Autumn 1999

Cover picture info
Chairman's report
Work Camp
Woking Talks
Millett's Musings
Lookback 1979
Paddy's Farewell
'Nelie B'
Mail Order Sales List

Contact the Society

          bcnmsthd160 (11K)
No. 183 Autumn 1999
front pic (78K)

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Paddy Field retires as Canal Director in September. He and the Society have not always seen eye to eye, a fact that he chose to allude to in a farewell letter that he sent us. However, since he also wished the Society well for the future, I would prefer to look at some of the positive achievements of his term of office, rather than revive old quarrels on which we shall have to agree to disagree.

Without doubt the canal itself is, I think, in better shape now than when he took over. Dredging of the western end has eased the Pinkerton's operations greatly so that next season it will probably operate from Odiham throughout. The lock gate replacement programme is making up for the false economy of the untreated timber that was supplied for the gates we made. Most of the towpath is vastly improved (much of this is thanks to the Society's efforts, but the BCA have also contributed), so that access to the canal for the general public is easier.

The Canal Centre was seen by some as an unnecessary diversion of canal resources but given that the major source of the BCA's income is the local rate payers, I think that some such provision is essential if Local Authority support is to be maintained. It provided a very pleasant setting for our Member's Evening in July and seems to be the source of quite a lot of our new membership applications, so it seems to be doing something right. Accessibility will be improved by the new swing bridge, so hopefully its number of visitors will increase.

On the down side, we still have closures of the canal in midsummer every year, but global warming and climate changes can hardly be blamed on Paddy and he did get the water supply at Frimley installed and has supported other efforts to improve water supplies.

Anyway, this is a problem for his successor to tackle, so I would like to wish Paddy and his wife a long and happy retirement. No doubt we shall see him again, cycling or canoeing along the canal, and I did hear a whisper that he was thinking of applying to rejoin the Society.

As a long time employee of what used to be called RAE Farnborough, I have always been proud of the establishment's technical achievements, but I have to say I rue the day that we developed carbon fibre and made possible the invention of the infernal roach poles that turn the canal and tow path into an obstacle race during the fishing season. I know that the fishermen usually move them but I resent the fact that I am made to feel an intruder disturbing their sport. I would suggest that the JMC be asked to consider a ban on their use on the canal; I cannot see that this would

really spoil anyone's fishing and it would certainly make life a lot easier for cyclists and pushers of prams.

Whilst I am in a complaining mood (you wouldn't think I had just been on holiday, would you?), I notice that the Chequers at Crookham is the latest victim of the current fad for giving daft new names to pubs. I know that the Chequers hasn't been the same since Ida Hale passed away, but I ask you - the George and Lobster? George could relate to King George who appears in the mummers play which is performed outside the pub each year on Boxing Day, but despite a rather peculiar cast which includes Father Christmas and his two sons, a Turkish knight, a doctor and a man from the Press Gang, there are no lobsters. Try again please!

For the first time in twenty odd years we had a canal boating holiday earlier this year. We spent a very pleasant week pottering from Wrenbury up to Chester and Ellesmere Port and back. Two things struck me, the first being how much better boats were now; central heating and hot running water from the engine do make a huge difference.

The second really only came home to me on the following Sunday as I cycled home along the towpath from the paper-shop and realised how astoundingly rich and beautiful the Basingstoke's bankside flora was compared to what we had been looking at on the Llangollen and Shropshire Union. This is something the Society must try to protect, because some of the 'conservationists' seem only to be interested in plants if they are rare, caring little for the aesthetic appearance of the canal.

Chairman's Report on Workcamp3/4
Woking Taks/John Pinkerton4
Dates/For Sale6
Millett's Musings8
Paddy's Farewell10
'Nellie B'/Members Evening11
MailOrder/Sales List12

A school party hard at work at St John's
Photo: Dieter Jebens
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The Chairman's contribution this time concentrates on

Work Camp Report - August 1999

The Waterway Restoration movement still retains an interest in the Basingstoke Canal. With projects of considerable complexity and cost, visiting groups have been supporting our volunteers since January this year as part of the Dig Deep initiative.

The outcome of the revised Heritage Lottery application for W o o d h a m Backpumping has still to be decided at the time of writing, although we expect a decision during September. Meanwhile work on associated infrastructure, not included in the HLF bid, is in progress with the Summer Work Camps providing continuity of construction for two weeks from 17th July to 1st August.

The first week camp was sponsored by the Waterway Recovery Group (WRG), with accommodation in Byfleet Parish Hall and showers at the Leisure Centre courtesy of Woking B.C. Camp leaders were Martin Ludgate and Ian Williamson and, with numbers as high as 28, they were kept busy supervising the many tasks that had been programmed.

For the second week camp, sponsored by the Kent and East Sussex Canal Restoration Group (KESCRG), accommodation was in the Winston Churchill School at St John's, which was then on holiday. Numbers peaked at 38.

Access road widening (12K)
Access road widening and water pipe laying.

Woking B.C. gave permission for a site compound to be constructed on the car park off Woodlands Avenue at West Byfleet. Further help from Woking B.C.

included the granting of a licence to work on the access road to Lock 1, which was a legal requirement as Woking own both the car park and access road. Arrangements were complete within three weeks and the licences were issued on the day we started work on the site compound.

By the first Saturday, all hired plant had been delivered and Society volunteers were working on the access road to Lock 1. Saturday was also arrival day for WRG, with booking in and site visits, so that Sunday was the first full working day.

Locks 1 and 2, together with the provision of a water pipe and widening of the access road, were the main tasks for Week 1. Some volunteers were selected for training on various items of plant during both weeks and the training during the first week paid dividends during the second as operators became more skilled in the use of the machines.

Lock 2 - Concreting the pipes for the weir.

Lock 1 had the return wall on the offside lower gate quadrant extended and access covers fitted into the stone/concrete covers of the upper paddle sluices. The clay sealing the piling for concreting the new [bywash] was removed, damaged bollards were replaced and extensive landscaping carried out. This last item was not easy, involving the loading of excess soil from the access road into our barge to be moved across the canal, unloaded and levelled. Two excavators, one each side of the canal, were required, plus dumpers and the final finishing was by hand with rake and stone picking.

The outfall for Lock 2 had been started during previous visiting weekends. With houseboat residents using the

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path, a diversion had to be constructed once the lower [bywash] pipes had been backfilled. Once this diversion was open, excavation for the remaining pipes was carried out, the pipes were extended to the weir and concreted over. The weir itself was constructed last as water levels had to be lowered during casting.

The access road to Lock 1 required some tree work, which had been agreed with Woking B.C before starting; clearance work was kept to a minimum. Excavation for the water pipe and road haunch was by machine, except where tree roots required digging by hand. A soft bed was provided for the water pipe which was then partially backfilled and compacted before the road stone was laid and compacted to widen the road. Excess soil was transported to Lock 1 for landscaping or used for reprofiling of the road verge.

The Winston Churchill School was available for accommodation from Friday 23rd July, which was KESCRG's arrival day giving a full working day on the Saturday. The second week started well with completion of the backfill at Lock 2 and reinstatement of the path. Capping brickwork completed the weir, followed by the provision of a safety barrier.

Driving 8' piling (24K)
Driving 8ft piling

Lock 3 work started with the excavation, but the breakthrough into the existing [bywash] was much more difficult. Solid concrete reinforced with vertical piling extended from the start of the wing wall

to the [bywash] chamber for the full depth of the wing wall. A large compressor with two guns required three days to break out the concrete and modification of the [bywash] was required and had to be agreed with Tony Harmsworth. Construction of the weir was completed on the last Sunday, but some brickwork and backfilling remains to be done, fortunately all above water level.

Lock 5 - More pile driving (12K)
Lock 5 - More pile driving

Piling for Locks 4 and 5 weirs was completed and Lock 4 weir excavated on the Wednesday, but the following morning water levels had risen, filling the excavation during the night. It was found that the excavation had become unstable due to running sand and had subsided, undermining the towpath. [8 feet] piles were required to stabilise the towpath and reconstruct the weir crest. By Saturday evening the excavation had been made safe, but the delay prevented construction of the weir itself. However, KESCRG subsequently paid a return visit on 21st August to help do this after Society volunteers had completed the excavation and cast the base.

The off-hire and clearing up of the site compound involved two days work by Society volunteers, helped by Eddie Jones of KESCRG.

In closing, a thank you to all visiting volunteers who gave their time to work on the canal and to all our volunteers who helped to make it happen. My thanks also to Frank Jones who assisted with the organisation and running of the camp, David Junkison who helped with fuel runs and collecting materials and not forgetting Martin Ludgate and Ian Williamson, the first week leaders, and Ken Parish, Eddie Jones and James Hodgeson in the second week.

Peter Redway (who also took the photos)

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12th October 1999.
David Freeman - "Let's Go Cruising"
This talk and video presentation will include travelling down the Nile to the Valley of Kings in Egypt, cruising the inside passage to Alaska and crossing the Arctic Circle in Norway.

9th November 1999.
Richard Thomas - "The River Stort"
This is a welcome return visit by Richard who has delighted us in previous years with his talks on the waterways to the east of London.

14th December 1999.
'Pablo' Haworth - "The West Byfleet Independent Canal Society"
In the early days of the Canal's restoration, Pablo's group was the only one working west of Woking.

11th January 2000.
Robin Higgs - "More travels around the World"
In previous years, Robin, a past Chairman of the Society, has taken us on numerous railway journeys to far off lands, This time it could be Indian railways, or New Zealand, or....

8th February 2000.
David Moore - "The London Canal Museum"
This is the only museum in London (at King's Cross) devoted to inland waterways, and David is Chairman of the Friends of London Canal Museum.

14th March 2000.
Ron Cousens - "Birmingham and the Black Country Canals"
Ron is the Talks and Presentations Officer for the Birmingham Canals Navigation Society and the talk will show some of the many and varied activities on, in and around the BCN.

11th April 2000.
Arthur Dungate - "An evening of Audio-Visual films on 'other' canals and things"
A chance to see some of the AVs Arthur has made on the Wilts & Berks and Wey & Arun canals, and for the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.

The venue is, as before, the comfortable Westgate Centre in Woking, just by Wheatsheaf Bridge (otherwise known as Chobham Road Bridge) adjacent to the Canal, on the second Tuesday in the month at 8pm. There is free parking space in the Centre as well as ample space in nearby Brewery Road car park (free in the evenings). Tea and coffee is served in the interval. All meetings are free and everyone is welcome!

As usual, Arthur seems to have come up with a very varied and entertaining programme, so do come and support these meeting.

Incidentally. Arthur has set up a Basingstoke Canal website on the Internet, which can be reached on The Canal also features on the Hart website

John Pinkerton

Not a great deal to report - the boat and its new engine have been having a good, trouble-free season. The number of bookings is similar to last season, but two aspects of the business seem to be improving. The number of combination trips with the Watercress Line is up and, following a mailshot, the number of trips booked through coach operators has increased.

Looking to the future, there seems to be a demand for trips with a commentary, so this service may be offered next year, provided that suitable commentators can be found. Consideration is also being given to producing a schools package to try to attract more of these trips, which seem to have dropped off somewhat in recent years.

Hopefully, by the time this newsletter is printed, the Society's new trip boat "Dragonfly" will have been launched. The 12 seater will operate at St John's but operation will be delayed until next year because of the need nowadays for official clearance and paperwork.

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Work Party Dates & Venues

2/3 OctKRDeepcut Site Huts
9/10 OctDJ/DLSlades Bridge or Dogmersfield towpath
16/17 OctKRDeepcut Site Huts or Tug maint/Ash Lock
23/24 OctDJ/DLDogmersfield towpath
6/7 NovKRDeepcut Site Huts or Tug maint/Ash Lock
13/14 NovDJ/DLDogmersfield towpath
20/21 NovKRTug maint/Ash Lock
4/5 DecPRCoxmoor Bankside (WRG/KESCRG)
11/12 DecDJ/DLDeepcut covers
18/19 DecKRTug maint/Ash Lock

Work Party Leaders:
Dave Junkison DJ 0181 941 0685
Dave Lunn DL 01483 771294
Kevin Redway KR 01483 722206
Peter Redway PR 01483 721710

Note: Please contact Work Party Leaders before the weekend in case of last minute changes.

For sale

Member Jack Pocock has donated a trailer complete with spare wheel and cover to be sold with proceeds to go to the Water Appeal. Dimensions 3ft x 4ft by 18 inches deep. £75 ono. Contact Peter Redway (01483 721710)

Still for sale

Ideal canal boat. 16ft fibreglass cruiser, complete with trailer and 10hp 4-stroke Honda outboard motor. Canopy over cabin to allow open-top boating when the weather permits. £1200. Contact Gill Freeman (01252-624612)

Diary Dates

Saturday 30th October 7.45pm
'Jazz and Supper Evening' at Bisley Village Hall, Bisley (on A322 Brookwood to M3 road).

The evening is being organised by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society in conjunction with the Basingstoke Canal Boating Club, the Basingstoke Canal Canoe Club, Byfleet Boat Club and the Inland Waterways Association (Guildford and Reading Branch).

The Jazz Band will be 'Graeme Hewitt and the High Society Jazz Band' from the Thames Valley, a versatile band who specialize in the Dixieland style.

There will be a Grand Raffle during the evening.

The Jazz and Supper Evening is being held to support the fundraising needed for the Woodham Backpumping Scheme which will, when eventually completed, improve water supplies for the Woking section of the canal, and help to conserve supplies in the Hampshire section. Water is vital for navigation so please come along and have an entertaining evening.

Tickets at £10 each from David Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hampshire, GU13 9SW (01252 617364). The price includes a ploughman's supper but bring your own wine, beer or soft drinks. PLEASE ENCLOSE SAE.

An application form was included with the last newsletter or just write for tickets.

It is hoped that the new Canal Director, Leigh Thornton, will be attending and say a few words, after being introduced to members.

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As noted in the editorial of the last issue of the Newsletter, the tree cover along the canal has increased over the years to a stage where evaporation, transpiration and in places potential hazards to the fabric of the canal need to be taken seriously.

We are obviously not alone in thinking this, because a draft tree management plan has been published recently.

Fortunately this appears to be one of the cases where the interests of the navigation coincide with those of the naturalists, because in the plan it is noted that "increased shading due to excessive bank side tree cover has been detrimental to the fragile canal ecosystem". Amongst other things, it is said to be a contributory factor in the rapid decline of the water vole population in recent years. Despite contributing greatly to the appeal of the canal, the trees also, of course, suck vast quantities of water from it, contributing to its closure in midsummer each year, and drop tons of leaves which end up as work for the dredger.

The management plan has been worked out by the BCA with the Rushmoor B.C. Tree Officer, the MOD Forestry Officer and Conservation Groups, and is for a pilot scheme between Claycart Bridge and Rushmoor Flash on the offside bank. This section is very overgrown and follows on from the length cleared by the BCA last year.

It is proposed that selected shadecasting trees should be removed from the canal

edge back to a maximum of [11 yards], but all Western Hemlock and Scots Pine of timber value and other feature trees will be retained. Rushmoor Flash is currently completely shaded with Willow scrub and the intention is to remove a third of this, coppice a third and leave the rest. The overall objective is to produce a natural soft edge to the woodland with glades and coppiced areas, so as to allow maximum light and retain the aesthetic value.

Detailed plans have been produced for the work, which is expected to start this winter and be completed before spring. Consultation and evaluation of the results will decide future policy on tree management along the canal. It is anticipated that the results will be similar to those achieved at Deepcut by Peter Jackman's working parties, with specimen mature trees retained along the canal bank whilst moving the tree screen back from the water's edge.

It is pleasing to see the care that has gone into the plan. It contains three maps, the first of which shows the current situation, identifying individual trees by type. The second shows the techniques to be used in the various areas and the third the desired results.

A further appendix provides to the public at large a justification for the work. It would have been nice to see some recognition and mention of the possible beneficial effect of the work for the navigation, rather than just for the wildlife, but perhaps agreement with boaters is still hard to conceive in some quarters.

aerial view (15K)

By coincidence, Ken Follett has sent some aerial photos taken of Connaught Crescent, Brookwood during a birthday helicopter trip. The canal runs invisibly along the bottom of the picture and is only detectable because of the two distinct rows of trees.
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Glad to see that the towpath has now received its summer trimming either side of the path as with of the rapid growth this year overhanging nettles and brambles it was difficult to avoid being stung in certain places along the canal. A case of ensuring one was wearing trousers and not shorts!

As an occasional Captain on the 'John Pinkerton' I have noticed more herons using the canal this year. They are a wonderful sight as they take off as the boat approaches. A downside, though, is that the only good view on the Hampshire section of the canal, which is over Tundry Pond, is now almost obscured by the growing and spreading trees on the Tundry embankment. Could not a gap be kept clear to view Tundry Pond?

Sheila Brown, the enterprising landlady of the Fox and Goose at Greywell is now open all day for light refreshments as well as for alcoholic drinks. Her Cream Teas are highly recommended and very welcome after walking in the Greywell area.

New lessees at the Chequers Inn near Crookham Wharf are the proprietors of the Queens Head at Dogmersfield. Lets

hope they will make a go of the pub/restaurant this time after four lessees have failed since the inn was rebuilt a few years after Ida Hale died in 1987. The Hale family had owned and run the inn since 1810 or 1820. By the time you read this it will have re-opened but possibly under another name (unfortunately).

Sorry to see that the 'Members Open Day' was not very well supported at the Canal Centre. This was an ideal opportunity for newer members to come along but most members there seemed to be longstanding ones. However one must try new ideas to see if they work.

Have just seen Peter and Maureen Munt and the Hall family (Mayfly) in Meridian TV's 'Al Fresco' programme. Peter is the Canal Ranger at Lock 28, Deepcut and he and Maureen open for Lockside Teas on Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays in the summer.

The tranquility of the setting (only access by boat or by the towpath) came over very well as also did the sight of Peter serving Cream Teas in the sun drenched garden. Maureen, by the way, is up at 5.30am on Sundays to bake scones and cakes.

Mikron Theatre Company (16K)

A successful visit was made by the Mikron Theatre Company to the garden of the Fox and Hounds on Sunday 18th July to perform their latest show 'Just In Time'. Glorious weather and over 200 people made for an enjoyable evening. As a result of cutbacks in funding the cast has been reduced to three, so they have to work that much harder.
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LOOKBACK 1979 - David Millett - vice president

(From Society newsletters no 87, October 1979 and (No. 88 December 1979)

# Deepcut Lock 28 re-opened, after rebuilding by volunteers, by Mr. John McFarlane, Chairman of Surrey County Council's Countryside committee. Society Chairman Robin Higgs told the gathering "This afternoon marks another stage in the re-awakening of this most attractive waterway".

# Society steam dredger has been stopped for boiler retubing and other urgent maintenance tasks. However generally the 1934 machine is still in fine fettle.

# Stump removal and scrub clearance is taking place in the bed of the dry Ash embankment.

# Society's narrow-gauge railway comprising 1 miles of track plus a three ton diesel loco and rolling stock is being moved from Deepcut to the Ash embankment (off-side) ready to be used to take clay along the embankment for the repuddling of the bed of the canal.

# Crookham Village Parish Council approve HCC's plan to create a 20 place car park, picnic area and boat moorings at Crookham Wharf. The brick wharf needs repairs and repainting as it is the original 1792 wharf.

# The original Morris bridge, Pyestock,

over which the new concrete and steel bridge was built in the 1960s has disappeared. In August the old bridge collapsed into the canal. As the canal is a Conservation area permission from the D.of E. was required to demolish it. However, old age solved the problem for HCC.

# Work on the new Odiham by-pass is scheduled to start in October. Public meeting held in the North Warnborough Village Hall to give full details to local people. The building of the by-pass will mean the loss of the attractive Odiham cricket ground next to Colt Hill wharf.

# Society appeal for more financial support to keep the four Job-Creation supervisors in full time employment after the current Manpower Services Commission grant ends in December. £30,000 is needed and a Society Appeal committee is set up.

# Restoration of Broad Oak bridge, Odiham gets under way with preparation work supervised by Society volunteer Peter Mayne. Some contract work is being undertaken by the local firm J.T. Barton Ltd of Odiham.

# The Star newspaper donates some of the proceeds of the 'Guess the Mileage' competition at the Rushmoor Arena Motor Show to the Society, after 55 Society members volunteered (press-ganged!) into selling tickets at the event.


Back in May during the course of a week's canal holiday, we spent a day boating from Chester to the boat museum at Ellesmere Port. Unfortunately it was the only wet day of the holiday, but nevertheless it provided an opportunity to see how they had been getting on with our old dredger Perseverance.

Perseverance (9K)

As the accompanying photos show,

work so far appears to have been largely confined to dismantling. However, much of the crane has been repainted ready for rebuilding and I suspect that a lot of work has been going on to refurbish the mechanical components, most of which must have been pretty worn after its years of service on the Basingstoke Canal.

I could see no signs of the side pontoons, but these may have been taken away for the extensive welding which they undoubtedly needed. Due to pressure of time to return to Chester, and the inclement weather, I was unable to find anyone to talk to about progress and future plans. If anyone else has better information, I would be happy to report it.
Roger Cansdale

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A gift from the Society. occasion setting. Paddy Field retired as the Canal Director at the end of August and this was marked by a lunchtime party at the Canal Centre. As well as BCA staff past and present, representatives of the various user groups, county and local councils and other friends came to see him off.

This was a friendly and informal occasion and speeches were kept to a minimum. Nevertheless, Paddy took the opportunity to pay tribute to the rangers and other employees of the BCA, and particularly Tony Harmsworth, without whom, he said, he could not have got through the last ten years. These he described as the best of his life and he also expressed his thanks to the various user groups, such as the Canal Society, and the County Councils for their support.

gift painting (7K)
A gift from the Society

Paddy received a number of gifts. Tony Harmsworth presented him with a silver salver from the BCA people, Tony Davies a Buckby can from the local branch of the IWA, and Peter Redway gave him one of Terry Harrison's paintings bought with Society members' donations. Appropriately, this showed the John Pinkerton on the top Surrey pound.

In a final symbolic gesture, Paddy handed over the "Key to the Canal" (looking very much like the handle to the old barge jack in the Canal Centre) to his successor, Leigh Thornton. However, there was one last surprise as four rangers carried in a roast suckling pig and Paddy was heard to say

"Thank God, I wondered what they were up to behind that fence!". Unusually for such things, this had been cooked perfectly and it rapidly disappeared.

Paddy hands over (14K)
Paddy hands over to Leigh Thornton

All in all it was a very happy and enjoyable occasion for which the Canal Centre provided am ideal setting.

Guest of Honour (14K)
The Guest of Honour

Your editor managed to have a few words with Leigh Thornton, who has agreed to be interviewed for the next issue once he has found his feet. He did say that he thought that most amenities such as the Canal would give their back teeth for a interest group such as the Society, so let us hope that this bodes well for a happy working relationship in future.

Photos - Roger Cansdale

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We spent a very enjoyable week in Burgundy in February last year, based in a village called Prangey. I had noticed that the Canal de la Marne a la Saone ran close by and, as a birthday treat, I was allowed to go and have a look at it. It appeared to be very well maintained, but with little evidence of traffic. However, as we stood peering into Ecluse No 15 and admiring the rather pleasant lock cottage, a boat came into view.


This was clearly a working vessel and the lady lock keeper duly appeared to open the gates to let it in. Our offer to help close the gates was accepted and we fell into conversation with the crew as the lock filled. It transpired that they were Dutch and, as usual, spoke excellent English. When they discovered that we had an interest in canals they invited us aboard to ride down to the next lock a couple of kilometres [a mile or so] away.

The "Nelie-B" was registered in Amsterdam, having been built just before the Second World War. Her length was

about 100 foot with a beam of about 15 foot. The deckhouse over the hold was conveniently split in two, leaving just space for a VW Polo to be parked on deck. The helmsman's position was a far cry from that of a narrowboat, being completely enclosed with hydraulically operated steering. The living accommodation was also relatively palatial. The boat was obviously designed for regular use on large rivers as well as canals, to judge by the size of the anchors carried fore and aft.

Her husband and wife crew were taking her from Rotterdam to Toulouse with a cargo of 200 tons of steel. He was an ex-art teacher who had decided to get out of teaching some five years previously. His wife had joined him a couple of years later. They clearly did it for the love of the life rather than to make a lot of money. I asked whether they had a return cargo and was told no. However, their main concern seemed to be only that this made the boat difficult to navigate because the raised bows obscured the view. I asked whether they had ever thought of converting the Nelie-B into a hotel boat, but they laughed and said that they preferred a cargo that was silent!

They told us that quite a number of the working boats were crewed by Britons, so there's a thought for retirement. Subsidise an extended cruise of the continental waterways with a bit of cargo carrying.
Roger Cansdale

Members Day

Members Day, held on 10th July, was a successful day with many members turning up. During the day, sales and display stands from the S.H.C.S., B.C.B.C. and I.W.A. were well supported by both members and the public. Also displaying their wares and skills were Dick Harper-White with painted canalware and Dick Snell with his rope and fender making. Short boat trips were available for free only to members on Daydream.

During the evening, members were entertained by Roughditch, whose singing and music were the highlight of the day, using the ex-Society tug "Pledge" as an unusual backdrop.. Also, some braver members had a go at Barn Dancing with interesting results. Dick Elder set up the Barbecue and everybody cooked for themselves. The mobile skittle

alley was kindly loaned by the Fox & Hounds at Fleet and proved to be popular.

I must thank the Basingstoke Canal Authority for their support and making the Canal Centre available, Also, thanks are due to Richard and Kate at the Canal Centre Tea Room for their generous discount offered to members on the day, to David Dare for the free loan of Daydream and to Nick, Irene and Craig Scott (and their dog Meg) for their help with the boat trips.

Finally, the field at the Canal Centre was also hosting a rally of motor homes and their owners have already asked if we are coming back next year and if so, can they join in the fun! I think this proves that we are doing something right for our members and yes, we will have another Members Day next year.
Edwin Chappell
Membership Secretary

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30th Anniversary Mugs; white or yellow. Now£1.85+75p p&p - £2.60
Tea towels (Map of canal).£2.75+40p p&p - £3.15
Sweatshirts. L or XL. Red, royal blue or bottle green.£12.50+£1.20 p&p - £13.70
Guide to Basingstoke Canal.£3.50+45p p&p - £3.95
Circular rambles on the Basingstoke Canal.£3.00+45p p&p - £3.45
Wildlife on the Basingstoke.£1.50+35p p&p - £1.85

Other items to be added. For details and to place orders, please contact
Alec Gosling, 12 Mole Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey KT12 4LU. Telephone 01932-224950. Cheques payable to Surrey & Hants Canal Society.

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Date for next copy 31st October 1999

Published by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Ltd., a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee, registered as a Charity. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Society. Executive members of the Committee are shown in bold type and Directors of the Society have an asterisk (') after their name.

Editorial Team:
Editor: Roger Cansdale*. 79 Gally Hill Road, Church Crookham, Hampshire. GU13 0RU (01252) 616964
Photos: Dieter Jebens. 60 Middle Bourne Lane, Famham, Surrey, GU10 3NJ (0252) 715230
Layout: Nick Halford. Frimhurst Farm, Deepcut, Camberley, Surrey GU16 6RF (01252) 836160

President: The Earl of Onslow

Chairman: Peter Redway*. 1 Redway Cottages, St John's Lye, Woking, Surrey, GU21 1SL (0483) 721710
Vice-Chairman: Dieter Jebens. 60 Middle Bourne Lane, Famham, Surrey, GU10 3NJ (0252) 715230
Hon. Secretary: Philip Riley*. Wincombe Cottage, Broad Oak, Odiham, Hampshire, RG25 1AH (0256) 702109
Hon. Treasurer: Jonathan Wade*. 30 Hanover Gardens, Cove, Famborough, Hampshire, GU14 9DT (0252) 524690

Membership Secretary: Edwin Chappell*. The Spinney, Meadow Road, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1QR (0372) 272631
Working Party Information: Peter Redway*. 1 Redway Cottages, St John's Lye, Woking, Surrey, GU21 1SL (0483) 721710
Trip Boat Manager: Ron McLaughlin. 94 Guildford Road, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 6BT (012520 26722
Trip Boat Bookings: Marion Gough. St Catherines, Hurdle Way, Compton Down, Winchester, Hants. SO21 2AN (01962) 713564
Sales Manager: Verna Smith*. 63 Avondale, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hants. GU12 5NE (01252) 617622
Mail Order Sales: Alec Gosling. 12 Mole Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. KT12 4LV (01932) 224950
Exhibitions Manager: David Junkison*. 4 Thames Meadow, West Molesley, Surrey, KT146BE (081) 941 0685
Audio Visual Producer: Arthur Dungate. 187 Ellerdine Road, Hounstow, Middlesex, TW3 2PU (0181) 737 4896
Talks Organiser: Arthur Dungate. 187 Ellerdine Road, Hounstow, Middlesex, TW3 2PU (0181) 737 4896
Press Officer: Dieter Jebens. 60 Middle Bourne Lane, Famham, Surrey, GU10 3NJ (0252) 715230
Archivist: Jill Haworth. Sheerwood, Woodham Lane, Woking, Surrey. GU21 5SR (01932) 342081
Woking Area Director: Peter Coxhead*. 17 Abbey Close, Pyrford, Woking, Surrey. GU22 8PY (01932) 344584
Director: Kathryn Dodington*. 8 Sheets Heath Lane, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey GU24 0EH )01483) 473630
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Last updated October 2005