No 87 OCTOBER 1979
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"This afternoon marks another stage in the re-awakening of this most attractive waterway", said the Society's Chairman, Robin Higgs at the ceremony to mark the re-opening of the Deepcut Lock 28.
But he went on to warn us all that, despite the good progress which has been made towards re-opening the Basingstoke Canal, the scheduled completion date may now be extended.
"We are fast approaching a crossroads, said Robin Higgs, "when new courses of action may have to be taken. For the past three years the Society has had the benefit of grants from various Manpower Services Commission schemes that have been available. We have so far had grants totalling over £1/4 million allocated for the employment and training of young people. At times we have had over 40 people employed in this way but now all this appears to be in the melting pot, for the future of the schemes are somewhat uncertain, we really do not know what the future holds".
At the same time both our chairman and Mr. John Macfarlane, Chairman of Surrey County
Council's Countryside Committee stressed the Society's and Council's committment to
continue restoring the canal.
"The momentum we have must not be lost", Robin Higgs said. "Our skilled Job Creation supervisory team, once disbanded, cannot be replaced. If we are to finish this canal within a reasonable time scale, then it is crucial that a nucleus of skilled people should continue to be employed full time on restoration work".
In his speech, Robin Higgs paid tribute to the work of all the volunteers whose efforts are an essential and major contributing factor to the progress which has been made so far. But clearly the Job Creation input must be replaced as far as possible, if Government employment grants are no longer available. Otherwise the pace of restoration, particularly in the repair and construction of the lock chambers and gates will be drastically reduced. And the prospect of re-opening the canal in the early 1980's may be delayed by a decade or more.
The key to maintaining the scheduled work programme lies in the continued employment of the skilled JCP supervisors restoring the Surrey locks. To this end the Society is planning to launch an appeal to local industry and firms to raise £30,000 a year.
This may seem a tall order but it should not be an impossible task. It is certainly less of a challenge than if the Society also had to recruit and train the workers, find the facilities for building lock gates and provide the materials to do the job. As it is Frank Jones and his experienced team are keen to continue the work, excellent facilities exist in the unique workshop built at lock 28 and Surrey County Council will maintain the supply of materials and technical advice.
All we need is the money to pay the workforce which, in relation to what is at stake, is the least of the problems we might have been faced with, and should not be beyond the ability of the Society to raise.
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TOP Coun. John Macferlane cuts the tape and declares lock 28 officially
open, watched by (left to right) Stuart Browning, Robin Higgs, Mr. W. Britton SCC
Surveyor and Mr. Ray Stedman, Countryside Officer.
BOTTOM LEFT. Some of our members, visitors and guests at the ceremony.
BOTTOM RIGHT Opening one of the lock gates for the first time (left to right): The
Earl of Onslow, The Society's President, Robin Higgs, Chairman; Mr. Cranley Onslow,
Member of Parliament for Woking and Coun. Gordon Brown, Deputy Mayor of Woking.
TOP The controversial 'Basingstoke Wall' being demolished. The reinforced concrete dam was built by the former owners of the canal following a breach in Ash Embankment which occurred during the 1968 floods. BOTTOM LEFT Members of Waterway Recovery Group working at one of the Brookwood locks during their summer work camp. BOTTOM RIGHT The remains of the old Norris Bridge following its collapse.
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The restoration of the canal has now reached a point where we have already seen significant results, like the operation of the trip-boat, 'John Pinkerton', and we should soon see even more signs of achievement. But in the immediate future we cannot be sure how much public money and support will be available for even as good a cause as the restoration of the Basingstoke Canal. So now is the time for all good volunteers to come to the aid of the party, or, more accurately, of the Society and the canal. We must keep on building on what has been done.
The range of Society working parties operating is much as usual, which is to be expected as the fundamental range of jobs to be done doesn't vary much. Some, like the work on the Ash Embankment, is work suitable for all ages and for family parties; other parties, like those on the Deepcut Flight, can at times involve distinctly heavy and dirty work, but nevertheless eminently satisfying.
Names and phone numbers of leaders of working parties are given below, and it's best to check with your working party leader a few days before attending.
Every Weekend Deepcut Flight
The achievements of Society volunteers on Lock 16 on this flight are very impressive. Here, for the first time on this canal, volunteers have taken down the outer two brick courses of a complete chamber wall, and have rebuilt it and replaced the coping stones at the top. But there's more to be done, so extra participants in a major Society undertaking are always welcome. Lock 19 nearby also receives some Society attention, but we share this lock with Southampton Canal Society, London WRG, Kent and Last Sussex IWA nnd other groups.
If you want general information on how you can help in this work, the co-ordinator of the volunteer effort on the flight is Mike Fellows on Wokingham 787428, and he will be able to answer all your questions. Alternatively, contact one of the working party leaders.
First weekend of the month
6/7 October, 3/4 November, 1/2 December. Lock 16 - PETER JONES on Aldershot 313076.
Second Weekend of the month
13/14 October, 10/11 November, 8/9 December. Lock 19 - PETER OATES (Southampton Canal Society) on Botley 3844.
Second and Fourth Sundays of the month
14th & 28th October, 11th & 25th November, 9th December. Lock 16 - ALAN GKIMSTER on Farnborough 45032 (phone number until end of October only.
Third Weekend of the month
20/21 October, 17/18 November, 15/16 December. Lock 16 - JULES WOOD on Farnborough 515737.
Fourth Weekend of the month
27/28 October, 24/25 November. Lock 19 - CHRIS BRAZIER on Camberley 25132.
Fifth Weekend of the month
29/30 September. Lock 16 - MIKE FELLOWS on Wokingham 787428.
One familiar name is missing from the list of working party leaders above. But JIM CHISHOLM, veteran of many Society working parties at Locks 26, 20 and 19, and elsewhere, is not deserting the Deepcut Flight. He has decided he wants to concentrate on looking after the assorted items of plant - the dumpers and other machines -which play an important part in the restoration of the Flight. If you're interested in helping in this work, you should contact Jim on Wokinghcm 785146.
Every weekend Dredging in Hampshire
The Society's steam dredger 'Perseverance' has recently been stopped requiring boiler retubing, and the opportunity was taken to carry out a few other maintenance tasks as well. Dredging continues in an approximately easterly direction, and it is hoped to reach the Barley Mow winding hole by November, reaching that point will be a major achievement by the dredger team, but by no means the completion of their task, as they plan to continue on towards Fleet straight away. So there is still plenty of need for helpers. The access point is now Barley Mow Bridge, and for further details you should contact BRIAN BANE on Hook 3627.
Second Weekend of the month Lock 3 (Woodham)
13/14 October, 10/11 November, 8/9 December.
This party have completed most of the work on the upper wing walls, and are well into excavating the bottom cill. The lower wing walls are likely to be tackled next. Further details from PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081.
Third Weekend of the month Lock 1 Woodham)
20/21 October, 17/18 November, 15/16 December
Carry on pumping is the order of the day here. The situation of this lock means that it can't be left between working parties without rapidly filling with water, which seems to surround it on all sides, and which nothing can keep out. The persistence of the local vandals, on the other hand, means that absolutely nothing related to the restoration works can be left on site between working parties, or it will be broken, stolen or thrown in the lock. Despite these obstacles progress continues. The lower wing walls have been worked on, and the next job will be the bottom cill. Further details on this party from DICK HARPER-WHITE on Weybridge 42074 or PETER JACKMAN on woking 72132.
Every Other Sunday Ash Embankment
30 September, 14 & 28 October, 11 and 25 November, 2 and 16 December.
All the heaviest tree stumps have been removed here, but a great deal of scrub clearance and bramble-bashing remains to be done, This is a continuing big job, but it requires few skills and is suitable for family parties. It's an important job because relining of the channel across the embankment should be going ahead thi winter, and after Ash Lock is completed it is planned to re-open a substantial section of the canal stretching on both sides of the embankment. Further details from MARTIN BOWERS on Farnborough 513095 or ADRIAN BIRTLES on Camberley 29897.
Last Sunday of the month. Maintenance work in Hampshire
30 September, 28 October, 25 November.
Partly because the Hampshire wardens have been heavily involved lately around the Ash Embankment and Ash Lock, there are a number of small maintenance jobs outstanding along the Hampshire towpath and off-side, which the Society could usefully take care of. This is not terribly demanding work, and is suitable for family parties. Exact location will vary from month to month. If you are interested in helping, contact DAVID MILLETT on Fleet 7364 for further details.
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Dear Mr. Jebens,
Anyone walking the stretch of the Brsingstoke Canal between Ash Lock and the Iron Bridge at Queens Avenue will be impressed at the progress being made to clear the canal and by the end of August could confidently expect completion to reach the dam at the road bridge over the canal on the A325 Farnborough Weir.
What should concern us all, indeed perhaps we should be alarmed at the effect of the cuts already made and the further reductions in grants to be made by the new government. Readers of the canal notes of June 1979 may remember what was said on page one of that issue under Comment 'The Wind of Change?' I quote: 'Bonus or not, JCP has become an essential and integral part of the canal's restoration and must be maintained. Otherwise the re-opening of the canal in the early 1980's - now seen as a reality - will become just another dream'.
I understand that one of the first effects of the cuts will be that work on the restoration of Ash Lock will suffer.
I feel strongly that we must not allow this to happen and believe that we should consider the issue of bonds or certificates - of varying value to be applied for by interested people to the completion of particular projects; locks, gates, major machinery/equipment/purchase and/or repairs. This would focus interest and participation and could be worked as a continuous scheme for a period of years within which it wan estimated the final completion of the work would take place. The bonds/certificates would be suitably designed and produced to reflect any individual or group or company participation in the scheme of support for the restoration of the canal. The scheme could be 'sold' in the same way as is done for the Society's Grand Summer Draw for members and non members alike.
The canal needs helpers. The canal now needs an injection of money - many thousands of pounds to ensure that we shall not lose the expert services of those who have made such a vital contribution to the reconstruction of the Deepcut locks.
Yours sincerely, P.L. Mew, 33 Hanover Gardens, Farnborough.
Editor's Note: Mr. Mew has offered to start the ball rolling by buying a £5 or £10 bond of the kind suggested. What do other members think of the idea? Have you any other fund raising suggestions?
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OCTOBER 17th Pub evening, The Bounty, Bounty Road, Basingstoke.
19th Autumn Supper Dance, Fleet Civic Hall.
27th Autumn Market, Byfleet Village Hall, 10.00am.
29th 'Three weeks circular Tour of French Canals' - talk and slides by Hugh McKnight, 7.45 pm. at Teachers Centre, Farnborough (Joint meeting with IWA Guildford and Reading Branch)
NOVEMBER 12th Round the World Yacht Race - Illustrated Talk by Roger Caesley,
7.45pm. at Woking Centre Halls.
21st Pub Evening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
28th Members' film and slide evening, 7.45pm. at Teachers' Centre,
10th Christmas Social, 7.45pm. at Woking Centre Halls.
19th Pub Livening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
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The SHCS railway comprises 1-1/2 miles of track plus a three ton diesel loco and various rolling stock. Purchased for use as bank-side support for the dredger, it was used at Colt Hill, Lodge Copse and Swan cutting. Made redundant by the purchase of mud-boats and a gift of two tugs, it was moved to Deepcut. This finally stretched from lock 21 to Lock 28. It was used for transporting plant and materials to the locks during restoration. The exact amount of materials moved is not known, but must run to thousands of tons.
The railway was started by a timely gift of track and skips from Berrylands Sewage Works, but with expansion more of everything was required. Comprising a mixture of loan, gift and purchase, equipment was obtained from many places - Chichester Sewage Works, Horsham Sewage works, GLC Rivers Depot at Hanwell, Bovis of westbury, Finedon Sewage Works at Northampton, Blue Circle at Northfleet, Gabriel Wade at Bentley, and a personal loan from Mr. Henry Frampton Jones. Rail was built into track by spiking it to elm sleepers supplied by Surrey County Council Forestry Department.
Although short lived, the 'Deepcut Railway' has names etched into legend - 'Berrylands Sidings'; 'B.R. Straight' (where the line was parallel to the London/Southampton main line, evoking a 'toot' from BR electrics as they passed); 'Cripps Corner' and 'Caseley Curve' are names with Canal associations: 'Southampton Sidings' laid by Peter Oates and the Southampton Canal Society; 'County Bridge' at Lock 28, and 'Guards Loop' by the swimming pool at Lock 22. The main place serviced by the railway was 'Jonesville Mark I' between Locks 26 and 27, a hutted settlement used by the 30-odd JCP workers and very akin to a cowboy outfit of the Wild West.
The railway has been run principally by the Railway Group, a small collection of enthusiasts comprising the Pearts and the Mellers, the two Colins - Raeburn and Hamilton - and Geoff Helliwell. During 1977 and 1978 the group manned the railway every Saturday and Sunday throughout the year.
But now the railway is no longer needed at Deepcut and is being moved to Ash Embankment. It will be used to take clay, loaded by the Society's Massey Ferguson, along the length of the Embankment for the rcpuddling of the canal bed. The task of lifting track, loading and relaying, plus ballasting and alignment cannot be carried out by the Railway Group alone. Volunteers are needed for the task as well as for helping with the clay trains, on Saturdays and Sundays. A regular turnout is required by old and new personnel.
For further information please ring John Peart - Farnborough 46554, or the Mellers on Camberley 32096.
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There is to be an Autumn Market on Saturday morning 27th October at Byfleet Village Hall.
Stalls will include electrical, cakes and sweets, books and games, nearly new, jumble etc. Members with appropriate items they wish to donate to this event can deliver them to Rosemary Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet or Stuart Browning, 34 Parvis Road, West Byfleet or phone Audrey Browning, Byfleet 42024 for collection, also if you wish to help on the day.
Crookham Village Parish Council, has approved Hampshire County Council's application for Crookham Wharf to be made into a car park to accommodate 20 cars, a picnic site and space for boats to use the wharf.
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CANALS THAT NEVER WERE No. 3 1801-2 - David Gerry
The following extract from a report of the Canal Company dated August 13th, 1801 tells us that 'Application has been made to extend the canal by a small branch of four miles and a half in length from Pirbright to Bagshot. By this branch, a considerable addition will be made to the trade of the canal and some acquisition of water.
It is computed that not less than 4000 tons of coal, corn, grocery ond merchandise which at present go up the Thames to Staines and are thence distributed by waggons to Bagshot, Sunning Hill, Chobham, Blackwater and other neighbouring estates and places, will be diverted into the Basingstoke Canal.
As this appeared to the committee to be an object of very considerable importance, they decreed their chairman to attend a meeting at the White Horse Inn at Bagshot on the 24th June last. The Report the chairman makes on the subject is so favourable, that the committee trust, the proprietors who are so materially interested in the success of the project, will not suffer it to fail, through want of the small sum which will be required to effect it'.
The chairman was able to report that the whole line of the branch would be on common land of a wet springy nature with four streams that did not serve any mills and only one lock would be required. Subscriptions for £6000 had opened and 55 of the 120 shares had been spoken for. Four of these shares had been subscribed for by his Royal Highness Prince William of Gloucester.
It was proposed that at the next meeting the committee be empowered to advertise their intention of applying for an act at the next session of parliament.
A report of October 16th, 1801 tells us that Henry Goolting had been engaged to make a new survey for the line of the branch. Subscriptions were up to two thirds of the total required. By November 19th Mr. Goolting had completed his plan and the estimate rose to £8125 and the committee decided to defer making any further progress in the business until such time as it might be more favourable for raising money for the purpose.
Surrey County Council Records Office is very fortunate to have a copy of the final plan of this branch, had it ever been built. The junction would have been just below lock 22 where a small stream which at present passes under the canal would have been turned into it. The line would have then been almost due north and practically straight. The branch would have passed from the junction into a cutting just west of 'Peat Moor' as it emerged from the cutting onto Cow Moor and then it followed the 200ft contour on alternate embankments and cuttings just west of Coldingley Farm, then close to Bagshot Folley to a terminal basin close to the present Bagshot Railway Station. There would have been no locks in this final plan.
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The curious sight of the original Norris Bridge, near Pyestock, over which the new
concrete and steel bridge was built in the 1960's has disappeared. At the end of
August the old bridge, built in 1792 suddenly collapsed into the canal. Hampshire
County Council wanted to remove the old structure last year but with the canal listed
as a conservation area it could not be demolished without the permission of the
Department of the Environment. Old age has solved the Council's problem but it
is now faced with the job of removing the debris.
Grand Draw makes a record amount in excess of £1,600.
1st Prize: Mr. Wilkins c/o Sainsburys. 2nd Prize: Mr. Levien, 207 Saunders Road, Woking. 3rd Prize: Mr. D. McLeash, 190 Grange Road, Guildford. Full details in the next issue.
Society team beat the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust in the first round of the Inter-Canal Organisation Knock-Out Quiz, held at Reading.
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS Joint Social Secretaries: Hampshire - David Millett, Fleet 7364. Surrey - Michael Grist, Woking 71581
Due to Hampshire County Council cutbacks to save fuel, we are unable to use the Teachers' centre at Farnborough in December, January and February, so the meeting in December is cancelled and the January and February meetings will be held at the Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough on the fourth Thursday of the month i.e. 24th January and 28th February.
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FARNBOROUGH SOCIAL EVENINGS - All at Teachers' Centre, St. Alban's Hall, Lynchford Road, Farnborough (Opp.Lloyds Bank) (Licensed Bar, coffee and biscuits, sales stand).
Monday 29th October 7.45pm. (Note change of day)
A joint meeting will be held with the Inland Waterways Association, Guildford and Reading Branch. HUGH MCKNIGHT will give a slide show entitled 'THREE WEEKS CIRCULAR TOUR OF FRENCH CANALS'. Hugh is a very well known Inland waterways author and photographer and is the owner of a traditionally decorated Birmingham Canal ice breaker whose hull was built in 1896. The slides were taken as material for his recently published book called 'The Guiness Book of Western European waterways'.
Wednesday 28th November 7.45pm.
MEMBERS' FILM AND SLIDE EVENING. Bring along your films and slides to show to fellow members - waterways subjects of any kind. If possible, telephone David Millett (Fleet 7364) in advance to advise material you wish to show.
WOKING SOCIAL EVENINGS - All at Woking Centre Halls (Coffee and biscuits, sales stand).
Monday 12th November 7.45pm.
ACROSS THE SOUTHERN INDIAN CCEAN - Illustrated talk by LT. CMDR, ROGER CALSLEY, about the Round the World Yacht Race. Roger was a member of the crew of the Royal Navy entry and his slides feature the Cape Town to Auckland leg, where icebergs were encountered. Also the OFFICIAL FILM of the whole race, kindly loaned by the Royal Navy (40 minutes)
Monday 10th December 7.45pm.
Christmas Get-Together - Members' friends welcome.
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For the second year, waterway Recovery Group held a month of their annual work camp on the Basingstoke Canal. Organised by Alan Petrie, up to 20 people at a time spent the month of August working on the locks at Brookwood.
Led for the first fortnight by Jeff Clarke, s land surveyor from Dolgellau, Merioneth, and the second fortnight by Nick Wright, a graduate in building construction from Warwick, many walks of life were represented, electronics engineers; chemical plant engineers; P.O. engineers; a precision grinder; a landscape ecologist, to name a few. Among societies represented were the Droitwich Canal Trust; Wey and Arun Canal Trust; Ellesmere Port Boat Museum; Peak Forest Mobile; Kennet and Avon Trust; I.W.A.; Cambridge Waterway Recovery Group; all thanks to the R.A.M.C. for providing accommodation at Keogh Barracks.
Work completed included the installation of piped by-washes on locks 13 and 14, the removal of bottom cills on both locks and removal of all hollow posts, gates and other furniture constituting a good four months of weekend work by Society volunteers. A welcome contribution by any standard.
During the month they were shown round the Deepcut flight and lock gate workshop. Films of restoration on the canal were shown by Phil Pratt, and an outing was arranged on the 'John Pinkerton'.
As one worker remarked. 'It is seeing the tremendous work done so far, which made our months work more than worthwhile'.
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Society members and guests could not have hoped for a better early autumn afternoon for the official opening of Lock 28 on 22nd September. This lock is certainly one of the most scenic on the canal and with smart new lock gates in place, as well as brightly painted bollards the only thing missing was the water!
Among the guests were the Society's President, the Earl of Onslow and the Countess of Onslow, Cranley Onslow, M.P. for Woking and Vice President of the Society, Councillor Gordon Brown, Deputy Mayor of Woking, Councillor J.W. Farrell, Mayor of Surrey Heath, Brigadier W. Bastin, former Chairman of Surrey County Council as well as other local councillors, friends and supporters of the Society.
The whole event was impressively organised by Stuart Browning who commenced proceedings by giving an outline of the afternoon's events before handing over to the Society's Chairman, Robin Higgs. Mr. Higgs welcomed members and guests and spoke about the effort being made by Councils and members alike towards the goal of a fully restored and working waterway. 'It is an enlightened partnership', he said, 'Lock 28 is now complete and a number of others are fast approaching this stage'. The traditional design had been followed and the lock had been skilfully restored. Mr. Higgs then went on to talk about the manufacture of lock gates. The grants received from the Manpower Services Commission had greatly assisted in the production of these gates and the team were now able to produce a set of gates in about five weeks. Mr. Higgs stressed, however, that members represented a vast amount of the work being done on the canal. The Society had volunteers working every weekend of the year and there were often 100 people working along the length of the canal. Mr. Higgs said that things were going very well, dredging was being carried out and bridges had been rebuilt but the Society was fast approaching a crossroads where new courses of action would have to be taken. For the past three years the Society had had the benefit of grants from the Manpower Services Commission but it was not known what the future may hold. The Society may make appeals to industry to support it. 'It is', said Mr. Higgs, 'the wish of both counties that we press on to the utmost of our ability. It is crucial and I pledge that my Society will leave no avenue unexplored to bring the canal restoration to a speedy and successful conclusion'.
Mr. Higgs then introduced Mr. J. Mcfarlane, Chairman of the Countryside Committee of Surrey County Council. Mr. Macfarlane said that the County Council appreciated the work being done towards the restoration of the canal, although the County had never undertaken anything like this before and he confessed that at the beginning some members of the Council viewed the matter with some suspicion. However, people had adapted themselves to the situation and there was great co-operation and partnership between the volunteers and local authorities involved in the project. Mr. Macfarlane said that in the present economic climate there was uncertainty about the future as far as grants from the MSC was concerned and there may be considerable difficulties to be faced in the future. 'However', he said, 'it is the policy of the County Council to see the restoration completed even if it takes a bit longer than originally estimated. We fully realise that a partially restored canal is no good to anyone - there can be no standing still'. Mr. Macfarlane then cut the tape and the gates were duly opened. Mr. Higgs presented Mr. Macfarlane with one of the plates specially prepared to commemorate the event.
Members and guests adjourned to the Society's new workshop where Brigadier Bastin in an informal ceremony duly declared the Workshop open. Frank Jones was in the Workshop answering questions and explaining details of the manufacture of lock gates to an extremely interested audience. Vic Trott assisted in organising the event and the Public Address system was, as on previous occasions, handled by Rod Smith. Tea was provided by some hard working members of the Society and the Sales Stand was also in evidence and, hopefully, doing good business.
During the afternoon the Society's narrow gauge railway, driven by Stan Meller and his crew, ran trips from Lock 28 to Curzon Bridge and back, much to the delight of the young and not so young train enthusiasts.
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SOCIETY has entered £20,000 Shell 'Waterways Preservation Scheme'.
JOHN PINKERTON has made over 250 trips this season and is expected to make a profit of £10,000.
QUANGOS axed by the Government include the Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Council.
CONGRATULATIONS and best wishes to Ann field and Nigel Durley on their marriage at All Saints Church, Fleet on September 8th.
WORK on the new Odiham by-pass is scheduled to start at the end of October.
THANKS to Ian Cripps of Fleet, who was largely responsible for restoring the Society's 70-ton steam powered floating dredger for returning to supervise the re-tubing of the boiler.
SOLDIERS from the Depot. Reg't. R.C.T. Buller Barracks have been shoring up the
towpath at Great Bottom Flash. It was previously reinstated by Surrey's Hymac
excavator last year.
BEST wishes to Jim Chisholm in his new voluntary role as Plant Manager at Deepcut.
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SOCIETY SALES STAND David Gay: Tel. Egham (078 43) 3108
The Society sales stand has attended a number of fetes and shows and had a reasonably successful season. I would like to thank all those people who helped me find sites and run the stands. There are a number of indoor autumn and winter events where assistants will be welcome. The following is a list of some of these:
20th October Model Railway Exhibition at Farnham
27th October Autumn Sale at Byfleet
23/24 February International Canoe Exhibition at Crystal Palace.
The autumn 1979 price list is enclosed and I would ask you to consider the items for Christmas shopping. As you will see there are four new tea towel designs and a new colour for the ceramic dishes. There are also some other new lines likely before the end of the year. Most of the items listed will be available on the sales stands at the Farnborough and Woking Social Evenings snd also at the above mentioned events. I would remind you that all profits go towards the restoration of the canal.
Published by Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee.
Editor: Dieter Jebens, Assistant Editors: Peter & Natalie Jones
Editorial Office: 75 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3NJ.
(Tel: Farnham 715230)
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking, Surrey.
(Tel: Chobham 7314)
Treasurer: - Bryan Jones, 16 Bliss Close, Basingstoke, Hants.
(Tel: Basingstoke 61053)
Secretary: Mrs. Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough, Hants.
(Tel: Farnborough 49651)
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough.
(Tel: Farnborough 46147)
David Robinson and Clive Durley. Newsletter Production: Diana Snow and David Wimpenny.
Collation and Distribution: Janet and George Hedger and helpers.
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