No 101FEBRUARY 1982
Inside cover --
Although this Society campaigned vigorously for an autonomous management of the Basingstoke Canal by the formation of a Trust, the emergence of the Joint Management Committee may, in some respects, prove a more practical administration. It would have been a tremendous act of faith if the county councils had agreed to lease the canal to an independent body, and so the formation of the JMC seems a reasonable compromise. But with responsibility for the canal still under the direct control of the two separate local authorities, it remains to be seen what influence the JMC will have. Describing the Committee's function as 'co-ordinating' the management ..... 'Monitoring' the restoration programme..... and 'recommending' a capital expenditure programme..... falls a long way short of the corporate management responsibility which the Society had in mind.
The question of the JMC's power was raised by Coun. Ray Warden (Surrey Heath) in respect of riparian planning applications which are becoming an increasingly important aspect of the waterway's future and ultimate value as an amenity. In the absence of any real power to control bank-side developments, the Committee agreed to draw up a set of guidlines for the protection of the canal.
Having no precedent, the Committee's contribution and influence towards operating the canal as an entity lies with the determination of its members. The fact that representation covers a wide spectrum of interested parties - the two local authorities, riparian councils, the Society and users - is the basis of a practical and functional body. Added to which is the unilateral enthusiasm to see the waterway re-opened and appreciation of its unique value as an amenity.
The Committee's agreement on the need to protect the environment of the canal and its desire to influence planning decisions is a positive outcome of its first meeting. We shall watch the committee's progress with interest.
In the meantime wo welcome the formation of the Joint Management Committee and wish its members success in the all important task and need to run the canal as an entity; unite user interests and protect the waterway's environment.
Subscriptions are due on 1st March, so if you normally pay by cheque or cash,
please renew your subscription using the form enclosed with this Newsletter.
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The canal above Barley Mow Bridge, Winchfield in January this year.
The beauty and bitterness of the winter scene pictured by Clive Durley.
(1) Volunteers restoring St. John's (Woking) top lock. In
1980 Spar grocers contributed £5,000 towards the cost in awarding Marguerite
Redway first prize in their national environmental improvement scheme.
(2) Society working party leaders meet to discuss restoration plans at St. John's:
back row - Tony Gould, Jules Wood, Peter Redway, Alan Grimster and Peter Oates (Southampton Canal Society). Front row - Mike Fellows and Peter Jones.
(3) Ken Halls instructing young volunteers at Lock 11.
(4) Presenting Shell U.K. Ltd.'s cheque for £500 to the Society, Mrs. Yvonne Joyce pictured with Frank Jones, Richard Allnutt and David Millett.
(5) The attractively re-built Cowshott Bridge, immediately below Deepcut lock 17, which won the Society £5.00 in Shell's annual Waterways Restoration Awards scheme. The work was done by MSC supervisory bricklayer Jim Reid, Society bricklayer John Park
and MSC supervisor Martin Smith.
(Photos by Clive Durley and Dieter Jebens).
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The extremely bad weather of December slowed progress of volunteer working parties
somewhat, but we must hope that the New Year will in due course bring some improvement.
There are no recent major achievements to report on the volunteer side, though
steady and reasonable progress continues on the St. Johns flight of locks. The full-
time workers are now well into the repair of the run-off weir at Ash Vale, and are
installing stop planks at certain bridge holes along the Deepcut-Ash pound. On the
Deepcut Flight they are involved in the installation of lock gates and various other
Volunteer working parties active are listed below. It is usually advisable to contact your working party leader a few days before attending, just in case of any last minute changes of plan.
Every weekend. St. Johns Flight
A major job which has received a large amount of effort here is the building of the compound. This will enable the secure storage of most of the equipment required on this restoration job, and effort expanded now should prove invaluable in future in allowing much more efficient operation of working parties.
Restoration of Lock 11 continues to move steadily forward on several fronts. The first chamber wall has progressed further, the wing-walls and the bywash inlet have received plenty of attention, and the bottom cill has been excavated. At Lock 10 the stone quoins have been taken down (there was good reason for this, before industrial archaeologists cry 'vandalism'). The concrete of the bottom cill has been poured and further progress has been made on the wing-walls.
The co-ordinator of volunteer work -on this flight is MIKE FELLOWS (Wokingham 787428), and for further details you should contact him, or one of the working party leaders listed below. There will be a four day working party over Easter - 9th to 12th April, on this flight.
Lock 11
Every other weekend - 6 - 7 Feb, 20 - 21 Feb, 6 - 7 Mar, 20 - 21 Mar, 3 - 4 Apr,
17 - 18 Apr.
KEN HALLS on Woking 23981 and PETER REDWAY on Woking 21710.
Locks 10 and 9
First weekend of the month - 6/7 Feb, 6/7 Mar, 3/4 Apr, TONY GOULD on 01-941-3014.
Second weekend of the month - 13/14 Feb, 13/14 Mar, 10/11 Apr, PETER OATES. (Southampton Canal Society) on Southampton 463l88.
Second and fourth Sundays of the month - 14 Feb, 28 Feb, 14 Mar, 28 Mar, 11 Apr, ALAN GRIMSTER ON Brookwood 6127.
Third weekend of the month - 20/21 Feb, 20/21 Mar, 17/18 Apr, JULES WOOD on Farnborough 515737.
Fourth weekend of the month - 27/28 Feb, 27/28 Mar, PETER JONES on Aldershot 313076.
Every weekend Dredging in Hampshire
The operation has continued with some problems but no major setbacks. The dredger
has passed her annual boxler inspection and the team are carrying on dredging. They
are now starting on the formidable task of tackling the Dogmersfield slip, and
would welcome any additional helpers. For further details you should contact BRIAN
BANE on Hook 3627 or ANDY STUMPF on Watford 37278.
First weekend of the month Lock Gate Assembly
6/7 Feb, 6/7 Mar, 3/4 Apr.
The assembly of top gates for the Deepcut Flight is now complete, and this party is now tackling the much larger bottom gates, of which five pairs have still to be done. They are also likely to be involved in installation of gates on this flight. For further details contact FRANK JONES on Deepcut 5711.(canal workshop) or Camberley 28367 (home).
Second weekend of the month Lock 5 (Woodham)
13/14 Feb, 13/14 Mar, 10/11 Apr.
This party are now preparing to address their biggest remaining task, the rebuilding of the top cill. They have also some sizeable jobs to do around the bottom end of the lock. For further details contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081.
Third weekend of the month Lock 1 (Woodham)
20/21 Feb, 20/21 Mar, 17/18 Apr.
This party are still waiting for conditions to be right for the concrete of the
bottom cill to be poured, and in the mean time are taking care of miscellaneous
jobs around the lock chamber. When the cill has been poured the rebuilding of the
chamber walls will start. For further details contact DICK HARPER-WHITE on
Weybridge 42074 or ROY DAVENPORT on 01-979-7075.
Last Sunday of the month Bankside work in Hampshire
28 Feb, 28 Mar.
This party tackles various banksido jobs along the towpath of the Hampshire section,
particularly in the Fleet-Odiham area. The work is unskilled and suitable for
young people and family parties. For further details, including work location,
contact DAVID MILLETT on Fleet 7364.
Various weekends Lower Wilderness Weir
It is very much to be hoped that this project can be completed soon. There are also some tidying up tasks to be done at Broad Oak. For details of both jobs, contact PETER MAYNE on Camberley 24701.
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In the October 1981 Newsletter a vacancy for the post of Honorary Secretary to the Society was advertised. We are pleased to announce that a member has come forward for this position and, in view of the quick response, Lise Hamilton decided to resign as Secretary at the December Executive Committee meeting to permit an early handover.
Philip Riley, who is the volunteer, was, therefore, co-opted to fill the vacancy on the Executive Committee and was appointed Honorary Secretary as from that meeting. Philip has been a member for a number of years and has been involved with both lock working parties and with fundraising. He is a Solicitor with the British Aircraft Corporation at Weybridge. All correspondence for the Secretary should now be sent to him at 'Meadow Vale', Guildford Road, Normandy, Guildford, Surrey, GU32AS. (Telephone Worplesdon 234776)
The Society is indebted, to Lise Hamilton for all the work she has put in over the last 7 years in a period which has seen the Society change considerably. Lise, who is not leaving the area, will now be able to devote all her energies to the needs of her growing family of two children.
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS Surrey - Michael Grist - Woking
Hampshire - David Millett - Fleet
First of all, apologies for the incorrect date given in the last Newsletter for the February meeting at Woking Centre Halls. We hope not too many members were inconvenienced by the error. Please continue to support these social evenings and bring along your friends and potential new members. The more the merrier.
FLEET SOCIAL EVENINGS 4th Wednesday of the month (except March) All at the Prince
of Wales, Baronial Room, Reading Road South, Fleet. bar, coffee and Sales Stand.
Wednesday 24th February.
Our annual members film and slide evening. Please bring along your films and slides taken during the past year. Waterways scenes, holidays etc. Telephone David Millett if you are able to bring along films or slides, or bring them on the evening.
Wednesday 17th Mnrch 7.45pm, (Note 3rd Wednesday)
John Clinch, Chairmam of the South Warwickshire branch of the Inland Waterways Association will show slides with the title 'Bits that fell off' - or 'The Remainder Waterways of England, and Wales'. Included will be slides of the Brecon and Abergevenny Canal, the Kennet and Avon Canal and many others.
Friday 19th March, 7.45pm. Prince of Wales, Fleet
Having defeated the Solent and Arun Branch of the IWA by 101 points to 52 and the Wey and Arun Canal Trust by 81 points to 70 our quiz team of Peter Oates, Peter Jones, Clive Durley and Chris Brazier wnuld appreciate your support in the final gainst the Reading Branch of the Kennet & Avon Canal Trust. So why not come along and show them that you care as well as learning more about the waterways.
WOKING SOCIAL EVENINGS - 2nd Monday of the Month. All at Woking Centre Halls.
Bar, coffee, Sales Stand.
Monday 8th March. 7.45pm.
Our annual visit from the waterways personality, John Humphries. This year he will be presenting a film show and lecture entitled. 'Across Germany by Rhine and Maine'.
Wednesday 7th April. 7.45pm. (Note Wednesday NOT Monday)
A selection, of vintage transport films covering the subjects of 'Canal, Rail and Tram'.
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Canoe Trials time is here again and this very popular event will be held this year on Sunday April 25th, again based at Reading Road Bridge, Fleet. The Society will jointly organise the event with the Westel Canoe Club with assistance from the Basingstoke Canal Canoe Club. Distances will be 6, 12, 20 and 30 miles with various time options in each distance category. The event is suitable for the expert and notice alike, both young and old.
It is also a very good spectator event with starting times for the popular 12 and 6 mile events at 11.30am. and lpm. All the canoeists, will be finishing from 2pm. onwards. On the site will be refreshments, Society sales and exhibition stand__ and also tradr stands with a wide range of canoes and canoeing equipment for sale, including clothing. Admission free for spectators. Last year around 450 canoeists took part and a similar number are expected this year.
Full details and entry forms from:Jeff Simmons, 52 Ashgrove Road, Ashford, Middx. TW15 1PJ (Tel: Ashford. Middx 55085) or from Mrs. Rosemary Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hants. (Tel: Fleet 7364).
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People who have really good reasons for not doing physical restoration work on the canal - i.e. age, infirmity, or like myself, distance from it (I live about 300 miles away) have no need to feel guilt or annoyance when members are urged to get their old clothes and wellies on and come to dig, and I'm sure they don't. I personally feel only regret that so far I have managed but one day's actual work at a lock, although I have tried to help by raising funds on a couple of sponsored walks, bought raffle tickets etc.
What does annoy me is the assumption that 'ladies' are only capable of fund raising events, and that doing the actual restoration is MAN'S work, and how clever the little wives are who stay at home and do the garden, clean the car and all the other jobs that millions of single women take for granted.
EVERY member of the Society plays some sort of part in the restoration - just paying a subscription raises money, and not only ladies can join in with handicrafts. There are plenty of men who can do just as well as the women - and there's nothing effeminate about them, either.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day on the lock and I hope eventually to move back south when I shall be able to do much more.
Doreen Maynard,
51 Fell View, Gosforth, Seascale, Cumberland.
Dear Editors,
At the time of writing the 100th edition of the Newsletter is just being delivered and I would like to report that I have already had some response to my letter in that edition; come on the rest of you give the Society some more help now and call me (Rosemary Millett, Fleet 7364 and offer your help to run a jumble sale. Or perhaps you have some good ideas of your own - let's make it a bumper year for fund raising in 1982!
Remember - many hands make light work!
Rosemary Millett,
14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hants.
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We are trying to get organised earlier this year. Please book May 16th in your diaries and start asking sponsors now to sign the booklet enclosed with this Newsletter. Despite appalling weather and conditions you raised £2,500 gross in 1981 for restoration work. We intend to do at least twice as well this year. The whole walk will be a long one - Woking to Fleet is about 18 miles - but you can start at either end or from any of the 10 marshal points and how far you walk is entirely up to you. What's more, Mr. and Mrs. Coles of Woking, who won the cup for raising the most money on the 1981 walk, have thrown out a challenge to all-comers in 1982 to beat their achievement of £126.50
We're inviting other organisations and schools to join us as we hope the tow-path will be crowded. (Incidentally, we are asking that all young people under 16 should be accompanied by an adult and marshals will be asked to ensure that this happens).
Sponsored Canoeists will also be very welcome - all we ask is that they obtain the appropriate signature at the various marshal points.
We're determined to make this year's event a success so please start your own preparations now. Any questions should be addressed to Vic Trott, Woking 68607, Aubrey Slaughter, Fleet 23102 or Derek Truman, Fleet 3435.
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(behind the church in Kings Road, Fleet on right hand side half way into Fleet from Pondtail Bridge).
Rosemary Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet. Tel: Fleet 7364
or Janet Hedger, 7 Gorseway, Fleet, Tel. Fleet 7465
If you cannot deliver or live in another area please ring us and we will arrange for collection.
Please ring us if you are free on that morning and you can come and help.
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The first meeting of a Joint County Council Management Committee for the Basingstoko Canal was held on Friday 13th November 1981. The Committee is expected to meet at least twice a year to co-ordinate the management of the restored parts of the canal; monitor the restoration programme; and co-ordinate and make recommendations for expenditure on recreational facilities.
Coun. Lt. Col. Sir James Scott. High Sheriff of Hampshire was elected Chairman; Coun. Sir Michael Creswell, Surrey's Countryside Committee's Chairman is Vice-Chairman.; Mr, D.C.Rice (SCC), Secretary and Mr. John Ellery, Hampshire's assistant county treasurer acting as Treasurer. The County Councils each have three seats.
The Society with two seats, was represented by Mr. Frank Jones (MSC Deepcut project co-ordinator) and Mr. Robin Higgs (Chairman); boating interests were represented by thu Chairman of the IWA's Guildford and Reading branch. Other special interests including anglers, ramblers and conservationists have one seat each, as have riparian borough and district councils Guildford, Hart, Rushmoor, Surrey Heath and Woking.
The effect of planning decisions on the environment of the canal was discussed following Coun. Ray Warden's (Surrey Heath) plea for the new Committee to be given the power to take an active part in planning appeals involving riparian land.
He pointed out that whereas Hampshire County Council had designated their length of the canal a conservation area, this did not apply to the Surrey length. He urged that restored lengths in Surrey should be made conservation areas immediately rather than wait until restoration of the entire length was completed.
It was agreed that a set of guidlines should be drawn up to protect the canal from developments which threatened its environment.
Other points which emerged:
*David Gerry, Hampshire's Canal Manager estimated that dredging of the Hampshire length would take another five or six years to complete using the Society's steam dredger. It had taken seven years to complete five miles and another four miles still had to be dredged.
*In the current financial year Hampshire had contributed £114,900 towards restoration and had received £7,900 in income.
*Surrey's contributicn was £91,200 which, deducting an income of £10.000 from houseboat mooring fees, is split 50/50 between the county and district councils, the county paying £40,600 and the six riparian district councils sharing the balance.
*Local riparian councils in Hampshire may be asked to contribute in a similar way soon. Coun. David Boorman (Woking) and Coun. Ray Warden (Surrey Heath) both commended local councils' contributing towards restoration.
*The MSC restoration project at Deepcut represented an estimated value of £100,000 in 1981 with the Society's direct contribution valued at an additional £50,000 input.
*It was proposed that a Basingetoke Canal Advisory Group be set up, reporting to the joint management committee, representing riparian parish councils, the Army,, PSA, Countryside Commission, Sports Council, Thames Water Authority, National Trust, farming and local civic societies. The BCAG will combine the activities at present carried out by consultative groups in both counties. It is hoped that the Group will be formed in 1982.
*Up to 500 boat licences for the canal will be issued in 1982 of which a maximum of 150 will be for powered craft.
A joint licence will be issued covering use of the canal from the Whitewater winding hole at North Warnborough to Frimley top lock.
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Despite a vicious storm and flood water during the weekend 19th-20th September, the Festival organised by the IWA's Guildford and Reading Branch, in conjunction with the centenary celebration to mark Godalming as the first town to be lit by electricity, was rated a success.
Around 170 boats, including many 70-foot ex-working narrow boats rallied below Godalming Town Bridge for the Festival Among them were the famous 'Northwich' and 'President'.
The event was opened by John Humphries, chairman of the Water Space Amenity Commission and a Vice-President of the IWA who was introduced by the Festival's Chairman, Geoff Bailey.
Society boat owning members Vic Trott, Mike Grist, Bill Bristow and Ray
Treadwell joined the rally. Our Chairman, Robin Higgs, was among the VIP party
aboard the Harry Stevens to review the visiting craft.
Rosemary and David Mllett manned a Society sales stand and a canoeing marathon was organised, starting at Fleet on the Basingstoke Canal, by the Westel Canoe Club.
Attractions included a 'Real Ale' tent and entertainment by the Mikron Theatre Company.
On Sunday 27th September a dedication service was held at lock 1 on the Basingstoke with a ceremony to unveil a plaque in memory of the late Harley Watkins who made a legacy towards restoration of the lock.
Profits from the Festival, amounting to £1,600 were divided equally between the Society, the National Trust for the replacement of a towpath bridge below Stoke Lock, and the Wey and Arun Canal Trust for a feasibility study into re-joining the Canal with the River Wey at Shalford. In addition the IWA has donated £400 towards the restoration of Lock 1.
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An emergency call out procedure has recently been re-issued by Hampshire County Council. The document has been circulated to local Police Stations, the Society's voluntary lengthsmen and the Ministry of Defence.
In the event you should spot an emergency situation on the canal, e.g. collapsed bank, burst culvert or fallen tree which has caused damage or a road obstruction, then call the local police immediately who will contact the cancel staff. The canal staff will be responsible for taking remedial action, either dealing
with the problem themselves or by calling in the Fire Brigade, Army or volunteers as necessary. Thy Police will provide a communication network and traffic control.
So, if you see anything on the canal that you think constitutes an emergency endangering life or property - call the local Police in the first instance.
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The Basingstoke Canal figures prominently in local awards madd by Shell U,K. in their annual national waterways restoration scheme.
At a presentation held on Sunday 15th November last, at Cowshott Bridge, Mrs. Yvonne Joyce, wife of Shell's Public Relations Manager for the South East, presented David Millett with a cheque for £500 towards restoration of Cowshott Bridge.
The IWA's Guildford and Reading Branch was awarded £275 towards the restoration of Lock 1. Other awards made were to the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust (£500 for Padworth Lock): Weybridge Residents Assoc. (£140 for Town Lock, Wey Navigation) and to Pewsey Boat Club. At a separate presentation the same day the Wey and Arun Canal Trust received £550 for Cooks Bridge, Gosden and Elmbridge.
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A sign that the Basingstoke Canal no longer suffers the stigma of being classified a 'lost waterway' is in the increasing number of topographical leaflets and books encouraging exploration of the canal.
The latest one is a newT paperback describing 16 walks in Surrey, including a length of the Basingstoke.
Joan Youle has chosen Brookwood Station as her starting point for a 6-mile circular route walking westward along the towpatn to Curson bridge and back via
Pirbright village.
The writer refers to the efforts of the Society to save the canal and the restoration work being done by dedicated volunteers adding observantly ('There are never enough').
Her apparent knowledge of wildlife adds further interest to the text. I particularly liked her reference to the late J.E. Lousley who wrote of the rare water plants along the Deepcut length of the canal in 'Flora of Surrey' and, warned that the acquatic natural history was being threatened by falling water levels. That was in the 1950s. The semi-derelict years must have taken their toll but, with the lock chambers now restored, most of them re-gated and the pounds being re-filled with water, much of the natural history will revive.
Joan Youle's optimistic note - 'You might even see a Kingfisher!' is more than possible. Frank Jones, M.S.C. Co-ordinator, spotted one below Curzon Bridge not long ago.
The Spur Book of Surrey Rambles will appeal to the family walkers perhaps more
than the intrepid hiker. Most of the walks are 4-6 miles in distance, ideal for an unhurried half-day's exploration. Each walk has a clear sketch map of the route, the distance and 0.S. sheet reference number.
Published by Spurbooks (a division of Holmes McDougall Ltd.) Edinburgh. 64 pps. Price £1.25
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Our member Richard Allnutt, who has been responsible for raising substantial sums of money donated by charitable trusts writes, 'Could there be a further appeal and progress report on Cowshott Bridge?'
Donations towards the restoration nf Cowshott Bridge have been made by: The Manifold Trust (£250); The Mercers' Company (£200); The Frognal Trust (£500); Thames Water Authority (£500); The Grocers' Company (£250); The Robert Kiln Charitable Trust (£250); Shell U.K, ltd. (£500); and Society members (£296.67).
Our grateful thanks tc all tbose who have contributed so generously but it is disappointing that Society members who once raised £1,000 for capping bricks to restore bridges over the Hampshire length, have largely left the appeal for £5,000 unanswered.
The good news is that restoration - or rather the re-building of Cowshott Bridge just below Deepcut Lock 1?7 - has been completed.
Those who knew the former derelict bridge, decayed lock chamber and the utilitarian pontoon substitute canal crossing, will be amazed how this depressing site has been transformed by the recreation of the attractive brick arched bridge.
The bad news is that unless we can raise the outstanding amount of £2,154, it will have to come out of Society funds for which there are a great deal of other demands.
We suspect that many merabers intended to make a donation but sinply have not got around to it. That is certainly the case with one member of the editorial team who is about to write a cheque for £5. It only needs another 430 members to do the same and the problem will be solved.
Please send your donation to: Bryan Jones (Hon. Treasurer), Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Ltd., 16 Bliss Close, Basingstoke, Hants.
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In spite of the country's general air of gloom, 1981 was another succesful year for the John Pinkerton, even showing an increase in profits. None of this would have been possible without the crews to whom a sincere vote of thanks is due.
Judging by the number of charters already booked, 1982 should be equally good for the boat and the object of this note is to appeal for more crew members. It is a very pleasant way of doing one's bit for the canal and does
not call for any grsat skill; in fact one of our regular crews actually started steering the John Pinkerton to practice for their first canal holiday. We train steerers on the Tuesday club nights and we also intend to h&ve a whole day session one Sunday before the season starts - more details in the next Newsletter.
I am aware that there may be people who have already volunteered their services but have not been asked to crew. In some cases this may just be due to an oversight on our part for which we must apologize. However, a few words about the background organisation of the boat might help to put things in perspective and indicate why some people get asked to crew more often than others.
First of all our chief object is to raise money for the Society - providing entertainment for the members is a happy byproduct. The crewing organizer (Malcolm Pickett, bravely entering his second year in the job) has to find crews for over a dozen trips a week in midsummer. His natural inclination is to do this with as few phone calls as possible (they cost time and money). Therefore, if someone comes along end says he can provide a full crew for, say, every Friday evening he will be greeted like a long lost brother and booked. Such paragons fortunately do exist, with the weekday daytime crew being a prime example.
Of course, not everyone can arrange their lives this way, but it is a great help to Malcolm if you can provide a complete crew (normally four people but three is OK if you know what you are doing) or even just a pair. It also makes the crewing easier and more relaxed if you all know each other. The most difficult trip to find a crew for is the Sunday evening one so you will get a warm welcome if you can help then.
The really difficult person to fit in is the single bod who is only interested in steering the boat on weekday evenings. However, don't be deterred from coming forward - we may be able to find you a galley-slave to team up with!
We have a small booklet printed giving instructions for crews so if you would like to gen up before the season starts give me a ring (Fleet 6964) or drop me a line (79 Gally Hill Road, Church Crookham, GU13 0RU).
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David Millet, Philip Riley and Derek Truman, the 3 trustees of the 200 Club, thank all those who have taken out subscriptions. (Individual acknowledgements will not be sent in order to minimise administrative expenses). The first draw will take place in February after this Newsletter is printed so the list of prizewinners will appear in the next edition.
It's not too late to join the 200 Club but since late entrants will only be eligible for 5 draws, the subscriptions will be £10 or 10 monthly payments of &1 by standing order. If you still have the application form, please send it suitably amended to Derek Truman, 91 Tavistock Road, Fleet, Hants, or ring him on Fleet 3435 to ask for a new one. (The amendments are simple - substitute '£10' for'£12' and 'April' for 'February') Dont forget you can have more than one subscription.
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SINCERE thanks to Banbury Branch of Inland Waterways Association for donation of £100.
HELP needed, by Banbury IWA for their Auction & Fayre on 18th April 1982. Local members should contact Mr. F.T. Wheatland-Clinch on Croughton 810786.
GUIDED tours available round St. Johns locks prior to AGM. Come early on 27th March and see for yourself the progress being made.
SOMEONE with knowledge of steam and diesel and time to spare during the week needed for general maintenance and servicing of dredger to relieve weekend crew. Would suit retired Engineers. Contact Brian Bane on Hook 3627.
UNSOLD items from last Jumble including fur coat realised £200 at local Auction Rooms. See enclosed announcement for next Jumble Sale - your 'cast-offs' may be worth more than you think!
CENTENARY Festival of Slough Canal to take place over early May Bank Holiday. Entry forms available from Chris Brazier.
REMINDER to those going on the coach trip to Derbyshire on 1-3 May - final payment is due by 1st March 1982.
SPECIAL OFFER - Society ties - £3,25; Car Badges - £3,00. Both available from Aubrey Slaughter, 36 Fir Tree Way, Fleet GU13 9NB (Tel: Fleet 23102).
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24th Members Film and Slide Evening. Prince of Wales, Fleet 7.45pm.
26th 19th Century Pumping Engines, Southcote Library, Reading 7.30pm.
27th Barn Dance, St. Johns Memorial Hall, Woking 8.00pm.
8th Across Germany by Rhine and Maine, Woking Centre-Halls. 7.45pm.
17th Remainder Waterways, Prince of Wales, Fleet. 7,45pm.
19th Quiz Final, Prince of Wales, Fleet, 7.45pm.
20th Jumble Sale, St. Philips and St. James Church Hall, Fleet, 10.30am.
27th AGM and Buffet Supper, St, Johns Memorial Hall, Woking. 6.30pm.
7th Vintage Transport Films, Woking Centre Halls, 7.45pm.
25th Westel Canoe Trials, Reading Road Wharf, Fleet 11.00am.
26th Waterways of N. Humberside (IWA Meeting) Woking Centre Halls. 7.30pm.
Published by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee, registered as a charity.
Editors: Dieter Jebens, Janet & Chris Brazier, Production Diana Snow & Cecil Eynon. Collation & distribution: Janet & George Hedger, Clive Durley & helpers.
Editorial Office: 75 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3NJ. (Farnham 715230)
Chairman: Robin Higgs; 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking (Chobham 7314) Vice-Chairman: David Millett. 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet (Fleet 7364)
Hon. Treasurer: Bryan Jones, 16 Bliss Close Basingstoke (61053)
Hon. Secretary: Philip Riley, Meadow Vale; Guildford Rd., Normandy Guildford (Worplesdon 234776)
Membership Sec: Ted Williams, 36 Kestrel Road, Basingstoke (61579)
Working party Peter Jones. Aldershot 313076 and Information: Peter Cooper 01-993-1105
Trip Boat: Clive Durley, 15 Kenilworth Road, Fleet (5694)
Sales Manager: Aubrey Slaughter, 36 Fir Tree Way, Fleet GU13 9NB(23102)
Talks Organiser :Miss Pauline Hadlow, Beaulah, Parkstone Drive, Camberley(28367).
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