No. 145 MAY 1989
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DESIGNATION of a continuous 25 mile length of the canal as a site of special scientific interest, from Greywell to Brookwood, is understood to be on the agenda at a meeting of the Nature Conservancy Council next month.
A number of our members, who have written to their Member of Parliament about the NCC's wish to limit motor boating, have been sent a copy of an article that appeared in the January issue of Waterways World in which an NCC spokesman stated that worries over restrictions had been "exaggerated by local, but not always accurate, public comment".
We shall be happy to publish any evidence to the contrary that the NCC cares to provide by way of reassurance that our concern is unfounded. In the meantime we have only the evidence of events to date by which to judge: the NCC's opposition to the proposed boat mooring basin at Pondtail, Fleet; the severe limitations on the extent to which the canal west of the Whitewater winding hole was dredged, and the furore over last year's inspection of Greywell Tunnel.
In the meantime members will remain concerned, if only by the uncertainties, and we are therefore heartened that our misgivings have been taken up by a vice-president of the Society, Mr. Cranley Onslow, the Member of Parliament for Woking. In a letter to the chairman of the NCC, Sir William Wilkinson, Mr. Onslow says: "I am writing to you at Nicholas Ridley's suggestion, to draw your attention to the absurd situation that appears to be developing whereby your Council seems set of thwarting all the efforts that have been put in, over the past twenty years, to restore the Canal to navigation. As you will be aware, the Surrey section of the Canal, almost all of which runs through my constituency, has been virtually derelict until fairly recently, and could scarcely have been classed as a 'freshwater habitat' if it
had not been for the work of restoration which the Canal Society has so laboriously carried out. This being so I shall be grateful if you can let me know, as soon as possible, that your Council will drop its present negative approach to the re-opening of the Canal, and work constructively with the Canal Society to achieve a reasonable balance of interests".
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MESSING about in boats has universal appeal. Whether you own a boat or hire them, watch other boaters or just contemplate the pleasures, no one can deny the satisfaction of being afloat.
So we welcome the formation of the canal's own boating club and wish the committee and members every success in their aim to encourage use of the newly restored navigation and bring it alive as no other activity can do.
In the words of Chris de Wet, the Club's first Chairman, 'Use it or Lose it'. So anyone - boat owner, user or future boater - is welcome to join and support the canal's use for the purpose it was built 200 years ago - navigation.
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IT has been refreshing to hear Mr. John Humphries, a Vice President of our Society, speak his mind and pure common sense in his opposition to selling off the water industry. You may have heard him on BBC's 'Panorama'.
Privatisation is not the panacea to investment in a public utility which is essential to life. In fact the majority of people view the prospect with considerable alarm. If the Government must shed its responsibility for financing modernisation there are other ways of raising money than through the stock market.
In this respect the Prime Minister does not, apparently, conform to her belief in the virtue of upholding a Victorian value.
THIS year's sponsored towpath walk will take place on Sunday 8th October. Please note the date and help the Society raise a record sum. We badly need the money to make up our lost grant from the DoE. Every member can help either by sponsoring a walker, walking or joining the organising team promoting the walk and acting as a marshall on the day. Make this your essential contribution this year. Full details in the July BC News. Offers to help organise the event to Bill Homewood, 4 Larch Close, Camberley, Surrey. Tel: Camberley 61343 (evenings).
Our warmest congratulations to Socieiy chairman Robin Higgs on his engagement to Heather Day of Southampton. Robin
and Heather will be married at West End
church on Saturday 29th July.
Front Cover: John Pinkerton cruising into Woking last year for the Woking 150 celebrations. (Photo: Dieter Jebens).
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LOOKING more attractive than ever after a re-paint, new signwriting and an extensive winter re-fit, the John Pinkerton emerged from the Deepcut dry dock for four days of public trips, based at Ash Wharf, over the Easter Holiday.
After a moderate start in dull weather, Ihe warmth and sunshine on Sunday and Easter Monday attracted more visitors than the boat could take, leaving about 50 people disappointed on the last trip.
But for the Society there was something to smile about with takings totalling £900.
• The John Pinkerton will be based at Colt Hill Odiham this season, leaving only to attend the Woking Rally on 3rd and 4ih June. 2-1/2 hour public trips from Odiham are schedules on Sunday afternoons and Wednesdays throughout August at 2.30pm. Call Tony Karavis for tariff and bookings both for charter and public trips. Tel: Farnborough 549037.
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A UNIQUE two day cruise, covering more than 25 miles of the Canal from Odiham to Woking is planned aboard the John Pinkerton on 1st-2nd April.
The trip includes lunch and tea aboard the boat on both days and an overnight stay at the Kingfisher Hotel, overlooking Wharfenden Lake at Frimley, which is connected to the canal.
At a special dinner, Tony Harmsworth, assistant canal manager in Hampshire will be the guest speaker talking about the years when his family owned the canal and built barges at Ash Vale.
For the comfort of passengers the total number will be limited.
The trip ends in Woking on the eve of the Society's Annual Boat Rally being held at Spanton's Wharf below Chertsey Road Bridge.
The cost is from £100 per person inclusive. For details, contact Tony Karavis on Farnborough 549037.
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Self-taught 'roses and castles' painter Gerry Matthews doing a professional job decorating the John Pinkerton for the new season. Gerry, a primary school teacher, used Anne Young's teach-yourself kit to get started after being attracted by 'the fascinating colours' of the traditional art. A daughter of trip boat director Dick Abbott who organised the major winter refit of the trip boat, Gerry married last year and now has her husband Martin's 40-ft narrow boat Tongas to decorate. |
Signwriting on the John Pinkerton has been repainted by Geoff Reid of Sign Design at Farnborough. This was not the first boat commission and by the admiring glances his eye-catching work is attracting, it is unlikely to be his last.
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THE newly formed Basingstoke Canal Boating Club has planned a programme of monthly meetings afloat throughout the season. The first one was held at North Warnborough over the weekend of 1st-2nd April (for future dates see 'Diary Dates').
The Club's inaugural meeting was attended by more than 80 people at The Prince of Wales in Fleet. Chris de Wet, who instigated the club, was elected its chairman with Sonia Jebens (Secretary) and Tom Griffin (Treasurer). Other committee members elected were: Robin Grieve, Roy Mullender, Frank Jones, Jonathan Phillips and Bill Bailey. Paul Buck of Alton was subsequently elected to become the Club's Vice-Chairman.
Thanks were expressed to Judith Smart, Dave Goodwin and Tony Gardener who formed the club's steering committee.
Membership Secretary is Roy Mullender, 44 Ferndale Road, Church Crookham, Aldcrshot, Hants. Tel: Fleet 617651. Boat users as well as owners (in fact anyone wishing to see the newly restored navigation used) are welcome to join. The subscription is £3.00 p.a. (individual or family).
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AFTER running news of working parties and progress, complied by Peter Cooper since voluntary work officially slarled 14 years ago, we feel it's time for a change of format.
With the completion of work by volunteers restoring lock chambers there are no more long term restoration projects which can be allocated solely to weekend working parties (except for dredging in Hampshire). Whilst there is still a good deal of work to be done by volunteers, parties will be required to dovetail in wiih the full time team to complete restoration in a more sequential order. So volunteers must be prepared to move from site to site and job to job, perhaps at short notice, as Peter Cooper reports:
The form of the work will now be much less predictable than before, and the working locations cannot be given as far ahead as BC News production timescales require. But there will certainly be plenty of work to be done.
Continuing working party leaders will be:-
First weekend of the month - PETER JONES on Aldershot 313076
Second weekend of the month - DAVID JUNKISON on 01 941 0685 and DAVE LUNN (temporarily not on the phone).
Third weekend of the month • PETER REDWAY on Woking 21710.
It is now quite essential to contact a working party leader before attending; otherwise you won't know where the work is, and what it is, or even (for certain) that there is to be a working party. You should check only a few days before the working date, as the leader may not himself know until quite late.
During this period, the overall co-ordination of the work will be in the hands of FRANK JONES on Deepcut 835711 (workshop), or Camberley 28367 (home), so you can also find out where and what the work is by contacting him.
Weekday Volunteering
The remaining tasks are being tackled by the full-time team and by volunteer working parties, but there is certainly still scope for volunteer work in the week. If you can contribute in this way, even if only for a few days, you should contact FRANK JONES (phone numbers above).
Full Time Team
The team have rccenily been engaged on completion tasks in the Brookwood - Woking area; in other words, the sort of jobs that are going to occupy them, and many of the volunteers, until restoration is complete. They have hung the bottom gates at Lock 2 - the top gates are made and await fitting; they have also raised the lowpath level between Brookwood Bridge and Hermitage Bridge, and again between Monument Bridge and the Woking slipway - in this case as part of the exercise to raise water levels by about a foot in the Woking area, in readiness for the Woking rally.
Hampshire Bankside
This team are officially in summer recess. It is possible they may have work to do during the summer; to find out, contact PETER JACKMAN on Woking 72132.
Dredging in Hampshire - Every weekend
Perseverance is now some 100 yards east of the Fox and Hounds pub and encountering deep mud. This stretch of canal is proving notorious for the amount of household refuse being picked up and, almost every weekend, at least one tug has to be lifted from the water to clear rope, wires, plastic bags etc. from its propeller - a time wasting nuisance. An additional nuisance is a recurrence of vandalism and petty - but expensive - theft of dredger fillings.
On the positive side, the recent acquisition of the third tug Sapper proving to be money well spent. Now resplendent in bright red paint, it and the other two tugs Pledge and Sparkle are able to maintain a constant flow of mud-boats between dredger and the dump-site, below Crookham embankment.
With various recent departures, we are in great need of more crew members. If you would like to take part in the dredging operation, please contact ROGER FLITTER on Fleet 622956.
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THE long awaited 52-1/2 ft long maintenance dredger was delivered in March. Incorporating a Smalley 470 excavator, capable of digging out 3/4 ton at a time, it has a hopper capacity of 25 tons.
The £86,000 vessel, to which the Society is contributing £3,000, was commissioned in mid April, and ceremonially named Unity, after a former barge, by JMC chairman Mr. Patrick Evelyn on 29th April. |
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THE plaintive sound of a traction engine's steam whistle, the dulcet tones of Mr. Punch, the strains of brass bands or fair organs, these and more are the sounds - the sights - the smells which together wilh the boats, and bunting make up the modern day attractions to lure the general public down to the canalside and our annual rally on the 3rd and 4th June.
As last year the site is at Boundary Road/Chertsey Road Bridge on the edge of Woking town centre. Apart from the above named attractions there will be other arena entertainments, waterway and charity stalls, general craft and trade stalls and the John Pinkerton be running public trips.
It's not too late for boat owners to book in and bring the boat, either by car to the slipway on site, or by water down the canal. Contact Paul Buck, 2 Market Square, Alton, Hants GU34 1HD with SAE or phone him on Alton 83478 for an entry form and full details.
For those who like the excitement of a marching band the Oatlands Pipe and Drum Band will be stepping out from Woking town centre to the Festival site at approximately mid-day on Saturday. The organiser will be appreciative of any help members can give by walking with the band and handing out leaflets. Contact Vic Trott on Woking 68607 wilh your offers of help.
Let us show Woking what the Society and the Basingstoke Canal arc all about, for now and for the future. Make a date in your diary for 3rd and 4th June 10.00am • 5.00pm each day. See you there for a great family day out.
ON Sunday 20th August 1989 at 8.00pm at Mytchett Community Centre, 140 Mytchett Road, Mytchett (next to Mobil Service Station). There is a bar available.
Tickets are £3.75 each. Buy yours soon as numbers are limited. Please send STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE to Edwin Chappell, The Spinney, Meadow Road, Ashtead, Surrey KT21 1QR Cheques payable to SHCS.
This is a musical show, with an international flavour, telling the
story behind the building of the first canal boat lifts in the world. You will go on a journey of discovery where the show highlight the problems of combining technological progress with the preservation of our history.
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THREE Sunday afternoon walks, none more than 4-1/2 miles long, have been added to Bill Homewood's programme of longer rambles.
On 25th June there's a walk across farm and heathland, meeting in the car park at Gracious Pond, Stanner's Hill, north east of Chobham. A farmland walk around Fairoaks airfield, midway between Chobham and Onershaw, on 16th July, meeting at the entrance to the airfield. And a walk by Paddling Ford and through farmland around Chobham, on 30th July, meeting in the village car park. These walks start at 3.00pm. |
A longer ramble of 6-1/2 miles along ihe remains (and restored) parts of the Wey & Arun Canal is planned for 2nd July starting from the canal bridge at Run Common (south of Shamley Green) at
10.30am. Lunch stop at the Three Compasses at Lakers Green.
A coach trip to the famous Crofton pumping station on the Kennet & Avon Canal is planned for 8th August. Book now.
School holiday weekend camp
A weekend camp with a programme of outdoor activities featuring boating, is planned for Friday 4th August - Sunday 6th August, organised by Bill Homewood, an experienced scout leader and sea cadet instructor.
Based at Blue House Farm, Mattingley, the camp is open to 11-15 year olds and will be limited to twelve participants - so book early.
For full details of the camp, and maps and information on rambles, contact Bill Homewood, Tel: Camberley 61343 (evenings).
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THE Wey Navigation Festival at Guildford on 8th and 9th July (see details in the March issue of BC News) will be given a boost this year with a Grand Fireworks Display on the Saturday evening. This should provide a spectacular culmination to the evening's entertainment which also includes Jazz in the marquee with the Basin Street Six and the annual illuminated Boat Competition. The event, which is sponsored by Barclays Bank PLC and organised by the Guildford and Reading Branch of the Inland Waterways Associaiion, continues throughout the weekend - new attractions this year are expected to include a genuine vintage fairground organ and (on Sunday) steam train rides.
For further information please contact Dick Harper-White at: 25 Jubilee Crescent, Addlestone, Weybridge KT15 2JU Tel: Weybridge 842074 or Ray Carnell at 23 Scillonian Road, Guildford GU2 5PS Tel: Guildford 66747 or enquire at the IWA Guildford and Reading Stand at the Woking Rally in June.
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by Derek Truman
READERS will have noticed a welcome pause in the regular requests for money and help with raising this. Money has never ceased to be important but up to now, through a mixture of prudent stewardship, much work by some of our members and a little good fortune, we have got by.
We can no longer rely on that. The Department of the Environment which has given us a grant for the last three years has not accepted our request for renewal on the grounds that it has other applicants of higher priority. Thus our income will fall short of our needs by the best part of £20,000 a year for the next three years.
There is still much restoration work to be done and a full time
team of four to employ; they have done an enormous amount for the Society and we owe it to them to secure their financial future.
So we need ideas and above all help with fund raising, large or small. Which of you is prepared to run or help with a major fund raising project? Can you set up a regular series of smaller events - bring and buy sales, coffee mornings and jumble sales - five of these a year spread amongst the towns and villages along the canal, could bring in £200 each or £1000. Edwin Chappell uses the Webb Ivory Catalogue, not just at Christmas time, but throughout the year to raise money for us.
There are other possibilities. The annual grand draw is an excellent
money raiser and its organiser, Yvonne Chappell, is looking to break records again this year. And the sponsored walk will be held in October following a new route. Even if you cannot participate, please sponsor someone.
Our target is to raise the equivalent of an extra £10 each year for each member (£20 in the case of family memberships). If you can help in any way, please contact: Derek Truman, Compton Cottage, 11 Connaught Road, Fleet, Hants GU13 9RA. (FLEET 0252 613435).
Our thanks to all who have joined. February winners were:
B.C. Smith £56; Mr and Mrs. P. Redway £28; Mr. T.J. Neville £15; Mr. R.J. Walters £15.
ONCE again members of the Society have an opportunity to support the Canal through the Annual Grand Draw. Last year I was responsible for it for the first time and I was delighted with the response from members - over £2,000 was raised.
With completion of the canal in sight it is essential that funds keep flowing in to achieve the new 1990 target date. I am appealing to each member to help me improve upon last year's profit.
Enclosed with this issue arc four books of Draw tickets. I have more available and shall be happy to send them to those requesting more (phone 0372 272631). Last year many members sold over and above their quota with no difficulty and I am sure this year will be no different.
Please make every effort to support the Canal and sell at least four books. The prizes are, as usual, very attractive and we are indebted to Galleon Marine for their generous gift of a holiday on the canal in one of their four berth luxury cabin cruisers as the star prize.
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THE colour printed information folder and canal map, sponsored by Phillips Petroleum, based at Woking, proved so popular that we ran out of stock at the end of last year.
When approached Phillips Petroleum kindly agreed to sponsor the cost of printing another 10,000 copies for which the Society is exceedingly grateful.
Apart from answering an increasing stream of questions about where to obtain boating licences, how to join clubs and societies interested in the canal, fishing permits, boat trips and other information, the leaflet helps the Society's membership drive and brings in a tidy sum from donations given by grateful recipients.
There is no change to the design of the reprint but some addresses and telephone numbers have been updated.
Any members wanting a copy free of charge, please send a 6-1/2 x 9-1/2" SAE to the editor (see back page).
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THE death occurred of Mr. George Jackson on 27th March at the age of 79.
A successful businessman and philanthropist, among his charitable acts Mr. Jackson ensured the successful launch of the Society's trip boat John Pinkerton in 1978.
Hearing of the boat company's appeal for contributions towards £5,000 needed to complete the cost of building the boat, Mr. Jackson offered to complete the fund if members could raise half the sum needed. He duly sent a cheque for £2,500.
Mr. Jackson died only a few days after moving into his new home at Windlesham from Oxfordshire. Born in Manchester he started Oakleigh Animal Products which made him a millionaire.
When Mr. Jackson made his generous donation to the Society he was living at Frensham Manor which he sold in 1983. During the 17 years he lived at Frensham he took an active part in village life and as a local benefactor.
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BY the end of this year Perseverance, is expected to reach Reading Road Bridge, after a nine mile passage which started at Colt Hill, Odiham in 1975.
When the Society first committed its members to voluntary work, there were some doubts among councillors whether the initial enthusiasm would be sustained and make a serious contribution towards restoration.

VOLUNTEERS clearing the towpath ihrough Coxmoor wood on Peter Jackman's working parties
which have been clearing overhanging trees along the Crookham - Dogmersfield length.
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RANGERS Dave James and Ted Harding keep a watchful eye on a bonfire while clearing up after leveling the towpath between Swan Bridge and the lift bridge at North Warnborough.
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WATER COLOUR painter and Society member Terry Harrison, who lives at Cove, is once more exhibiting at the Century Gallery, Hartley Wintney, from 29th May for a fortnight. Among his new works for sale will be even more scenes of the Basingstoke Canal which counts as his favourite subject. Asked why, he replied, "I like painting water but rivers are more difficult to get close by". He recalls his first visit to the canal not realising it was a waterway. "I visited Broad Oak and saw a patch of water, with a bridge behind it, which I took to be a duck pond. That was in the mid 1960's. When I went back in 1978 I was quite amazed to see a brand new bridge and the restored canal".
Terry Harrison trained as a commercial artist before becoming a professional painter. Many of his works depict Hampshire farming couniry and traditional farmhouses, reflecting his support of conservation.
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Thursday/Friday 1st-2nd June
John Pinkerton two-day cruise from Colt Hill to Woking.
Weekend 3rd-4th June
Society's Annual Boal Rally and Waterway Festival to be held at Spanton's Wharf, Woking (Monument Bridge) Full programme of canalside events, boat trips aboard John Pinkerton, stalls, shows and displays. Fun and entertainment for all the family, don't miss it.
Weekend 10th-llth June
Informal boat gathering at Old Woking Palace on the Old Woking Stream off the Wey Navigation just above Papercourt Lock. All boaters welcome. Phone Tony Davis (Weybridge 0932 844261) for details.
Weekend Plus 9th-10th-llth June
Steam Boat Association of Great Britain Mini Rally at Potters Restaurant, Mytchett.
Sunday llth June
Coach trip to Chichesier for canal-side walk, talk and harbour boat
trip. Numbers limited to 53; coach pick up points Colt Hill, Odiham to Woking. Phone Bill Homewood for details and bookings (Camberley 61343).
Sunday 25th June
Walk around Gracious Pond area near Chobham. Meet in car park by pond at 3.00pm.
Weekend 1st-2nd July
Basingstoke Canal Boating Club (BCBC) weekend gathering at Lock 28. Official launch of'Adopt a Lock' weekend. Non boaters interested in this new maintenance scheme come and get full details.
Sunday 2nd July
Ramble along the Wey & Arun Canal. Start Run Common canal bridge 10.30am.
Weekend 8th-9th July
Wey Navigation Festival organised by Guildford and Reading Branch of the IWA this year celebrates 25th Anniversary of National Trust ownership. Part of annual Guildford Festival.
Sunday 16th July
Farmland walk around Fairoaks airfield near Chobham. Meet at airfield entrance at 3.00pm.
Sunday 30th July
Walk around Chobham. Meet in village car park 3.00pm.
Friday-Sunday 4th-6th August
Weekend camp for 11-15 year olds at Blue House Farm, Mattingley (see School Holiday Weekend Camp).
Weekend 5th-6th August
BCBC gathering at Barley Mow, Winchfield. All boaters (and non-boaters welcome).
Sunday 8th August
Coach trip to Crofton pumping station, on the Kennet & Avon Canal, to see famous beam engine in steam.
Members' night on John Pinkerton maintenance run. Depart Colt Hill, Odiham 7.30pm, May - July.
Sunday 28th. May -
10th June

Colt Hill Bridge, Odiham
We are pleased to invite you and your friends to an exhibition of watercolour paintings by well-known Hampshire artist Terry Harrison.
Included in this exhibition will be many views of the Basingstoke Canal to the River Wey. The exhibition starts on Sunday 28th May at 11.00am. For further information contact Terry Harrison, 9 Comfrey Close, Cove, Farnborough, Hants. GU14 9XX. Telephone: Farnborough (0252) 545012.
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THE Society's full time team and volunteers led by Frank Jones, restoration project manager, are taking a leading part in the drive to complete restoration and re-open the canal to the Wey Navigation by May 1990.
Backed by Surrey County Council, a determined effort is being made to finish the eastern end amid recent criticism of delays and fears that, unless navigation is encouraged soon and new locks are in regular use again, more work will be necessary before the canal can be re-opened.
Woodham Progress
Voluntary work on restoring the Woodham lock chambers was completed in March. Major work by a contractor to dredge, undertake bank protection steel piling and consolidate the houseboat community is well advanced.
The five houseboats moored above Arthurs Bridge, Woking, will join the Woodham community above and below Scotland Bridge. New services - sewerage, water, electricity supply and telephone cables - will be installed for the remaining 20 boats which have been renovated and passed as 'canalworthy'.
Originally expected to take twelve months to complete, the contractors now anticipate finishing by the middle of this year.
Sheerwater Start
The Society's full time team is taking a leading part in restoration works at Sheerwater between Monument and Sheerwater bridges. The team is currently piling the opposite bank along a stretch which has been badly worn and needs to be reinstated. Surrey CC negotiated with the landowners for the work to be done which will provide them with excellent private moorings.
The team will also be tackling a leak in the canal bed, repair of a culvert, and raising the towpath level along the entire length between the two bridges.
The work is expected to take six months to complete.
Towpath Raising
Society volunteers and London branch members of Waterway Recovery Group, using materials and plant supplied by SCC, tackled another outstanding job in April raising the towpath level between Arthurs Bridge and the new bridge carrying the Goldsworth Relief Road into Woking.
Some 2,000 tons of hoggin, scalpings and granite dressing had to be laid to raise the towpath by as much as a foot in places.
More to do
Among other tasks remaining there are more lock gates to build and install at Woodham Locks 3, 4, 5 and 6. And more towpath raising at Woodham. There's also removal of the now well entrenched compound and site huts above lock 3.
Once the houseboats at Goldsworth Park are moved down to Woodham this partially dredged length will have to be completed with towpath works.
Commenting on the progress being made, Frank Jones said, "The actual work is only a part of what has to be done. It's the visible part of the iceberg, with a lot of planning and engineering consultative work out of sight but very necessary before work can begin. But I believe the final push to completion really is now under way".
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COMPLETION of restoration will not mean an end to voluntary working parties. Far from it. Maintenance work presents continuous work and much of it suitable for weekend working parties.
In forming the Basingstoke Canal Boating Club, members have launched an Adopt-a-Lock scheme for maintenance. All but four of the canal's 29 locks are now in full working order and need to be looked after.
BCBC members have already volunteered to adopt two locks. Frank Jones, who is running the scheme, would like to hear from anyone willing to adopt other locks for maintenance calling for a few days work a year. Ring him for details and adopt the lock of your choice on Camberley 28367.
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Dear Sir,
It saddens me when I read the bad publicity man's best friends always seems to attract in the Press and recently in BC News.
I refer, of course, to dog's fouling areas used by people. But unlike most environmental problems this one can be resolved very simply. If my dog does her business where people walk I use a plastic bag, worn like a glove to pick it up, turned inside out and tied, it can then be disposed of hygienically. It's a tip I learned years ago from the people who train guide dogs. Nowadays there are several devices on the market.
Recently I saw another dog owner doing the same thing, so perhaps the habit is catching on, and hopefully the familiar cliche 'dirty dogs', a title they don't deserve, will become a thing of the past.
Yours faithfully,
Pauline Hadlow
Parkstone Drive, Camberley, Surrey.
Dear Sir,
I always find your news journal of interest, particularly the November 1988 issue containing the article, 'A Look Back at the 1960's'. I was there too, with Gladys and Norman Underwood in a Maidline Cruiser. I well remember Tim Dodwell and his brother. We attended the Rally and several working parties; one I particularly remember was in the snow.
As you will see from this notepaper I am still involved with waterways starting as a Founder Member in 1968... as Treasurer and Membership Secretary, when we had no members and no money!!!! Four years as Chairman 1984/87. Still Membership Secretary with 635 members and President since 1987.
We, too, support the cause of the Derwent Trust, realising the effect the outcome will have on so many waterway restoration efforts. We
have our own battles with the Country Landowners, Dedham Vale Society, National Trust etc, not to mention Anglian Water. On a very much smaller scale ... we run a trip boat Stour Trusty from Flatford; very popular with the passengers, but nobody else. With best wishes.
Yours faithfully,
Doreen Barratt
President, The River Stour Trust Ltd., Frinton on Sea, Essex.
Editor's Note: Made famous by John Constable's painting of Flatford Mill, the Stour navigation covers 23-1/2 miles of the river from Sudbury (Gainsborough's birthplace) to Brantham near Manningtree. Originally it had 15 locks, some of which have actually disappeared, but the Trust is working to restore them and reopen the navigation by the year 20OO.
Dear Sir,
I am all for conserving and recording anything of interest along the whole length of the canal, even old maritime defences but not booby traps.
A fine photograph by Mr. Hewins (BC News 144) shows a clean, surfaced towpath but there are long sections hidden under ankle deep mud, someone could have a serious accident and possibly fall in the canal as a consequence. It is essential to have a firm, safe towpath, well drained and maintained for all to enjoy their visit to the canal.
These old relics of war are often protected monuments. Perhaps the Society could claim off the Government for work needed to render the ground safe to walk over.
On Sunday, 19th March, a 'white shark' presented itself to our bankside working party. A high speed boat, ploughing a deep groove in the water, created a huge bow wave cutting into the canal's banks. It must have been launched from Barley Mow slipway. Should a barrier
not be erected to prevent such abuse?
Rats are a common sight on the bankside when the dredger is working but nobody seems bothered with them running into adjacent gardens. In London their reported presence is dealt with immediately, especially during the mild winter we've just had which enabled them to continue breeding.
Yours faithfully,
K. Blake
Lilford Road, London SE5.
Editor's Note: Most rats seen on the canal are, in fact, water voles. Although they have become a bit of a nuisance for eroding the banks they are harmless, timid vegetarian creatures.
The Society has requested slipway barriers to prevent the occasional gross abuse of the waterway described by Ken Blake and also the more common non-licensed boat being launched. The idea has not found favour with HCC, it seems, so we must expect unauthorised boating to continue. Incidentally, the thoughtless young idiots in the speed boat were reported to the police and apprehended at Barley Mow. Their excuse was that they were trying out their boat, powered by a 70hp outboard, before taking it to the south of France.
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Substantial G.R.P. Island Plastics "Oyster" moulded at Ryde 1978. Seventeen Feet long, six feet beam. Complete with stern tube, shaft, propeller, thrust block, chain drive sprocket, stainless steel rudder and wheel steering system. Any kind of engine easily installable right aft. With cabin aded would make ideal small cabin barge. Would deliver £400 ono Lymington 22587.
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Col. Cody standing on tfte wing of his historic aeroplane, specially fitted witJi floats, undertaking trials on Eelmoor Flash. (Photo by permission of the RAE). |
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THE canal has been used for some unconventional activities, but never one so famous as that of Col. Samuel Cody seen standing on the wing of his historic aeroplane afloat on Eelmoor Flash.
He had fitted floats to the plane in which he made aviation history by becoming the first man in Britain to achieve powered flight. On 16th October 1908, three years after the Wright Brothers first flew in America, Col. Cody made history by getting airborne on Farnborough Common (now the Royal Aerospace Establishment) to fly the plane he designed and built for a distance of 1,390 ft.
Born in Birdville, Texas, in 1861 he became an extraordinary character. As a young man he was a cowboy, bronco buster, buffalo hunter and gold prospector.
He came to England at the age of 29 and set up a wild west show touring music halls with his wife Lola and sons Vivian and Leon, both under ten years of age, as part of a family act.
Unable to read or write he produced 'The Klondyke Nugget', based on the famous gold rush, which was a great hit and financed his interest in flight which started in 1900.
Cody first experimented by designing and building kites. From meteorological kites he moved to man carrying multiple kite systems used for military observation. His kites were virtually aircraft except that they were propelled by rope and not an engine. Noting his outstanding abilities, Percy B. Walker, former head of structure department at the Royal Aircraft Establishment wrote 'his skill at mechanical invention rose to a level of genius and his understanding of fundamental mechanical principles transcended that of many professional engineers'.
Cody's theatrical work meant he and his family were constantly on the move. But by 1905 his knowledge of kite development earned him a salaried job as Kite Instructor at Aldershot. A year later the Ballon factory was set up at Farnborough and Cody was appointed Chief Kite Instructor and became Col. Cody if only because of his status and salary. That was the year in which he started seriously Ihinking about powered flight.
Following his historic first flight he set up as an independent aeroplane designer, constructor and pilot based on Laffan's Plain, alongside Geoffrey de Havilland.
Whereas de Havilland became a famous name in ihc world of aviation to come, Cody's career came to an abrupt and tragic end when he crashed on Laffan's Plain, overlooking Eelmoor Flash, on 7th August 1913, aged 53.
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APPEAL for funds to restore Widmead Lock - "The Last Lock Appeal' - launched by the Kent and Avon Canal Trust to raise £275,000. If you would like to contribute and speed the re-opening of this fine canal, send your cash to Cdr N.H.N. Wright, General Secretary, K & A Canal Trust, Canal Centre, Couch Lane, Devizes, Wilts SN10 1EP.
CO-OPERATION of the Dredger Crew, by releasing a mud barge, has enabled Frank Jones to organise towpath raising at Brookwood and Woking.
SUPPORT given to Crookham Parish Council by Society in their efforts to have canal's sole surviving swingbridge reinstated at Zephon Common. A conventional permanent brick built bridge has been suggested.
BROOKWOOD locks now open for public use by licensed craft, so the navigation has been extended down to Kiln Bridge, St. Johns.
WELCOME offer of support to organise Society's Annual sponsored walk this autumn has come from Bill Homewood, the Society's rambles organiser. He needs volunteers to help him approach potential groups of walkers, especially in the Woking area. Please contact him on Camberley 61343.
QUESTION mark now over cost of routing Blackwater Relief Road under Canal. Ministry of Transport thinks it may be cheaper to take it over the canal as initially proposed. What about the environmental cost?
WHARFENDEN Lake owner Bob Potter approached over possible development for boat moorings.
DONATION of £10.00 made by Mr. R.J. Walters of East Molesey from his '200 Club' win for which the Society thanks him.
SUBSCRIPTION renewals now due, please, for members paying annually by cash, cheque or money order. The rates are: Adult £6.50, Family £7.50, GAP £2.00, Group £10.00 and Life Membership £80.00. The membership secretary is listed below.
BEST wishes to Clive Durley on his retirement from the Transport and Road Research Laboratory, at Crowthorne, at the end of March. Clive and his wife Barbara now live at Fordingbridge.
THANKS to our member Alison Snell and David Attfield of Badshot Lea for photo processing and printing for this issue.
HOLIDAY offer. Member seeks two mature, strong people to help crew a full length narrow boat, based at Hemel Hempstead, for a 5-day cruise, starting 29th September. Interested? Ring Jimmie Turner on (0428) 713019.
TALKS organiser, Janet Greenfield is organising a bric a brac stall at the Woking Rally (3rd-4th June) to help raise funds for the Society. Please have a look round your home and sort out some of your forgotten treasures for Janet's stall. If you have sufficient Janet will gladly call in and collect, otherwise she will welcome your contribution at Woking meetings or at her Yateley home. Give her a ring on Yateley 873167.
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THE 25th Anniversary of the National Trust's ownership of the Wey Navigation is being marked not only by this year's Water Festival in Guildford but also by an exhibition during June and July at the Local Studies Library on the third floor of the Branch Library in North Street Guildford. The exhibition can be seen during normal Library opening times.
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LAST month, at one of our regular Woking meetings, David Boakes came to talk to us about his beloved Thames and Severn Canal. We all took to him straight away. A kindred spirit. His enthusiasm for the restoration movement and his love of the waterways shone out to us all.
It is with great distress, therefore, that we hear of his death. We are so sorry. We knew him only for a brief moment, but will not forget.
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Published by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee, registered as a Charity. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Society.
Editor: Dieter Jebens. Production: Jo Evans & Chris de Wet. Collation A Distribution: Janet and George Hedger, Edwin Chappell and Helpers. Editorial Office: 60 Middleboume Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 3NJ (0252 715230)
Chairman: Robin Hlggs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, Wesl End, Woking, Surrey, GU24 9HX. (09905 7314)
Vice-Chairman: David Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hampshire, GU13 9SW. (0252 617364)
Hon. Treasurer: John Elliott, 42 Fir Tree Way, Fleet, Aldershot, Hants GU13 9NB. (0252 623314)
Hon. Secretary: Philip Riley, Meadow Vale, Guildford Road, Normandy, Surrey, GU3 2AS. (0483 234776)
Membership Secretary: Edwin Chappell, The Spinney, Meadow Road, Ashlead, Surrey, KT21 1QR. (0372 272631)
Working Party Organiser: Mike Fellows, 30 Reynards Close, Winnersh, Wokingham, Berks. RG11 5NT. (0734 787428)
Dredger Manager: Roger Flitter, 10 George Road, Fleel, Hampshire, GU13 9PS. (0252 622956)
Working Party Information: Peter Jones, 54 Wharf Road, Ash Vale, Aldershoi, Hampshire, GU12 SAY. (0252 313076)
Peter Cooper, 5 Addison Court, Oakley Avenue, Ealing, London W5. (01 993 1105)
Trip Boat: Tony Karavis, 12 Loddon Road, Famborough, Hampshire, GU14 9NT. (0252 549037)
Sales Manager: Situation Vacant
Talks Organiser: Mrs Janet Greenfield, 9 Mistletoe Road, Yaleley, Surrey, GU17 7DT. (0252 873167)
Exhibitions Manager: Phil Pratt, Flal 5, Fleetwood Court, Madeira Road, Wesl Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 6BE. (09323 40281)
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