Newsletter No. 49 President: The Earl of Onslow Mar-April 1973.
It was with these words that our Chairman, David Gerry, closed his speech at the Annual General Meeting in January. It was the most encouraging speech we have heard since the society was formed nearly seven years ago.
As he put it, our greatest achievement so far has been "a thin pink line on a long white strip of paper" - the pink line marking the area included in Hampshire County Council's compulsory purchase order.
He told us that the joint working party to consider the canal's future will be making its recommendations about the end of March. "I cannot state what they will be, but I believe they will please all waterways enthusiasts", he hinted. "It is almost certain that a joint management structure will be recommended. Progress towards the establishment of a Trust has been made and I am happy with the very fair consideration that is being given to it".
As our representative on the working party, the chairman confided that his most difficult task had been to assess the value of voluntary labour. "I have made the point that the availability much depends on the way the counties manage the canal and the personality and leadership qualities of those who staff the project. I am committing you to an awful lot of work", he warned. "I can only hope that you will prove me right".
He expressed his appreciation to the Ministry of Defence, and the debt the society owes to that unusual quarter, for bringing together the working party and giving it every assistance. He also praised Hampshire's Land Agent, Mr. Colin Bonsey. "This man sets the pace for the working party and we are lucky that the canal comes into his area", he said.
"Six years ago when we first started we did not dare to talk about the tunnel and westwards", the chairman continued. "In our recent discussions with Hampshire to stop the destruction of Brick Kiln Bridge we got assurances that nothing would be done to that section of the canal up to Penny Bridge that would preclude restoration, I have been asked to make it clear to you that they are not committing themselves to restoration of the tunnel or the section westwards at this stage. All they will say is that the situation will be constantly reviewed and nothing will be done to preclude ultimate restoration".
He added: "We are not ready for the great day and we never will be. But we can be a lot better prepared for it than we are now. The chairman appealed to more members to volunteer for work - whether it be on working parties, helping with jumble sales, fund raising activities, staffing the sales stand, serving on sub-committees.
He paid tribute to the printing and duplicating team, whose true value could be seen in the cash flow budget - and to the postmen who delivered the Newsletter. More thanks was expressed to committee wives and employers, who granted leave of absence for society business.
The chairman drew attention to the fact that Mrs. Glenys Crocker was leaving the committee. "She is one of those quiet people who sits in committees saying little, but at the right time she puts in a punch line that has so much effect", he said. Glenys will continue to work on design standards for us, and she has just written a history of the canal which will be published by the society.
Ending on a personal note, the chairman pointed out that the society had had the same chairman for six years. "The pink line is a line through the present chairmanship", he said. "The line is not yet complete, but it will be when Surrey's pink line is drawn. We will want a new face for the campaign about to start and we should be making plans for leadership for the next five or six years. We should not be changing chairman too frequently. We must introduce the change smoothly and at the right time".
Adjoining owners
From questions put at the AGM and correspondence we have had with members whose property runs down to the canal bank, it is apparent that approaches have been made by the canal company's agents, Weller Eggar, asking adjoining owners if they wish to buy the land down to the water's edge. No mention is made in the approach of any compulsory purchase order.
In Surrey particularly, it could complicate negotiations if individuals bought this land. Even by offering a nominal sum - say £5 - for a few square yards of canal bank could inflate the price.
We have raised this matter with both county councils, and while they do not like it, it is not illegal and there is nothing they can do about it. Members who are thinking of buying should be warned that they may have to sell the land back to the county council. It was also pointed out that anyone buying a strip of bank would be responsible for its maintenance. If a breach occurred in your portion, the consequences could be costly.
Our advice to any member approached in this way is to think very carefully about it, and take legal advice by consulting your own solicitor.
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2,000th Member
We have now enrolled our 2,000th member - and welcome Dr. and Mrs. McKenzie Ross of Ash Vale to the society.
Financial Statement
A copy of the financial statement which was approved at the AGM is included with this Newsletter. Extracts from the Treasurer's speech in presenting the accounts can be found on Page 7.
RAE Breach
The canal company has now made a settlement of the cost of damage and repairs to RAE property caused when the canal breached in 1968. Our thanks to Mr. Cranley Onslow, MP, for pursuing this matter ao diligently.
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Sunday, April 8: Working Party, Ash Vale barge yard, 10am (See Page 4).
Monday, April 9: Pub evening, New Inn, Odiham (see below).
Wednesday, April 11: Film evening, King's Head, Guildford Road, Frimley Green.
Films: Bridge of Song; Talyllyn Holiday? I. K. Brunei and Rolls-Bentley Pageant, 7.30pm for 8pm.
Sunday, April 15: Ramble, Kennet and Avon Canal. Meet 10am Reading General Station (see back page).
Wednesday, April 18: Working Party meeting, King's Head, Frimley Green, 8pm (see page 4).
Saturday, April 28: Jumble Sale, Church Hall, Albert Street, Fleet, 2.30pm. See below.
Sunday, April 29: Open day, Ash Vale barge yard (see page 4).
Monday, April 30: Pub evening, Swan, Hutton Road, Ash Vale.
Wednesday, May 9: Talk: "De Dion to Dragster" by Michael Ware, Curator of the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu. King's Head, Frimley Green 8pm.
Monday. May 14: Pub evening, New Inn, Odiham.
Monday. May 28: Pub evening, Swan, Hutton Road, Ash Vale.
Sunday, June 10: Ramble, Basingstoke Canal (details next Newsletter)
Monday, June 11: Pub evening, New Inn, Odiham.
Wednesday, June 13: Evening of members' slides, King's Head, Frimley Green, 7.30pm for 8pm. Bring your 12 best slides.
Monday, June 25: Pub evening, Swan, Hutton Road, Ash Vale.
Monday, July 9: Pub evening, New Inn, Odiham.
Wednesday, July 11: Evening of members' 8mm films, King's Head, Frimley Green, 7.30pm for 8pm. Bring along any piece of film about canals, boating etc.
Monday, July 30: Pub evening, Swan, Hutton Road, Ash Vale.
Details: The film evening on April 11 is the last in the present series. I would like to thank all those who have supported them and contributed so generously. The attendance has been well over 300 people. There will be no meeting in August, but I hope to start a new series at the King's Head in September. We shall need two slide projectors for the meeting on June 13, one to take 35mm slides and the other 2" sq. slides. Also, for the film evening on July 11 we shall need an 8mm projector and a super 8mm projector. If you can provide these for the evening ring me at Fleet 21376.
The monthly evenings at The Swan continue to prove popular. Held on the last Monday of the month they provide an opportunity for members to meet and chat with others. For our members at the western end of the canal, another pub evening is to start on April 9 at the New Inn, Odiham. This will take place on the 2nd Monday of each month in the saloon bar. The New Inn is on the B.3016 just south of the canal bridge.
We shall need your help and jumble for a giant jumble sale to be held in the Church Hall, Albert Street, Fleet, 2.30pm on Saturday. April 28. We have a £50 target to beat, so please sort out your jumble. Ring me at Fleet 21376 if you want it collected. We shall need plenty of help on the day, so please offer your services if you can.
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Machinery working parties will be held at the barge yard on April 8 and April 29: when we shall be having another open day. Work renovating and restoring engines and machinery is in progress at Chobham where we are fortunate in having some facilities provided by the Higgs family. To find out more about this, ring Robin Higgs at Chobham 7314. At Ash Vale there is work for all: painting, cleaning and more technical jobs. We might even make a dumper truck driver of you. Ring Bob Humphrey, Chobham 8822 if you have any queries.
This will be held on April 18 at the King's Head, Frimley Green, and will be a general discussion evening. All are welcome, and members who are already active in this sphere are particularly asked to attend if they can.
Do you want something to do now that we have lighter evenings? How about repairing a dinghy for us. It also needs painting. The work can be done at your home, or at Ash Vale if you have insufficient room. Please ring Jeff Holman, Brookwood 3034 if you would like to do this.
The Surrey lengthsmen had an informal gathering at Tony Turner's home on Sunday, March 4. Some useful suggestions and ideas were put forward and it is hoped to put these into practice, so improving efficiency and feedback. A Hampshire group meeting should be announced shortly. The lengthsmen report a lot of activity on the canal by private groups -more power to their muscles!
It has been suggested that a pre-fab footbridge could be built for Fleet weir. This would be built in Fleet in a member's garden. A useful project for the lighter evenings. Any interested members please ring Jeff Holman.
A total of 25 members attended either for one or both days. This was real canal work - the main job was building a concrete and con-block weir race along the side of Lock 40 at Wilmcote Station. This had already been started, when we left it was almost complete despite a concrete mixer breaking its chain and a lack at one time of cement.
Also below the locks, some miles along the canal towards Stratford, a small team was hard at work driving 6ft. sheet piles. Again we were picking up where someone else had left off - a marked difference was noticeable in the quality and looks of our efforts; some 25 yards of canal bank protection and all driven 'navvy' style, with sledgehammers, this proving faster than the compressor and driving hammer supplied. Our visit was much appreciated by the National Trust and the WRG London contingent.
Our visit to the Wey & Arun was attended by about 15 SHCS members. The work site was only 150 yards long but comprised a small forest in the canal bed which had been partly felled. With some of the trees 12" thick a "come-in-handy" chainsaw was essential. Four huge bonfires were started and kept burning all day. This was more of a forestry exercise than canal restoration!
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Officers elected at the first meeting of the new committee are as follows:
Chairman: David Gerry, 10 Fairland Close, Fleet, tel. Fleet 22520
Vice-chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking, tel. Chobham 7314.
Secretary: Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholson, 1 Kielder Walk, Heatherside, Camberley, Surrey, tel. Camberley 29468.
Treasurer: Peter Youngs, The Coppice, 192 Upper Chobham Road, Camberley, Surrey, tel. Camberley 25819.
Other positions were filled as follows:
Social Organiser:_ David Robinson, 14 Brinksway, Fleet, tel. Fleet 21376.
Exhibitions Organiser: John Edmondson, School House, School Lane, Bagshot, Surrey. tel, Bagshot 72331.
Press Officer: Dieter Jebens, 75 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham. tel. Farnham 5230.
Working Party Organiser: Jeff Holman, 22 Willow Green, West End, Voking, Surrey. tel. Brookwood 3034.
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough, Hants. tel. Farnborough 46147.
Newsletter Editor: Miss June Sparey, 8 Beaufort Road, Maybury Estate Woking, Surrey.
Sales Manager: Tony Jarrett, 1 Elms Road, Fleet, tel. Fleet 5308.
Legal Adviser: John Dodwell, 11a Hale Gardens, London W.3.
Representatives or outside bodies:
Surrey Amenity Council: Mrs. Glenys Crocker, 6 Burwood Close, Merrow, Guildford, Surrey, tel. Guildford 65821.
London & Home Counties IWA: Les Harris, 198 Hermitage Woods Crescent St. St. John's, Woking, Surrey, tel. Brookvood 5071.
The following sub-committees have been set up (chairmen's names in brackets):
Design and Sales (Tony Jarrett); Administration (Mrs. Nicholson); Working Party (Jeff Holman); External Affairs (John Edmondson); Social (David Robinson).
Any member who would like to serve on one of these sub-committees should contact the secretary.
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Mrs. Nicholson has given us advance notice that she will not be seeking re-election to the committee at the next AGM, so we will have to find ourselves a new secretary. We also need at present a minutes secretary - someone to come to the monthly committee meetings to take the minutes, type them out and circulate them. Of course one appointment could lead to the other. It is a very interesting job, quite hard work and very vital to our success. A housewife with secretarial experience or a retired person with similar qualifications would be ideal. Please contact Mrs. Nicholson if you are interested. The minutes secretary is a job that needs filling now - can anyone help?
Our subscription rates, which have only been slightly amended since the society was formed, were increased at the AGM as follows:
Category New Rate Old Rate
Junior Membership 50p 30p
Adult Membership £1.20p 60p
Family Membership £1.50p 75p
These amendments were proposed by Alan Babister and seconded by Jeff Holman. The motion on the agenda to abolish the family membership was withdrawn. But in order to simplify paperwork, it was decided to send only one copy of AGM agendas/financial statements to family members, although they will receive two ballot forms in the event of a ballot for the committee. The family membership covers both husband and wife, but there is nothing to stop Lib-type wives becoming members in their own right!
The new subscription rates were printed on the membership renewal form sent out, but we would still like to draw the attention of members who have so far not renewed to them. PLEASE renew now if you haven't done it yet - it saves so much time and paperwork. The AGM also agreed to change the Constitution so that membership lapses after only two months of non-renewal instead of six. Members will only receive one Newsletter after renewal notices go out as we cannot afford to send continual reminders. IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE IT YET - DO IT NOW!
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Amendments to the Constitution
The following amendments to the Constitution, which were detailed on the AGM agenda, were approved. Space prevents us from repeating them in detail in this Newsletter:
Items; l(a); l(b); 2; 3; 4; 4(b); 4(c); 4(d); 4(e); 4(g); 5; 6.
It was decided to leave the rule about the re-admission of expelled members as it is. It was also agreed not to proceed with the proposed amendments to Rules 11 and 12 regarding responsibility and liability.
A new clause in the Constitution was approved, to the effect that the society's AGM must be held at a location within 20 miles of the Basingstoke Canal. All these amendments are subject to the approval of the Charity Commission.
Suggestions for changes/additions/improvements in services put forward in the cash flow budget were also voted on with the following results:
1. Printing the Newsletter - No.
2. Distributing all Newsletters via the GPO - No.
3. Issuing a two-monthly working party news-sheet - Yes.
4. Acquisition of barge for use as club-house - Not at the moment.
5. Erection of substantial building at Ash Vale - Yes.
6. Construction of slipway at Ash Vale - Yes, but not this year.
7. Acquisition of a dredger - No vote taken. Feasibility study made.
Items 5 and 6 will be subject to planning permission. The committee has since agreed that the working party news-sheet will be of more use when restoration work starts.
The AGM itself was very well attended, and we succeeded in filling the large hall at Brookwood. It was a very stimulating meeting, and we thank members for the helpful comments they made and for their continued support.
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HAVE YOURSELF A HOLIDAY '73 - by Peter Walker
Some of you may remember the "blurb" for a camping narrowboat holiday I was organising that appeared in Newsletter No.44. Well, that holiday happened last summer and was such a success that we are going again, in the same boat (two motors), this time for a fortnight. Anyone who would like an inexpensive canal holiday for any part of the time between August 25 and September 8 should contact me for further details immediately. - Peter Walker, 6 Carlyon Close, Farnborough, Hants. Tel. Farnborough 42438.
In presenting the enclosed financial statement to the AGM, our Treasurer Peter Youngs said that at first glance, it may appear that we have not had a particularly profitable year. We committed ourselves to two costly items - the Land Rover and the typewriter - and bought a substantial amount of small equipment. Therefore our material assets are well up on last year - £720 against £340.
Secondly, it was decided as a matter of policy to carry less money in our current account and increase our reserves. Our holding in British Savings Bonds has been increased to £1,000.
Mr. Youngs also drew members' attention to profits from jumble sales. The £106 shown is from two jumble sales only. We would like to increase the number we hold and would appreciate an offer from any member to "host" one - being blunt to do most of the donkey work. A committee member will help any prepared to have a go.
We had three or four very generous donations this year, and the Treasurer recorded his thanks to those concerned. But the bulk of the £340 shown for donations comes from members who voluntarily pay more than their subscription; a commendable practice!
A number of members now pay their subscription by banker's order, and the renewal form contains provision for this as well as for you to covenant your subscription so that we can reclaim the tax on it. But it would make less work and more money if more members adopted this practice.
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Has any member a 35Mm colour slide taken of the canal four or five years ago which shows the canal off to advantage? The Cornish Match Box Co. has offered us some free advertising on their matchboxes if we can find a suitable slide. Offers please to David Robinson, Fleet 21376.
Wanted by penurious committee member: motor cycle sidecar plus any AJS spares. Ring John Edmondson at Bagshot 72331.
Wanted by equally penurious Newsletter Editor: any knick-knacks for an MG Midget - eg hard top, wire wheels, useful spares and unwanted gadgets. Ring Camberley 29463 weekday evenings, Woking 63095 at weekends.
We do not charge for small ads in the Newsletter, which are printed subject to the availability of space. But a donation to one of the society's several funds would be appreciated.
The British Waterways Board now publishes a list of nature trails by waterways - including the Coventry, Kennet and Avon, Shropshire Union, Grand Union, Tavistock, Stratford Canals and the BCN. Further details from BWB, Melbury House, Melbury Terrace. London NW1 6JX.
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It must have been in 1958 that I first crossed Pirbright Bridge, though I did not know it by that name at the time, and saw the most attractive stretch of water. A lunch time exploration revealed it to be fishable - much more so than other nearby reaches of the canal, in which the water lilies were packed so tightly together that the leaves stood on edge to make room for each other.
No, this stretch had not been strangled like the others, instead of the lilies there were healthy strands of bistalt - and at that magic moment of first meeting all were crowned with purple flower heads, forming rafts of colour dotted all over the pool above the lock, then marching up between the woodlands above. Beneath the surface in the clear areas between these beds, could be seen patches of rich oxygenating weeds, hornwort and milfoil. Surely this must hold fish!
A few more stealthy paces and I was guessing no longer - a bronzy flash under the rim of a patch of bistalt drew my eye to the spot and there they were, a couple of score of roach feeding lazily round the weed-stems, their flanks occasionally reflecting the sunshine of that beautiful day, as they gyrated in their three dimensions.
They were no monsters, but most looked half a pound and there were some of twice that size - fish that any angler worthy of the name would be delighted to catch.
That day I had other chores to attend to, but very soon I was back with a rod in my hand. It was the same glorious weather and the shoal was feeding just as I had seen them before. The embankment behind, and the dense vegetation on the opposite bank afforded complete seclusion as I set to the pleasurable task of catching those roach.
It certainly wasn't easy, for they hardly knew what an angler was, let alone a bait! Eventually they succumbed to an interest in the little pinches of breadflake I tossed to them, squeezed just enough to sink slowly and enticingly at the edge of their haven and larder. But not to a baited hook!
They would mouth the bait, but as soon as they detected the slightest resistance caused by the tackle they would reject it. So the day was spent changing the tackle, making it ever more delicate, until finally by presenting the bait beneath the lightest possible float, shotted so that its tip was in fact trapped beneath the surface film, I caught a roach.
That day was over, but with the lesson learned I returned many times that summer and a good number of those fat, deep, healthy roach graced my net. I even caught a tench once, and on another occasion my heart quickened as a truly colossal tench - all of six pounds - glided past beneath the rod tip.
Two summers passed before I could renew the acquaintance, but when I did my heart sank. The lower lock gate, never in good health, had deteriorated further and the depth was now a half of that in which that shoal of roach had gambolled. And worse yet: with no 'draw' on the water a solid layer of duckweed had colonised the water surface, shutting out the light from all the life beneath. It smelt, too, as though something had died.
All anglers are said to be optimists, so perhaps that is why I will always remember the canal as it was when I first saw it. Could it ever be like that again, I wonder?
The above article was written by a member of the society for the Newsletter. Contributions for the Newsletter, however brief, are always welcomed, as are letters on any topic for publication. The Newsletter Ed's address is on the back page.
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MONEY MATTERS by Peter Youngs, Treasurer
Trading stamps
As a result of the very successful outcome of our appeal for trading stamps (see below) the committee has decided to extend the scheme for collecting stamps by accepting an offer from member Mr. Ian Chidlaw who has volunteered to act as our Trading Stamp Organiser. Will all members who have stamps to spare, or who are willing to donate them in the future, please send them to Mr. Chidlaw at The Oaks, Green Lane, Ashtead, Surrey. All stamps will be welcome whether they be Green Shield, S & H Pink, Co-op or the lesser-known brands. This is your chance to help swell the Society's funds in a pretty painless way - so don't refuse any stamps you are entitled to, take them and pass them on to Mr. Chidlaw.
Land Rover/Typewriter Appeal Fund
The final figures for this appeal are: donations (cheques, postal orders and cash)- £238.35; trading stamps - 27 books worth approximately an additional £12. A truly magnificent response from the membership, and to all of you to whom it has not been possible to send individual acknowledgements please accept our thanks through the medium of the Newsletter. Both the Land Rover and the typewriter are already giving valuable service in their respective spheres of activity, while at the same time easing problems which frequently confronted your committee in the past in maintaining and increasing the momentum of our campaign.
Payment of subscription by Banker's Order
Renewal subscription forms have recently been despatched to all members - and we hope that some are on the way back to us. But by an oversight, members who already pay by banker's order have been included in the distribution list.
If you are one of those who already pays by banker's order and have received a renewal form, please ignore it. It may be that some of you will be affected by the increased subscription rates which came into effect from March as a result of a decision taken at the Annual General Meeting that all subscriptions should be increased.
If you are in this category, a revised banker's order form will be sent to you shqrtly. These are now being prepared and will be despatched to you as soon as they are ready. In the meantime, please leave your payment arrangements as they stand at the present time.
Payment under Deed of Covenant
To those of you who have agreed to pay your subscriptions under a Deed of Covenant, this is advance notice that you will shortly be receiving from me the standard tax form which will require your signature confirming that you pay your subscription by Covenant. This form has to be completed for each year that the Covenant runs, to enable the Society to claim back the appropriate tax from the Inland Revenue.
Depending on when your Covenant took effect, you may get one, two, or three forms in respect of the current and previous two years. I shall be grateful if, when you receive these, you will return them as quickly as you can, preferably by return of post, as I wish to lodge them all with the Inland Revenue as soon as possible.
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To Mr. G. Woodger of Weybridge for the donation of an excellent cross-cut saw and a fine chisel. Have you any unused tools (gardening, bricklaying, carpentry etc.)? If so, please ring Jeff Holman (Brookwood 3034 or John Edmondson (Bagshot 72331). Please note: John Edmondson's phone number has slightly altered by the addition of a 7.
RAMBLERS' CORNER by John Peart (Tel. Farnborough 46554
The fine weather now associated with Society rambles brought a superb attendance for our February ramble around Farnham. Particularly welcome were the contingents of Basingstoke ramblers and the group of girls from Robert Haining School, Mytchett. Please come again - perhaps on our April ramble?
Sunday, April 15 is the date, and the ramble aims to follow the Kennet and Avon Canal westwards from Reading for around 14 miles to Thatcham. This should be a comfortable towpath walk as the K & A Trust members have been active on this stretch. A lunch stop will be taken at Theale where The Three Kings (Jack's Booth) will provide the usual bar snacks. The landlord has requested advance warning of numbers so please let me know if you want this facility by April 1. The walk will end at Thatcham (though "hard cases" may like to try for Newbury - 18 miles). For those wishing to return to Reading the Alder Valley bus service No. 2 runs hourly from Thatcham. This service could also prove useful for anyone wanting to walk to or from the half-way point only, but please let me know if you will be doing this as timings could be affected.
Meet: Reading General Station, 10am (the main line station).
Dates for our other 1973 rambles are: June 10, August 12, October 14, and December 9. Put them in your diary now!
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LOCK GATES - By John Edmonson
I am pleased to report that this project is progressing well ahead of schedule. We started construction work in the middle of January after a long wait for delivery of the timber, and such has been the enthusiasm of our carpenters that we have already had to move down to the yard at Ash Vale to start assembly of the cut timbers. We believe that these will be the first pair of lower gates ever to be built using entirely voluntary labour, and when they are finished there will be a Grand Ceremony to mark the event, to which all will be invited. This will probably be at the end of May or the beginning of June - more details in the next Newsletter.
If you would like a souvenir of this pair of gates, how about this for an idea? We shall be producing a limited number of paperweights/ornaments from offcuts from the gate frames. These will measure 4" x 2" x 2" and one face will bear the inscription "SHCS". The cost of each paperweight will be 50p and further donations towards the cost of the gates will be very welcome. If you would like to have a paperweight reserved for you, please drop a line to me, John Edmondson, School House, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5BP. Do not send any money at the moment.
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It has been suggested in the past that the Society should have a natural history section. Now it seems to be happening — a member, Mr. P. M. L. Barnes, of 15 Beech Road, Fleet, has offered to organise it. Anyone who is interested in joining the section, helping with it, or has any useful suggestions to make about it, please contact Mr. Barnes direct.
The autographed copy of Paul Vine's book "The Royal Military Canal" which we raffled in aid of the restoration fund raised more than £20. The raffle was drawn at the AGM and the book was won by Mr. D. Herd, of Holly Road, Cove, Farnborough.
Newsletter Editor: Miss June Sparey, 8 Beaufort Road, Maybury, Woking, Surrey. Tel. Woking 63095 (weekends only), Camberley 29463 (weekday evenings)
Hon. Secretary: Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholson, 1 Kielder Walk, Heatherside, Camberley, Surrey. Tel. Camberley 29468.
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