Wind of change>; Canals that never were-1; Filling the gap.
No 84: April 1979: JP new season; Mrs Marshall’s canal; Restoring Ash embankment.
No 83: Jan/Feb 1979: New Year resolution; Trip up the canal; etc.
No 82: Nov/Dec 1978: Future of the waterways; Poulters Br; King John’s Castle – 2.
No 81: September 1978: Fishing the canal; Restoration round-up; King Hohn’s Castle.
No 80: June 1978: Dream Come True; Perseverance; Canoe Tourist Trial.
No 79: April 1978: Ash Wharf Basin; Basingstoke’s own Mikron; Trip Boat report.
No 78: February 1978: Restoration in Hants, and Surrey; Bridge Name Plates; Quinquagenarians.
No 77: December 1977: Deepcut Dig; Swan Cutting; Poulters Bridge, etc.
No 76: October 1977: Restoring Basingstoke boats; Selling silt; etc.
No 75: August 1977: First of 29 locks restored; Trip Boat launched; etc.
No 74: June 1977: Deepcut report; Watercress Line re-opens; Hants Recreational Plan.
No 73: April 1977: Surrey Restoration Plan; Hampahire Consultation; Portrait – Editors; etc.
No 72: February 1977: Farnborough Rd Weir; Ltd Co status; etc..
No 71: October 1976: Basingstoke Bicentenary; Why go to Greywell?: Portrait – David Millett; Rambles; EGM; Trip Boat appeal.
No 70: October 1976: 10 Years on; Society Trip Boat; Portrait – Peter Youngs.
No 69: August 1976: Craftsmen wanted; Harmsworth connection; Portrait – Bob Harlick.
No 68: June 1976: Blacksmith’s Bridge Reopened; Water Nobsurd; etc.
No 67: April 1976: Surrey section bought; Rambles, etc.
No 66: February 1976: The Greywell Tunnel; Portrait – Alan Babister; 29 Locks?.
No 65: December 1975: IWA donation; Dredger news; Portrait – Ian Cripps; Crofton visit.
No 64: October 1975: Surrey to buy canal; Return of Basingstoke barge; Restoration survey -7.
No 63: August 1975: Canal owners sell; A Basingstoke Barge; Water Nobserd; Restoration Plans.
No 62: June 1975: The Brickworks; Little Tunnel; Portrait-Frank Jones.
No 61: Mar-Apr 1975: AGM report; Odiham bypass; Ramblers’ Corner; Portrait-Robin Higgs; Buy a Brick.
No 60: Jan-Feb 1975: European Architectural Heritage Year; Working party news; Dredger steams again; 1975 Committee.
No 59: Nov-Dec 1974: £1,000 for the locks; Dredger history; London’s lost route to the sea.
No 58: Sep-Oct 1974: White ribbon & red tape; Canal museum; Dredger at work.
No 57: July-Aug 1974: Odiham bypass; Stan (Bill) Bailey..
No 56: May-June 1974: Ramblers’ Corner; Towpath walk; From our new Chairman; Odiham bypass.
No 55: Mar-Apr 1974: Odiham bypass; K & A.; May Day Ball; AGM Report
No 54: Jan-Feb 1974: Working parties; Ramblers’ Corner; Hampshire CC; 25 Years Ago.
No 53: Nov-Dec 1973: First steps of clearance; Official working parties at last.
No 52: Sep-Oct 1973: Surrey’s CPO supported; restoring the dredger.
No 51: July-Aug 1973: 2nd pair of lock gate installed; Surrey publishes its CPO; dredger progress.
No 50: May-June 1973: First pair of lock gates installed; Dredger purchased; Natural history; Glimpse into the past.
No 49: Mar-Apr 1973: Take a deep breath! (AGM report); One man’s angle; Rambles, etc.
No 48: Jan-Feb 1973: Hampshire issues purchase notice; Sunday ramble; AGM notice.
No 47: Nov-Dec 1972: Crisis for canal bridges;Canal and its history -2; Lock gates.
No 46: Sep-Oct 1972: Planning for the future; That bottle; Canal and its history -1; Boat building..
No 45: July-Aug 1972: Keep the waterways united; Working parties; Planning appeal; Glimpse into the Past; Jenny Wren trip.
No 44: May-June 1972: Canal purchase goes ahead; Another pair of lock gates; Holidays.
No 43: Mar-Apr 1972: County Councils seek ownership; All About Jumble; Rambles.
No 42: Jan-Feb 1972: Committee candidates; Working parties; Rambles.
No 41: Nov-Dec 1971: President appointed for the Society; Rambles; Society Symbol; Public Meetings.
No 40: Sep-Oct 1971: End of the Tunnel?; On Home Ground; AGM: Lock Gates Unlimited?
No 39: July 1971: Government takes action; Alf Rogers; Narrow Boats -2.
No 38: May 1971: New Committee; AGM; Crofton trip; Working party; Narrow Boats -1.
No 37: March 1971: Work on the canal; Events; Committee.
No 36: Jan 1971: Biggest project of them all.
No 35: Dec 1970: Courting by canal.
No 34: Jan 1970: Frustration; Europe Conservation Year; Barging through Britain.
No 33: Sep 1970: Bank wash; Canal memories.
No 32: Aug 1970: Story of a sticker; Schools and the canal.
No 31: June 1970: Hampshire purchase goes ahead; Last boat through tunnel.
No 30: Apr 1970: National Rally report; Waterside Inns -5.
No 29: Mar 1970: Countdown to purchase; About the Avon.
No 28: Feb 1970: Basingstoke Canal in the classroom.
No 27: Jan 1970: Exec. Committee ballot; IWA National Rally.
No 26: Nov 1969: 1949 and all that; New Navvies; Canals and their architecture; Pleasure for hire.
No 25: Oct 1969: Concrete dam goes ahead; A Thought for Winter; Waterside Inns -4.
No 24: Aug 1969: Into the 70s; The Constitution; Waterside Inns -3; Rambles.
No 23: July 1969: 1st lock gates; Locks and fishermen; On building a boat.
No 22: June 1969: 1,000 Thanks; Waterside Inns -2; Rambles; End of an era.
No 21: May 1969: The Petition; Events; Money matters; Waterside Inns -1, etc.
No 20: March 1969: 18,000 signatures!; A lovely waterway; Power boats; etc.
No 19: Feb 1969: The Year Ahead; What we’ve done and are doing; A Groove in the Ground; Ramble no. 5.
No 18: Jan 1969: The Company speaks; Journey into Darkness; Boats – 9; Ramble no. 4.
No 17: Nov 1968: Where do we go from here? events; committee members; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 8; Ramble no. 3.
No 16: Oct 1968: Membership survey; Following the horses; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 7; Ramble no. 2.
No 15: Sept 1968: Reports and activities; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 6.
No 14: July 1968: Secretary’s report; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 5.
No 13: June/July 1968: Various reports and activities.
No 12: May 1968: Secretary’s report; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 4.
No 11: April 1968: Easter trip; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – part 3.
No 10: February 1968: Events and activities; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 2.
No 9: January 1968: AGM; publicity; events; Boats from the Basingstoke’s past – 1.
No 8: November 1967: Nat. Waterways Week; Cllrs. conference; boat trip, etc.
No 7: September 1967: Rambles; Publications, etc.
No 6: August 1967: Nat. Waterways Week; canal survey.
No 5: July 1967: Committee; Working parties, etc.
No 4: June 1967: Canal Company; Fleet Carnival; Working boat; Help needed.
No 3: May 1967: Pondtail Bridge; British Waterways; other canals; Future activities.
No 2: March 1967: Civic Trust; Boat owners; idea – build a boat; other canals.
No 1: January 1967: Members’ meeting; Ministry of Transport, Canal films at London’s NFT; Society premises, etc.
The first edition of what was then called the newsletter appeared in January 1967, shortly after the Society was formed. It had no pictures, and consisted of two single sheets of duplicated ‘foolscap’ size paper. The first editor was June Sparey. With no. 49 (Mar-April 1973) it appeared on the new A4 size of paper. Photographs first appeared in issue no. 54 (Jan-Feb 1974) and consisted of a double-sided sheet on the front of the text pages.
During this time a succession of editors worked on the newsletter, including Dieter Jebens, Mrs M Holmes, Natalie and Peter Jones, Janet and Chris Brazier, Chris de Wet, Margaret Insall, Sue Palmer, Brian Fox, and Kathryn Dodington who handed over to Roger Cansdale in 1998.
From 2006 it was published on-line and in hard copy as a black and white A4, 16 page PDF document. Later, colour PDF versions were available on-line to members. In 2011, Society members were consulted on the possible new formats for the printed document, in order to save costs. It was agreed that the magazine would be reduced to a more “handy” A5 version of 24 pages, and interestingly printing costs were such that the cover and some inside pages could appear in colour for the first time. The most recent transformation has been with the adoption of the new Society logo and “branding”, which appeared for the first time on the cover in early 2013.