No. 70 October 1976
3, 4
6, 7
This year marks the Society's tenth anniversary. On Friday, 23 September, exactly ten years ago, a group of nine people met at the Erookwood home of Jim Woolgar. They formed the steering committee for what became known as the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society.
Sixty people attended the first general meeting at Brookwood Memorial
Hall on 18 November. And the first newsletter - a modest quarto
sheet - was published in January 1967. Seventy-five people, it was
reported, had joined the Society and the Canal Company had been
approached for permission to work on the waterway.
But the request was never granted. In July 1967 the owner's 'Bold Plan for Canal's Future' - as one local paper put it - was published, and so the Society's future campaigning role emerged.
A successful conclusion of our fight for public ownership was never assured. The Committee faced many set-backs when it seemed the goal might never be reached. In the end victory was an amalgam of hard work and determination, circumstances and widespread support from
the community at large.
We have acknowledged the support of local and county councillors before.
Men of vision like Mr David Pumfrett and the late Sir Howard Roberts.
Though they had to be impartial, their interest and enthusiasm
encouraged us to continue the battle. Local organisations like the
Fleet and Crookham Amenity Society and residents associations like the
Pyrford, Byfleet & West Byfleet Residents' Association. Members of
Parliament such as the late Sir Eric Errington and Mr Cranley Onslow;
the Inland Waterways Association and thousands of individuals helped
to win the day.
Circumstances also played a part. At a national level, the Government's 1967 White Paper on Recreation and the Waterways spelt out the tremendous amenity value of our inland waterways. Locally it became increasingly obvious that without proper maintenance the safety of the canal was at risk.
But most of all, the battle to save the Basingstoke was fought and won through the dedication, determination and sheer hard work of members of the Society. Thousands of hours were devoted to recruiting members,
raising funds, compiling reports, issuing Press releases, meeting officials, lecturing to other societies.........
Ten years on, public ownership of the entire canal has been completed -
with Surrey County Council's acquisition of the eastern end earlier this
year. It took 20 years to build and open the canal in the 18th Century.
Another decade must not be allowed to pass before the canal is once
more re-opened.
It's some time since this column raised the need for a Basingstoke Canal Trust: the only way we can fully exploit and devolop voluntary
participation. The idea has been received with some suspicion by the
county councils. Perhaps because the Society hasn't put its case succinctly, enough.
A trust, would not affect the councils' ultimate authority and responsibility as owners of the canal. A trust would, merely be a way of broadening the scope for voluntary participation, especially in terms
of cash. Many charitable organisations who may be willing to
contribute may be prevented from doing so while restoration is
controlled directly by the county councils.
That a trust would simply be an extension of the Society is another
mis-conception. A trust would represent all interested parties - local,
government and voluntary alike.
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Dear Sir,
Two Amazing Mysteries in one edition of the Newsletter!
The thousands of people who attended Water Nobsurd could hardly have missed the well advertised and popular Country Market. More than forty traders paid the Society a substantial non-returnable rental to occupy more than four hundred feet of frontage. Your coverage of the event omitted any mention Of it.
The second mystery is the singular lack of prominence or comment on the startling drop of the Society's membership from over 2,000 to about 1,500. (Any member who may have missed this item will find it fully covered in two lines under the heading 'Gongoozlers' Gossip' on page eight of the August issue).
The loss of twenty five percent of the Society's membership strikes
me as being a pretty serious matter; certainly worthy of comment
and hardly to be classified as a gossip item. Perhaps your reporter
who failed to notice the Country Market also failed to realise the
importance of the Society losing a quarter of the total membership
since May.
Yours faithfully,
P B Benn
The Old Boathouse, Frimley Green.
Editor's Note: Shortage of space really did preclude us from listing the many exhibitors at Nobsurd. On the question of membership, we felt action would be more likely to achieve results than comment and plans are well advanced for a major membership drive early next year.
Extract from a letter from Miss J Green of 4 Hillmount, Constitution Hill, Woking
"May I say how much I always enjoy the Newsheet. The photographs are good and the contents interesting. I used to run a Newsheet and know the problems of putting these things together and getting it duplicated. I would, however, be sorry if the committee decided to change its production. It would inevitably cost more money and I would rather see that money spent on the canal. Hope you do not mind my comments".
Editor's Note: Thank you for the photographs which were enclosed with your letter and the very generous donation.
....and a letter from Mr Petterson of Hart Cottage, Crondall, typical of a number received from time to time by the Treasurer.
"I enclose donation of £10 to the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society as a small contribution to the excellent work your society is doing in cleaning up and dredging the canal. In the 1950s my children and I spent so many happy hours walking, boating, picnicing on and by the canal and we loved it very much. It was the most wonderful amenity for Fleet. It is lovely to think that perhaps children in the future will be able to spend such a nice time by that once beautiful canal. PS. Please do not bother to acknowledge - save the postage.
NOTE: In response to our challenge in last edition's letter column, Peter Cooper has volunteered to provide details of our working parties for Navvies and the Newsletter - one volunteer is better.........
To Mrs Jennifer Tracy for donations totalling £60 which she has raised from raffles held at The Swan, Ash Vale. Spontaneous contributions of this kind help to speed the work of restoration. Let's hope it is not too long before we are dredging past her pub.
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An historic journey by rail, road and canal may become a major tourist attraction in Hampshire within the next few years. Plans to re-open part of the Alton to Winchester 'Watercress' railway coincide with the Society's plan to operate a trip boat on the l-1/2-mile section of restored canal between Colt Hill, Odiham and North Warnborough. Railway and canal could be linked by a vintage bus service so that, in the space of an afternoon, visitors could experience the by-gone age of steam locomotives, ride on an open top bus and cruise aboard a traditional canal narrow boat.
Hampshire County Council is not yet issuing licences for the use of powered craft on the canal and the Society's plan will also require local council planning permission. But provided the project gets approval, the Society intends to build a 67-foot traditional-style narrow boat and operate pleasure trips between Colt Hill and the Whitewater aqueduct. A pleasant rural stretch of the canal which includes the thirteenth century remains of King John's Castle, at present being repaired, at North Warnborough.
Run by volunteers, practically all the income - as much as £3,000 a year - will go towards further voluntary restoration work. And in addition to raising a substantial and regular income, the trip boat will introduce the canal's amenity value to a great many more people and serve as a useful means of publicity for the Society.
An artist's impression of the steel-hulled 8"6" beam boat, designed to carry up to 56 passengers, with toilet and refreshment facilities> appears on the front cover of this newsletter. After considering a number of boatbuilders' estimates, the committee intends to place the contract with Hancock and Lane (Engineers) Ltd of Daventry. It was decided to build a new boat, rather than buying a used boat or converting an existing one, because of the stringent Department of Trade and Industries regulations governing passenger carrying vessels.
Although the trip boat service is primarily intended for the purpose of raising funds, the committee does not want to allocate existing funds to purchase it. Fully fitted, the boat will cost in the region of £9,500. To raise the money the Society is seeking four or five major sponsors to finance the basic construction cost of £6,000 and provide £1,500 for a suitable diesel engine. The names of the sponsors will be appropriately sign-written on the sides of the cabin.
A further £2,000 will be required for painting and fitting out. After the generous response to last year's 'Brick Appeal' we feel confident that this amount can be raised by contributions from members of the Society.
At the back of this newsletter is an appeal form. In view of the amount needed, a number of members with whom we have discussed the project have expressed their willingness to make interest-free loans available. Contributions may, therefore, be made in one of two ways: either as a donation of an unspecified small or large sum or as an interest-free loan of £20 minimum and in multiple units of £5 thereafter, for a minimum period of five years.
It is planned to launch the boat and have it operational by the end of May next year. This means that we must raise the money by the end of November so that the committee can give their final approval and place a firm order with the boatbuilder by 1 January 1977 at the latest.
This does not leave us much time to raise the money and so we hope you and all our members will respond quickly and generously. Before long a commercial company will apply for a licence and, if granted, the Society will lose a unique opportunity of using the canal to raise money for the sole benefit of the canal.
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More and more restoration work is now being organised by the Society,
and New working parties are being established. For all these parties
to achieve their aims, more volunteer support will be needed, so
members are again urged to come along and support the cause. In most
cases specialised skills are not required; you just need to turn up
and be willing to help; but if you have relevant skills, you'll be
even more welcome.
The list below gives the working parties now operating, All sorts of
things can cause minor changes to the plans given here, so it's always
best to contact the leader of a party before attending. Alternatively,
for any working party, contact FRANK JONES and the Society's Ansaphone
on Farnborough 45032.
Every weekend. Dredging in Hampshire
The dredger, now serviced by mudboat,tug and dragline, is nearing the
end of its westward trawl from Odiham; it will soon be returning to
Colt Hill and then proceeding eastwards. Help is needed in bankside
support, including operating the mudboat, dragline and other equipment,
Contact ROGER THOMAS on Farnborough 40389 for details of exact working
location at any time.
Every weekend Dredging in Surrey
This is a new working party, planned to be starting up during September, The site is by the barge-yard, near Ash Vale station, working north. Equipment is the Priestman Wolf dragline crane, supported by the narrow gauge railway (late of North Warnborough). Contact STAN MELLER on Camberley 32096 for further details.
1st weekend of month Lock Restoration
(2/3 Oct, 6/7 Nov, 4/5 Dec)
Restoration of Lock 25 (Curzon Bridge) is hearing completion, and work
continues on Locks 26 and 27. The overall co-ordinator of this work
is PETER JONES on Farnborough 45032 and unless you are beholden to a
particular lock, it's best to contact him to find where you can best
be employed. For individual locks, contact, for Lock 26 - JIM CHISHOLM Wokingham 785146
Lock 27 - Tony Brooks O1-688 3765
2nd and 4th weekend of month Lock Gate Building
23/26 Sept, 9/10 Oct, 23/24 Oct, 13/14 Nov, 27/28 Nov, 11/12 Dec)
This is specialised work, requiring carpenters who are used to working
to tolerances. For details contact BOB BOWHILL on Woking 62916.
2nd and 4th Sunday of month Bridge Ho1e Clearance
(26 Sept, 10 Oct, 24 Oct, 14 Nov, 28 Nov, 12 Dec)
The work is clearing out bridge holes and, where required, preparing stop plank grooves, in the Ash Vale area. Work at Ash Wharf Bridge is almost complete, after which the party moves on to other bridges in the locality. Contact ALAN GRIMSTER on (work number) 01-211 4448 for further details.
2nd and 4th Sunday of month Ash Embankment
(26 Sept, 10 Oct, 24 Oct, 14 Nov, 28 Nov, 12 Dec)
This is a new working party, establishing itself during September. The work is removal of the vegetation (sapplings and undergrowth) in the Ash embankment, as part of the preparations for repairing the breach in the Embankment. Meeting place is by the railway bridge at the east end of the Embankment. Further details from MARTIN SMITH on Fleet 29056 or DAVID MORGAN on Weybridge 49235.
2nd Sunday of month Woodham Flight of Locks
(10 Oct, 14 Nov, 12 Dec)
The current target of this group's efforts is Lock 6 (Sheerwater lock), which it is hoped to clear while it remains dry. Contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081 for details.
3rd Sunday of month Mopping up at Curzon Bridge
17 Oct, 21 Nov, 19 Dec) A small working party will be meeting to complete remaining jobs at Lock 25. Details from PETER JONES on Famborough 45032.
3rd Sunday of month Deepcut Flight of Locks
(17 Oct, 21 Nov, 19 Dec)
This party, who clear the towpath and offside bank in this area, are currently operating around Lock 17 (Cowshot Bridge). Contact MIKE McGRATH on Weybridge 47826 for details.
Last weekend of month Offside Clearance in Hampshire
(25/26 Sept, 30/31 Oct, 27/28 Nov)
These working parties will be starting again on the last weekend in September and the aim this winter is to complete the task. The Crookham Village Residents Association are to work westwards from Chequers Bridge so the two parties will meet up, probably in the Coxmoor Bridge area.
For those who haven't come along before, the working parties are suitable for all ages, especially family parties. The task is cutting up and burning the branches and undergrowth normally cut down by county wardens using chain saws. Come along and have your lunch-time picnic around a bonfire and bake your own potatoes etc. Contact DAVID MILLETT on Fleet 7364 for details of the exact site and parking details. David looks forward to seeing all his regular helpers and also as many of you who haven't been before.
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Next year's National Waterways Festival is to be held at Reading on 12 - 14 August. Although plans are well advanced, assistance is still required on various sub-committees, particularly those concerned
with organisation over the period of the Festival. Any members
prepared to help out should, in the first instance, contact the
Festival Secretary, Roy Carter, on 01-337 2276.
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RAMBLES John Peart, Famborough 46554
Once, again time has prevented me from running the usual afternoon rambles during the summer and reluctantly I must reach the conclusion that this situation will continue, so anyone willing to organise the short walks during the summer months is requested to contact me.
By way of compensation for the loss of summer rambles this year, I have promoted the October ramble to full day status. Commencing at Guildford, we will follow the Wey Navigation to Godalming. Public footpaths will take us to Shackleford, Cut Mill and Puttenham to join the North Downs Way for the return to Guildford. Lunch stop will be at the Cyder House, Shackleford, where the usual ploughman's lunch will be available, but please book your lunch with me by Monday, 18 October.
Sunday, 24 October. Full day ramble of 15 miles. Meet 10.00am at Guildford Station (returning to the station). Book your lunch.
Diary Dates
19 December 1976 Winchester 12 miles
27 February 1977 Alresford 14 miles
24 April 1977 Venue undecided
Full details as usual in the preceding newsletter.
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS David Millett, Fleet
Wednesday, 13 October. 7.45pm
David Copley, a member of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust, will be
giving a slide show entitled 'Some aspects of Continental Waterways'
and featuring some of the engineering masterpieces of the European
canal network, together with a closer look at the German and Belgian
Wednesday, 10 November. 7.45pm Members Film and Slide Evening
Our annual film and slide evening will be held on 10 November, and
members who are able to provide any 8mm or l6mm films or colour
slides are asked to contact me before 1 November. The subjects can
be anything to do with canals or inland waterways, both holiday and
general scenes. Also we aim to show slides of restoration work on
the Basingstoke Canal during the last year, so that members who have
been unable to visit all the various work sites can see what has been
achieved so far. Slides of restoration work on other canals would
also be welcome.
Wednesday, 15 December
Christmas Social Evening. 8pm
This year's Christmas social evening will include sherry and mince
pies and there will be music, competitions, plus other surprise
items. The cost will be 30p per head, so come along, meet your fellow
members and have a festive pre-Christmas get-together.
All the above will be held at the Teachers' Centre, St Albans Hall, Lynchford Road, Farnborough. The bar will be open to members, and coffee and biscuits will be available. The sales stand will be in attendance, and the sales manager has introduced a number of new items this year, many being suitable as Christinas presents. For normal social evenings there is a charge of 20p to help cover the expenses.
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JUMBLE SALE, Saturday, 30 October.
A jumble sale is to be held at ST PETERS CHURCH HALL, Frimley Green road, Frimley on Spturday, 30 October commencing at 2pm. This is our first fund-raising event to be held in the Frimley area, so let's make it a success. Please start sorting out your jumble now. The more we have, the more we shall sell.
Jumble can be delivered direct to the hall from 10.30am on the day or taken up on the previous evening to any of the following collection points. Collection can be arranged if required.
Helen Andrews,- 87 Old Bisley Road, Frimley Kay Humberstone, 11 Tichbourne Close, Frimley Rosemary Millett 14 Di,orben Close, Fleet, Betty Youngs, 192 Upper Chobham Road, Camberley
Helpers are also required to help man the stalls. Offers please to Betty Youngs as above, or phone Camberley 25819.
Three-berth cabin cruiser 18' x 5'; any reasonable offer considered. The boat is owned by James Wright of 2 St Michael's Road, Aldershot, who bought it to renovate, and the work was almost complete when he became visually handicapped. About two weeks' work is still required to be done, mainly painting, with a bit of woodwork repairing. The boat may be seen at the rear of 2 St Michael's Road.
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REPORT ON DREDGING PROGRESS Dave Gerry, Hampshire Canal Manager
About 1-1/2- miles of canal have now been dredged, and of this approximately 75% has been done by HCC contractors using hydraulic excavators - Hymacs - the remainder by the SHCS dredging team using the steam dredger 'Perseverance'.
Walk west from Colt Hill Bridge at Odiham and you can see the various
stages of dredging, ranging from the tremendous impact upon the water
channel when it is suddenly trebled in depth and the demoralising sea
of mud on the bank through to a re-established waterway with
increasing fish stocks; an abundance of water, insect life, wildfowl
on the increase and cattle grazing on what was a sea of mud. Some say
that we have ruined the 'ecosystem' of the canal - certainly we have
changed it.
The Society's dredging team have certainly completed the most difficult 25°/a of the total dredged to date, and I suspect that Swan Bridge cutting may well prove to be the most difficult section oh the whole canal; only four months ago the water channel at its worst place was about 15ft wide and 6in deep; now it is 25ft wide and 4ft 6in deep. Many lessons have been learned in that difficult section, not the least of which was that the steam grab of Perseverance (See photo Issue 68) is a very powerful tool. Unfortunately Perseverance broke down in Swan Cutting, causing nearly two months delay. I hasten to add that the breakdown was due to no fault of the 'Old Girl' but to an error on the part of a now blushing crew member. However, thanks to the apprentices of the N G T E at Pyestock, all is well again, and on the evening of the August Bank Holiday Monday, Perseverance sailed quietly through the lift-up bridge in Tunnel Lane with the tired but happy crew lining the decks and a good crowd of wellwishers lining the banks. This is the largest vessel to pass through this bridge since it was re-built circa 1954, and probably the largest since 1930, if not 1910.
A local gentleman watching said,'I didn't think it was possible, but I've never been so pleased to admit that I was .wrong'.
While the Society has been battling through Swan Bridge cutting, HCC has dredged either side of and under the lift-up bridge and is currently working on all accessible sections between Colt Hill and Broad Oak bridges, so that when the dredger returns to Colt Hill she will have the task of connecting up a series of deep ponds.
We are now looking ahead and planning our way round the next problem area which is a two mile section east of Broad Oak, where we have to find a home for about 20,000 cubic yards of silt, and it has all got to be moved out of the section, there being few places to dump it. The Society is now perfecting the use of mud boats which are the key to success in the next two miles and are reducing the labour content of the work. We look forward to the challenge ahead with confidence based on the experience gained so far.
Editor's Note - Whilst on the subject of dredging, could we make an appeal on behalf of HCC and the Society. Large hordes of people have been sifting through the silt the dredger team have been pulling out of the canal, no doubt hoping to find something of value. The fields on which the silt is being deposited are private land, and the co-operation of the owners is essential to the restoration programme; this co-operation is being worn a little thin by these trespassers. The people we are complaining about are in the main, we suspect, not members of the Society, but to our members the rule is clear - if you are not a member of the dredger working party, please keep off.
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PEN PORTRAIT - Peter Youngs, Treasurer
When one learns that Peter was born at Crookham within a stone's throw of the canal which was his childhood playground, it is not difficult to understand his contagious enthusiasm for restoring it.
Peter has held the position of Treasurer for
which time he has introduced a Cash Flow Budget
estimating income and expenditure for a year ahead and setting
appropriate budgets for the various sections of the Society. The
need for such a control system is obvious when one notes that in
1973 the Society's income was £2,311. and last year it stood at
As a Town Planner, Peter has assisted the Executive Committee for a
number of years in challenging planning applications which it was felt were detrimental to the canal. He and his wife Betty have also been very active on the Society's sales stand, including attending a number of national rallies. Betty is one of the small band of lady members active in organising autumn fayres, jumble sales and coffee mornings to help the Society's funds along - not, we hope, pressure from Treasurer husband.
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Our cover photograph shows Mrs Gwen Hubbold, Personnel and Public
Relations Director of Johnson Wax handing a cheque for £1,000 to
Robin Higgs. This represents a magnificent gesture on behalf of a
local company who cares about the environment - the money was given
to the Society to assist us in the restoration of the Basings toke.
This money has been used to buy two 6-1/2ton 35hp tug boats from the
St Albans Sand and Gravel Co Ltd.
The tugs, which have been named 'Sparkle' and 'Pledge' were transported to the canal and launched at Colt Hill by 56 MT Training Squadron of the Royal Engineers based at Church Crookham, under Capt W Jameison. The tugs will be a considerable aid to the Society's dredging operations.
At a time when Local Authorities have to cut back on spending, the
Society will have to rely a good deal on the generosity of companies
such as Johnson.
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If you haven't yet sent in your sponsored walk money, don't forget to send it with your sponsorship booklet, to Mrs Green, 433 Woodham Lane, New Haw, Weybridge, Surrey. Cheques end postal orders should be nade out to the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society, Remember that claims for all prizes must be received by 1 October at the latest.
Our thanks to the organisers, Stuart Browning of West Byfleet and Colin Gostelow of Fleet, and to all the marshalls who spent a hot day at their posts. We also thank St John Ambulance Brigade at Fleet for looking after the walkers; Marconi Space and Defence Ltd, Frimley for transport; Unigate Ltd for supplying milk and 'A' Co 5 Queens V Signals unit of the TAVR at Guildford for providing a radio link along the route.
And a big thank you to all members and friends of the Society who took to the towpath and walked. If everyone gets their sponsors to pay up, the Society should be £2,500 better off.
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"Farnborough 45032; Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society"
This opening will be familiar to any members who have telephoned the Society's Ansaphone for details of working parties. The light-hearted banter which goes on between Peter Jones and Roger Thomas, the two announcers, has caused one high ranking County Council official to say that he often phones in to the service 'just for a good laugh'. There is one side of the ansaphone service, however, of which few members will be aware, the message taking facility. The extent to which this is used became obvious when we visited Frank Jones recently to see the system in operation.
With overall responsibility for the Society's work on the canal - and that is some 20 working parties a month - Frank needs to receive regular reports on progress and any problems which the working party leaders encounter. The message recording tape gives a maximum running time of 45 minutes; whilst no one member has yet exhausted the tape, one Executive Committee member has come fairly close, we understand.
The following is a small sample of the messages which we were able to eavesdrop on when we visited Frank - they had been recorded over a period of three days:-
Confirmation from Ron Baughan that some woodwork he had been carrying
out in preparation for a major concreting job at Curzon Bridge the
following Saturday had been completed on time.
London Waterways Recovery Group giving dates for three weekend
working parties on the canal. Frank needed this information
urgently as accommodation had to be arranged.
IVS at Croydon regarding dates and arrangements for working parties.
Dave Gerry, the Hampshire Canal Manager, concerning some problems he had experienced in connection with working party dates. Stan Meller with details of arrangements he had made to collect 1/2-mile of railway track which is being loaned to the Society by the West Sussex Industrial Archaeological Society. There were problems with access to the site and Stan had had to arrange the hire of a lorry with its own crane.
All in all, there was no doubt that the £150 annual rental charge for the Ansaphone system is money very well spent.
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With the recent wet spell, many members will no doubt have taken the
wraps off their lawn mowers. Some weeks ago we spoke to a man with a giant size mowing problem, Dave Gerry, the Hampshire Canal Manager. 'Is it really necessary to do any mowing with the number of people who now walk the towpath?' we asked. Dave thinks it is. 'Certainly the ever increasing numbers of people who walk the canal do make our task easier, as does the fact that the Society made an excellent job of clearing the towpath in 1973/4. But it is still necessary to cut the towpath to prevent the regrowth of the woody shrubs and saplings that were making the towpath impossible to walk in places when HCC took the canal over in 1973. The timing of the mowing is important, however, as if we can keep the amount of mowing we do, before June to a minimum, it gives the spring flowers and grasses a chance to seed - in fact the mowing itself helps to disperse the seeds'. 'Do your staff have to cut the towpath regularly throughout the season?'
'Not as you would your lawn. In June/July we aim to cut a 3ft wide track. In early September we would do another cut, but this time across the entire width of the towpath. Our ability to carry out the programme will depend on the need to work on more urgent tasks, such as bank repairs'.
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ACCIDENT-prone navvy David Junkison has so far managed to fall in to the canal three times while on working parties. Is this a record?
YOUR Committee has agreed to spend £1,200 on culverts and ground paddles to complete Curzon Bridge Lock restoration work.
HIRE a boat from our member Bob Benford at Colt Hill Bridge, Odiham and take the family for a trip up the 1-1/2-mile stretch of restored canal. £1.25 per hour.
IN SEARCH of mud, Lakeside Country Club owner Bob Potter found all he wanted in the adjacent section of canal at Deepcut and did us a good turn by dredging several hundred yards of the cut
UNDER the Community Service by Offenders scheme, up to half a dozen youngsters are working on the eastern end of the canal each week. Similar workers are expected to start in Hampshire soon.
APPLICATION has been made for a Job Creation Programme Grant by the Society to employ jobless school-leavers On the canal.
MEMBERSHIP cards are under consideration by the Society's Administration sub-committee.
SKILL - Saw (a precision rotary power saw) has been purchased by the Society for use in building lock gates.
FORTY-FIVE different varieties of wild flowers were identified by one of our members during a recent walk between the Whitewater Aqueduct and the Greywell Tunnel. Is this another record?
COPY DATE for the December newsletter - 1st November
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Front cover
1. Artist's impression of the proposed passenger boat, drawn by our member Colin Churchill (See page 3)
2. Ten years ago - but where? We are offering a small prize for
the first two correct answers to be received at the Newsletter office,
in writing by 1 November.
3, 4. Mrs Gwen Hubbold from Johnson Wax Ltd handing a cheque for £1,000
to Robin Higgs;
Mrs Hubbold, Robin and Frank Jones about to name 'Sparkle' (Page 8)
5-7. Dredging operations near North Warnborough showing the wide range of equipment the Society now has available to speed this essential work
Editorial Offices: 45 Durnsford Avenue, Fleet. Tels Fleet 5308
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking.
Tel: .Chobham 7314
Working Party Organiser, Frank Jones. Tel: Farnborough 45032
Treasurer: Peter Youngs, The Coppice, 192 Upper Chobham Road,
Camberley. Tel: Camberley 25819
Secretary: Mrs Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough.
Tel: Farnborough 49651
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove,
Farnborough. Tel: Farnborough 46147.
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