February 1976

Front pictures
Greywell Tunnel
Working parties
Social Diary
Money Matters
Portrait - Alan Babister
Pardon - 29 Locks?
Gongoozler's Gossip
Cover pictures

Contact the Society


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No. 66February 1976

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It's encouraging to look back on 1975 as an eventful year. We started with an appeal to 'Buy a Brick' to help restore seven original canal bridges, on the Hampshire section. Your response was tremendous, raising almost £1,000. At the A.G.M. in February it was announced that the two County Councils had just been granted Compulsory Purchase Orders to buy the canal. The dredger started work in earnest at Colt Hill Bridge, Odiham, and in April two 20-ton mud boats arrived. The second annual Mayy Ball was another success and a new social event - 'Water Nobsurd Afternoon' - attracted the curiosity of a crowd of over 1,000 people at Odiham. In July Surrey County Council announced that they had reached an agreement with the canal owners to buy their section for £40,000.

The Society restored Blacksmith's Bridge, Dogmersfield, with the financial aid of the Inland Waterways Association, and re-built Artillery Weir which was officially completed in August. We purchased one of the original canal barges for restoration and use as a floating museum. On a wet September Sunday 220 members and friends braved the elements to raise £1,550 on a sponsored towpath walk from Weybridge to Ash Lock.

For their part Hampshire County Council completed the repair of the Vhitewater Aqueduct; restored four canal bridges, repaired more culverts and officially committed themselves to restoring their section of the canal to a fully navigable condition.

Towards the end of the year Surrey County Council agreed to a similar policy although they have not yet officially taken over the canal; it is hoped that the transfor will be made very shortly. In the meantime a high level of interest has been shown by volunteers keen to start work in Surrey.

These are just some of the highlights of last year's busy working and social calendar. What of 1976?

Without doubt this will be the year of the Voluntary Working Party. Severe cuts in local government spending and the prospect of starting work on the 16-mile Surrey section will create an even greater demand for voluntary workers. So we appeal for even more of you to turn out, even if only occasionally. Without your support it will not be possible to maintain the work programme and the prospect of re-opening the canal by 1980 will become a dream and not a reality.

Look back at the last newsletter - No.65 - for details of the voluntary work sites; check the next working party dates in this newsletter and ring our Ansaphone service (Frank Jones) on Farnborough 45032 for the latest information.

There's clearance work along the towpath and off-side banks suitable for all ages; muddy work with the dredger at Odiham and constructional work building lock gates and repairing brickwork.

Whatever your choice, it is rewarding work; a chance to make new friends and a healthy way of doing something new and different. But apart from the personal satisfaction you'll get, your support will be crucial to fulfilling our aim of restoring and re-opening the Basingsroke Canal by 1980.
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As originally planned, the Basingstoke Canal was to have no tunnel. But for the objections put forward to the Parliamentary Bill by the Rt Hon Earl Tylney, the canal would have passed around Greywell Hill. As it was, however, these objections caused the line of the canal to be altered and the canal passed through the hill.

A start on the construction of the canal was made in October 1788 at Woodham in Surrey. At the same time, because of the immense task, a start was made on the tunnel. It was to be 1,23O yards long and was to become one of the longest canal tunnels to be constructed in the South of England and the 16th longest in Great Britain. A few weeks after work was begun, a Rev Shaw visited the spot and described how he "saw above 100 men at work preparing a wide passage for the approach to the mouth, but they had not entered the hill". The enormity of the task ahead can be imagined. Working with just spades, picks, wheelbarrows and by the light of candles, the conditions must have been terrible. The tunnel was dug by the normal method of the 18th century where shafts were sunk at intervals along the line of the tunnel and then adits were driven out in each direction from the bottom of each shaft. Where these adits meet it is possible to see the slight errors in navigation which have resulted in 'steps' in the walls and kinks in the line. The Canal Company's records show that by June 1791, 223 yards of the tunnel had been completed, a year later 635 yards and by November 1792 just over 200 yards remained to be cut.

Records show that the quality of the bricks supplied for the work, on the tunnel was a constant cause for concern, and in 1789 the brickmaker was sacked. In November 1790 the Company declared that John Pinkerton must ensure that bricks supplied for the tunnel 'shall be proper for such work'.

On 4 September 1794 the canal was opened, but within six weeks of the opening the southern bank of the canal near the Western Portal collapsed, blocking the canal for 100 yards. This was followed by a second slip and the canal was not re-opened until the following summer.

The tunnel was often in the local news. In October 1827 a boy was drowned in the tunnel and in 1878 there was a roof fall. The last commercial traffic through the tunnel was to and from Nateley Brickworks which opened in 1898. The brickworks produced 2 million bricks in 1899 alone, so this last traffic must have been considerable. The yard closed in 1901.

Probably the last boat through the tunnel was the N/B Basingstoke owned by Mr A J Harmsworth. Having left Ash Vale with 10 tons of sand on 16 November 1913, it finally arrived at Basingstoke Wharf in February 1914. The time taken indicates the poor state of the canal. In 1932 a serious roof fall finally closed the tunnel.

Today, 43 years later, the tunnel is still closed, but looking a little more cared for now the restoration work on the Eastern Portal is complete (see photo 1). This work has been made possible through a grant made under European Architectural Heritage Year. It must now look very similar to when it was first built.

The inside of the tunnel is in good condition considering its age. It is constructed of red porous bricks in approximately 6 ft sections. The bricklaying is somewhat irregular and there, is no bonding between each section. 480 ft in from the Eastern Portal there is an adit (small tunnel) below water level and another at 785 ft. The entrances are arch shaped and measure 4 ft high by 3 ft wide. These were probably built to tap the water in the adjoining chalk and so supplement the water supply to the canal. 2,000 ft in there is a lot of water dripping from the roof. Nearly all the weepholes, left in the brickwork above the water line, have been blocked up. The roof fall is reached at 2,640 ft, with the clay reaching up to the roof at approximately 30 degrees. The brickwork in this section is not so good and the mortar is almost non-existent.

The Western Portal has completely collapsed (see photo 2) and the blockage is reached 460 ft in. At 400 ft repairs have been carried out at some time and at about 180 ft in the brickwork is rather irregular. It is interesting to note that when finished the tunnel was 11" narrower at one end than the other! This western end of the tunnel is in poor condition structurally, and with no portal is now a somewhat sad sight.

What of the future? Who can tell? But it would be nice to think that the restoration of the Eastern Portal is just the beginning! However, as long as the tunnel remains, it will continue to be of great interest to people and must rate as one of Hampshire's more important industrial relics.
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1st weekend of month
Dates: 7/8 February, 6/7 March, 3/4 April, 1/2 May
Site:Lock 25Lock 26Lock 27
Leader -Peter Jones
Tel. No. Enfield 39513
Jim Chisholm
Wokingham 785146
Tony Robinson
01-688 0942
1st Sunday of month
Dates: 1 February, 7 March, 4 April, 2 May
Site: Lock 14
Leader: David Morgan
Tel.No. Weybridge 49235

2nd weekend of month
Dates: 14/15 February, 13/14 March, 10/11 April, 8/9 May
Site: Ash Lock
Leader: Mike Tomlinson Tel. No. Basingstoke 21343
Site: Farnborough Road Weir
Leader: Peter Mayne, Camberley 24701

2nd Sunday of month
Dates; 8 February, 14 March, 11 April, 9 May
Site: Lock 6
Leader: Pablo Haworth
Tel. No. Byfleet 42081

3rd Sunday of month
Dates: 13 February, 21 March, 18 April, 16 May
Site: Deepcut Flight
Leader: Mike McGrath Tel. No. Weybridge 49235

4th weekend of month
Dates: 28/29 February, 27/28 March, 24/25 April, 22/23 May
Site: Farnborough Road Weir
Leader: Peter Mayne Tel. No.Camberley 24701

Last weekend of month
Dates: 28/29 February, 27/28 March, 24/25 April; 29/30 May
Site: Offside bank, Sprat's Hatch Bridge
Leader: David Millett Tel. No.Fleet 7364

Every weekend.
Site: Dredging - Lodge Copse moving westwards
Leaders: Ian Cripps (Dredger) Tel. No. Fleet 7381
Roger Thomas (Bankside support) Tel. No. Farnborough 40389

Lock Gate Building
Site: Castle Grove Nursery, Chobham
Leader: Bob Bowhill Tel. No.Woking 62916

Details of all the above working parties appeared in the December newsletter. Members are reminded that full details of all the Society's restoration work can be obtained from the Ansaphone facility on Farnborough 45032.


Lock 11, Goldsworth Top Lock
Work on this lock has ceased for the time being.

Away Working Party
Will anyone interested in making up a party to go to the Stratford Blitz on 28/29 February please contact Frank Jones on Farnborough 45032. The party will leave on Friday night.

Lock 25, Curzon Lock
The Society are anxious to complete the work on this lock so that it can be used to show the Counties what volunteer labour is capable of. Top gates for the lock are nearing completion, but Peter Jones requires more help on the lock, particularly with the brickwork that is necessary.

Sprat's Hatch Bridge
Road access is difficult, so before going to the offside bank working parties, please telephone David Millett, Fleet 7364, for directions.

Offside Bank Clearance in Hampshire
This work is vital before the channel can be dredged and anyone vho has seen the work which has been done at Broad Oak will know the dramatic effect the clearance of the offside bank has on the appearance of the canal. But this work is not getting the support it deserves or needs. There was a time when we regularly turned out over 1OO volunteers for working parties in Hampshire. The Society needs you now as much as ever it did, and yet last Sunday only six people turned out. We can do a great deal better than that, can't we? The work is suitable for all the family. It is very often difficult to measure the value of a newsletter such as this, but here perhaps is an opportunity to judge ours by results. Last Sunday just six people, for the February working party on 28/29 how about 25 and even more for March.

David Millett particularly requests that you phone him on Fleet 7364 before attending these working parties.

The February working party will meet at Sprat's Hatch Bridge to complete the link-up to Broad Oak.
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31 Sponsored Walk Prize Giving xx

2 Pub evening, Row Barge, St John's xx
9 Pub evening. New Inn, Odiham xx
14 AGM St Paul's Church Hall, Camberley xx
18 Illustrated talk by John Gagg xx
21 IWA Weyside Happening xx
22 Society Ramble xx
28/29 Away Working Party xx

1 pub evening, Row Barge
8 Pub evening, New Inn
17 Illustrated talk on the Watercress Line xx

3 Canal exhibition, Woking Public Library xx
5 Pub evening, Row Barge
12 Pub evening, New Inn
14 Talk and Slide Show xx

3 Pub evening, Row Barge
7 May Ball xx
10 Pub evening. New Inn xx
xx See elsewhere in this newsletter
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS by David Millett, Fleet 7364
The Christmas Wine and Cheese Get-Together on 17 December was attended by about 8O members and friends who sampled an excellent selection of wines provided by our member Paul Phelps and his company P S Wine Importer Ltd of Basingstoke.

Forthcoming Social Evenings
Wednesday, 18 February. An illustrated talk by John Gagg entitled 'Northern Waterways'. John Gagg is one of 'the' names of the inland waterways scene and he has written and illustrated many books including 'Canals in Camera' and 'The Canallers' Bedside Book'. His articles are also featured in many waterways periodicals and in the national press.

Wednesday, 17 March. Charles Lewis, a Director of the Winchester & Alton Railway Co Ltd, will give an illustrated talk entitled 'The Past, Present and Future of the Watercress Line'. The campaign to re-open this line has been difficult, but with the recent share issue the section of the line between Airesford and Ropley is expected to re-open for steam working at weekends this summer, using mainly volunteer support.

Wednesday, 14 April. A combined talk and slide show entitled 'Unusual Aspects of Canals'. The talk will be given by Frances Pratt, Assistant Press Officer of the British Waterways Board, and the slides will be shown by her husband, Derek Pratt, whose colour photography has illustrated many canal books and magazines including 'Canals in Colour', a recent publication by the Blandford Press. The talk and slides will also cover wild life on the canals and canal architecture.

All the above will be at the Teachers' Centre, St Albans Hall, Lynchford Road, Farnborough (opposite Lloyds Bank) and will commence at 7.45pm.
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The Society's informal pub evenings continue on the following dates:-
1st Monday of month - Row Barge, St John's, Woking
2nd Monday of month - New Inn, Colt Hill, Odiham

New faces are always welcome - make yourself known to the host or phone David Millett (Fleet 7364) beforehand. When he can arrange for the host to be expecting you.
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- In the last newsletter we published incorrect dates for the pub evenings in January and February. Our most sincere apologies to anyone who turned out on those dates and found the pub deserted. The Editorial Office has now thrown out the 198O calendar which some fool sent us.

Unless you pay by Bankers Order or joined the Society after 1 November 1975, you should receive a renewal reminder with this newsletter. Please pay promptly; we'd rather be working on the canal than chasing up lapsed members. To renew, simply return the renewal form with your remittance in the envelope provided.

Finally, could we ask you not to forward your subscription direct to our bankers by credit transfer, as we have no way of tracing the source of these payments.
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MONEY_MATTERS by Peter Youngs, Treasurer
Bankers Orders
Amending bankers orders to bring into effect the new subscription rates were despatched during the week commencing 1 December to everyone paying by this method and there has been a very good response to my appeal for their early return. A number remain outstanding, however, and I do ask those of you who have not yet returned your form to do so as soon as possible. Should anyony not have received a form, will they please let me know without delay.

Increased Subscriptions - Editorial Note
We appear to have created some confusion in our report on the EGM in the last newsletter with regard to the date of the increased subscriptions. Whilst the new rates will not come into force for existing members until 1 March this year, new members have been paying the increased rate from 1 November.

Deeds of Covenant
Do you know that the Society can recover income tax on subscriptions paid under a Deed of Covenant? It costs you no more, but to pay by this method increases the value of your subscription to the Society by over 50% at the current standard rate of tax. For instance, an adult subscription of £2.50 would enable the Society to claim a tax refund of £1.35, thus yielding £3.85! likewise a family subscription of £3.50, with a tax refund of £1.89, would yield £5.39.

Deeds of Covenant must be for a minimum period of seven years, but the benefits are threefold - first, it enables you to indirectly subscribe more than you might otherwise feel able to do; secondly, it provides the Society with an additional regular annual income; thirdly, but by no means last, it gives you the satisfaction of knowing the taxman is helping to restore the canal.

If you would like to contribute in this way, covenant forms are available on request from me. If you have any queries or doubts, I shall be pleased to help you. Why not send for a form today?
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MAY BALL 1976 by Stan Googe
Make a note in your diaries for Friday 7 May. This is the Society's third annual May Ball. A few brief details now. The venue is the same as previously - the Civic Centre, Fleet - Dancing 8pm to 1am - a different 'French style' of caterers providing the buffet and running the bar - FREE wine with your buffet - reserved tables for parties of 8 or more - tickets limited, to 250 - wine available at off-licence prices. All this and tickets costing LESS than last year at £3 each. More details in next newsletter. Reservations of tickets to Fleet 5402 or 4844. It's the membership we wish to see there on the night, so if you haven't been to one before then start with this one. You will have a good night out.
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MUSEUM by David Robinson
Our thanks once again for photographs, to Mrs Alice Young of Woking; to Mrs Jordan of Woking for pictures of the 1962 IWA Woking Rally; to Mrs Gun of Woking for a most interesting old map of the Navigable Rivers and Canals of the British Isles dated 1802. But the prize donation this issue must go to Mrs Vaux of Fleet for two original Basingstoke Canal share certificates and one Bond Certificate. These are really splendid and our thanks go to Mrs Vaux who has presented the certificates to the Society. The certificates were bought by her great, great grandfather, Thomas Stiff (1749-1824 of 13 Mew Street, Covent Garden, a Silversmith and Banker and son of Thomas Stiff, a Solicitor of Chertsey. The certificates were inherited by Mrs Vaux's great grandfather who actually received a regular dividend from them! The certificates passed down through the family and finally came to Mrs Vaux last year in the contents of a deed box on the death of her father, aged 88 years, in Torquay.

A boundary marker has been removed from a position just west of the Western Portal of the Greywell Tunnel. This marker is of considerable historic interest and was destined for the Canal Museum. If it was removed by a Society member, we would be glad to hear from him.
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It is now imperative to carry out some remedial work on the Aldershot. For this work a small group of members is needed, preferably from the Woking area. The work will involve pumping the barge dry, cleaning out the hold and erecting a temporary cover to the hold. Will any member who wants to help out on this job please contact David Robinson, Fleet 213?6.

From time to time people tell us of this or that old person who has interesting memories of the canal in their youth. As time goes on these memories will be lost unless something is done about it now. We would like to hear from a member who would be interested in visiting these people to record their reminiscences on tape. Only qualifications needed - a willingness to listen and a portable tape recorder. Please contact David Robinson, Fleet 21376.

'Snipe' boat trailer for up to 20ft length and 2,OOO lb maximum load. Break-back type for easy loading. Hardly used. Phone Leighton Buzzard 75625, Mike Reid.
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PEN PORTRAIT - Alan Babister, Membership Secretary
Alan, who is a Systems Engineer, joined the Society in 1970 at the Guildford Rally and shortly afterwards took on the job of Membership Secretary which he has held ever since. A married man with two children, Hazel 9 and David 16 months, he lists among his many interests squash, badminton, tennis, golf and boating.

Alan is the first person to feature in our Pen Portraits who is not a member of the Executive Committee, although he did hold such a post in the early 1970s. One other point on which this article is a first - Alan is the first boat owner we have featured, but this is not his only reason for wanting the canal restored; he has always supported the idea of forming a linear park.

When Alan took over as Membership Secretary, membership stood at 518, and within a year this had been pushed past the 1,000 mark as a result of a number of public meetings he had arranged. Membership to-day stands at 2,237.

Alan, is also a member of the Droitwich Canal Trust.
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RAMBLES by John Peart
My apologies to all for the lack of rambles in 1975 but other demands on my spare time have left nothing for the preparation and running of the usual walks.

To ease the preparation, my plan for 1976 is to concentrate on the Basingstoke Canal towpath which will also show support for the work being done by the two Counties and the numerous voluntary working parties.

Hampshire, of course, has more than a year lead over Surrey, so the improvement this end is very noticeable. The February Ramble will be a 'Gawper's Walk' from Greywell Tunnel to Reading Road Bridge, Fleet. Sufficient time has been allowed to view the many points of interest on the way, which include the restored Eastern Portal of Greywell Tunnel, the rebuilt ¥hitewater Aqueduct, the new Farnborough weir, the Society's dredger in steam and the many restored bridges and cleaned out bridge holes.

Sunday, 22 February. Meet 09.45 am at Book Station for a 10 mile walk to Reading Road Bridge (Fleet station 1 mile extra). Lunch break at the Barley Mow, Winchfield Hurst. A snack lunch can be provided to order only, so please ring me on Farnborough 46554 before 16 February if you wish to eat.
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'Waterways Restored' by PJG Ransom, Faber & Faber, £3.5O. by David Millett
This recently published book traces the Waterways Restoration movement over the last ten to fifteen years and describes such restoration projects as the Kennet & Avon, Stratford upon Avon Canal, Upper and Lower Avon, Caldon Canal, Ashton and Lower Peak Forest Canals and many more. The voluntary Societies and organisations receive much recognition for their work in getting the restorations off the ground.

A Canalside Camera 1945-1930 by Michael E Ware. David & Charles
Every now and again a book comes along that is like a breath of fresh air, no nasty tired old histories, re-written for the fifty-fifth time from Waterways of England by Rolt, but presenting in an attractive and readable form, mostly new material, fascinating photography and the opportunity to learn really what our waterways were like in the days when they were the province of the boatman and original navvy.

In its 115 photographs, the majority of remarkable clarity considering their age, this magnificent book takes the reader through the whole panorama of waterway life before the last war. From Construction, Maintenance, Traffic, Boatmen and Craft all are captured in the sort of evocative photography that makes one wish to be the possessor of a time machine.

You may guess by now that I am more than enthusiastic about this book and I can only strongly recommend it as this winter's best buy.

(it's not often that we get the opportunity to review a book written by one of our members. The above review is reproduced from Navvies).
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There is to be a Chandlery Bring and Buy sale plus a Weyside Happening on Saturday 21 February 1976 from 10.3Oam to 4.30pm at Godalming Narrow Boats, Farncombe Boat House, Catteshall Road, Godalming.

On Saturday, 3 April, from 1pm to 5pm the Society will be participating in an exhibition at Woking Public Library entitled 'The Wey and its Canals'. The support of members, particularly those residing in the Woking area, is earnestly requested.
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An important part of the newsletter circulation is the printing of envelopes. This job has been done by Ted Freke for the last three years, but now Ted would like to stand down. The job involves the printing of some 1,5OO envelopes every other month, which takes some six hours. There is also the printing of envelopes in connection with subscription renewals each year. The equipment is small, and so little space is required.

Offers please to take on the vital job to Janet Hedger (Fleet 7465) or the Newsletter Office - this is urgent as we will need envelopes for the April newsletter.

The Editorial Team would like to thank Ted for the past valuable support he has given us.
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PARDON, DID YOU SAY 29 LOCKS? by David Gerry
There were 30 locks on the Basingstoke canal - so why is it that all of the available literature on the canal quotes 29 locks?

The answer must be that originally there were only 29, but when the canal was opened barge men found that legging through Greywell Hill Tunnel was hard work, aggravated by the fact that the western end of the tunnel was about one foot narrower than the eastern end, thus if you were going west through the tunnel the farther you went the tougher the going became, and so by 1796 the Board of the company of proprietors were discussing the construction of Greywell Lock to raise the water level a little, probably about one foot, to give barges a little more water underneath and make the going easier. I have not yet found out when it was opened to traffic, but it was probably about 1793. The lock evidently had normal mitre gates at each end, but unlike the other 29 locks all paddles were fitted in the gates. Remains of hollow posts were visible when water levels were low prior to the rebuilding of the Wbitewater aqueduct. The chamber appears to have been of similar construction to the other 29 locks, but may not have had the same massive natural stone coping all round the top, though natural stone blocks still remain on the south side.

Restoration has been started by some non-Society volunteers; they have cleared away vegetation and spoil from the walls and have rebuilt the major part of the top of the north (towpath) side. This side showed signs of extensive repairs at an earlier date and its repair improves the safety of the canal bank for walkers. No further work is likely to be done until later this year when water levels will have to be lowered before brick­laying can start. There are no plans to replace the gates, but only to make the walls secure and prevent further collapse.
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HELP by Raymonde Fethney
If you can string a few words together while a set of Society slides are projected and answer the odd question on the canal, please, please volunteer to assist me with the season's talks - the situation at present requires that some of our speakers need to be in two places at once, Last year's programme went extremely well, thanks to the efforts of our dedicated, little band, but there is a greatly increased demand for talks this season and we hate to turn down a request when the publicity is so valuable.

In this year of sexual equality we would naturally welcome lady speakers as well as men.

1972 Fairline Weekender 20' long 6'10" beam. GRP construction, 3 berth, 35 hp Chrysler 0/B. Ideal for rivers and canals, at present on mooring in Portsmouth Harbour. Blue and white, with cooker, wash basin, toilet, teleflex steering. In good condition. £1,300. Phone Stan Googe, Fleet 5402.
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FLOP, the first reaction to Hampshire CC's mud slinger (see Mud Slinging, October newsletter). Engineers are working on it, so by the time we go to press let's hope it's working.
FLOP number 2 the Society's own conveyor belt, which has never been a success, is to be sold.
LONDON SE Region Sports Council to grant Surrey CC 15% of canal restoration costs up to a sum of £15,000 provided they go ahead with full restoration.
NORTH WARNBOROUGH lift-up bridge is used by 4 vehicles, 2 bicycles and 9 pedestrians on average each day according to a traffic survey the Society has carried out.
LOCO - small variety, still on Society's shopping list.
BUDGET for restoration work on canal during next financial year cut from £34SOOO to £20,000 by Hampshire CC.
IWA are to donate half of the proceeds of the Weybridge Rally to the Society, provided it is spent on a specific project.
POSTMEN required for Old Byfleet and Sheerwater/Woodham areas. Offers to Stuart Browning, Byfleet 42024.
SPONSORED walk prize giving at New Haw County Middle School on Saturday, 31 January at 2.30 pm.
JUMBLE sale Saturday, 21 February at Heatherside Infants School, Reading Road South, Fleet at 10.30 am. Offers of help and jumble, please to Rosemary Millett, Fleet 7364.
THANKS to all to helped at the very successful Christmas Fayre.
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1. Greywell Tunnel Eastern Portal, before and after restoration.
2. 'Insets' - collapsed Western Portal main blockage inside Tunnel
1913, Mr A J Harmsworth's 'Basingstoke' about to enter the Tunnel
3. Steam dredger in action at Lodge Copse, Odiham
From our Archives:
4. 1913 Goldsworth Locks, St Johns, Woking
5. c1900 North ¥arnborough Swing bridge (now a lift bridge)
6. Location Map for 1976 AGM

COPY DATE for April newsletter - 1 March

Editorial Office: 45 Durnsford Avenue, Fleet. Tel. Fleet 5308
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking. Tel. Chobham 7314
Working Party Organiser: Frank Jones. Tel. Farnborough 45O32
Treasurer: Peter Youngs, The Coppice, 192 Upper Chobham Road, Camberley. Tel. Camberley 25819
Secretary: Mrs Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough. Tel, Farnborough 49651
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough. Tel. Farnborough 46147
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On Sunday 6th June 1976 the Society is running a combined trip to Blenheim Palace and grounds in the morning, followed by a 3 hour cruise on the Southern Oxford Canal between Bletchington and Lower Heyford using the 4-8seat Narrowboat 'Jericho'. An alternative to visiting Blenheim Palace in the morning is to walk the Oxford Canal towpath between Thrupp and Bletchington, a pleasant stretch which includes a section of the River Cherwell. It is suggested that you take a picnic lunch. The coach will leave Church Road Car Park Fleet at 8.30, calling at the Ham and Blackbird Farnborough Road(Nr the station) Farnborough at 8.40. and Knoll Road (outside the Civic Hall) Camberley at 8.50. Return will be about mid evening. Cost (excluding admission to Blenheim Palace and grounds) will be £2.00.


HELP WANTED Any member in the advertising industry?? space salesman?? Wanted to help plan "Nobsurd" for July. Please give me a ring, Stan Googe on Fleet 5402. A.S.A.P.

FURTHER FOR NOBSURD. * 2 Country and Western Dances on Friday July 9th and Saturday July 10th. * Civilian Helicopter Trips * Beauty, Fancy Dress and Painting Competitions * 25 acres of,Showground.

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Last updated April 2005