No 92 AUGUST 1980
Inside front cover --
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Reading through the list of Working Parties which appears in each issue of the Newsletter, one gets the impression there is a great deal of voluntary work in progress up and down the canal. This issue alone gives details of nine different locations.
Hardly an issue goes by without reports and pictures of the progress being made. This month, for example, we show the dredger 'Perseverance' arriving at another landmark on the Hampshire section, the celebration to mark the completion of another lock chamber on the Deepcut Flight and the newly laid railway along Ash embankment in use for the first time.
But as our Chairman, Robin Higgs, pointed out at the recent gathering at Lock 16, we have only a small band of volunteers to thank for its restoration.
The dredging operation, too, relies on a dozen or so regulars to keep it steaming forward - and has done so for the last five years - almost every weekend in all weathers.
The Society is constantly looking at new ways of increasing the voluntary input. Soon it is hoped the Backacter - a barge with a hydraulic excavator mounted at one end - will be operating agein on the summit pound. Two full time workers have been employed by the Society to maximise the efforts of the Work Experience team at Deepcut. And the Committee is looking at the possibility of using more manpower through the community service by young offenders scheme, and the employment of prison labour.
But the main source of regular voluntary workers must come from Society members and the community at large. Young or not so young, individuals or groups, skilled or unskilled - there is work for every active person on the canal.
We badly need more volunteers to support the relatively small number of regular workers who we currently rely upon.
Look through this month's list of Working Parties, decide where you would like to work and offer your services. Bring the family, and if you belong to a club or other association, suggest making up a party.
Any of the Working Party leaders will be glad to get a phone call from you if you want to find out more about what is involved. Or call Peter Cooper on 01-993-1105 or Alan and Andrea Grimster on Brookwood 6127 if you want to know the most suitable type of work for you or your party.
Despite the apparent activity, it's being done by all too few people. So, please, make the effort and join a Working Party now and again.
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(top) The dredger gang prepare to float the 'Perseverance' under Barley Mow Bridge, Winchfield.
(bottom) Dredger manager, Brian Bane, admiring a long-sought sight of the 'Perseverance' passing under Barley Mow Bridge.
(top) The first train load of clay being transported along Ash embankment for re-puddling the canal bed.
(centre left) Spiking railway sleepers at the Society's railway depot - Ann Dixon and Ruth Thomas. In the background John Peart works on the Society's second locomotive.
(centre right) Dartline 4-berth narrow boat - a week's cruise is the star prize in the Grand Draw.
(bottom) The Cup Hill Morris men help to celebrate the completion of Lock 16 on the Deepcut Flight.
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Volunteer work on the canal is now entering a fairly critical phase, on at least two fronts. At Deepcut, the resolution has been expressed many times that we must aim to complete the Deepcut Flight (apart from gates) this year, and the next few months are the time when we must make a special effort to see that we do this. Similarly on the Ash Embankment, the plans definitely call for delivery of puddling clay over the whole length to be completed during this summer, and while for these purposes the definition of summer can be stretched, it can only be stretched so far.
Other working parties, too, would like to make a special effort to push ahead in the coming months. At this (roughly) mid-point in the restoration we shouldn't be over-awed by the amount there still is to do, but think more about all that's been done, and how we can retain the present momentum.
A full list of working parties is given below, with dates, and names and phone numbers of leaders. It's usually best to phone the leader of the party youre planning to work with, a few days before, just in case of last-minute changes.
Every Weekend Deepcut Flight
Lock 16 has now been declared completed and only awaiting gates, so the Society's working parties will be found elsewhere on the flight for the rest of the year. Lock 19 has up to now been mainly a visiting groups' lock, but Society parties are now moving there to help speed the work along. The biggest job to be done here is rebuilding the top cill, but this is now starting to go up, and the second chamber wall is almost complete. There's some significant bits of brickwork still to do here, such as the recess walls, so a big effort is called for to complete this lock in time.
Nearby Lock 17 is now being woken from its slumber of a year or two, following the attention it had at the Dcepcut Dig and afterwards from London WRG. The job list here is a bit like that on No. 19 - the whole of the top cill is to be rebuilt, and new recess walls have to be built. The full time workers are on the point of declaring Lock 18 complete, and then moving most of their efforts down to Lock 15, where the main section of the bywash channel has been laid.
The co-ordinator of volunteer work on this flight is MIKE FELLOWS on Wokingham 787428 and you should contact him, or one of the working party leaders below, for further details.
First weekend of the month - 2/3 Aug, 6/7 Sept., 4/5 Oct., - Lock 19 TONY GOULD on 01-977-8092
Second weekend of the month - 9/10 Aug, 13/14 Sept, 11/12 Oct., - Lock 19 PETER OATES (Southampton Canal Society) on Botley 33844
Second and fourth Sundays of the month - 10 Aug, 24 Aug, 14 Sept., 28 Sept., 12 Oct., - Lock 17 - ALAN GRIMSTER on Brookwood 6127.
Third weekend of the month - 16/17 Aug., 20/21 Sept., 18/19 Oct., - Lock 19
JULES WOOD on Farnborough 515737.
Fourth weekend of the month - 23/24 Aug., 27/28 Sept., - Lock 19 - CHRIS BRAZIER on Camberley 25132.
Fifth weekend of the month - 30/31 Aug - Lock 19 - MIKE FELLOWS on Wokingham 787428.
The group from the St. Johns area will be working on the Deepcut Flight again during the weekend of 9/10 August. For details of exactly where and when, contact KEN HALLS on Woking 23981.
The work of plant maintenance continues to support all these endeavours, and if you want to help here you should contact JIM CHISHOLM on Wokingham 785146.
Every Weekend Dredging in Hampshire
Dredging is a fairly active topic in Hampshire currently, with the prospect of further dry dredging in Fleet this summer, and the hope that the Backacter will soon be able to make a contribution. But the main focus of dredging activity, from the Society's point of view, remains the steam dredger 'Perseverance'. With her steam-grab, newly repaired, now refitted, she is making her final approach to the Barley Mow winding hole. When she has dug out the winding hole, allowing the 'John Pinkerton' to cruise eastwards from Odiham to Barley Mow, she then has to set off once more towards Fleet. With both tugs in service again to support her, she needs more people to cater for her needs on the new section of the job. If you want to help with this work, contact BRIIN BANE on Hook 3627 for further details.
Railway Group
Every weekend
All but 300 yards of the track are now laid, and most of it is ballasted, both locomotives are working, and clay tipping has started in earnest, so this operation has now moved into top gear.
The big need is for anybody, in groups large or small, to come and help tip clay, a pastime requiring no skills at all; this can involve everyone, Society members and willing wellwishers, just come along and do your bit. If, on the other hand, you want to get more involved on a regular basis with the technical side of running the railway which delivers the clay, you'll be very welcome. This can include driving locos, and the maintenance of locos, track and stock. The railway group operate every Sunday, and as many Saturdays as possible, For further details, contact STAN and DAVID MELLER on Camberley 32096 or JOHN PEART on Farnborough 46554.
Every other Sunday Bankside work in Surrey
7 Sept., 21 Sept., 5 Oct., 19 Oct.
Refreshed by their summer break, and fortified by their recent trip on the 'John Pinkerton', this group will be starting work again in September and tackling the stretch from Hermitage Bridge to Brookwood. They hope to achieve attendances as impressive as last winter, and stress that, like most bankside work, this requires no skills and is suitable for family parties and groups of young people. For further details, including the exact meeting point, contact KEN HALLS on Woking 23981.
Second weekend of the month
Lock 5 (Woodham) 9/10 Aug, 13/l4 Sept., 11/12 Oct.
The nearside chamber wall is now going up at a fair pace, and will be the focus of most effort for the next few months. The slip at the bottom end of the lock is now mostly repaired. Bricklaying remains the order of the day. For further details contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 4208l.
Third weekend of the month Lock 1 (Woodham)
16/17 Aug, 20/21 Sept., 18/19 Oct.
The excavation of the bottom cill of this lock is proving a bigger and more interesting job than was expected. When the mysteries are finally unravelled
the new bottom cill will be poured and cast, after which attention will turn in a big way to the chamber walls.
Further details of this working party, which runs under the auspices of the IWA Guildford branch, from DICK HARPER-WHITE on Weybridge 42074 or PETER JACKMAN on Woking 72132.
Last Sunday of the month Bankside work in Hampshire
28 Sept., 26 Oct.
Autumn also brings this group back into action after a summer break. As usual
the work will be unskilled and suitable for family parties. For details of exact
location contact DAVID MILLETT on Fleet 7364.
Various weekends Broad Oak and Wilderness Weir
Considerable progress is being made in demolishing the old footbridge at Broad Oak, though it's turned out to be a substantially built structure. Bricklaying and concrete work remain to be done at Lower Wilderness Weir. Helpers are still needed for both these jobs, which are co-ordinated by PETER MAYNE on Camberley 24701, from whom further details can be obtained.
Note for newcomers
If you want to help restore the canal, or bring a group along to help, but are dazzled by the array of available working parties, then you should phone PETER COOPER on 01-993-1105, and he will try to point you towards the right group of people for you.
Local Society members are organising a half-day exhibition featuring the canal and restoration work on September 13th in the Town Square, Woking.
Their aim is to recruit new members and raise funds. Scheduled events include Morris dancing and lock gate construction demonstrations. Volunteers needed to help on the day - phone Peter Coxhead on Byfleet 44564
Two Alton girls, Ruth Thomas of Princess Drive and Ann Dixon of Curtis Road volunteered to join the railway gang at their Ash Embankment depot as part of their community work to gain a gold award under the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme.
TEN YEARS AGO.....(from the Society's Newsletter, August 1970)
* Negotiations between Hampshire and Surrey County Councils and the New Basingstoke Canal Co. Ltd., opened, on July 29th to discuss the terms under which the canal could be acquired by the local authorities.
* 15,000 local ratepayers signed the Society's petition calling for public ownership of the canal and its restoration.
* The Inland Waterways Association held its annual National Rally of Boats on the Wey Navigation at Guildford. Hundreds of craft, including dozens of traditional narrow boats, came from all parts of the country to publicise the Basingstoke Canal restoration campaign. In a message to the IWA from the Society's Chairman, the hope was expressed that the 1980 Rally might be held at Odiham.....
If you haven't sold your Grand Draw tickets yet, do it now. There has been a good response to date and we want to make this major fund raising event the best ever.
Cash & counterfoils to Ted Williams, 36 Kestrel Road, Basingstoke, Hants by September please.
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I am in the fortunate position of having a great friend who is the proud owner of a traditional narrow boat. Not only that but I am even more fortunate in that he frequently asks Janet, my wife, and me to crew for him on some of the many campaigning cruises he does to various parts of the country. The most recent of these was a cruise from Manchester to Liverpool over the weekend of 11/12 May. This was part of the Liverpool Campaign Cruise which some of you may have read about in the May edition of Waterways World. However, we were not going the obvious way along the Leeds and Liverpool Canal but instead down the Manchester Ship Canal and across the tidal River Mersey.
Firstly, to put you in the picture, my friend's name is Graham Burns, a fireman from Stockport in Cheshire. His boat is a 4 year old, 35 foot tug named 'Beva' built by Canal Transport Services of Norton Canes on the B.C.N. Her hull shape is based on a loaded 'Josher' (a Fellows Morton and Clayton Narrow Boat) which means that she sits very low in the water having less than a foot of freeboard. Not, you may think, the ideal craft to take on such wide expanses of water and you would be right!
We joined Bevan close to where the Bridgewater, Rochdale and Manchester Ship Canals all meet for the short trip down Hulme Lock to No. 7 Dock on the MSC where we were to spend the Friday night. After taking our car to Appley Bridge on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal ready for the trip home we descended Hulme Lock, turned right and headed upstream to the limit of navigation on the River Irwell - because it was there! We then returned to join the other 15 boats on the cruise and headed in convoy down to our overnight mooring.
This is when we had our first shock - I had already memorised the planned itinerary of the cruise prepared by Chris Cheetham (Commodore, Worsley Cruising Club) who had superbly organised the whole cruise (being also an employee of the MSC Company) and had accepted that a 5.30am start on the Saturday was necessary to catch low tide at Eastham Lock. However, I was not prepared for the decision that to allow sufficient margin for error we had to be away at 4.30am instead. And so, throwing caution to the wind, we had an early night!
Dawn had not arrived when we slipped our moorings at 4.35am and all 16 boats moved in a ghostly procession towards the traffic lights of Model Wheel Locks which beckoned us into the 'small' lock. This is, of course, something of a misnomer as the lock measures 350 feet by 65 feet (the large one being 600 feet long) and in the semi-dark presented an awesome sight with 16 'toy' boats bobbing about like corks in its vast expanse of dark water with still enough space left to hold a National Rally of boats! Long lines were a must to hold us onto the lock walls for the 20 foot drop down to the level of the next pound and once the enormous gates opened the first boat with an MSC pilot on board (as had the last) led us in convoy down the canal towards Barton Locks. As we passed Barton Swing Aqueduct where the Leigh Branch of the Bridgewater Canal crosses the MSC (which had been specially opened for us) so the day dawned clear and bright with the most beautiful sunrise one can imagine.
The next shock came as we descended Irlam Lock where the NB Lady Carolyn caught her bow on a rather large nut projecting from one of the sets of intermediate gates and reached a most precarious angle before finally falling off with an almighty splash. Fortunately the only damage was a large bowl of 'mushy peas' which toppled off the table all over the carpet but it brought home to us all just how easy it would be to lose a boat in such circumstances, particularly when the lock keeper was so remote, high up on the lock side out of earshot of all our frantic shouts.
Unfortunately a rather strong wind began to cast doubts on the wisdom of crossing
the Mersey particularly when we reached Weaver Turn near Western Point where the combination of the wind and River Weaver caused ''White horses' to appear on the canal with spray coming over the front of Bevan and along her gunwhales. Fortunately we had taken the precaution of 'sheeting-up' over the cratch and so no water actually entered the boat.
The remainder of the trip down to Lastham Locks was uneventful and was completed at 12.30pm. - almost an hour before we were due to move onto the River Mersey. Here the two MSC pilots - both IWA members - left us complete with a bottle of Scotch each as a thank you gift from the boat crews.
Finally the massive gates opened and there ahead of us lay almost 6 miles of wide open river complete with navigation buoys, sandbanks and sea-going vessels, including the Liverpool to Dublin ferries. We were led by yet another pilot - this time a Mersey one - and as a safety precaution all wore life jackets, ours being bright yellow which induced the comment that Bevan resembled a boat load of canaries! The only word of advice we were given by the pilot was, 'If you fall in 'for God's sake don't drink any water', which really cheered us up no end.
The crossing itself was not as rough as we had expected although it was a strange sensation to stand on the stern deck of a flat bottomed boat and watch the front lift and tilt some little while before the effect reached us. When we were within hailing distance of the Royal Liver building and just about to congratulate ourselves on a most successful cruise so the most hair raising part of our voyage began caused by the passing of the Liverpool ferry. The large wash this created was magnified by the waves bouncing off the sea wall and the effect this had on Bevan was quite frightening. Even the "safety' of our final destination - Waterloo Lock - provided no respite as the wash followed us into the lock, rebounding off the top gates and meeting the next set of waves coming in. Anway, finally the bottom gates closed, life jackets were discarded and glasses were raised in celebration of our 1-1/4 hour crossing.
We had now returned to the relative tranquility of the canal system - it took us 3 hours to cover the one mile and 4 locks to the top of Stanley Locks on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal. However, this was due to the congestion caused by the campaign boats who had come via the more normal L & L route working down Stanley Locks in order to qualify for their Liver Bird award.
All that now remained was the apparently easy day and a half's cruise to Appley Bridge to collect our car and this was due to commence at 10.30am. the following morning, after the presentation of Rally plaques to the boat 'captains'.
With Bevan operational once more, having spent two hours removing a large piece of mooring rope which had become entangled round her propellar and shaft, we set off, northwards out of Liverpool passing many small gangs of youngsters on towpath and bridges and I was beginning to doubt the tales of the Liverpool canal hooligans when I wag caught unawares. Being of the opinion that if you are friendly to these groups they don't do you any harm, I opened my arms to a lad on a bridge inviting him to jump but instead he dropped a stone which bounced harmlessly off the cabin roof. Fair enough, I thought, can't win them all but unbeknown to me he also had a much larger stone in his other hand with which he scored a direct hit on my head!
All in all it was a marvellous cruise. I am very grateful to Graham for inviting me to do it as I can now cross the Manchester Ship Canal and River Mersey off my list of virgin cruising ground.
And our next trip on Bevan? Wo shall be bringing her down from Manchester to the National Rally on the River Lee in London during the first 2 weeks in August and also doing the Thames Tideway Cruise (London Ring). I wonder what that trip holds in store - who knows perhaps I shall have another tale to tell!
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS Joint Social Secretaries Hampshire - David Millett
Fleet 7364 Surrey - Mike Grist,
Woking 71581
Following the summer break, the autumn and winter season of illustrated talks, slide shows or film shows will recommence in September at Farnborough on the fourth Wednesday of the month and at Woking in October on the second Monday of the month. Please support these evenings and bring along your friends whether they are members or not.
Bar, Coffee and Biscuits, Sales Stand.
Wednesday 24th September, 7.45pm.
Members Open Evening featuring slides/films and also incorporating an 'Open Forum' to hear members views and offers on the suggestion to operate a second trip boat on the centre section of the canal.
Wednesday October 22nd. 7.45pm.
Joint meeting with the Inland Waterways Association (Guildford and Reading Branch) Frances Pratt, the well known Inland Waterways journalist and speaker will give a slide show entitled 'Our Waterways Heritage'.
Coffee and biscuits, Sales Stand.
Monday October 13th, 7.45pm.
Film Show featuring the two new British Waterways Board films called 'Waterways,
Our Heritage' and 'Maritime Link.
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The Autumn 1980 trip will be to the Brecon & Abergnvenny Canal (the Mon & Brec) with a 3-1/2 hour cruise through delightful scenery in the Brecon Beacons National Park on the 4-8 seat narrow boat 'Owain Glyndawr of Llangattock'. Bar and Light refreshments. See separate sheet for full details and application, form.
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HALLOWE'EN BARN DANCE, Friday October 31st. Fleet Civic Hall. 8pm.
The 1980 Barn Dance will be held at Fleet Civic Hall on Friday October 31st at 8pm. Tickets £2.25 including supper. Enter the spirit of Hallowe'en by coming appropriately dressed if you wish.
See separate sheet for full details and application form.
Have you sold your Grand Draw tickets yet? Do you want more tickets? Contact Ted Williams and don't forget to send cash and counterfoils to him at:
36 Kestrel Road, Basingstoke, Hants by 4th September latest
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You may have heard of fairies at the bottom of the garden but I doubt if you have
ever heard of Morris Men at the bottom of a lock. However, that was the spectacle
on Sunday 30th June when members of the Cup Hill Morris Men danced on the bottom
cill of Lock 16 as part of the 'topping-off' ceremony to celebrate the restoration of the lock. An even more unusual sight was that of our Chairman, Robin
Higgs (complete with wellie boots but lacking bells on his legs) 'assisting' the
dancers on the lock-side!
Organised by Peter Jones (who incidentally is also a Cup Hill Morris Man) the
celebrations were attended by those members of the Society who, at some time or
another, had assisted with the restoration together with wives and girl friends
who had 'suffered' as a result. Their reward? Free beer and hot baked potatoes
resplendent with butter and cheese ably served by the stalwart ladies of the
Seriously though, the real reward was the satisfaction of seeing the completion of the first totally volunteer restored lock and hearing Robin Higgs, having regained both his composure and his breath after his exertions, expressing the committee's grateful thanks for a job well done. In addition we were also treated to short speeches of thanks and encouragement from Peter Jones and the coordinator of volunteers on the flight, Mike Fellows, lacking his now familiar blue jumper!
A small matter of honour was also settled when Frank Jones, the JCP coordinator announced the result of a small bet between Alan Grimster and himself as to which of locks 16 and 18 would be completed first as a draw and promptly handed over the contents of his pocket in satisfaction - the grand total of 23-1/2p!
It was unfortunate in a way that all the pleas for a greater turnout of volunteers on the flight were directed at the converted instead of at those members of the Society who were not present by virtue of the fact that they have never attended a working party on Deepcut. Attention is now focussed every weekend on Lock 19 where the next topping off ceremony will take place. Wouldn't you like to make this event happen sooner rather than later by swelling the numbers of the "faithful few"? Then come along and be part of the next landmark in the restoration of the Basingstoke Canal - the complete restoration of Lock 19.
5th and 12th Members evening on John Pinkerton. 7-30pm. Colt Hill, Odiham.
16th £ 17th IWA National Waterways Festival, River Lee, Walthamstow
19th Members evening on John Pinkerton. 7.30pm. Colt Hill, Odiham
21st Mikron Theatre Company's "Mud in your Eye' 7-30 Fox & Hounds, Fleet.
26th Members evening on John Pinkerton. 7-30pm. Colt Hill, Odiham.
8th Grand Draw. 8.00pm. Club Room, Fox & Hounds, Fleet.
24th 'Open Forum'1and slide/film evening 7.45 Teachers Centre, Farnborough
13th Woking Town Square Exhibition
5th Autumn coach trip and canal cruise, Mon and Brec Canal.
13th BWB film show 7.45 Woking Centre Halls.
31st Hallowe'en Barn Dance, 8.00pm. Fleet Civic Hall.
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Peter Mayne's working party has now dismantled the old footbridge and an excavator has been used to demolish the concrete footings.
The Executive Committee has accepted an estimate from F.E. Pratt & Sons of Yateley for the final stage of the rebuilding of the bridge at a cost of approximately £5000. The work will be undertaken by Chalky -White who as a Job Creation supervisor did a lot of the brickwork on the Deepcut flight of locks.
Hampshire County Council is making a grant of £4000 from a special Environmental Improvement Scheme towards the cost of rebuilding the bridge. A further donation of £1000, making a total of £2000 has been made by the Leche Trust towards the project.
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The second tug is now back in operation. Repaired with parts purchased after an Antarctic Survey ship recently returned to the U.K. We were fortunate in being able to acquire about £2000 worth of spare parts at a nominal cost of £200. Our thanks to John Newman.
The steam grab has been replaced on the dredger after repairs by Ron Jesse and apprentices from N.G.T.E. at Pyestock.
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The canal between Coxheath Bridge and Reading Road Bridge was drained commencing 7th July for the repair of the culvert running under the canal from Dinorben Avenue to Glen Road in Fleet. This culvert was damaged during the dry dredging by the Society between Reading Road Bridge and Glen Road in 1977.
This repair is being undertaken by H.C.C. canal staff using the large concrete pipes recently given to the Society by Bejam Limited.
Whilst the canal is drained H.C.C. are planning to dredge the remaining section between Glen Road and Coxheath Bridge past the Fox and Hounds pub. This will take place in September/October.
The silt will be deposited over the Dinorben bank and also taken by tractor and trailer to Basingbourne Park in Fleet.
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The Executive Committee has decided to hold an 'Open Forum' on the suggestion to operate a second trip boat on the centre section of the canal. This will take place on Wednesday 24th September at the Teachers Centre, St. Albans Hall, Lynchford Road, Farnborough at 7.45pm. If you are at all interested please come along and air your views and offer your help as the Feasibility Group need to gauge members' potential support for the idea as soon as possible. If you are unable to come to the meeting, please write to the Secretary (address on back page) with your views and offers.
A welcome to Janet and Chris Brazier who have joined the editorial team. Both are active members of the Society helping crew the trip boat, and Chris is a working party leader on the Deepcut flight and has worked on the dredger. Our thanks go to Natalie and Peter Jones for helping to do the pen-pushing for the last few issues.
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DONATION of £20 received with grateful thanks from Hartley Wintney Young Farmers Club.
BRIDGE now back in full working order with leaking valves having been replaced.
MORE than £1,000 already received on account of the £5,500 promised by the 321 people who took part in the Sponsored Walk.
APPLICATION by Paul Benn of the Old Boathouse at Frimley Green for the hire of 12 boats has been approved.
MEMBERSHIP cards are no longer to be issued in order to save unnecessary expense.
MANY thanks to David Ashbolt of Maybury, Woking for making nameboards for the Dredger tugs free of charge.
DAYTIME crews are still urgently needed for the John Pinkerton. Phone Peter or Raye Fethney on Fleet 5524.
DON'T forgot to visit the IWA National Waterways Festival on the River Lee in
London on August 16/17.
ASH embankment engine shed erected with donation from Rushnraor Borough Council Lottery proceeds.
GREETINGS end best wishes to all his friends from Paul Dyson now living in America.
ORIGINAL Basingstoke Canal Navigation Share Certificate No. 90 on parchment dated 1791 - £80,00 plus £1 post and packing from: Printed Page, 2/3 Bridge Street, Winchester, Hants S023 9BH. Also good collection of canal engravings, books and maps. Worth a visit. Prop: Christopher Wright. Tel: (0962) 62995.
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Published by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee.
Editor: Dieter Jebens, Assistant Editors: Janet and Chris Brazier. Production: Diana Snow and David Wimpenny.
Collation and Distribution: Janet and George Hedger, Clive Durley and helpers.
Editorial Office: 75 Middle bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey. GU10 3NJ. Tel: Farnham 715230
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking,
(Chobham 7314)
Vice-Chairman: David Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hants. (Fleet 7364)
Hon., Treasurer: Bryan Jones, 16 Bliss Close, Basingstoke, Hants (Basingstoke 61053)
Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Farnborough, Hants
(Farnborough 49651)
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Farnborough, Hants. (Farnborough 46147)
Working Party Information: Alan and Andrea Grimster, Brookwood 6127.
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On Sunday October 5th, 1980 we have arranged a coach trip to the Brecon and Abergavenny Canal with a 3-1/2 trip to Llanfoist on the Narrow Boat 'Owain Glyndawr of Llangattock' from Goytre. This boat has a bar and light refreshments available. This hillside contour canal winds through a very attractive part of the Brecon Beacons National Park in South Wales. The start from Fleet will be at 8am.
FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER 8.00pm.
The Hallowe'en Darn Dance will take place at Fleet Civic Hall on Friday 31st October at a cost of £2.25 each including supper. Dancing will be to the Hampshire Hogs Barn Dance Eand, Caller, Chris James. As it is Hallowe'en there will be a competition for those who wish to dress in the spirit of Hallowe'en. Tickets will be on sale from September 15th - get your order in early as last year's barn dance was a sell out two weeks before it took place!
Ticket applications should, be sent to: Mrs. Rosemary Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hants.
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