Newsletter No. 8 November 1967
The last newsletter vas rather sketchy on this subject, the reason being that details of all our activities had been written for the newsletter, but at the last minute everything was cancelled.
It was cancelled because the I.W.A. felt the basic requirements of their petition seemed to have been met in the government's white paper "Waterways - Amenity and Recreation". This forecasts a favourable future for the nationalised canal system.
Four events organised by the Society in conjunction with Waterways Week have still been held.
On October l4 we held our jumble sale at Fleet. We would like to thank all those who donated jumble, Mrs. Harris for producing "eats" to sell, and Miss Wye. Miss Jesse, Mrs. Jebens, Kiss Diamond, Messrs. Jesse, Russell, Cobbe and Diamond for helping at the sale - plus of course the committee members. The sale raised nearly £40 for our funds.
Your committee held a meeting with M.P.'s, county councillors', local and parish councillors and representatives of other interested local organisations on October 21.
We outlined our plans for the future of the Basingstoke Canal,
and how it could be developed as a long distance amenity. The audience was very interested and we can only hope that they will try to implement our suggestions.
Now is the time for our local authorities to follow the new government policy and to develop this canal for recreation.
One point which was raised by one of our guests was that EVERYONE should make their feelings about the canal known through the press, and encourage others to do the same.
On October 29 a ramble was held from Old Basing to North Warnborough. Twenty people attended - and the weather was on our side. This was mainly along the dry section of the canal, and in places it was necessary to take to the lanes. We crossed over the Greywell Tunnel. In a few years' time, the abandoned western section will be changed, once the M3 and associated roads are constructed. This seems a great pity, as the overspill population of Basingstoke will, in the not too distant future, be looking for recreation such as that offered by the canal. One can only hope that not all of the canal, west of Greywell, will be eaten by development.
The boat trip was held on Sunday, October 29, with a good turn out from members. Glorious weather and plenty of water made it a very enjoyable occasion - until late afternoon when the rain came down. Unfortunately the weed was as virile as ever. The trip started with a historic occasion - we managed to lift the North Warnborough lift bridge, and found the lifting gear in very good condition.
A meeting has been arranged for Saturday, November 11 at Brookwood Memorial Hall at 7.30 p.m. when committee member Robert Harris will be talking about his recent canal tour of the Midlands and showing some slides. Afterwards it is hoped that there will be an informal discussion and "get together" to enable members and committee to get acquainted.
As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, there will be another canal film afternoon on January 8 at the National Film Theatre at 4p.m. The Society will try to order seats at 6s. but can give no guarantee. Persons wishing to go please send cash with order to the secretary by December 1.
Anyone with a flair for learning to paint traditional canal ware - and by doing so helping our funds - is requested to contact Paul Dyson, 53 Wyke Avenue, Ash, Aldershot. Hants.
We are producing a calendar which is an original print of Mytchett Lake taken by Dick Snell whose work has attracted much admiration. Price 3s. 6d., these are ready now, so let's have your orders.
Also for sale is the history of the Basingstoke Canal, with map, price 1s., extracts from Priestley's book on canals in South East England, 1s. and newsletters 1 - 6, 1s.
Also remembering Christmas, we can supply any of Messrs. David & Charles books on canals - post free. One which may well be of interest is "London's Lost Route to the Sea" which covers the development of the Wey Navigation, the Wey & Arun Canal and associated waterways.
OR: suggested Christmas present for people who have everything - a year's subscription to the Surrey & Hampshire Canal Society, with their calendar?
Secretary: J. Woolgar, 58 Connaught Crescent, Brookwood, Surrey:
Tel. B'wood 4064
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