February 1977

Comment - Fear of the Unknown
Day Frank joined Mob H
Working Parties
Farnborough Weir
Social Jottings
Limited Company Status
Social Diary
Gongoozlers' Gossip
Cover pictures info

Contact the Society


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No. 72FEBRUARY 1977

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Looking into the entrance of Greywell Tunnel and peering into the gloom, it's easy to imagine all kinds of sinister things; especially if you are contemplating going down it. They say a huge pike, translucent from many years of living in the darkness, lies down the tunnel, that sections of the roof are in danger of falling in, and the place is alive with bats.

It was with such fears that a group of Society members once surveyed the 1,200 yard tunnel. True, they found the bats and two short sections of the roof in need of repair, but the monster pike did not appear. In general the brickwork was dry and sound, the water clear (almost inviting) and the team emerged none the worse for their experience. Some members of Greywell Parish Council also appear to have a fear of the unknown. Not of what the tunnel holds, but of boats cruising up their section of the canal and boat crews disturbing the peace of their attractive village. Such is their concern that the Parish Council has passed a resolution calling for a ban on boating above the North Warnborough lift bridge, leaving the last half mile of canal free of boats for a nature reserve.

The Society has already made it clear that Greywell has nothing to fear. Not just because the vast majority of canal users are seeking the same rest and tranquility Greywell enjoys, but also because no boat of any size is likely to venture past the Whitewater turning point. What's more, access to and on to the canal at Greywell, lying in a relatively deep cutting, would be prohibitive for anything larger than a small canoe.

As for the nature reserve idea, more than one eminent naturalist has explained that a balanced and flourishing aquatic flora and fauna relies on the canal being restored and maintained as a navigation; the environment in which the natural history developed in the first place.

The concern expressed by some residents of North Warnborough about delays in crossing the canal when the lift bridge is being raised is certainly a valid point. At the moment it takes about 15 minutes to raise the bridge, which is too long a tine if it is in regular use. But the Society's engineers have been studying the problem and believe it can be solved by modifying the hydrau­lic mechanism which will reduce the lifting operation to a fraction of the present time.

Odiham Parish Councillors have also passed a resolution calling for a ban on larger craft past Colt Hill. The restriction would deny people the pleasure of cruising up the last 1-1/2- miles to the Whitewater winding hole; an attractive open stretch of the canal, contrasting with the woodland settings of Coxmoor and Dogmersfield. It must also be pointed out that the passage of powered cruisers helps to control weed growth and keep accumulating silt 'in suspension', thus assisting in the maintenance of a clear water channel.

The Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society was formed with the purpose of restoring the Basingstoke Canal to a navigable waterway for use as a multi-purpose amenity: as much for the enjoyment of those who live and work nearby as for boating, angling, towpath walking and natural history conservation. Our members represent all these interests and more.

We firmly believe a policy can be found to cater for all interests with a minimum of conflict; witness the River Wey Navigation. There, the National Trust has maintained a firm management policy aimed at protecting the character and beauty of the 300-year old navigation, and to provide an amenity for thousands of visitors and riparian house and land owners alike.

About the time this newsletter is published, Hampshire County Council will be circulating their consultative draft management plan covering their section of the canal. Whatever the recommendations put forward, it won't eliminate fears of the unknown for those who have known the canal only as a derelict ditch. But we hope the plan will view the canal as a navigation and present a policy which will protect the interests af all parties by controls and regulations. But not by discrimination. NOTE. Hampshire County Council's consultative draft management plan for the Hampshire Section of the canal will be presented at a public meeting on Tuesday, 1 February 1977 at North Warnborough Village Hall (near the new roundabout and Swan Bridge) at 7.30pm.
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One day, some months ago, Frank Jones was working on the canal at Colt Hill when he was approached by a stranger. The man introduced himself as Tony Haynes and offered to help. Asked what he did for a living, Tony said he was a lorry driver. Now, lorry drivers complete with stock-in-trade are a scarce and valuable breed of volunteer, so work was soon found.

Such is Frank's infectious enthusiasm that Tony soon returned for a working holiday with his wife Annie and friend John, also a lorry driver. Quite what their accommodation was is not clear, but it involved finding bracken to make beds for their sleeping bags. But as we rural folk know, bracken is not easily found at Odiham. It tends to grow more profusely in sandy soil. So the party moved east to Pirbright, home of the British Army, the Deepcut 14 and, of course, acres of bracken which led to the Mystical Order of Bracken Hunters being formed.

But we digress. Following the holiday, Tony and John returned to Curzon Bridge and work on Lock 25 with Duncan, who not only drives lorries but also lays bricks. And so Mob H was formed.

It was at this stage that our volunteer-hungry Frank realised there must be an affinity between lorry drivers and the canal and attempted to recruit more. But before they agreed to press-gang their friends, Frank was required to join Mob H. And to do this he had to pass the lorry drivers' headlights signalling test. Which brings us to the day Frank took to the road and flashed (his headlights, that is) and passed with flying colours. So, if you ever see a line of 10-tonners near the canal you'll know Mob H are down again.
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The lengthsmen scheme has been running successfully now for a number of years, with many of the original people. However, due to recent retirements, there are now two vacancies, both for lengths in the Fleet and Crookham areas. If any member is interested in joining the scheme, which has proved a great help to the Hampshire County Council on several occasions, please contact David Robinson, Fleet 21376.
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Though the winter becomes wetter and colder, the show still goes on. The full range of working parties is still there for you to join in, even though you may first have to break the ice of the frozen canal.

Certain specialist skills apply in some cases; carpenters and brick­layers are much sought after in the lock restoration work at Locks 26 and 27, and building lock gates is definitely a job for craftsmen. But in most cases your presence and willingness are all that are sought.

Below is a list of working parties currently operating. All sorts of things can cause detail changes to any of them, so it's usually best to phone the working party leader before attending; alternatively, contact FRANK JONES and the Ansaphone on Farnborough 45032.

Every weekend Dredging in Hampshire
The grand dredging Armada has moved to Colt Hill and is now working east from there. Help is always needed in servicing the supporting mud boats and dragline. For details of the exact working location contact ROGER THOMAS on Farnborough 40389.

Every week end Dredging in Surrey
After a little local difficulty at Ash Vale , the Priestman Wolf dragline crane has moved to the pound below Lock 25 (Curzon Bridge) and will start dredging when preparations are complete. Further details from ROGER THOMAS on Farnborough 4O389.

First weekend of the month Lock Restoration
(5/6 Feb, 5/6 Mar, 2/3 Apr)
The centre of activity has now moved from Lock 25 to Locks 26 and 27, and to emphasise this a narrow gauge railway has been installed to convey materials from Curzon Bridge to these upper locks. Craftsmen and ordinary workers are needed on these sites. Contacts are:-
Lock 26 - Jim CHISHOLM on Wokingham 785146
Lock 27 - Tony BROOKS on 01-688 3765

Second and fourth weekends of the month Lock Gate Building
(12/13 Feb, 26/27 Feb, 12/13 Mar, 26/27 Mar, 9/10 Apr, 23/24 Apr)
This is specialised work, requiring carpenters who are used to working to tolerances. For details contact BOB BOWHILL on Woking 62916.

Second and fourth Sundays of the month Bridge Hole Clearance
(13 Feb, 27 Feb, 13 Mar, 27 Mar, 10 Apr, 24 Apr)
This party is working in the Ash Vale area, clearing out bridge holes, repairing brickwork and installing stop plank grooves. By the time you read this they should be installed at their new site by Mytchett Place Road Bridge. For exact details contact ALAN GRIMSTER on (work number) 01-211 4448.

Second Sunday of the month Woadham Flight of Locks
( 13 Feb, 13 Mar, 3 Apr)
This party continues to dig out the chamber of Lock 6 (Sheerwater Lock) and when this is finished hopes to do the same to adjoining locks. Contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081 for details.

Second weekend of the month Lock 1 (Woodham)
(12/13 Feb, 12/13 Mar, 10 Apr)
This is a new working party being established by the Guildford branch of the I W A but, of course, welcoming Society members. The first task is to dig out the lock chamber, after which the brickwork will be tackled. Further details from JEFF HOLMAN on Woking 63811.

Third Sunday of the month Mopping up at Curzon Bridge
(20 Feb, 20 Mar, 17 Apr)
There are still a few jobs, mostly by now of a cosmetic nature, to be done at Lock 25. Details from PETER JONES on Aldershot 313076.

Last weekend of the month Offside clearance in Hampshire
(29/30 Jan, 26/27 Feb, 26/27 Mar, 23/24 Apr)
This party, proceeding eastwards, has reached the area of Double Bridge, clearing the offside bank in readiness for the passage of the approaching dredger. For details of the exact working location contact DAVID MILLETT on Fleet 7364.

Various dates Towpath clearance in Surrey
This fairly new party is working in the area of Ash Vale and Deepcut, clearing towpath and offside as necessary. The party meets about once a month, and draws heavily on local scout groups for its man­ power, while also welcoming local residents. This party has recently operated the first fibre-glass ice-breaker on the canal. For dates and details contact DAVID MORGAN on Weybridge 49235.
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Frantic winding with an old Basingstoke Canal windlass, a great rush of water and the new weir at Farnborough Road bridge was officially commissioned. Sunday, 12 December marked the end of a job which had commenced in September 1975 and had taken 800 hours of hard work for Peter Mayne and his team of helpers. A good many members turned up to see this ceremony carried out by Peter's two young daughters, dressed in period costumes, as were other members of his team. It is estimated that the Society's work on this project has saved in the region of £2,000. Those involved are to be congratulated on the high standard of workmanship to be seen in the new weir. Those present who sampled the home made beer must agree that Peter is also a very good brewer.

What started as a ten-day dredging operation between locks 25 (Curzon bridge) and 24 on the Deepcut Flight is now expected to continue until March. As reported in the last newsletter, the canal bed has been dredged from lock 25 to a point half way between locks 27 and 28. Below Curzon bridge, the Hymac excavator had reached lock 20 before work stopped for the Christmas holiday.

The high standard of work and dramatic transformation of the former reed and scrub filled 'ditch' is well worth a visit to see. As is the tremendous progress Peter Jones and his gang have made in restoring lock 25 which is nearing completion. Volunteers are now laying railway tracks along the towpath west of lock 25 which will be used to transport building materials to locks 26, 27 and 28.
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In past years the Society has entered floats in various local carnivals on an ad hoc basis. These carnivals are seen by large numbers of local people and therefore provide very good publicity. The Executive Committee feel that greater importance should be attached to these functions and would therefore like the planning of Society entries to be put on a formal basis. If we are to make the most of this year's carnival season, we will need to start planning fairly soon.
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS David Millett, Fleet
Monday, 7 February 7.45pm. Woking Civic Hall A Slide Evening presented by David Morton, principal of the Teachers' Centre, Farnborough and a well known 'canal enthusiast'. He will entitle his show 'Narrow Boating' and will show slides from all over the canal network based on his own personal cruising in his 70' narrow boat.
Wednesday, 9 February 7.45pm. Teachers' Centre, St Albans Hall, Lynchford Road, Farnborough. Licensed Bar.
Illustrated Talk by Philip Daniell, Resources Development Officer of British Waterways Board. The talk will be entitled 'Canal Oddments' and will feature slides of little known and unusual waterways.
Thursday, 17 February 8pm.
Society Club Night at Railway Enthusiasts Club, Hawley Lane, Farnborough (on A327 Farnborough/Reading road, immediately on the south side of M3 Motorway bridge).
Monday, 7 March 7.45pm. Woking Civic Hall
IIlustrated Talk entitled 'Our Waterways Heritage' by Frances Pratt, Assistant Press Officer of British Waterways Board. The slides will be those of her husband, Derek, whose colour photo­graphy of the waterways scene is second to none and whose work is regularly featured in most waterways books and magazines.
Wednesday, 9 March 7.45pm. Teachers' Centre. Licensed Bar.
Illustrated Talk entitled 'Natural History of the Basingstoke Canal' by Dr Bill Wain and Tony Mundell of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Naturalists Trust.
Thursday, 17 March 8pm.
Society Club Night at Railway Enthusiasts Club.
Monday, 4 April 7.45pm. Woking Civic Hall
Members Slide and Filci Evening. Your opportunity to show your own slides and films for the benefit of other members. Any waterways subject. Please telephone Pablo Haworth on Byfleet 42081 by 28 March if you wish to take part^ or bring your slides to the evening itself.
Friday, 22 April 7.45pm. Aldershot Library. Joint meeting with Inland Waterways Association, Guildford Branch.
Illustrated Talk by Peter White, British Waterways Board Architect/Planner entitled 'There's more in Canals than appears on the Surface'. Saturday, 19 March 7.30pm. Teachers' Centre, Lynchford Road.
SPECIAL ATTRACTION. FOLK EVENING. Come along and enjoy an evening of canal history in narration and song given by the well known 'Pumpkin Pie' from Bath, plus supporting group. LICENSED BAR. Anyone who has seen them before will know they are marvellous entertainers. TICKETS 75p each (including Ploughmans supper). PLEASE BOOK IN ADVANCE. Limited number of seats. See attached application form.

After three years as Social Secretary and due to increasing Society commitments, I would like to hand over the social side as from April and would invite anyone interested in taking over to contact me. Preferably two or three people are needed, with at least one person from each end of the Basingstoke Canal to co-ordinate social evenings at Woking and Farnborough.
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Many thanks to Tony Barron, Don Luff and the engineering staff of Blacknest Engineering Ltd for a superb job in re-profiling the wheels of the Society's narrow gauge Hunslet locomotive. This was a job which few engineering firms in this area could tackle, requiring a lathe which could accommodate an axle 3ft. 6in. long, complete with a pair of pressed on wheels 20in. in diameter, in all weighing about 300lb.

In addition, during cleaning of one of the axles, a serious fatigue crack was discovered and efficiently repaired with a shrunk and welded sleeve, thus saving a costly replacement axle.

Here is yet another example of how local firms are providing invaluable assistance to the Society.
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RAMBLES John Peart, Farnborough 46554
Maybe it was the inclement weather, or possibly the proximity of Christmas which accounted for the small turnout for the December ramble. Only five set out on this very interesting ramble tracing the route of the Itchin Navigation abandoned in 1869.

Despite rain during the morning, the party enjoyed this superb valley walk alongside the clear chalk waters to Eastleigh, where the de-watered section was easily followed as far as Mansbridge, to rejoin the river at Woodmill where the walk ended.

February Ramble. Sunday, 27 February, meet at 10.00am
at Alresford Station (note no BR connections) for 14 miles round trip walk on footpaths. A lunch stop will be arranged at a convenient hostelry. Please let me know by Monday, 21 February if you require food.
Still wanted! Someone to run walks during the summer months. Please ring me for details if you are interested.
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In 1915 Mr A J Harmsworth took delivery of a new barge, built at Honey Street on the Kennet & Avon canal. It was named the Glendower. This barge continued to work until after the last war when it was moored up, above Stable Lock, Woodham. Around 1950 it was moved up the canal to its present position above Arthur's Bridge, Woking. Here it has remained for over 25 years. Decay has been very gradual and its derelict appearance belies its acttal condition. The Glendower has for some time been under our watchful eyes. We are trying to preserve what little remains of the canal's past. The barge would probably have remained where it lay for some years yet, but the imminent start to construction work on a new bridge over the canal meant that the Glendower would have to be broken up. Hopefully this has now been postponed or averted for good. Just before Christmas a few Society members, with the help of Surrey County Council, moved the Glendower downstream about 60ft, enough to prevent its destruction. Four pumps and a plentiful supply of polythene sheeting enabled the hold to be pumped out, and after clearing out several cwt of decayed leaves, a tirfor winch and a little effort made light work of moving the barge out of its resting place.

After pumping and cleaning out of the hold, an examination revealed the timbers to be in remarkable condition considering the age of the barge and its recent years of neglect. What of its future? Well, for the time being it is safe and, contrary to general opinion, we have proved that it can be moved around. Now the property of the County Council, it is to be hoped that the barge will be passed to the Society for safe keeping. One day it may have a use again.
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At an Extraordinary General Meeting held at the Teachers' Centre, Farnborough on 15 December, 130 members of the Society voted unanimously to form the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited.

The Society's Chairman, Robin Higgs, explained that the change was necessary for legal reasons. As an ordinary society, the Executive Committee and possibly members, could be made liable for the Society's debts if it went into liquidation. As members of a limited liability company, members would be liable only for £1 in the event of the Society's liquidation and there being insufficient assets available to meet the liabilities.

Robin thanked our member John Dodwell for drafting the Articles of Association, which are now being formally submitted to the Charities Commission for approval.

The E G M was followed by a very successful Christmas Party organised by Rosemary and David Millett. It included a presentation of prizes resulting from last year's sponsored walk. Among the winners present were Dick Snell and his wife Alison of Ewshot who raised £154; pupils of Byfleet First and Middle School who received their double canoe for raising £156, and 8-year old Martin Watson of Byfleet.

Presenting the prizes, Robin Higgs thanked all those who had helped organise the towpath walk, especially Stuart Browning, Colin Gostelow and Mrs Green of New Haw. It was announced that the 1977 sponsored walk will take the form of a circular 15-mile route starting at the New Haw end of the canal.

Highlight of the party was folk singer Rebecca Over, a regular singer at the Fleet Folk Club (Fox and Hounds, Tuesday evenings) and members enjoyed seasonal refreshments, including sherry and mince pies. Peter and Ray Fethney'took over £30 at their Sales stand, and Graham Wright didn't need to make up his mind in choosing a much sought-after Clive Durlcy framed colour photograph as first prize in the raffle. A good evening was had by all, thanks to Rosemary and David.
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Richard Allnutt, a member of the Society's fund raising committee, has been presenting our restoration project to trustees of foundation and trust funds which have a special interest in supporting environmental projects. As a result of Richard's work, two donations have already been made and other contributions may follow.

The Soeiety is extremely grateful to the Baring Foundation for a donation of £250 and to the Peter Nathan Charitable Trust for £100.

MUSEUM David Robinson, Fleet 21376
It is now several newsletters since I have reported on the progress of this project. It is very much alive, and over the past few months I have received quantities of photographs, all of which are now copied and in the museum collection. My thanks to all the people who have contributed. We now have over 200 photographs in the file. I am still on the lookout for pictures and they don't have to be very old, up to 1948 are of interest at the moment. Please, if you have a photograph or know of the whereabouts of any, let me know. Has any member a photograph of the Ash Embankment when it was full of water? Actual items concerned with the canal still turn up; in fact my garage is looking like a museum!! All this indicates that we must find some kind of premises to house a museum.
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For all working party dates, see separate section.
1 Hampshire C C Public Meeting, North Warnborough
1 Pub evening, Prince of Wales, St Johns
6 I W A Chandlery Bring and Buy Sale
7 Social Evening at Woking Civic Hall
9 Illustrated Talk by Philip Daniell
14 Pub evening, Waterwitch, Colt Hill, Odiham
17 Society Club Evening, Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough
22 Marks & Spencer Fashion-Go-Round
27 Ramble - Alresford

1 Pub evening, Prince of Wales, St Johns
7 Social Evening at Woking Civic Hall
9 Illustrated Talk 'Natural History of the Basingstoke Canal'
14 Pub evening, Waterwitch, Colt Hill, Odiham
17 Society Club Evening, Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough
19 'Pumpkin Pie' at Teachers' Centre, Farnborough

4 Social evening at Woking Civic Hall
5 Pub evening, Prince of Wales, St Johns 11 Pub evening, Waterwitch, Colt Hill, Odiham
21 Society Club Evening, Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough
22 Joint meeting with Guildforcl Branch of I W A
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Another Water Nobsurd is to be held this year as a major fund raising event. This is a colossal undertaking and much help is required.

Labour Officer - someone to liaise with the other volunteers who wish to help with Nobsurd
Poster Distribution - someone to get a group together to distribute the posters for Nobsurd around the towns and factory estates of the area
Rubbish, Toilets, Generators and Electrics - someone to plan and book these utility services for the weekend of 15, 16 and 17 July
Krazee Kraft Organiser - a job for someone with a mad organising mind to run the race vhich will be a big fund raising event
Water Events Organiser - this is a job entailing the co-ordinating of the welly tossing, canoe racing, greasy pole eanal vaulting etc
Hot Air Balloons - a person needed to take charger of co-ordinating the obtaining and timing of the hot air balloons for the weekend.
Good leads to owners supplied
Finally, someone needed to mastermind the Security to and of the site over the weekend.

So, if after reading this lot there's a job there that you would like to do, PLEASE HELP.
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And talking about help needed, we are still looking for a new Sales Manager. If you are interested, phone our Secretary or Peter Fethney, Fleet 5524.

There are now only a few tickets left. Have you bought yours yet? If not, ring Janet Googe, Fleet 5402.
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Dear Editor, December 1976
The Article in the current newsletter on the future of the canal after restoration is worrying me.

As an active member of the Society I am not putting my time and effort into the restoration of the waterway for it to become a museum exhibit. I agree that we need to preserve the unique heritage, but this does not mean we cannot cater for the needs of people from a wide area so that they can enjoy the amenity. If this means the provision of a few public loos and seats, then these should be provided. Future facilities need to be carefully planned, I agree, so that the waterway is not swamped with commercialism or mindless cosmetic treatment.

To provide revenue for the future upkeep of the canal, the bulk of which will come from boat licences and mooring fees, there will also be a need for basins or marinas and they are surely preferable to linear moorings which would destroy the visual character over a wider area.

As you may know, I am also Chairman of an I W A Study Group investigating the canal in the Woking area and when the Group's report is published shortly it will contain recommendations for mooring basins, public viewing areas (incorporating seats) a boat centre and the integration.of recreation grounds with the canal. At the same time there will be recommendations for the restoration and preservation of original canal bridges, the treatment of other existing and future bridges so that they blend better with the environment and the screening of harmful elements, where necessary, from the canal. It is my view, then, and I am sure it is shared by many others in the Society, that the Basingstoke Canal must be a living waterway giving enjoyment to all and not a sterile museum exhibit.
Yours faithfully,
Vic Trott, Woking.
Editors' Note:
Lack of space prevents us from printing a similar point of view expressed by Mike McGrath. Other members welcomed our editorial in Newsletter No. 71, The Farnham Herald printed it in full with the comment: 'Not only is the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society fully occupied with restoring the Basingstoke Canal, they are also very much alive to the problems of its future use'. That nicely sums up the thought we wished to convey.
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The Trip Boat Appeal is now only £4,500 short of the target. To help us further a member has generously promised £2,250 IF the Society can raise an equal amount. This we are confident of being able to do in the near future. You, the members, have donated £1,280 and loaned £360 - a magnificent £1,640. Should any member still like to subscribe to the Appeal, send your donation or loan to the Hon Treasurer without delay - forms are enclosed with this newsletter. As a result of the encouraging response to the Appeal from the membership and various companies, the Executive Committee have decided to proceed with the project. Consequently on 16 December 1976 the boatyard was instructed to start work on building the boat. Meetings have been arranged with the boatyard to finalise design details, and we hope for delivery during the latter part of March this year.
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ALAN Babister reports that the Society's membership stands at 2,278
SUPPORT the Society and help us to promote canal restoration at a Public Meeting being held by the Mytchett, Frimley Green and Deepcut Residents' Association at St Andrews Hall, Sturt Road (opposite the church) on 21 January at 8pm
'BLITZ' visit to the Stratford. Eleven Basingstokers made the third flying visit to the Southern Stratford to help W R G with the mammoth task of upgrading the navigation (no, not the hostelry at Wootton Wawen - although they made an impression there as well) before this year's hire season gets under way
WESTERN Cruisers Limited have offered to donate to the Society 5% on all hirings placed by our members with the Stratford-upon-Avon base. Western Cruisers operate a fleet of steel narrowboats fitted out to the highest standards. Full details can be obtained from D C Miller, Western Cruisers Limited, Western Road, Stratford-upon- Avon, and don't forget to mention S H C S so that the Society funds benefit.
FOR SALE large collection of old canal magazines. 2 x 8-1/2-p stamps for lists to W R G (Stores), 56 Connaught Crescent, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey
IRISH pipe dream. Two Irish labourers, it is rumoured, were recently given the job of laying a sewer pipe under the canal at Fleet. Thinking it was just a water filled ditch, they put a 6" pipe through the bank hoping to drain it and lay the sewer pipe, instead of tunnelling under the canal bed. Laughable, but a burst was averted by a Society member alerting the canal staff.
NEW Duplicating Manager is David Wimpenny qf 57 Pinewood Park, Cove, Farnborough (Farnborough 40415) - thanks for offering your services.
ROUND trip on the inland waterways this summer. Interested in doing 'a leg' with four berth cruiser? - then contact Alan Babister (below).
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COPY DATE for the April newsletter - 1 March

1 left - Peter, Susanna and Belinda Mayne open Farnboroggh Road Weir
1 right - The winners of the canoe in the 1976 sponsored walk
2 left - Peter Mayne at work on Farnborough Road Weir
2 right - The new weir in operation
3 - The barge Glendower being pumped out prior to being moved
3 Inset - Frank Jones and Roger Thomas hard at work with the tirfor winch
4 - The dredger, accompanied by mud boat and engine, pictured at Colt Hill bridge.

Editorial Offices: 45 Durnsford Avenue, Fleet, Tel: Fleet 5308
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking. Tel: Chobham 7314
Working Party Organiser: Frank Jones. Tel: Farnborough 45032
Treasurer: Peter Youngs, The Coppice, 192 Upper Chobham Road, Camberley. Tel: Caniberley 25819
Secretary: Mrs Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough. Tel: Farnborough 49651
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough. Tel: Farnborough 46147
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Last updated April 2005