No. 177 Spring 1998
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Kathy Garrett, who has become a regular contributor, has joined the newsletter team to which we also welcome Roger Cansdale who volunteered to manage the production process to ensure that it comes out on time. Their contribution is greatly appreciated by the editor.
This issue gives details of the Basingstoke Canal Authority's bid for a Heritage Lottery grant for a back-pumping installation at Woodham, among other projects. Whether or not the application is successful, the Society is determined to see that the back-pumping scheme goes ahead to save the precious 60,000
gallons of water lost to the River Wey Navigation every time Lock 1 is operated and so conserve water in the Woking pound.
Clocking Up the Hours
The Society's volunteers have been as active as ever during the winter months, clocking up over 300 days work, valued at over £9,000, on bankside clearance, installing culvert access covers at locks, re-surfacing the towpath, tree clearance at the western end and maintaining the Society's tugs and barges. Add to that the material and running costs and the Society's total contribution has been nearly £21,000.
Most of the credit goes to a small band of regular volunteers and it would be good to see some newcomers. There is a variety of work, from ground clearance to mechanical work and engineering projects. So, if your interest lies in environmental conservation or something more technical, call one of the working party leaders and they will tell you more. The inexperienced are just as welcome as those with skills - leaders are happy to give you training whatever task you would like to do.
Running the John Pinkerton trip boat also calls for volunteers. Some 240 hours have been spent on the winter refit. With the new season approaching, volunteer crews will again be busy. What better way to enjoy a cruise, make new friends and help raise funds for the Society.
Arbiters of Taste
A newcomerto Brookwood, whose home boarders the canal, brought with him a professionally built raft which holds a certicifcate of compliance (the marine equivalent of an MoT) and asked us whether there would be any objection to it. It was previously licensed by the Environment Agency on the Thames complete with a 2CV car body providing an unusual cabin which became
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something of a celebrity among the foltilla of boats that parade at the Henley Royal Regatta and other events.
We could not see any objection, especially as the 2CV was not a permanent fixture, and suggested he apply for a licence. So he duly filled in the application form, paid the fee and received a licence. It was only when the innocuous raft was seen afloat by a ranger that a letter arrived to say it was not appropriate and offering to refund the licence money.
Since the details of the raft conformed to the licensing rules, it would seem the sifeequent objection was made on grounds of style which is a matter of individual taste. Surely there is scope for fun on the canal ?
A law unto themselves
Hidden agendas and political shenanigans are all too common in public affairs. Take the case of the enclosure at Colt Hill, opposite Galleon Marine, once used as a smallholding.
Hampshire County Council wanted to buy it but the owner sold it to the Basingstoke and Deane Canoe Club who applied for planning permission to put up a canoe store and clubhouse. The application was refused by the local authority on the grounds that the towpath would be liable to obstruction and for the sake of safety in the vicinity of the John Pinkerton operating base along the adjacent wharf and boatyard opposite.
Along comes HCC with an offer to buy the land from the Canoe Club and in return put up what the club wanted but was refused - a canoe store and clubhouse. But what about the planning objections? Ah well.......
Editorial | 2 |
Chairman's Comment | 3 |
Waterwatch - Lock Gate Building | 4 |
Peoplewatch - Oliver Hibburd | 6 |
Joan Marshall | 7 |
Letters | 8 |
AGM / Newsletter Information | 9 |
JMC Report | 10 |
Work Party Information | 11 |
Heritage Lottery Fund Application | 12 |
Woking Talks | 13 |
News Items | 14 |
Towpath Topics | 15 |
Gongoozlers Gossip | 16 |
New lock gates being installed at Lock 27 on the Deepcut Flight in February 1998
Photo - Dieter Jebens
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Another year is upon us and I take the opportunity to hope that you all had a happy Christmas and to wish you the best for 1998.
The New Year is also a time for reflection on the past year and for looking forward to the corning one.
The past year has been a mixture of disappointments and hope for the future. The canal was closed for through navigation for some eight months due to water shortages, the longest lock closures since the reopening in 1991.
Management changes within the two County Councils have been implemented, resulting in senior officers with long associations with the canal taking early retirement. I am sure that you will all wish David Dixon (HCC) and Alan Oakley (SCC) a long and happy retirement. They both have been staunch supporters of the canal during their many years in office and have been instrumental in influencing the County Council Committees' perception that the canal is a unique leisure facility and very good value for the money invested.
The Local Authority elections for 1997 have resulted in changes of District and County elected members, and brought new representatives onto the JMC. in addition, both County Councils face fairly stringent financial restrictions this year, with budget reviews scheduled in the next few months. I was concerned that canal finances would be affected.
At the October Canal Advisory Group meeting (a preview of the JMC meeting), it was therefore agreed that new and existing Council representatives on the JMC should be made aware of the canal's potential for leisure and recreation. The Society's suggestion for a presentation on the canal and a short cruise on the John Pinkerton as part of the JMC meeting was accepted.
November is not the best month for a canal cruise, but the boat was out of the dry dock on time and freshly painted and the effort was felt to be well worthwhile. Tony Harmsworth gave a talk with slides, whilst Paddy Field, John Tickle (HCC), Alan Oakley (SCC), David Millett and myself answered questions and did our best to "sell the canal" to the JMC members. The final agreed contributions for 1998/9 will be a measure of our success.
Looking forward into the coming year,
we have the Heritage Lottery application
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which was submitted last September. A
decision is expected in the spring and, if it is positive, construction works will commence in the summer with a completion target of Easter 1999. The
application is for back-pumping at Woodham to improve access onto the canal, a mooring basin, educational facilities, a lockgate workshop and improved access to the Canal Centre from the towpath via a swing bridge.
Society members have been active in the design, planning and estimating of the back-pumping scheme, which will recycle water around the Woodham locks to avoid the loss of water to the River Wey each time Lock 1 is operated. I am aware of the hard work put in by these people and this is an appropriate time to express our thanks to all those involved for their efforts.
This is only the start of what may be a difficult process for achieving a satisfactory water supply for the canal to permit all-year-round navigation. However, I am confident that with your support we will eventually succeed in doing this.
Peter Redway
John Pinkerton Crewing Opportunities
Have you enjoyed steering a narrowboat ? Have you craved to work behind the counter and meet different people ? If you have then here is your opportunity to have a go and see if you would like to do more. If you haven't then come along all the same to see if it is enjoyable. We are giving a free try-out to anyone (friends as well as Society members) on Sunday 19th April at Odiham Wharf at 10:30am and Sunday 26th April at 10:30am. Other times can me arranged if you contact me on (01252) 672189.
We are looking for new crew members but the above is without obligation. Full training is given consisting of a basic training session lasting 2-1/2 - 3 hrs which covers the safety features of the boat (fire extinguishers, gas and fuel stop cocks, lifebelts etc.). This is intended to give you the basic ability to start crewing. You will then crew with experienced crew members who will help you learn as you go along. There is a trained Captain with each crew who takes responsibility for the trip.
If you are interested come along at one of the above times or if you have further questions please ring Ron McLaughlin on (01252) 672189.
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Situated at the top of the Deepcut flight of locks is a building which once resounded to the sounds of splashing and laughter as soldiers from the nearby barracks enjoyed their leisure. Today the sounds are very different for here, in the converted swimming pool, the skilled carpenters of the BCA build the lock gates which will enable the canal to continue to function as a navigation in the years to come.
Lock gates being installed at Lock 27 recently
Photo - Dieter Jebens
It is now expected that almost all the lock gates on the canal will need to be replaced within the next ten to twelve years posing a much greater workload and financial burden than had originally been anticipated when the BCA took over the canal. Problems have arisen from the use of non-galvanised tie bars resulting in rotting of the heads and heels whilst the use of non-galvanised nails when fitting the planking has led to decay in the rebates causing gate failure. No blame for these problems should be attached to the restorers. This was standard practice at the time, BW were using the same methods.
Although lock gate building takes place during autumn and winter the planning of the work starts the previous winter when all the chambers and walkways are thoroughly inspected and provisional plans made. These are reassessed in the spring when the boats begin to move through. Problems are noted and a final decision is made. Three pairs of gates will be built this year. Lower gates for Lock 9 will be installed in early January and Upper gates for Lock 27 installed between 9th and 20th February. The dry dock will also have a new pair of gates which will be fitted after Easter when the dock is less busy. The fitting of these is more difficult as the pound cannot be drained and it is necessary to work behind stop planks.
Timber is ordered in June or July mainly from Sussex and Leicestershire. English oak is used whenever possible as it is long lasting and easy to work but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find in the quality needed. The source of the wood is important as oak
grown on sandy soils cannot be used. It must come from river valleys or clay soils where there is a reliable source of water. During dry periods oaks on sandy soils shut down resulting in separation of the growth bands which can cause the wood to delaminate as it dries out. The BCA is now looking at Opepe as an alternative. This is a West African hardwood similar in colour to oak but with a straighter grain. It would be necessary to obtain timber with as curly a grain possible, as it is less likely to split. If it can be obtained in bulk, in association with other navigation authorities, the price is similar to that of oak.
Another new wood being used for balance beams is Ekki which is sawn in Rotterdam. It is much heavier than oak, costs twice as much, does not float and is difficult to work but it is extremely durable. Ekki balance beams are expected to last for 80 to 100 years. Plans are underway to replace the balance beams on all the St John's locks except for lock 11 with Ekki ones at a cost of some £7000 for the set. The Ekki beams are left unpainted except for the white tips as bitumen peels off this wood. It is likely that when the upper gates of Ash Lock are replaced in two to three year's time they too will be built of Ekki. Ash Lock is the most heavily used lock on the canal, passes more hire boats and has a very long pound above, making the additional costs and work worth while. The resulting gate would weigh twice as much as the 17 cwt if oak is used. To avoid strain on the pivots heavier balance beams would be used. French oak has also been considered. It is used on continental canals but is much softer and research needs to be undertaken to assess its longevity.
It is planned that the existing lock gate workshop will be replaced if the lottery bid is successful. The present workshop suffers from a number of deficiencies having no heating, no proper dust extraction, poor access particularly for the large continental delivery vehicles, a split-level working area, an inadequate roof creating condensation and less than ideal lighting. The proposed
new workshop to be situated at the canal centre would rectify all these matters creating a modern working environment meeting health and safety requirements as well as providing a viewing gallery for visitors, additional display area and undercover space for events when
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building is not in process.
The two experienced carpenters who work on the lock gate building are also involved in bridge repairwork. notice board provision, fencing, gate repairs and general canal based activities. Every effort is made to avoid disruption of lock gate building but any unanticipated event such as storm damage or vandalism can result in these rangers being called away to assist. If there are not too many interruptions to work a pair of upper gates can be built in about three weeks, lower ones taking an additional week. The materials cost in the region of £4500 - £5000 for lower gates and £3000 for upper ones. Since it would cost £25000 - £30000 to buy in lock gates it is obviously essential to the management of the canal that this be done in-house.
The process of lock gate building has changed very little in the years since the canal opened although the use of modern tools enables greater accuracy and a better finish to be achieved in addition to some saving of time. Once delivered timber is selected for the best position on the gate ensuring that any minor knots are put under water where they will not rot. The timber is then laid out flat on the staging to the dimension required and marked out using traditional wooden gauges which are copies of 200 year old ones owned by A J Harmsworth. The individual joint pieces are numbered before the heads and heels are morticed, the plank rebates cut and the heels rounded to fit the hollow posts. The pivot pins and ring irons are fitted and the gate heads fitted with irons. A firm at Send provides the castings. Next the shut chamfer is cut on, every effort being made to make this as narrow as possible to avoid sticks catching in when in use, before the tenons are cut on the bars and the rebates cut for planking. The tenons are then fitted to the individual mortises. The workshop now uses a small portable mortising machine which gives very high accuracy and so a minimum of fitting is needed.
The pieces are now put together and chained up tight. If necessary the shoulders are re-cut to pull the gate to the correct shape. The gate is then taken to pieces again before the decorative chamfers are machined on and the individual pieces treated with preservative. It is then reassembled using Aquaseal 88 Mastic on the tenons and shoulders, chained up and left overnight to allow excess mastic to squeeze out. The dimensions and shape are again rechecked before the joins are doweled up using 1-inch oak dowels. Next the recesses are machined for the L and T irons and holes drilled
through for the bolts. The gate is then turned over using a chain hoist before the planking is nailed to the back face of the gate using 4 inch galvanised rose head spikes and aquaseal is applied to the rebates. A coat of a mixture of preservative and black bitumen completes the task and the gates are ready for transportation to the lock site.
Installing the New Gates
If the lock site is close to the workshop the gates are transported on a flat trailer behind the tractor but for greater distances a hired flat bed lorry has to be used. On arrival the gates are loaded onto the dredger. The balance beams are stripped and the paddle gear removed. The old gates are then uncollared and dropped into the lock chamber where they float and can be towed away to be staked to the bank for later removal. The dredger can now back into the lock with the new gates and usually the reach is drained. Checks are made to see that the pivot pots in the lock are correctly positioned to receive the new gates and adjustments made if necessary. Once the fit in the posts is satisfactory the gates are wedged together in the closed position and cross cut sawn all the way down the shut of the gale top to bottom until both gates meet nicely at the bottom corner. The gates are then collared back to give a half-inch gap at the top, touching at the bottom. New wooden mitre sills are fitted and bolted down into quick setting cement used as a gap filler between the concrete and sills. The new sills are saw cut across to get rid of any imperfections where they meet the gate. The balance beams are refitted and paddle gear and new sluice boards fitted if lower gates are being replaced. The gates will then be monitored during the initial settling period to ensure that all is well and they will hopefully pass many boats in the years to come.
(Kathy is grateful for the assistance of the Waterway Manager in the production of this article).
Publication Dates
The following are the planned publication dates for the Basingstoke Canal News for 1998.
Copy Date (absolute deadline) | To Printer | Printed |
01/05/98 | 15/05/98 | 31/05/98 |
01/08/98 | 15/08/98 | 31/08/98 |
01/11/98 | 15/11/98 | 30/11/98 |
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The biting sleet struck my face as I made my way along the muddy towpath towards the Houseboat Joan Marshall. The Joan Marshall's owner, Oliver Hibburd, with his feline companion Millie, was soon welcoming me aboard. Millie, aged seven, has her own cat flap and comes and goes as she pleases but obviously relishes the opportunity to bask beside the comfortable wood burning stove which is a feature of the living area of the boat. A good pile of dry wood alongside ensured that there would be no need to venture out into the inclement weather. Inside was a cosy haven of calm although the occasional movement of the boat testified to the strength of the wind.
Oliver Hibburd aboard his home, the Joan Marshall Photo - Dieter Jebens
A quick glance round the narrow but spacious living area showed that Oliver has all the accoutrements of land based homes, television, video, hi-fi and a good collection of records and books to while away the hours of darkness. Two comfortable chairs occupy the space adjacent to the fire whilst at the bow more seating gives a clear view through the windows for better days. Ornaments and pictures fill the nooks, reminders of times past. The more essential services are there too, mains electricity, water connected to a tank on the roof from a stand pipe on the towpath and cess pit sewage.
Oliver Hibburd is a man who makes up his mind quickly. After discharge from the army he was working temporarily as a barman whilst pondering his future. A friend came in and suggested they went off to New Zealand. Three weeks later he was aboard ship on his way to Auckland. A striking picture of Wellington Harbour has pride of place on the oak hull opposite the stove reminding him of the love he developed for that country.
Returning to England several years later his new zest for travel was met by seeking work as cabin crew with British Airways where he remained for 29 years. They were, he feels, the fun days of flying, starling in propeller driven Argonauts and ending with the 747 jumbos. Oliver flew practically all the BA routes and one of the great attractions of the job was the opportunity to spend breaks in different countries. He enjoyed them all but remembers with particular affection the free and easy atmosphere of Beirut and the way that a trip up the mountains there enabled every climate to be experienced. It was hard work, nevertheless, and often needed considerable resources of tact. He learnt that
problems with passengers were nearly always caused by fear and recalls how just sitting down beside a previously near uncontrollable young man and introducing himself resulted in him settling down and allowing others to enjoy the flight. He remembers too a fearful elderly lady once chatting so much after he had gone to assist her that she missed the take-off completely and even suggested that Oliver should sit beside her again if he was feeling afraid!
In the early 1960's Oliver was living at Shepherd's Bush and leading a hectic life working out of Heathrow when he heard that houseboats were being built by Dresmans at Scotland Bridge Road, New Haw. He had always had a love of water and fancied living afloat and so one weekend found him looking over the showboat which had been converted from a working boat which carried in the Birmingham area. Once again a change in his life was speedily undertaken. He took an immediate fancy to the showboat and despite being told that it was not for sale
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insisted that that was the only one he wanted. Soon afterwards, to the amazement and concern of his family, he became the proud owner of the seventy-foot boat. A name was now needed for his acquisition and he rapidly agreed to the boatyard's suggestion that the boat be named after Joan Marshall, the General Manager of the canal at that time. It proved to be a very diplomatic move as Mrs Marshall was always most supportive.
For some time the boat was moored at Scotland Bridge Road and Oliver greatly enjoyed his new environment finding it a complete contrast to his busy flying schedule and enjoying the community spirit that developed there. He made particular friends with a couple, Jean and William, who were moored opposite awaiting a move to the Hermitage where permission had been granted for two houseboats. When the time came for them to leave they were reluctant to forgo Oliver's companionship and begged him to come with them. The owner of the second boat had by now left for elsewhere and the canal at New Haw was becoming rather crowded so Oliver decided to ask Mrs Marshall if he too could move to Hermitage Bridge and arrangements were duly made.
It was to be many months, however, before the move could be made as the state of the canal was deteriorating all the time. Water had to be brought down and the locks repaired and padded with tarpaulin. In the meantime the canal company horse which was to have towed the Joan Marshall had sadly died and thus it was that Oliver and his good friend Les Foster, lengthsman for that stretch, bow-hauled the boat themselves through the Woodham and St John's locks. It was no easy task as the depth of water was low and the canal was very weedy but it was a move Oliver has never regretted. He has always been grateful to Les for his help then and over the ensuing years, particularly in assisting with the various changes that have been made to the boat both inside and outside. An opportunity arose during the dredging of the canal, before restoration was completed, to build a dry dock by the bridge so that the oak hull could be sheathed in metal. Subsequently the lining in the living area was removed to allow the beautiful old oak to be seen.
Oliver continues to find much thai is good in living aboard; the freedom and fun, the lovely surroundings and scenery, the companionship of people along trie towpath, the pleasure of watching the boats come by and the delights of seeing the wildlife so close at hand. A particular pleasure is seeing the kingfisher, which sits on the corner of the other boat, and having the moorhens visit for food. When the weather is stormy the seagulls can be seen chasing the ducks and taking bread from their mouths. Unfortunately the water voles whose antics provided a lot of amusement in the early days are no longer present.
Oliver is very much a people person and thoroughly enjoys the company of the majority of the visitors to the towpath. However, like others, he is saddened by the antisocial behaviour of a very small minority; the mountain bikers who roar past the boat heedless of children who may be walking nearby, the fishermen who leave a mess on the towpath or fish unreasonably close to the boats and the walker who picked the daffodils planted over the years because her children liked them. He regrets too the way in which the costs of living afloat have risen so steeply and feels that it will not be possible for young people today to do as he did.
Oliver is always busy and loves entertaining and visiting. He values the little community of boats and cottages whose owners all look out for each other. He is fortunate, too, to have friends and relatives with boats on the Thames and so is able to spend pleasurable hours cruising as a change from his static abode. This year, after a number of years away from flying he is joining a family group to fly to San Francisco for Christmas. He is delighted to be flying on Christmas Day as it will give him an opportunity to see if the airline does things as well now as they did in his day! We wish him well in his retirement.
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Joan Marshall
Joan Marshall, former General Manager of the New Basingstoke Canal Co Ltd., died on 15th December, aged 89. Born in Hampshire, she knew and enjoyed the canal from early childhood. After studying art at Reading University, she joined an Oxford Street store in London and became a buyer of soft furnishings.
She became actively involved with the canal in 1949 when the 32-mile waterway was put up for auction by the Harmsworth family following the death of Mr A J Harmsworth, who purchased it in 1923.
Joan Marshall, already an inland waterways enthusiast, joined the Basingstoke Canal Committee, formed by the Inland Waterways Association, to consider ways of safeguarding the canal following widespread concern over its future as a navigation. A purchase sub-committee was formed and, acting as secretary, Mrs Marshall bid at the auction held at Aldershot on 1st March 1949. The event was given considerable press and radio coverage, including a leader in The Times. Mrs Marshall put in the successful bid of £6,000 for the canal and £3,000 for three lock cottages and riparian plots of land.
A number of IWA members had offered financial support but the total amounted to only £3,000. On the eve of the auction Mrs Marshall told Robert Aickman, who, as founder of the IWA was closely involved, that she could probably find the balance of the price which was expected to be around £10,000. Immediately after the auction, Mrs Marshall revealed, much to Aickman's chagrin, that the Purchase Committee was independent of the IWA. In January 1950, Mrs Marshall announced that a Mr S E Cooke, a wealthy aeronautical engineer and inventor of a patented fishing reel, was prepared to meet the total price. Joan Marshall was appointed general manager of the New Basingstoke Canal Co Ltd.
Although disappointed, Aickman acknowledged Mrs Marshall has "stoutly and eloquently supported the right, the constructive, and the imaginative cause".
She did her best to maintain the canal and introduced many local children to the waterway by running boat trips and holding regattas. When she retired in 1964, deterioration of the canal was setting in which prompted the formation of the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society in 1966.
History will record that Joan Marshall saved the canal, before the restoration movement had started and when infilling was a real, if not practical, alternative.
Joan Marshall leaves a son and two daughters, the younger of whom, Elizabeth, married Tim Dodwell who, as an active IWA member, was involved in the campaign to save the canal.
Dieter Jebens
(Reprinted from Waterways World by kind permission of the Editor)
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The Editor
Basingstoke Canal News
Dear Editor
I have read the editorial in the Autumn issue of BCN and have to say that I am disappointed by it's carping and in places inaccurate contents. Whilst I am sure you believe your complaints are justified you should know that to many people your unfortunate tirade is seen as a cheap bit of criticism achieving nothing other than creating bad feeling among those supposed to have a common interest.
You complain about the rubbish in the canal. Yes I agree this is an eyesore and I am sure the BCA is aware of this, but do you seriously propose that the rangers, whose salaries I and many others contribute to, should be used as full time litter pickers ? (that's the only way to keep on top of the problem), I am also curious to know what the fact that a ranger living beside the canal has to do with the general public using the canal as a rubbish dump. Perhaps you might like to advertise for someone to organise members litter picking parties, I always understood that was one of the canal care jobs the Society adopted when first formed. It would certainly be more productive than just griping about that which we all know is a near insoluble national problem.
You question the need for rangers to escort boats up the flights. Having worked at Ash Lock for a number of years and seen the manner in which water is wasted by incompetent boatmen I am reluctantly obliged to agree the BCA are quite right in pursuing this policy. As for swinging gates, is there anything terribly wrong in that ? If the locks were left full, thus ensuring the gates do not swing there would be endless complaints about the danger to children etc. in the deep unfenced water.
Your remarks about visitors going away unhappy at the condition of the canal and believing that only the Society care for it is little more than romancing. Whatever makes you think the public at large even know of the Society let alone what it does, or does not care about.
I note the manner in which you describe the canal centre. We all have differing views on this but I would point out that whatever one thinks, it remains the 'Front Office' of the canal administration. To organisations involved in public amusement/access/services, a smart showpiece front office is a prime requirement. I would also point out that the canal centre was built using public funds for all the tens of thousands of local ratepayers to enjoy, not just a bunch of canal buffs to argue over, I am
sure these same ratepayers consider a
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decent well cared for centre no more than their due and would be very unhappy if it were a cheap and second rate looking affair in a comer.
Your complaint that you cannot get information about canal events from the BCA is inaccurate and to my mind unnecessarily provocative. SHCS is represented at all levels of canal administration . The Society Representative who sits on the Recreational Development Committee receives full details of all future events. It is his job to see that all interested parties within the Society are kept updated of all future events. Your complaints should therefore be addressed to him and not the BCA. Have you ever asked him about this?
I would challenge your remark that it is our job to be canal watchdog. No one appointed us ! Society members and those that purport to write open letters on their behalf must surely realise that our properly elected representatives on the two County Councils appointed the BCA
to carry out just this task. If anyone feels they have appointed the wrong people then write and tell them so and if they get no good of that, just don't vote them next time round.
I agree with you, the Society does have a lot to offer the canal in the way of practical assistance, but making mountains out of molehills and making noises as if we had real executive powerwill achieve nothing.
You may be assured that I too am very much concerned at the apparent slow run down of the canal for whatever reason it is happening and I make my feelings known to the canal management at every opportunity.
I trust you will arrange to have the inaccuracies in your piece corrected in the next issue of BCN. For the rest, I am sure it is far too wordy to print but would assure you that it will be to the good of all, especially those of us that have to work closely with the BCA if the perpetual nit picking were to stop. If you have any consequential points to make I would suggest you refer them to our reps on the various BCA committees, presented this way they would probably get a little more attention or consideration.
Bill Homewood
I am pleased, Bill, that you took the time to write. You have some forthright views and I would invite anyone with any views to write and have their say; it is after all your magazine. Editorials come from a variety of sources and may not necessarilly be written by the editor. It is not the intention of the editorial team to retract anything from the previous issue of the Basingstoke Canal News.
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1998 Annual General Meeting
NOTICE is hereby given that the TWENTIETH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the SURREY AND HAMPSHIRE CANAL SOCIETY will be held at the Mytchett Community Centre, Mylchett Road, Mytchett, Surrey on Saturday 25th April 1997 commencing at 6:30pm.
All the Society's Directors (known as the Executive Committee) retire automatically each year at the AGM and are eligable for re-nomination if they wish to stand. However the Society's Executive Committee always needs new blood and new ideas, especially to help with the administrative, fundraising and marketing of the Society's activities.
With around 2,000-plus members, there must be a number of you with time to help run the Society. Even if you do not wish to serve on the main committee there are many posts that need a willing person.
The Society's role of watchdog, guardian and supporter of the canal has never been more important than it is now and can only be tackled effectively if members come forward to help. There are always problems to solve and campaigns to be fought with all the changes going on both nationally and locally.
If you would like more information about serving on the Executive Committee (or to volunteer for any of the other posts) please write to me or call me on (01256) 702109. I will then supply you with a nomination form.
Hon. Secretary, Philip Riley, Wincombe Cottage, Broad Oak, Odiham, Hampshire, RG25 1AH
Basingstoke Canal Newsletter Changes
Having volunteered to assist Kathryn with the Newsletter, perhaps I should explain to the rest of the Society what it is that I think I am going to do.
The problem in trying to produce the Newsletter on time is that the editor currently not only has to assemble all the contributions into a layout for publication, but also spell check them, often type them, and worst of all chase the authors for them.
Kathryn is very good at the real editing functions and I don't really know anything about this part, so I shall not interfere with it. Where I think I may be able to help is in the other aspects. I will try to act as an interface between contributors and
editor so that she receives readable copy on time, on disk, and spell checked with a sprinkling of commas and full stops to make it look professional.
To this end
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I shall be chivvying people for their contributions. However, to sugar the pill, I will be happy to take them in any form, from telephone calls or hand written
notes to computer files on disk (I'm not on the Internet yet, but working on it). I would prefer them to be in English, or something close to it, but otherwise I will try to turn anything into something ready for Kathryn to use.
My phone number is 01252-616964 at home and 01252-395031 at work;
work fax is 01252-394006. Note however that I am often out of the office for several days at a time.
My address is 79 Gally Hill Road. Church Crookham, Fleet, Hants GU13 0RU.
I look forward to receiving your contributions!
Roger Cansdale
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The Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee (JMC) meets twice a year, receiving reports and setting policy, which is then implemented by the Canal Authority.
The committee members are elected members and officers of the County Councils (Surrey and Hampshire), Riparian Districts, two special interest groups (the Society and English Nature), and the Canal Authority.
Reports made to the JMC at the November meeting included the Canal Director's Reports, Financial Report, Boat Licences and the Society Report. A brief summary of their contents follows.
Heritage Lottery Application
Covered in some detail elsewhere in the Newsletter.
Canal lock usage The canal was reopened for visiting boats on the weekend of 1/2 November 1997 after an extended closure resulting from water shortage; the feeder streams had completely dried up during the summer months.
Dredging The scheduled dredging from Lodge Copse Bridge to King John's Castle had been completed by the end of October 1997; silt was disposed of under the Agricultural Improvement Scheme on adjoining fields.
Bridges With the completion of Guildford Road Bridge at Frimley and Iron Bridge in Aldershot, the reconstruction of bridges has been suspended. Ash Wharf Bridge is not scheduled for rebuilding at present, although SCC carry out regular checks on its condition.
Cycling on towpath In an attempt to minimise any potential conflict between cyclists and other towpath users, a Code of Practice
for cyclists is being formulated. A draft has been prepared for consultation with Districts and users.
Canal finance The canal is financed from contributions, based on an agreed formula, by both County Councils and Riparian Districts. The formula takes account of the length of canal and the population within each Authority area, so that those areas with the most canal and people should pay the most, and vice-versa. Unfortunately, although the contributions are agreed at the JMC, in the past they have not always been ratified by the Finance Committees of some councils.
Revenue contributions for 1997/8 were some 4% less overall than the formula required and budget requests for 1998/9 aim to restore the formula contributions
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plus an allowance for inflation.
With the significant cuts in the overall finance for the County Councils, it is vital that the canal contributions are defended against any reductions, since these would in all probability be matched by the Districts.
The presentation and cruise on the John Pinkerton as part of the JMC meeting were arranged so that members were made fully aware of the value for money that they obtained from the canal in leisure facilities for their constituents.
Boat Licenses Boat licenses and mooring fees for 1998 have been increased by 4%. For example, a single seat canoe now pays £9 instead of £8.50, whilst a 70ft narrow boat is £104 instead of £100 last year. A visitor with the canoe will pay £2.25 for a 3 day licence and £4.50 for 15 days. The corresponding fees for the narrow boat are £26 and £52.
SSSI Management Plan Some
amendments to Fish Stock and Tree Management had been discussed by the Conservation Working Party and were endorsed by the JMC. They will be incorporated in the SSSI Management Plan. These now permit habitat improvements for fisheries, such as tree management, to be undertaken wherever these are in harmony with wildlife conservation objectives, and encourage tree management operations to enhance sites with special conservation interest.
SHCS Report The Society reports on its activities at each JMC, including Working Party progress and future work, and the John Pinkerton. Financial expenditure, direct and in kind, is estimated and reported. Working Parties had been very active during the late spring and summer, with dry conditions enabling considerable progress to be made with towpath work, barge repairs and tug renovation.
Dear Peter
Andrew and I would like to thank the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society for replacing the memorial seat for Bert after the first one was
I hope the towpath by the aqueduct will prove to be safer than the other location; we used to walk there so often that I'm sure Bert would be thrilled to know there was is a spot to sit and rest and enjoy the views. Andrew and I have been along to take some photographs during the Christmas period just in case this one suffers a similar fate to the other one.
Yours Sincerely
Betty Scammell
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Date | Leader | Venue |
7/8 March | KR | Ash Lock/Deepcut/Tug Barges |
28 Feb/1 March | PR/DJ | Bank protection, Mytchett |
14/15 March | DJ/DL | Bank protection, Mytchett | 21/22 March | PR/DJ | Deepcut locks, covers etc | 28/29 March | PR/DJ | Bank protection, Mytchett | 4/5 April | PR/DJ/DL | TBA, Completion of Grant Aid |
Projects |
10-13 April | PR/DJ/DL | Bridge Barn Event |
DJ Dave Junkison. tel:0181 941 0685
DL Dave Lunn. tel: 01483 771294
KR Kevin Redway. tel: 01483 722206
PR Peter Redway. tel: 01483 721710
Work parties were very active during the late spring and summer, the dry conditions enabling considerable progress to be made on towpath work, barge repairs and tug renovation.
Towpath works were once again sponsored by Hart District Council. The section from Pondtail Bridge, Fleet to Morris Bridge was the first length to be surfaced this year. The only available access onto the towpath for machinery was via MOD land and to be legal we required a licence. The MOD Land Agent agreed and issued the appropriate licence for six months, subject to the Society making good any damage done during the works. We were also issued with a key for opening the barrier at Morris Bridge car park.
Progress was increased by a visit from the Army Training Regiment and the section was completed in June 1997.
During transportation, larger stones tend to become separated from the
finer material. Unfortunately, the last deliveries were the worst affected and this resulted in a very stony finish. Although this was marginally acceptable, a surface dressing was required. Limestone dust was applied to bind the larger stones together, which greatly improved the surface, much to everyone's satisfaction. The new surface is particularly appreciated by workers at the new DERA facilities who cycle into work from Fleet.
Our operations then moved to Crookham and West Hart Embankment. This section was extremely sensitive, bordered by orchids and ancient woodland, so a more sensitive approach was required. The towpath width was reduced, leaving marginal growth in situ and light tree cutting improved working height back to the original hedge line, (continued in next column)
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Excavators levelled the towpath over a width of [1.6 yards], and prepared the section for surfacing. Material delivered to Crookham Wharf was loaded into barges and transported to West Hart Embankment, where a temporary wharf of railway sleepers and material was constructed. Smaller dumpers were used to transport the materials along the narrower towpath after they had been unloaded. Boards were laid along the marginal growth to prevent excess material spreading into the sensitive margins.
The low point on the embankment was left until surfacing had been completed up to the low area. The bank required raising by some [12 inches] with hoggin reclaimed from the bund at Crookham Deeps North silt dump. Approximately 350 tons of hoggin was excavated from the dump, loaded into the barges, moved to the embankment, unloaded, laid and rolled in layers. The stone surfacing material was applied as the levels were achieved. Unfortunately, the last weekend was wet and full compaction was not possible due to the water content of the material, so a short section will require a dressing this spring.
As towpath work ceased, bankside clearance started. The offside of West Hart Embankment is being cleared so that dredgings can be used to raise the level in the spring. Cut stumps have been treated in an attempt to reduce regrowth on the embankment and postpone the need for future cutting.
Other jobs tackled by the Work Parties included barge and tug repair and work on Slade's Bridge.
Future work includes piling at Crookham Wharf, access covers and jackhead brackets for Deepcut locks and bank protection at Mytchet. Guildford and Surrey Heath BCs have agreed grant aid for the Deepcut and Mytchett work.
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A Heritage Lottery Fund application for Water Conservation and Improvements for the Basingstoke Canal was submitted by the Canal Authority on behalf of the Canal owners, Surrey and Hampshire County Councils.
The application was submitted on 9th September and the Fund organisers have indicated that a decision will take between 6 and 9 months. They have agreed that a two phase application can be made, with Phase One being for works over the first 3 years and Phase Two for future works from Year 4 onwards.
Phase One application is for 75% funding of Woodham back-pumping, Canal Centre facilities for a larger Function Room and a new Lockgate Workshop, which is to be equipped for hardwood working to modern safety standards. A small mooring basin is also proposed at the Canal Centre, incorporating a swing bridge across its entrance.
A second swing bridge is being constructed across the canal to allow direct access from the towpath to the Canal Centre. This will be secured in the open position when the Centre is closed to discourage unauthorised access out of hours.
The application was developed in consultation with the Heritage Lottery Fund officers and we are confident that it meets their criteria.
Matching funding by the applicants is 25% of the estimated costs, which limits the application amount for Phase One and was a key factor in the decision to phase the work rather than make one larger application. Details of the first application are:-
Woodham Back-pumping Scheme | £481,759 |
Inflation factor | £49,380 |
Professional fees | £900 |
Canal Centre | |
Lockgate Workshop and Function Room | £490,998 |
Mooring Basin and Swing Bridges | £431,100 |
Inflation factor | £101,700 |
Professional fees | £60,564 |
Planning fees | £1,280 |
Building Regulation fees | £2,855 |
Mooring Basin Design fees | £1,144 |
Archaeological Survey | £4,250 |
| £1,625,935 |
Contingencies | £81,289 |
| £1,707,226 |
Matching Funding | £427,226 |
Heritage Lottery Application | £1,280,000 |
The matching funding has been pledged by Riparian Districts, Authorised Transfer from the BCA Capital Reserves (which had been set aside for dredging, weed-cutters and other capital projects), fees paid and Society volunteer labour as valued at Heritage Lottery Fund rates. Details of the Matching Funding contained in the application are as follows:-
Woking Borough Council | £200,000 |
Surrey Heath Borough Council | £45,000 |
Runnymede Borough Council | £13,300 |
BCA Capital Transfers | £108,852 |
Fees paid, T Harrison Chaplin | £1,144 |
Planning fees | £1,280 |
SHCS Volunteer Labour | £57,650 |
| £427,226 |
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The application has been worked on for over a year with the BCA, SCC Estates and Lottery Officer and HCC as JMC Treasurers, T Harrison Chaplin, W S Atkins and SHCS. The Society, in association with the IWA Guildford & Reading Branch and the Basingstoke Canal Boat Club, has concentrated on the design and planning of the Woodham Back-pumping scheme.
This has the capacity for recycling four lockfulls of water per hour. A pump house located below Lock 1 accommodates two 6" (150mm) pumps connected with a 12" (300mm) pipeline, and also incorporates a Rangers Office. The pipeline terminates above Lock 6 with two intermediate outlets/inspection chambers. Initial design is for manual operation of the intermediate outlets if and when individual pounds require topping up. The control of the pumps will be timed, duration being set by lock usage.
The pipeline is [1.3 miles] in length and rises a total of [13.3 yards] from below Lock 1 to above Lock 6. Longer crested weirs above each lock will also be installed as a water control measure.
At the Canal Centre, the mooring basin will accommodate 27 boats and will
| | include a slipway to overcome the difficulties of using the one at Potters. The new lockgate workshop will include modern dust extraction and tooling not available at Deepcut. A viewing gallery is also included so that visitors are able to see the construction of traditional wooden gates.
The adjoining Function Room/ Education Area will be available for private bookings, commercial functions or education visits. The existing facilities are frequently overbooked and are unable to accept all bookings currently requested.
The Phase Two application will include water supply enhancements, if possible from a summit supply rather than back-pumping around each lock group. Matching funding for this work is estimated to be likely to be in excess of £2M. Other Phase Two works will include bank protection along the canal, dredging/silt handling sites and environmental works.
The project has the potential to resolve the water supply issues and post restoration backlog of work required for the Basingstoke Canal to become a viable navigation and leisure facility for all users.
In Our Thoughts
Arthur Dungate has been unwell recently; Arthur, we wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you out on the canal again soon.
Robin Higgs has recently had a hip replacement operation. Robin, we also wish you a speedy recovery - please see Peter Redway for first hand experience of what to do and what not to do !
Millett's Musings
We apologise for not including David Millett's column - MILLETT's Musings - in this issue due to including the update on the Heritage Lottery Fund Application.
David's column will return in the next issue for which the deadline for copy is 1st May 1998.
Woking Talks
The winter talks season at the Westgate Centre in Woking started with two very interesting talks. The first, by Bernard Potter, covered the Basingstoke Canal and the River Thames, concentrating particularly on the natural history aspects. The quality of the slides was very much appreciated and there was a lot to learn. At this meeting the winning tickets in the Water Appeal Draw were drawn.
The November talk, by Richard Thomas, looked at the River Lee from its source near Luton, on to the navigable section at Hertford and along the navigation to Bow Locks. Historical maps and pictures, which greatly added to the interest, accompanied the modern photographs. Richard has a fund of knowledge about the river and his talk included many anecdotes which really brought the waterway to life.
The December meeting was an informal evening at which members were able to view and to discuss the plans for the pumping of water at Woodham. I am sure all those present were impressed with the depth of detail and professionalism shown in this project. The society is fortunate to have the services of members who are willing to give so much of their time and expertise to solving the water problems on the canal. We are grateful to them. Festive mince pies accompanied the interval coffee and a bumper raffle followed before a real treat was enjoyed when David Gerry very kindly showed us a portion of his collection of early photographic slides covering many varying waterway scenes at the beginning of the century. It was a fascinating collection and we are delighted to hear that David will be showing us more of his slides on 10th March.
Meanwhile we will be having another look backwards on February 10th when Arthur Dungate will tell us about his experiences of the early days of television.
Please note that the April meeting will be on Tuesday 14th April and not as stated in the last issue on 8th April.
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Pinkerton's Winter Progress
Christmas is now past and Easter Sunday falls on 12th April this year but it will not be long in passing. Fortunately, the winter refit of the John Pinkerton is well on its way. It was dry docked early this year and the whole of the outside repainted in 4 weeks. On its return to the winter berth at the Canal Centre in Mytchett work started on the interior. The only part of the floor which has not been inspected regularly was underthe toilet compartment as it was not possible to lift the floorboards without removing all the furniture which had been fitted as a permanent feature. We considered it essential to look and were proved right. Under the cupboard we found a large patch of thick rust. Back to the dry dock fora patch to be welded over the whole area and we were safe again.
By Christmas, the whole of the under-floor area had been checked and re-greased as necessary. The galley was stripped to get under the floor to replace the ballast with our home made ballast which is more easily handled. The last of these ballast blocks have now been completed.
Work to be completed before Easter is to replace the pipework in the toilet and then fit new furniture and a new wash basin. Also to make a small extension to the galley and modify the shelving to make it easier to store, stack and serve the canned drinks and increase the shelf space for souvenirs. The electrical work consists of modifying the emergency lighting and covering the trunking in the engine room.
Our thanks go to all the 30 plus volunteers and crew who turn out in all weathers to complete this work. Without them we would founder without a trace.
Ryan Dimmock, one of our junior members, recently raised £25 on a canal run.
I have enclosed a cheque for £25.00. Ryan raised this money when he was sponsored to do a canal run from Gayton to Linslade on the Grand Union Canal.
He managed the journey within his time limit and did steer and negotiate the locks mostly on his own. Naturally the family were "crew" and friends had an accompanying boat.
The weather was good and Ryan has increased his boating experience. Ryan managed to steer the boats 'breasted-up' at one time as the other boat had engine trouble. Ryan's boat had a massive amount of rope and plastic entwined around the prop, so 'second' crew member had to delve into the weed hatch!
Ryan wishes to donate the money to the Canal Society, hoping that it will help in some way.
Mr. & Mrs. Dimmock and Ryan
Thank you Ryan, from the Canal Society, for your generous donation.
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The John Pinkerton - the Society's fund raiser Photo - Dieter Jebens
Woking Winter Talks
March - Tuesday 10th
John Humphries - Panama (provisional)
John Humphries in association with Hugh McKnight has in previous years presented 16mm films of his voyages along the canals of the continent, which have proved very popular. Although for the last few years circumstances have prevented him from visiting us, hopefully next February he will be able to present another of his 16mm film trips, possibly on Panama.
April -Tuesday 14th
Mike Beech - The Foxton Inclined Plane
Mike Beech is Curator of the museum of the Foxton Inclined Plane Trust, and his talk will detail the Trust's plans to restore and rebuild this engineering marvel to full operation.
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Revived Lengthsman Scheme
Further to the "Chairman's Comment" article in the Autumn issue of Canal News, I can now tell you that David Millett has agreed to be responsible for the overall running of this venture with Angela Christian being in charge of the Surrey section and George Thompson the Hampshire section. We are therefore now asking for volunteers to act as Lengthpersons for the whole stretch of the Canal. If you are interested in helping to maintain standards on our beloved "Basingstoke" or just want to know a little more about the scheme, give either David Millett or myself a call.
Peter Coxhead
Colt Hill Wharf
Various members have commented on the deteriorating state of the timber and mooring bollards at Colt Hill Wharf, Odiham, which are either broken, missing altogether or rotten.
Tony Harmsworth, Waterway Manager of the Canal Authority, advises that he is well aware of the problem but, unfortunately, he says it is not just the replacement of the timber. The area behind the wall of the wharf needs to be excavated, as there is subsidence in that area and the wall is creeping forward.
Next summer it is the intention to have the dredger at Colt Hill as well as excavators and once excavated, the area behind the wall will be concreted. In addition the piling will be realigned using more reliable anchors, and the capping, bollards and wooden facing will be replaced.
The work will commence when the barges, which are at present on hire to the Kennet and Avon Canal, have been returned in the spring.
Photogenic Birds
We have all admired the grace of the swans on the canal and so it is pleasing that the humble mute swan has received publicity as a result of being the subject of the winning photograph in the British Wildlife section of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. The stunning photograph can be seen, with other winning and commended entries, at the National History Museum until February.
Swimming Cows
We are used to the sight of cows grazing near to water and the occasional one is to be found having a paddle. However visitors to Rahan, near Tullamore on the Grand Canal in Ireland are treated to the sight of cows swimming across the canal twice a day. The farmland is split by the
canal necessitating this unusual practice.
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It must be quite a surprise to boaters on the canal who must wonder if their eyes are deceiving them.
Behind the Times
Surrey County Council promotes a series of walks leaflets. Pack 3 includes a well-documented walk along the Basingstoke Canal between Sheet's Heath Lane and Kiln Bridge. It is a pity that the description states that "Restoration of the canal continues and the canal should soon be fully navigable from Woodham to the Greywell Tunnel in Hampshire". We hope that this will be amended in the next re-print.
An October Stroll
A warm and sunny Sunday after noon brought many people to the canal between Lock 3 and the Wey. There was a lovely atmosphere with families and groups walking or cycling along the towpath, all seemingly aware of the need for consideration. It was noticeable,
however, that in the parts near Scotland Bridge Road where the pathway was particularly wet, that the tyres of cycles had considerably deepened the muddy patches. Cycling along the towpaths does seem to cause much greater wear and tear and the continuing costs in terms of repair will need to be monitored.
An Unexpected Swim
The hot summer days again provided encouragement for youth to seek the cooling waters of canals around the country. This can be intimidating to boaters if large numbers are present. We are reminded that such activity is not new. Sir Winston Churchill's private secretary, J Colville wrote a biography of Field Marshall Lord Gort VC. In it he recalls that when Gort was an ensign in the Grenadier Guards between 1905 and 1907 he was not always very popular. "There were occasions when his brother officers thought his devotion to duty went altogether too far, and on one occasion they threw him into the Basingstoke Canal for taking life too seriously".
NABO Reports on Basingstoke Canal Liaison
The October issue of the National Association of Boat Owners newsletter reported very fully on the annual liaison group meeting at which Tony Harmsworth and Paddy Field described the water shortage problems facing the canal and the lottery bid which is in progress. Perhaps those who attend such events on the society's behalf might consider reporting to members through the pages of Basingstoke News in the future. It would be good to hear at first hand who attends and how such briefings are received.
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An Obstruction to Navigation
An attempted burglary took place at the Anchor at Pyrford in November. A whole pane of glass from the conservatory was removed and placed in the water from whence it was rescued the next day and replaced in the window frame. Fortunately nothing was taken from the pub.
A Boat in the Car Park
Towpath walkers on the Woodham flight of locks were intrigued to find the hull of an old working boat high and dry on the area used for car parking alongside Scotland Bridge Road. The hull was that of a converted houseboat which had fallen into disrepair and was in the process of being broken up. The current owners, who had taken it over with their mooring, believe it to be a butty from Rickmondsworth which was used to carry grain. They had tried to find someone who would be
interested in restoring the hull without success.
Woking Calendar
The Woking calendar for 1998 shows a painting of the canal in colourful hue at the Bridge Barn. The Mayor of Woking, Councillor Irene Matthews has stated that the paintings "will act as
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ambassadors for Woking". It is good that a reminder of the Basingstoke Canal is included in a calendar which may to sent to relatives and friends all over the world.
Turning at Woodham
An eagle-eyed member notes that although the new canal guide shows a turning point between Lock 5 and Lock 6 it does not make It clear that most boats can also turn before reaching the locks when travelling from Woking.
Thank You
A big thank-you to the Association of Waterway Cruising Clubs who donated the proceeds of their boat jumble stall at the IWA Henley rally to the Basingstoke pumping appeal.
BCA Action
In the article about Oliver Hibburd it was mentioned that Oliver found the behaviour of some fishermen who fished very close to his boat anti-social. This was mentioned to the BCA by Kathy Garrett, who wrote the article, and already there are plans in place to put up notices warning the errant fishermen to fish a safe distance away from the two boats moored in the Hermitage flash.
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Copy date for Next BC News: 1st May 1998
Published by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Ltd., a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee, registered as a Charity. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Society. Executive members of the Committee are shown in bold type and Directors of the Society have an
asterisk (') after their name.
Editorial Team:
Kathryn Dodington*. Sequoia, Sheets Heath Lane, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey, GU24 0EH (0483) 473630
Kathy Garrett. 122 Lovelace Drive, Pyrford, Woking, Surreyv GU22 8RR (01932) 341993
Roger Cansdale*. 79 Gally Hill Road, Church Crookham, Hampshire. GU13 0RU (01252) 616964
Chairman: Peter Redway*. 1 Redway Cottages, St John's Lye, Woking, Surrey, GU21 1SL (0483) 721710
Vice-Chairman: Peter Coxhead*. 17 Abbey Close, Pyrford, Woking, Surrey, GU22 8PY (01932) 344564
Hon. Secretary: Philip Riley*. Wincombe Cottage, Broad Oak, Odiham, Hampshire, RG25 1AH (0256) 702109
Hon. Treasurer: Jonathan Wade*. 30 Hanover Gardens, Cove, Famborough, Hampshire, GU14 9DT (0252) 524690
Membership Secretary: Edwin Chappell*. The Spinney, Meadow Road, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 1QR (0372) 272631
Working Party Information: Peter Redway*. 1 Redway Cottages, St John's Lye, Woking, Surrey, GU21 1SL (0483) 721710
Trip Boat Manager: Ron McLaughlin. 94 Guildford Road, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 6BT (012520 26722
Trip Boat Bookings: Marion Gough. St Catherines, Hurdle Way, Compton Down, Winchester, Hants. SO21 2AN (01962) 713564
Sales Manager: Gill Freeman. 35 Holland Gardens, Fleet, Hampshire, GU139NE (0252) 624612
Mail Order Sales: Alec Gosling. 12 Mole Road, Hersham, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. KT12 4LV (01932) 224950
Exhibitions Manager: David Junkison*. 4 Thames Meadow, West Molesley, Surrey, KT146BE (081) 941 0685
Audio Visual Producer: Arthur Dungate. 187 Ellerdine Road, Hounstow, Middlesex, TW3 2PU (0181) 737 4896
Talks Organiser: Arthur Dungate. 187 Ellerdine Road, Hounstow, Middlesex, TW3 2PU (0181) 737 4896
Press Officer: Dieter Jebens. 60 Middle Bourne Lane, Famham, Surrey, GU10 3NJ (0252) 715230
Archivist: Jill Haworth. Sheerwood, Woodham Lane, Woking, Surrey. GU21 5SR (01932) 342081
Woking Area Director: Peter Coxhead*. 17 Abbey Close, Pyrford, Woking, Surrey. GU22 8PY (01932) 344584
Director: Roger Cansdale*. 79 Gally Hill Road, Church Crookham, Hampshire. GU13 0RU (01252) 616964
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