Jan/Feb 1979

Front pictures
Comment - New Year Resolution
Working Parties
Social Jottings
Trip up the Basingstoke
New Archivist
Social Diary
Gongoozlers' Gossip
Front pictures info

Contact the Society


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No. 83January/February 1979
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Last year the Society had to hold a Special General Meeting to confirm the election of the Executive Committee following doubts over the validity of a candidate's nomination and other technical anomolies. The basic problem was solved quickly and easily enough at the S.G.M. But the events which led up to it and the amount of time spent bringing the matter to a conclusion caused a good deal of inconvenience and effort which could have been put to more constructive work.

During the twelve years the Society has been in existence its success - first in the protracted campaign for public ownership, and now in the practical task of restoring the canal - has been due to the dedicated work of a large number of members in a variety of spheres: navvying, fund raising, publicity membership recruitment and administration. What's more they have and are working as a team, united in the single minded objective which is the ultimate opening of the navigation.

Unlike other organisations, including some with similar interests, the Society has been relatively free from internal politics and personality clashes which inevitably cause distractions and dissipated effort to the detriment of the objective.

The time has long since passed when the Society was run by a small band of founder members on a fairly informal basis. Today the directors, committee members and officers have to follow more sophisticated company procedures and work in a fully business-like manner. Yet it is well to remember that the Society is still run by volunteers in their spare time towards an aim which should not involve any large measure of disagreement. The Society must certainly not be used as a political arena, or as a personal platform of any kind. Other organisations exist where such interest may be satisfied.

This is not to say that the Society suffers unduly or more than any other company from such extraneous activities. And, of course, what is relevant or irrelevant is a matter of opinion.

But with the start of a New Year and the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, every active member might usefully reflect on the time they devote to the Society and how they can maximise their contribution to benefit the canal's restoration in the most positive and effective way possible.
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Published by Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee.
Editor: Dieter Jebens, 75 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey, GU10. 3NJ. (Tel: Farnham 715230).
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking, (Tel: Chobham 73140).
Treasurer: Peter Fethney, 5 Longdown, Courtmoor, Fleet. - (Tel: Fleet 5524).
Secretary: Mrs. Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough. (Tel: Farnborough 49651).
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough. (Tel: Farnborough 46147).
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Your Editorial (Newsletter 82.) on the future of the waterways is very valuable, but I think there is one important point to be made.

It is the Report by the Select Committee that is really important, rather than the Fraenkel Report. The latter is of some value, but really only brings out facts that were already known. Furthermore, it is yet another public document based upon the thesis that certain navigations should be closed in order to help with paying for the rest. Earlier publications went further in that direction, but the Fraenkel Report goes too far: the whole idea being, of course, totally unacceptable. In the nature of things, the Fraenkel Report is based largely upon random investigations and spot checks. A more comprehensive enquiry would have.been financially impracticable; and the facts were largely known already, as already stated.

The Select Committee Report goes very much further, and is, in fact, the most important, public pronouncement of the kind that has appeared since I first became involved in the campaign. It duly recommends, 'immediate acceptance of the findings of the Fraenkel Report', but goes on to recommend that such further expenditure as may be necessary be likewise forthcoming. It recommends 'that the Government should immediately announce its intention to abandon its proposals to merge the British Waterways Board into a National Water Authority'; thus meeting another important point made by you. It recommends that the same criteria be applied to the appraisal of all transport investment, whatever the medium; thus meeting a demand of very long standing. It states that 'to try to separate commercial from amenity activities is neither necessary nor desirable'; thus disposing of another ancient and foolish controversy. Above all, it recommends that ministerial responsibility be transferred to the Department of Transport instead of being left to the Minister for Weather and Everything Else.

Your readers will see that this is the Report for the implementation of which they should agitate in season and out. There is a further reason: the Conclusion to the Report is 'Your Committee's wish that this inquiry should be the last into the future of the Board for some time'.
Robert Aickman,
12 Gledhow Gardens, London, S.W.5.
Editor's Note: Robert Aickman is Founder and Vice-President of the Inland Waterways Association.

As a S & H C S Member I am very impressed with the excellent photographic reproduction on your newsletter which to my mind puts it one up over similar publications. As I am involved with a scout group newsletter I would dearly love to be let into the secret. Alan Hannaford,
11 Holland Way, Bromley BR2 ?DW.
Editor's Note: Thanks for your comments, Mr. Hannaford. The 'secret' lies in having the voluntary services of professional photographers. The picture page is printed offset litho - by Charterlith of Fleet.

I must ask, what is the Society's attitude to H.C.C. allowing craft of less than 14ft. with 6hp. engines to navigate the Basingstoke Canal?

People need guidance on a sensible size of engine to use. This announcement is therefore highly irresponsible and the surest way to put the towpath at the bottom of the cut. Inevitably the canal will then need piling end to end as BWB have found to their cost.

May I point out that the towrope pull needed to move a 17ft. Shetland Cruiser at 3 knots is only 1/4hp, a 12ft. dingy will reach its maximum displacement speed with a 2hp. outboard and that 6hp. is better suited to a 24ft. canal cruiser. (Pages 66, 91 and 67 - Outboard Motor Handbook - Nigel Warren Stanford Maritime Ltd.). Also a pair of 72ft. loaded narrow boats only needed 18hp, between them.

A fractional h.p. electric outboard might be better advice (as page 15) to give, certainly much safer and cleaner.

One or two horsepower is more than adequate, so why the lust for Power? Yours till Water Skis
Alan T. Moody
20 Leslie Gardens, Sutton, Surrey.
Editor's note: Hampshire's Canal Manager tells us that the boat/engine size regulations are subject to review in the light of experience and Surrey's views. The current limitations are based on the recommendation of a formula of not more than 4hp, per ft. in length, published in the Consultation Draft, March, 1977.

I was interested to read in the September Newsletter that Hampshire County Council have started issuing licences but are restricting the number of boats and, in particular, are saying that, at present, no powered boats shall exceed 14 foot in length.

As many members will know, these restrictions have no valid legal basis and any member of the public would be within his rights in totally ignoring them. As more and more of the canal comes fully useable, I can see many problems arising if these restrictions (or ones similar) are retained and much ill feeling and aggravation may well result. The remedy is for the County Councils to put matters straight by promoting a Private Bill before Parliament (unopposed Bills do not incur heavy parliamentary costs) and so obtain the necessary legal powers to regulate use of the canal. Such a course of action has been suggested before and it is now time that this was done.
John Dodwell,
19 Drill Hall Road, Chertsey, Surrey.
Editor's note: The Society's directors have, in fact, included a proposal for a Private Bill among the recommendations for setting up a Trust sent to Hampshire and Surrey County Councils.
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In the dead of winter, when there is precious little work you can do in your garden, and yet when a bit of fresh air and exercise will work wonders, what could be more agreeable than spending part of a weekend on one of the Society's working parties? (Answer - spending the whole of a weekend on......). The Basingstoke Canal, like Rome, won't be built or restored in a day, or even a year, but the time it takes will be reduced if you come along and help.

Current working parties are listed below. However, it's advisable to check details before attending, either with the working party leader or by phoning ANDREA and ALAN GRIMSTER on Farnborough 45032, just in case of any last minute changes.

Every weekend Deepcut Flight
The Society now has a working party operating every weekend on Lock 16, which has now become very much the Society's lock. We're also involved on Lock 19, but here we share the work with Southampton Canal Society, Kent and East Sussex IWA, and other visiting groups. There is quite a bit of volunteer progress to report on this flight. Society working parties have completed the bypass on Lock 20, and have lined the main section of the bypass channel on Lock 21. On Lock 16, the bywash is complete and a lot of work has been done on wing wall repair and demolition of existing chamber walls, in readiness for rebuilding one of these walls. On Lock 19, one chamber wall has been demolished and construction of the new wall has already started.

However, if this sort of progress is to be maintained we need a steady supply of new volunteers. The aim is, by the efforts of the Job Creation Project team (and their successors) and the massed volunteer navvies, to complete restoration of the Deepcut Locks in 1979. So make this the year you play your part on the Deepcut Flight - this year should be your last chance!

The coordinator of volunteer work on this flight is MIKE FELLOWS on Wokingham 787428, and you should contact him, or one of the leaders, for further details. The full list of parties is:-

First weekend of the month
3/4 Feb, 3/4 Mar, 31 Mar/1 Apr - Lock 16 - PETER JONES, Aldershot 313076.

Second weekend of the month
10/11 Feb, 10/11 Mar, 7/8 Apr - Lock 19 - PETER OATES (Southampton Canal Society) Botley 3844.

Second and fourth Sundays of the month
11 Feb, 25 Feb, 11 Mar, 25 Mar, 8 Apr - Lock 16 - ALAN GRIMSTER, Farnborough 45032.

Third weekend of the month 17/18 Feb, 17/18 Mar - Lock 16 - JULES WOOD, Farnborough 515737.

Fourth weekend of the month
24/25 Feb, 24/25 Mar - Lock 19 - JIM CHISHOLM, Wokingham 785146

Every weekend Dredging in Hampshire
The dredger is now operating in the vicinity of Baseleys Bridge, which remains the access point, with assistance being provided by the Backacter barge where necessary. The target is, by operating a two-tug disposal system for the silt, to reach the Barley Mow winding hole by Easter. When this is done it will be possible for the trip boat to operate over this section, offering a choice of cruises tc her eager customers. More helpers are needed to achieve all this. Further details from BRIAN BANE on Hook 3627.

Every Sunday Ash Embankment
The new working party here has made some progress, and cleared 300 yards of the embankment, but the turnouts of volunteers on some weekends has been disappointing. This is work needing no special skills, and suitable for family parties, so more members are urged to come along and join in.

On the last Sunday of the month - 28 Jan, 25 Feb, 25 Mar - the party will be led by DAVID MILLETT, Fleet 7364. For details of work on all other week-ends contact MARTIN BOWERS on Farnborough 513095.

Second_weekend of the month Lock 5 (Woodham)
10/11 Feb, 10/11 Mar, 7/8 Apr.
There are still a few jobs to do on Lock 6, but these require special equipment such as hollow-post moulds, which aren't at present available, so work has now started on Lock 5. Some chamber clearance has been done, also some exploration of the top cill, and digging the bypass channel is well under, way. Further details from PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081.

Third Sunday of the month Lock 1 (Woodham)
18 Feb, 18 Mar
Top cill restoration proceeds, with piles now being driven, but the problem of keeping water out of the lock remains. The work at this lock continues, to be plagued by particularly persistent vandals. Cement and other supplies are kept in the bywash level box, under lock and key. The. vandals destroyed the first padlock, and its replacement was guaranteed vandal-proof. Frustrated in their efforts to open this padlock, they fired an air-gun pellet into it, and so prevented anyone from opening it. Still, work and progress continue, details from DICK HARPER-WHITE en Weybridge 42074 or PETER JACKMAN on Woking 72132. An extended working party is planned for Easter, for which more details will be given later.
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Two new employment grants have been made by the Manpower Services Commission to the Society to provide jobs en the Basingstoke Canal for unemployed people. Full-time work for 15 young people and for the existing supervisory team has been authorised by the Commission, for the whole of this year, under the Project-based Work Experience Scheme with a grant of £86,231.

An additional grant of £49,669 has been made to provide work for a further 15 unemployed people, aged nineteen and over, under the Short Term Employment Programme. Both schemes will be co-ordinated by Frank Jones who has been responsible for the last two years' Job Creation Schemes which have resulted in the restor­ation of seven lock chambers on the Deepcut 14 flight at Pirbright. As reported in the last Newsletter JCP workers have also built a workshop for building lock gates which will continue under the new schemes.

With the help of voluntary workers it is hoped to complete restoration of the Deepcut Lock Chambers this year and construct a substantial number of gates.
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Joint Social Secretaries: Hampshire: David Millett, Fleet 7364
Surrey: Michael Grist, Woking 71581


Wednesday 14th February, 7.45pm.
ROUND THE WORLD YACHT RACE ILLUSTRATED TALK by Roger Caesley entitled 'Across the Southern Indian Ocean'. Roger was a member of the crew of the Royal Navy entry and his slides feature the Cape Town - Auckland leg, where icebergs were encountered. Also the OFFICIAL FILM of the same race kindly loaned by the Royal Navy (40 minutes). Talk postponed from November 8th.

Wednesday 14th March 7.45pm.
ILLUSTRATED T/LK-by Johri""1Sfcgg entitled '.Round the Rings' , featuring slides of the Avon and Cheshire Ring circuits, two of the most popular cruises on the Inland 'waterways network. John Gagg's name is synonymous with Inland waterways and his books, newspaper and waterways magazine articles have made his a household name.

Wednesday 11th April, 7.45p.m.
ILLUSTRATED TALK by Bruce Ratcliffe entitled 'The River Wey Navigation: The River Ivey is one of the oldest navigations in Britain and is. now owned by the National I Trust. Bruce Katcliffe is the National Trust Manager for the Navigation.;

Monday 13th February, 7.45p.m.
TALK by Peter Oates of the Southampton Canal Society, entitled 'Ordnance Survey Maps in relation to the Basingstoke Canal'. Peter Oates works for the Ordnance Survey and is also a Working Party Leader on the Deepcut Flight of Locks.

Monday 12th March and Monday 9th April 7.45pm.
ILLUSTRATED TALKS will be held on the above dates, but unfortunately details of speakers and subjects were not available at the time of going to press.

1st Monday monthly at the Fox & Hounds, Crookham Road, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
3rd Wednesday monthly at the Bounty, Bounty Road, Basingstoke.

Last Thursday in month (February 24th, March, 29th and April 26th) at the Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough, situated immediately on the south side of the M3 motorway bridge on the A323 Farnborough-Reading Road. LICENSED BAR.
ACTIVE MEMBERS MEETING - FEBRUARY 24th 8pm. - Railway Enthusiasts Club.
SATURDAY Farnborough
The meeting on February 24th at the Railway Enthusiasts Clubroom is going to be utilised for an Informal Meeting of everyone actively involved in any capacity for the Society whether working party, dredging, social administrative, fund raising, publicity, sales etc. PLEASE COME ALONG and take part in an informal exchange of views with your Chairman, Executive Committee Members, Working Party Leaders. Your chance for suggestions, comments etc., on the past, present and future operations of the Society in relation to our prime function of the restoration of the Basingstoke Canal.

** Please Note - February Society Club Night will be held on Saturday 24th February.
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TRIP UP THE BASINGSTOKE Denys Hutchings, Hon. Sec, The Kennet end Avon Trust Ltd.
In 1935 we had already decided that travel by water was something that was enjoyable and had become very familiar with the Thames and used to be on it winter and summer no matter what the weather and even at Easter would go camping despite the river being in flood. Double sculling skiffs or gigs were the boats we used since they needed no petrol, could make a good speed when required against flood waters and could be slept in and also carry all the gear required. The only ingredient was muscle-power and we being in our early 20's hardly knew what it was to be too tired to go no further. We positively revelled in fighting the flood waters on the Thames and at Easter would really have to work to make any progress. Maybe we had been fortunate in having older people to show us how to manage a boat and with two sculling there was little danger that we would be drawn into a weir that was completely open. There was no suggestion from the Thames Conservancy then that we ought to keep off the river.

Very early in my boating days 1 was introduced to the River Wey and that nav­igation greatly attracted us and we grew very familiar with it and invariably spent the last week-end of summer time (when the clocks went back) on it which in those days was the first week-end in October. A week-end then meant that whilst we could row up from Hampton to Shepperton on the Friday evening after work we also had to work on Saturday morning and so it was a case of catching the workman's train at a cheap fare which meant arriving in London before 8am, and we were then back on the boat again by about 2.30 or 3pm.

I suppose it must have been at Easter 1935 that having been down the Wey (I recall leaving Guildford one Sunday after lunch and arriving at Hampton on Thames the same evening in a double sculler) and met some colleagues who had been a considerable distance along the Basingstoke Canal by canoe and so we decided that this new water would be worth trying. I cannot remember how or where we obtained our permit but it is interesting to note that in those days Salter's Guide to the Thames (price 5d) whilst detailing in it's 179 pages many canals such as the Oxford, Grand Union, Kennet and Avon and also the rivers Severn and Wye, made no mention of the Basingstoke, since it was reference to the other canals which caused me to wish to explore further. Then as now, many canals such as the Thames and Severn and the Wilts and Berks, long derelict were shown on maps and we had been aware of the Basingstoke, but generally information was scant and there were no waterway societies to tell you anything.

We therefore decided to visit the Basingstoke Canal and chose Jubilee Week-end, 1935 which was in May. The previous week-end, we had started from Richmond with a skiff and had our bicycles secured on the stern since the cost of a train fare back to Richmond would have severely strained our finances in those days when 75p was our weekly wage and despite what younger people think today it left very little change when one had paid essentials. A glass of beer was a rare treat. We left the boat with the lock-keeper at Newhaw Lock and returned in the afternoon of the following Saturday.

Once into the Basingstoke we were charmed with the delightful scenery with hardly a sign of any habitations. At the first lock we had to portage, the boat as use of locks was not permitted and so we had taken with us two pairs of bicycle wheels secured to steel rods hoping to put the boat on these wheels and so wheel it round the lock. Alas we found that the practical did not match the theoretical and with the weight of the boat and the camber of the towpath the wheels buckled and it was quite a struggle. Somehow we got past Woking and came -to the foot of the Goldsworth Locks and examination showed that any thought of getting past with the equipment we had was not worthy of further consideration. Maybe a skiff looks light but even completely stripped it weighs well over 2cwt. and with floor boards, gratings, sculls, bedding etc, the overall weight was getting on to unmanagable limits on land. Regrettably we had to turn back and I need hardly say that to this day I wish that I had gone back later with a canoe to navigate the lot.

My other great regret is that Alan, my companion for many thousands of miles on sculling trips including the Kennet and Avon and also in skiff racing was killed in Burma during the war having safely got out from Dunkirk in 1940.

We returned to Woking and moored there for the night. The next day we returned to the Wey and the Thames and went up to Magna Charta Island and spent the rest of the week-end there in magnificent Jubilee weather and cycled home from Wraysbury on the Monday evening after a most memorable Jubilee Week-end.

Maybe to the younger generation today, travelling by rowing boat may seem rather dull but I can only say that having an 100 years old double sculling gig which I still use, I found and still find that there is far more pleasure in propelling oneself and you have no problems with fuel or exhaust fumes and with a speed of 6mph there is no wash. Sleeping under a canvas cover you can be as dry and warm as on a cruiser even when it is snowing or freezing. Motorised craft have one slight advantage in that it is possible to prepare a meal whilst travelling but even so we could, have a meal cooking in the stern and even did roasts that way. The other way was to have one boat towed from the bank with another tied on astern and someone doing the cooking in the rear boat. I believe that we enjoyed our trips rowing probably more than many people who just steer a powered craft. We were extremely fit and one of us of those days, and we are all well into our sixties, have that bigger waistline that so many people in their thirties seem to acquire today. So if you want to see what I mean, try to find a skiff or gig and having been showed how to scull properly see just what superb boats these are, built by craftsmen and designed to be propelled very easily and gracefully. Once the oil runs out we may see these boats built once again - if there are any craftsmen left.
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The Basingstoke Canal makes a fascinating subject for a talk with slides. Over the years our panel of speakers have given hundreds of talks to schools, clubs associations and other societies about the canal's history and restoration.

Our thanks go to Raymonde Fethney who organised last season's talks and all the speakers whose efforts have contributed a great deal to publicising the Society's activities, recruiting new members and boosting the Society's sales.

The new Talks Organiser, Pauline Hadlow, would like to hear from any local organisation interested in having a speaker and slide show about the canal. New speakers are also invited to contact Pauline whose address is: 'Beaulah' Parkstone Drive, Camberley, Surrey. Tel: Camberley 28367.
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The Society's archives have been taken over by the Treasurer, Peter Fethney, who is anxious to build up the Society's small collection of historical photographs, postcards, books and documents relating to the Basingstoke Canal, whether on loan or as permanent donations.

In the past, members who have been kind enough to send photographs have had them returned after copying. Peter would particularly like to hear from these people since the Society would now like to have the original material in the archives. Artifacts are also being sought including, posters, name-plates, signs of the kind pictured on the front cover of this Newsletter.

Peter, who is a keen genealogist, intends to produce a complete catalogue of the Society's archives and it is hoped to arrange an exhibition at some time in the future. If you have anything of possible interest, please contact:
Peter Fethney, 5 Longdown, Courtmoor, Fleet, Hampshire. Tel: Fleet 5524.
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Ken Parish, leader of the Kent and East Sussex I.W.A. branch working party, has come up with a novel variation on the sponsorship theme which will not only help raise money but will also contribute directly towards restoration work.

The branch is planning a sponsored 'dig' at their regular work site - Lock 19 - over the weekend April 28th - 29th. This is one of two locks on the Deepcut flight which is being restored entirely by volunteers and so your support will be especially welcome. The 'dig' is also an opportunity for Society members to express their appreciation to one of our visiting working parties by sponsoring a member of the team. A sponsorship form is enclosed with this Newsletter and you can sponsor any one of three volunteers who will be in the party. They are: Reg Hallwood, Chairman of the Kent and East Sussex, sixteen year old Malcolm Dempster or Liz Parish. All three have undertaken to work a total of at least twelve hours over the weekend.

The money raised will be divided between the Society and the Inland Waterways Association's national restoration fund.

Please sponsor one of the navvies by completing the sponsorship form and sending it together with cheque or money order made out to The Inland Waterways Association to: Mr. C. Smith, Hon. Treasurer, I.W.A. Kent and East Sussex Branch, 22 Downs Road, Istead Rise, Gravesend, Kent.
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Hampshire County Council completed dredging the 3-mile section of the canal between Farnborough Road and Pondtail bridges early in December. Within twenty-four hours of completion, the rains came down helping to fill the section with water which now makes an impressive and attractive sight.

Silt dumped along both banks is expected to be covered with natural vegetation during the Spring and Summer months.
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5th Feb. Pub evening, Fox and Hounps, Fleet, (Canal Lounge)
12th Feb. 'Ordnance Survey Maps in relation to the Basingstoke Canal'. talk Woking Centre Halls.
14th Feb. Capetown-Auckland leg of round the world Yacht race, talk, Teachers' Centre, Farnborough
17th Feb. 10.30am. JUMBLE SALE, Fleet Civic Hall. 21st Feb. Pub Evening, Bounty Basingstoke
24th Feb. Society Club Night, Railway Enthusiasts Club, Hawley. (Active Members' Forum)
5th Mar. Pub Evening, Fox and Hounds, Fleet, (Canal Lounge).
12th Mar. Illustrated Talk, Woking Centre Halls.
14th Mar. 'Round the Rings' Talk, Teachers' Centre, Farnborough.
17th Mar. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, St. Andrew's Hall,Frimley Green.
21st Mar. Pub Evening, Bounty, Basingstoke.
29th Mar. Society Club Night, Railway Enthusiasts Club, Hawley.
2nd April. Pub Evening, Fox and Hounds, Fleet, (Canal Lounge).
9th Apr. Illustrated Talk, Woking Centre Halls.
13th Apr. 'John Pinkerton' 1979 Cruise session opens.
18th Apr. Pub Evening, Bounty, Basingstoke.
26th Apr. Society Club Night, Railway Enthusiasts Club, Hawley.
28/29 Apr. IWA Kent and East Sussex Branch Sponsored 'Dig'.
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Funds raised from operating the 'John Pinkerton' trip boat are to be used for re-building Broad Oak Bridge.

Starting on 1st April the Society plans to spend an initial £4,000 on replacing the existing temporary metal girders with concrete beams which will form the basic structure for future reconstruction.

Eventually it is planned to demolish the footbridge built alongside the original brick bridge which became unsafe and was closed in 1968.
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Once again, we are extremely grateful to all those members of the Society who contributed to the success of the Christmas Sale held at Fleet on November 25th. Net profits were approximately £310 - a marvellous amount to raise in just two hours. Thanks go especially to all the helpers, to all the members who donated goods for sale, and to all the ladies who spent so much of their time during the Autumn, sewing and making toys and handicrafts.

A Jumble Sale is being organised at Fleet Civic Hall on Saturday, February 17th starting at 10.30am. Please come along and help make this another outstanding success.
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Ted Williams has kindly agreed to organise another Grand Draw this year following the success of the 1978 Draw which proved to be one of cur biggest fund raising events.

Ted writes, 'My first task in planning the Draw, and hoping it will be bigger and better than before, is to gather together an attractive prize list. This is where you can help me - by putting me in touch with local firms who may be kindly disposed towards us; by donating those unwanted Christmas presents or by giving anything that you think will be an interesting prize.

Last year all the prizes except the first prize of £100 were donated. If the complete list is donated we can considerably reduce the expenses.

My address is: 36 Kestrel Road, Kempshott, Basingstoke, Hants. Tel: (0256) 61579. I look forward to hearing from you.

Last year the Draw made £1,500 so please support this major fund raising effort by contacting Ted with ideas for firms to contact and your prizes.
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As a result of the success of the first Canoe Tourist Trials last April which attracted approximately 350 entries, the Society, in conjunction with the WESTEL CANOE CLUB, hcve decided to make it an Annual Event. The 1979 Trials will be held on Sunday April 29th and will feature set distances of 6, 12, 20 or 30 miles, and entries are invited from members of all ages. Come and enjoy a day out on the Canal.

THIS IS NOT A RACE. Full details are still being worked out but Entry Forms will be available shortly. Please apply to:
Mr. J. Simmons, 52 Ashgrove Road, Ashford Common, Middlesex TW15 1PJ (Tel: Ashford mx (07842 55085) or from:
Mrs. R.A. Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hants (Tel: Fleet 7364) PLEASE ENCLOSE A STAMPED FOOLSCAP SIZE STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE.
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THANKS to Peak Housing Ltd, for making the Society a donation of £100 towards restoration funds.
ANOTHER grateful thanks to Fleet and Crookham Carnival association for their donation of £100 from the proceeds of the 1978 Carnival. Our appreciation also to the Society members and friends who built and manned the Society's narrow boat float which was entered in the Carnival.
MANY thanks to David Robinson and Gloria and Tony Jarrett for all their work on the Newsletter. David was responsible for putting the picture pages together and Gloria and Tony helped put the words together. Our best wishes to you all. The surviving editor is anxious to form a new editorial team and will welcome any volunteers. In particular we're looking for a Picture Editor able to print and make-up the photo pages (you are not expected to take all the photos), and editors (would suit couple, one of whom can type) to help write bits and chase copy. Please ring Dieter Jebens on Farnham 715230 for more details,
STUDENTS of Fullbrook School, Byfleet, made four chisels specially for cutting mortise and tenon joints on lock gate frames. Many thanks for donating them to the Society.
CREWS wanted for the 'John Pinkerton' which starts operating again at Easter. If you have not crewed the boat previously but would like to do so (full training given) please contact Clive or Barbara Durley on Fleet 5694.
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(top) A finished lock gate constructed by JCP workers being floated down to Lock 28.
(bottom right) An upper gate leaving the Deepcut workshop by railway for the adjacent canal.
(bottom left) Some of the artifacts in the Society's archives - see article.

(top left). Ken and Liz Parish with members of the I.W.A.'s Kent and East Sussex Branch bricklaying at Deepcut Lock 19 - see 'Sponsor a Navvy'.
(Top right) 'Pablo' Haworth with his gang of Society volunteers starting work on Lock 5 at Sheerwater.
(centre left) Jules Wood (far left) with members of his regular working party who are helping to restore Lock 16 on the Deepcut Flight.
(centre right) Sheerwater Lock 6 restored by Society volunteers led by 'Pablo' Haworth.
(bottom left) Deepcut flight stalwarts Jim Chisholm and David Junkison pumping out Lock 19.
(bottom) Another Deepcut regular Douglas Gilby (right) with Dr. Alan Ashworth, builder of unsupported arches when he's not curing the fallen variety, working on the by-pass weir at Lock 17.

Pictures by Sue Malohey, Dieter Jebens and David Robinson. Prints by Clive Durley.
Newsletter production, Diana Snow and David Wimpenny. Collation and Distribution, Janet and George Hedger and helpers.
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Last updated April 2005