No. 125 January 1986
Inside front cover --
Comment -
Members living in and around Fleet who are deluged with free newspapers will be well aware of the apparent controversy over 'bats versus boats' which arose out of the Nature Conservancy Council's plan to install a grille across the eastern portal of Greywell Tunnel and lock it up to safeguard a colony of bats.
In fact there was no fundamental conflict between the NCC and the Society since we, too, want to see the bats protected. That was made quite clear by our members who attended last year's AGM.
What sparked off the media interest was the publicity given to the Society's concern at the seemingly low profile way in which the NCC was going about its intention to designate the tunnel a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
As a result more discussions have taken place, both among councillors who were being asked to support the SSSI, and between Hampshire CC, the Society and the NCC.
The consequence is that HCC supports us in acceptance of the SSSI providing it does not prejudice 'the future restoration and use of Greywell Tunnel or any rights of navigation which may exist on the Basingstoke Canal'.
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Canal enthusiasts are sometimes accused of seeking to restore waterways solely for boating which, antagonists claim, is harmful to wildlife. Apart from being contentious, the argument is generally unsupported.
The Society represents natural history interests as much as boating and walking with angling probably in the minority. Our common interest is to restore the navigation as a 200 year old part of our heritage, for its unique historical interest and to serve an increasingly important role as an amenity now and in the future. We
want to maintain the character of the canal, protect the wildlife it supports and encourage people to enjoy the unique attractions of a navigable waterway.
Natural history conservationists are understandably sensitive, with the growth of intensive farming, road building and increasing urban development. But surely these activities represent a greater threat to wildlife — not restoration of a canal to its former condition? In fact, for the most part, we believe wildlife benefits from restoration.
In his book "Flora of Surrey" published in 1976, the late I.E. Lousley wrote: "Our outstanding habitat for water plants is the Basingstoke Canal which Surrey and Hampshire county councils hope to preserve for amenity purposes. Their action will need to be swift as, since through water flow ceased and it became broken into a series of stagnant ponds, deterioration has been rapid.
The canal was at its best for plants when there was still some barge traffic, and the pounds were cleaned and dredged in turn".
In the same book, Mr Lousley also wrote, "The Wey is our best river for aquatics, especially the River Wey Navigation . . .." This, incidentally, is one of our earliest navigations, authorised by an Act of Parliament in 1651.
In restoring the canal, both the Society and the county councils have taken care not to disturb the wildlife if it can be avoided. Natural history conservation experts have been on hand to advise on lengths where species are vulnerable. Some of the flashes along the Pyestock to Farnborough Road length have been set aside as nature reserves free of boating. And towpath clearance work is restricted to the autumn and winter months when plants have died down and birds are not seeking nesting places.
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A pair of new bottom gates, built at the Deepcut workshop, each weighing 30 cwt, were fitted in Brookwood Lock 13 at the end of October. (Left) A crane lowers one of the huge oak framed gates into the recess in the chamber wall, locating the rounded heel post, furthest from the camera, into the hollow quoin in the chamber wall. (Top right) Both gates in position ... Jim Reid and Ron Wheeler check the fit and movement of the 12'6" x 9' gates before the iron collar is finally secured by bolts round the top of the heel post to hold the gate in position. A tan pin in the bottom of the heel post fits into a 'pot' to pivot the bottom of the gate. (Bottom right) Will the balance beam fit? An anxious moment when the balance beam, its weight supported by the crane, is fitted to the lock gate. The tenon cut in the end of the
beam is being driven into the mortice in the mitre post of the gate, while a mortice underneath the beam must fit the tenon on the heel post.
(Top) The Society's dredger Perseverance and mud barge briefly unattended as the crew join in a celebration drink to mark the day they crossed the line from Dogmersfield to Crookham Village. (Inset) The crew and Society members join with local residents and parish councillors of Crookham Village to welcome Perseverance over the parish boundary. (Bottom) The John Pinkerton moored alongside Poulters Bridge Cottage taking on stores for the last commercial charter trip of the season one glorious warm and sunny Sunday at the end of October.
(Photographs: Clive Durley and Dieter Jebens)
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WORKING PARTIES and Progress - Peter Cooper
With 1986 upon us, the target date for reopening the canal in 1988 looms even larger. There is still a lot to be done, and only so much that councils and full-time workers can do. So the rest falls to volunteers; with the reward of a fully restored and operational canal beckoning, we hope that more volunteers than ever will come forward to help in the final stages of this epic task.
The working parties now operating are listed below; it's usually as well to contact your working party leader a few days before attending, just in case of any last minute change of plan.
St Johns (or Goldsworth) Flight Every weekend
Excellent progress continues at this flight of locks, but now more volunteers than ever are needed, to finish the flight as rapidly as possible. Freezing weather at the height of winter remains a seasonal hazard, which may slowdown progress,but otherwise it is hoped to continue to push ahead.
At Lock 9 the upper recess walls are half finished, and apart from that there are only the assorted finishing jobs (bollards, quadrants, etc) to do. At Lock 8 the first chamber wall is about a third of the way up, the upper off-side wing wall and the flank and return walls are done, and the top cill is being excavated. There is also progress at Lock 7, where the flank walls are coming up rapidly,the outlet from the bywash is almost complete, and work continues on the lower recess walls, the ladder recess, and on patching the chamber walls.
The coordinator of volunteer work on this flight is MIKE FELLOWS,on Wokingham 787428, and for further details you should contact him or one of the working party leaders listed below. The St. Johns roster, to work on Locks 7,8 and 9,is:-
(PR,KH,EC) | (JW) | (PR,KH,EC) | (PJ) |
4/5 Jan | 11/12 Jan | 18/19 Jan | 25/26 Jan |
1/2 Feb | 8/9 Feb | 15/16Feb | 22/23 Feb |
1/2 Mar | 8/9 Mar | 15/16 Mar | 22/23 Mar |
JW - Jules Wood - Farnborough 515737
PJ - Peter Jones - Aldershot 313076
PR - Peter Redway - Woking 21710
KH- Ken Halls - Woking 23981
EC - Edwin Chappell - Ashtead 72631
In addition, the party led by ALAN GRIMSTER (Brook-wood 6127) will meet on 12 Jan, 26 Jan, 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 9 Mar and 23 Mar.
As before, volunteers wishing to share accommodation with a visiting group should contact MIKE FELLOWS to make arrangements.
Dredging in Hampshire Every weekend
The dredger is now 450 yards short of Chequers Bridge, and still proceeding at a steady pace. A new barge has been received from British Shipbuilders and another is expected shortly. The team are still looking for new recruits; in addition, with the shorter working days they are also looking for volunteers to light up for them. This job means a start at 8 a.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. Sunday,
and is done by 10.30 a.m.; it involves little more than lighting a domestic fire, but will greatly increase the amount of work the dredger crew can do in the winter months. All would-be helpers are asked to contact ANDY STUMPF on Chesham 785720 or BRIAN BANE on Hook 3627; anyone who has recently offered their services and has not received a reply is asked to make contact again.
Lock gate building
This party will continue to take care of various carpentry jobs, as appropriate, for the locks. Only one party will now be operating: —
4/5 Jan, 1 /2 Feb, 1 /2 Mar - FRANK JONES on Deepcut 835711 (workshop) or Camberley 28367 (home).
The party led by ALAN GRIMSTER which has recently been working here are now returning to the St Johns Flight. We would like to thank them for their help with lock gate building in the past months.
Towpath work in Surrey
First Sunday of the month - 5 Jan, 2 Feb, 2 Mar. This party has got off to a good start, and they hope for even better attendances when they become established. The meeting place is Monument Bridge, Woking; this is unskilled work suitable for all, including family parties. For more details contact PETER JACKMAN on Woking 72132.
Lock 4 (Woodham)
Second weekend of the month — 11/12 Jan, 8/9 Feb, 8/9 Mar.
The second chamber wall is now nearly half way up, and bricklaying will, weather permitting, continue to be the order of the day. For further details contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081.
Lock 1 (Woodham)
Third weekend of the month - 18/19 Jan, 15/16 Feb, 15/16 Mar.
The chamber itself is now finished, and the top hollow posts are now to be cast. Work will then continue on the flank and return walls. For further details contact DICK HARPER-WHITE on Weybridge 42074 or ROY DAVENPORT on 01-979-7075.
Towpath work in Hampshire
A party is now established to do this work in Surrey, but there remains a need for a similar job to be done in Hampshire. If anyone feels they would like to volunteer to lead such a party, they are invited to contact a member of the Society's committee, or to write to this newsletter.
Full-time Work
The Society's full-time team are fitting gates to Lock 13 at Brookwood, and are taking care of other jobs as necessary to complete this lock.
The NACRO team at Lock 12 are now settled in, and have started bricklaying on the nearside chamber wall.
Weekday Volunteers
If you are free to work on the canal during the week, even if only for a few days, FRANK JONES (Deepcut 835711 - workshop, or Camberley 28367 - home) would be happy to hear from you. He will certainly be able to find you something to do.
Work Camp
The present plan is that there will be a Summer Work Camp in 1986, and it is likely to be centred on Locks 2 and 3.
Max-craft Foldinghy 8'00" l.o.a. 4'6" beam complete with oars and seats etc., can take an out-board of about 2.5hp. Boat in good condition. £75. Peter Lattey, 38a Elms Road, Fleet, Hampshire. (025-14)21295.
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In the News
When British Telecom sent Working Party Leader Peter Redway on a course run by Communication Skills International, he put what he learned into practice before the course ended. Together with other participants, Peter was asked to promote his favourite charity as an exercise.
It is not only encouraging to learn that Peter chose to talk about the Society, but that he also won £5 for the best presentation, which he promptly donated — to his favourite charity. Thanks Peter. That leaves you only £4,995 to win before you catch up with your wife's donated prize money!
(Marguerite Redway won £5,000 in a national environmental competition run by Spar in 1979 which went towards restoration of St Johns Lock 11).
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The Society's 70-ton steam powered dredger Perseverance crossed the line from Dogmersfield to Crookham Village in October in the heart of the Hampshire countryside.
The occasion was celebrated in the time honoured way with beer glasses raised aboard the dredger by members of the crews, members of Crookham Village Association and local parish councillors.
Chairman of the Parish Council, Stan Knight, warned local residents that there might be some slight inconvenience while the work was in progress but this would be far outweighed by having a clear, living canal in the parish instead of a stagnant stretch of water that exists today. "One does not need a long memory", he observed "to recall that more than 90% of the canal bed through the village was quite dry and fish were left gasping at Crookham Deeps". He added, "But for the efforts of the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society and the staff of Hampshire County Council, the Deeps would now be a stagnant swamp and the rest a jungle of scrub and rubbish".
Attending the celebration was Brian Bane who managed dredging operations for the Society for a number of years and is still a regular volunteer. The work of operating the dredger, tugs, barges and dragline crane is done by a team of volunteers working on a rota basis. To give existing members more time off, Brian would like to hear from more members or friends who would like to take part. Full training will be given for whatever job you'd like to do —no experience is needed. But a liking for mud, mechanical equipment, boats and team work helps.
For more information phone Brian on Hook 3627.
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When Barbara and Clive Durley called to collect Ray and Peter Fethney one Saturday evening last October, the Fethneys thought they were going to have a quiet dinner party with Rosemary and David Millett. But unknown to them, thirty or more of their friends had also been invited round to give them a surprise party and wish them good luck on their move to Yorkshire.
A magnificent buffet had been prepared by several of Ray's friends for a very convivial evening of reminiscences of the many events that had taken place during the 13 years Ray and Peter have been members of the Society and contributed to furthering our aim to restore the Canal.
During the evening Robin Higgs presented the couple with a gift token and a plant for Ray on behalf of the Society with our best wishes for many more happy years together in their new home. Their address is: 3 Wisp Hill Croft, Moody Sty Lane, Grassington, Skipton, North Yorkshire.
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No, not really —merely an appeal for Society postmen to deliver Newsletters. Currently we require postmen for the following areas:
1. Crookham Road, Fleet (from Coxheath Corner to the Oatsheaf pub.)
2. Farnborough — the area east of Alexandra Road
(Somerset Road, Queens Road etc.).
Applicants for this valuable cost-saving job, please contact George and Janet Hedger on Fleet 7465.
Thanks this time are due to retiring postman Ted Williams who has delivered 25-30 Newsletters each issue single-handed in Basingstoke often involving a long journey over a wide area.
The intrepid boater on the Basingstoke Canal can now take courage when exploring the dark waters in the knowledge that the 'Fox and Hounds' at Fleet has a new landing stage at the bottom of the pub garden which borders the canal. So Courage ales can reach boat crews other beers cannot reach!
Last October the brewery constructed the landing stage which is conveniently situated midway between the slipways at Farnborough Road and Barley Mow Bridge, Winchfield. Well done Courages, another useful facility for those out on the canal.
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Monday 13th January
The Mid Hants Railway - an update. Christ Church Hall, Woking, 8.00pm.
Tuesday 28th January
Fleet Social Evening — speaker to be announced. Fleet Cricket Club, Reading Road North, Fleet, 7.45pm.
Monday 10th February
"From Hampton Court to Burgundy" — a film presentation by John Humphries. Christ Church Hall, Woking,8.00pm.
Tuesday 25th February
"North Downs Way" - a presentation by the Ramblers Association. Fleet Cricket Club, Reading Road North, Fleet, 7.45pm.
Sunday 2nd March
Perseverance - a dredger Open Day. Crookham Wharf, 10.00am — 3.00pm. FuE details elsewhere.
Wednesday 5th March
John Humphries presents "Our Canal Heritage" at the RAE Assembly Hall, Farnborough, 7.30pm. Full details elsewhere.
Saturday 8th March
BARN DANCE. Fulbrook School,West Byfleet,8.00pm.
Full details elsewhere.
Monday 10th March
"Birds of the Surrey Waterways" — presented by the RSPB. Christ Church Hall, Woking, 8.00pm.
Monday 14th April
"Thames Walks" - the Ramblers Association. Christ Church Hall, Woking, 8.00pm.
Saturday 26th April
Annual General Meeting. St John's Memorial Hall, St John's Lye,Woking.
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About 100 people attended a public meeting organised by the Society's Marketing Group, at Chernocke Hall, Fleet,on 20th November.
Guest Chairman Mr. Robin Cowan who is Vice Chairman of Hart District Council, praised the team spirit and dedication of the vast army of volunteers who work on the canal. He said that he was impressed by the co-operation that existed between the Society and local authorities in restoring the canal, and he appealed for more local firms and commercial companies to get involved. "The Canal will provide something for everyone", Cllr. Cowan pointed out and suggested that industry might contribute by 'adopting a lock for restoration, offering to pay for a pair of new lock gates or by providing some of the specialised equipment needed'.
The Society's vice-chairman, David Millett underlined the need for more support. He said that although the Society's contribution was around £40,000 a year which went towards employing our full time work team and providing equipment for volunteers — and the local
authorities were budgeting as much as possible — more support would be welcomed to help meet the 1988 completion target. He pointed out the increasing use being made of the canal did not mean the project was finished.
Highlight of the meeting was Arthur Dungate's 26 minute audio visual presentation, followed by a lively 'Any Questions' session. In answer to a question about the canal's wildlife, David Gerry, manager of the Canal in Hampshire, said that from his observations several pairs of swans had returned to the restored canal, and that dab chicks and mallards were increasing in numbers. "There may be some losers",h e said, "but overall restoration provides a better balance of wildlife".
Marion Truman and helpers provided refreshments while the audience circulated at the end of the presentation to look at Phil Pratt's display of photographs and models, visit Martin Bowers' sales stand, while Janet Brazier signed up some new members. Our thanks to those members who came along and helped to make the evening a success.
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Peter Lattey's advertisement offering a dinghy for sale in the Newsletter (No 123) brought in more response than any of the local newspapers — and led to a sale within ten days of the advertisement appearing.
That's why Peter has chosen to use the Newsletter again to offer another boat in his fleet for sale — an 8ft Max-craft Foldinghy — for £75, in this issue.
We're also pleased to welcome back our regular advertiser last year, Stroudwater Cruisers, introduced to us by our member Mr. Lock. We know that their advertisement generated at least one booking because our other regular advertiser last year, Martin Clarke, who runs Surrey Sounds Radio Roadshow, booked his holiday with Stroudwater!
We're pleased to welcome Stroudwater Cruisers back, at least for this issue, and we hope members who are
thinking of taking a canal holiday will look at what Stroudwater has to offer. In addition to making a good base from which to explore a variety of waterways with a choice of circular routes, Stourport is a fascinating inland port with a great deal to interest the canal enthusiast and holidaymaker alike.
Advertisement can be set by the printer from clearly typed copy and layouts requested will be followed as far as possible. Any special typefaces,artwork or drawings must be prepared by the advertiser or his agent and supplied ready for reproduction. Any additional preparatory costs will be charged at cost.
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Fund Raising News - Derek Truman
Last year's walk has so far raised £5,000. There's more to come, so please send in what you raised to :— Bert Savill,3 Rusnmoor Close, Fleet,Hants.
Our grateful thanks to the following : — Woking Cinema Club (£55); 8th Woking Scouts (£152); Saltern School (£20); Ethiopia Fund (£18) and to Richard Rozelaar for his efforts in raising £124.
Planning for the 1986 Sponsored Walk
Planned for Sunday 18th May, Graham Meade, the organiser, would like your ideas on the route and offers to act as marshalls and assist with the planning in advance. Contact: Graham Meade, 89 Tavistock Road, Fleet, Hants. Tel: Fleet 29466.
200 CLUB - 1986
Over the past four years of its existence the 200 Club has raised about £2,200 for the Society and a similar amount has been paid out in prize money.
It is not too late to join — what's £12 a year or £1 a month for such a good cause? If you've lost the form enclosed with the last Newsletter there's an inexhaustible supply to be had from: Derek Truman, 91 Tavistock Road, Fleet, Hants, GU13 SEN. Tel: Fleet 3435.
Offers to help with existing fund raising events and ideas for new ones would be greatly appreciated. Surely you've got a way of raising money — large or small — that you could put into practice for the Society. Assistance is always available with publicity, posters or whatever. Like Pauline Hadlow's plan to hold a market stall one Saturday in Camberley. There must be lots of ideas for us to try. Give Derek Truman a ring on Fleet 3435.
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The trip by the John Pinkerton in September in aid of Councillor Mrs Mildred Stocks' Charity Appeal for funds to build a boat for the handicapped for use on the Basingstoke Canal raised £230. The use of the John Pinkerton was donated by the Society and local traders generously provided the food for the trip. Councillor Mrs Stocks is Chairman of Hart District Council.
The journey from Ash Lock to Fleet was largely uneventful barring a tow towards the end to overcome the problems caused by a lack of water. The Mayor and Mayoress of Rushmoor Borough Council joined the boat for part of the journey and officiated in a fund raising draw.
The boat that is to be built has been designed such that it will meet certain requirements. These requirements are that it should be a stable, easily boarded vessel; not too large or unmanoeuvrable; a day boat rather than providing accommodation; steerable by a person in a wheelchair; and of course not prohibitively expensive.
The eventual design provides for a hull comprised of 2 pontoons, a low level deck, a canopy that can be lowered and accommodation for 12 persons. The method of propulsion is not yet decided but hopefully an electric motor can be used. The actual building of the vessel is to be done by apprentices at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough.
More help is required in fund raising and setting up a Trust to manage the boat — in particular legal advice is sought in establishing the Trust.
Anyone keen to help is asked to contact Mrs Judith Gerry, 10 Fairland Close, Fleet, Hants. GUI3 9LU (Fleet 22520).
LATE NEWS: 30 soldiers at the Guards Depot raised £2,000 from a sponsored run round the parade ground and also by working on the canal.
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GRAND DRAW 1985 - Gwyneth Browne
Congratulations SHCS members - you did wonders last year in the Grand Draw. You sold (and/or bought) over 11,000 tickets, and the clear profit was £1730. Rosemary Millett won the prize for selling more tickets than anyone else. Well done, Rosemary.
The winners were:
1st Prize - ticket 07359, Mrs J. Brown (no relation)
2nd Prize - ticket 08616, Mrs P. Howard
3rd Prize - ticket 30893, Mrs A. Whelton
4th Prize - ticket 33867, Mr J. Skipsey
5th Prize - ticket 50294, Mr V. Orchard
Thanks are due to John and Janet Greenfield for donating a bottle of Scotch and to Nancy Larcombe for a canal picture. A big thank you to all whogrand or wrote for extra books of tickets. We are particularly grateful to all those who gave donations as well as or instead of buying the tickets. The letters that came with the cheques and money were also very interesting. Unfortunately lack of time prevents individual replies and letters of thanks so please accept thanks this way.
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17th MAY.. 17th MAY.. 17th MAY.. 17th MAY PLEASE SUPPORT OUR STALL
On Saturday 17th May the Society are having a stall in Camberley Centre, situated in the shopping precinct between the Army & Navy Store, Halfords and the multistorey car park.
We have the opportunity of a possible 9 hours in which to promote the Society at a time when Camberley is at its busiest. So the fund raising potential is considerable. All we need are the things to sell — so please search your cupboards and shelves for books and bric-a-brac in fact anything except clothing and large items.
Plants always sell well and these could include dahlia tubers and gladiolus corms, bedding plants as well as houseplants.We also intend to have Society leaflets, books and membership forms available - let's help towards making Target 1988 a reality.
Please 'phone now for collection of books and bric-a-brac and nearer the time for gifts of plants. Ring Pauline Hadlow (Camberley 28367).
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In the News
The proud boast of Harrods, the Knightsbridge store, has always been that they can supply anything you ask for — and we're pleased to say that includes the Society's book 'Basingstoke Canal Restoration'.
Working party leader Edwin Chappeli recently offered to have a go at selling some copies around the Ashtead and Croydon areas. He took 20 copies and within a few days he came back for more. This time he headed for London. Ignoring the busy Victoria station bookstall, he went straight to Harrods and saw the books buyer who showed interest in restoration progress and bought a dozen copies.
Flushed with success, Edwin set off for Hatchards, the booksellers to the Queen in Piccadilly. He presented
the book to the General Manager who also showed interest and said he'd better have some because his managing director lives in Basingstoke. And when he saw that Lord Onslow, one of the shop's customers, had written the Foreword, that clinched the order and Edwin had sold another ten copies.
Our thanks to Edwin and other members who have been selling the book for the Society, and please keep up the good work because we are now into profit and there is still a good stock.
If anyone else would care to have a go at doing some selling - booksellers are a very pleasant and interested lot - give Dieter Jebens a call on Farnham 715230.
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It's not every charter trip where the John Pinkerton crew picks the party up at the door. But that's how it was for the Longbottom family whose home is on the banks of the Canal adjacent to Poulter's Bridge.
With a little extra horsepower provided by Tony Harmsworth driving a tractor along the towpath.the party enjoyed the fine Hampshire countryside on a perfect Autumn day to finish the season. Well, not quite. The John Pinkerton did a late, late trip on a somewhat colder and distinctly grey November day to show councillors from Basingstoke the delights of the restored canal. Weekday crew members John Anstey, Jack Ford, Phil Armjtage and Dennis Lyons came out of hibernation to take the passengers from Barley Mow Bridge. Mulled wine, a hot, tasty broth and stuffed jacket potatoes, finishing with meringues topped with raspberries, served by Rosemary Millett, Judy Irwin and Katie Hicks was much appreciated by those who braved the elements.
A highlight of the trip was the sight of a kingfisher, west of Sprats Hatch Bridge, which flew ahead of the boat and settled on a branch at the waters edge while the John Pinkerton went by.
Boat Company Treasurer, John Elliott anticipates profits will be up to the level of last year despite a poor
start to the season. The Company's decision to operate from Aldershot during August and run shorter one-hour public cruises attracted full trips and additional turnover without which profits would definitely have been down.
The 1986 season is expected to siart on 1 st May for charter bookings, operating from Ash Lock until the rally in June. After that the John Pinkerton will be based at Colt Hill, returning to Aldershot for the August Bank holiday.
The maintenance schedule permitting, public trips will operate from Ash Lock over the Easter Holiday at the end of March and on all other public holidays.
The success of the Deepcut trips navigating the flight of fourteen locks was so successful that the boat company hopes to run four more trips down the flight during the weekend 17-18 May. Full details in the next Newsletter.
Our member and regular boat crew volunteer, Tony Karavis of Farnborough has kindly agreed to take over as Bookings Manager from Ron Hursey. Our thanks to Ron and his wife Joyce for doing the job so efficiently for the past three seasons, and best wishes to Tony in taking on this essential job.
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The season of talks, films and slide shows is now under way and your fullest support is appreciated. This winter the Hampshire meetings are at a new venue at the Fleet Cricket Club room, Calthorpe Park, Reading Road North, Fleet. The meetings will be on the LAST TUESDAY of the month. The Woking meetings will continue on the 2nd MONDAY of the month. DO COME ALONG and bring your friends.
WOKING SOCIAL EVENINGS: At the Christ Church Hall, Town Square, Woking (50 yards from the Centre Halls). Coffee and biscuits available, plus the Sales Stand.
Monday 13th January, 8.00pm
The Mid Hants Railway will be featured — its progress and future. John Adams is the speaker.
Monday 10th February, 8.00pm
"From Hampton Court to Burgundy". John Humphries,. one time IWA Chairman and now a Vice President of the Society, will present another of his justly famous film presentations. Don't miss it!
Monday 10th March, 8.00pm
'The Birds of Surrey Waterways". Brian Nobbs of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds will be the presenter.
Monday 14th April, 8.00pm
"Thames Walks" will be presented by the Ramblers Association.
FLEET SOCIAL EVENINGS: At the Fleet Cricket Clubroom, Calthorpe Park, off Reading Road North, Fleet. (1st left about 200 yards from the Oatsheaf Public House traffic lights on the A323 Fleet - Hartley Wintney road.) Bar available plus coffee and biscuits.
Tuesday 28th January, 7.45pm
Speaker to be announced. Book the date now.
Tuesday 25th February, 7.45pm
A slide show by the Ramblers Association entitled "The North Downs Way". This follows the Pilgrims from Farnham along the chalk downland tracks to Canterbury and Dover. This spectacular armchair ramble takes you along the North Downs Way, a long distance footpath which shows fine views and some of England's best villages.
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The Society has recently received a second donation from the B.D. Tomlins Charitable Trust for the most generous amount of £1,500. This is the second donation made by the Trust to the Society, making a total sum of £3,300 to date.
Our sincere thanks go to the Trust for helping in our aim of TARGET 1988.
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ON THE ROAD - Martin Bowers
Another year draws to the end for the society mobile sales team.
In the past six months we have travelled over 500 miles to shows and boat rallies in this locality and further.
May Bank Holiday was spent at the Canalway Cavalcade, Little Venice, Paddington. This was a quite successful and pleasant three days, with about 30,000 people attending. One of the most entertaining events, for us, was the sight of Peter Jackman up to his neck in the canal trying to remove a tyre and other rubbish off the prop of Thomas Mows. You could not tell where Peter's blue overalls ended and his skin began after three quarters of an hour in the water.
Pewsey National Trailboat Rally on the K & A was a wash out in every sense of the word. It was another Reading Water Festival.
Our own event at Ash Lock was a very good one for us. Total takings over the two days were approx. £500 (Sunday £350). It was very hard work, but worth it for everyone involved in the organisation.
Events at Basingstoke, Lightwater and Fleet followed.
Guildford Water Festival on Millmead Island proved to be the most troublesome of the year for access. It was, however, blessed with the finest weather we could hope for. The Sunday did seem to be a tug-of-war competition rather than a boat rally though.
Our annual 'Holiday' was the following weekend. The Thames Traditional Boat Rally'at Henley is a must for anyone interested in all aspects of old craft. They range from the Dunkirk little ships to skiffs, camping punts and the craft of the Steamboat Association.
Aubrey Slaughter attended with his beautifully restored 1925 motorised canoe Silver Ripple. This is powered by an Austin seven engine and was put into the water after restoration on the Friday. Adrian Birtles was also there with his steam launch Meteorite.
The Saturday evening buffet was most enjoyable, as it was washed down by the barrel of beer won by a tug-of-war team including Brian Newman and myself. The evening was rounded off by hot air balloons and a first class firework display. If you have not been to this rally make a date for July 12-13 next year.
August Bank Holiday is always the IWA National. Off we went to Milton Keynes and like most trying to find the site, got lost. This must have been the largest land site ever used for a National, but it did seem that the canal was divorced from the main show area. Old friendships were renewed (mainly in the bar) and new ones made (mainly in the bar).
Now for my thanks to all who have helped over the past season. Aubrey for the administration and stock holding, Brian Newman and John Hulbert for their time, effort and sense of humour, last but not least, my own son, David, who has not missed assisting at a single show this year.
Now we come to the cries for help. Firstly, can you spare some time to help on the sales stand? At present it is the same few every weekend, and we do get a little tired. Secondly, does any member have an awning, for a 14 foot caravan they wish to dispose of? Our one is beginning to show the strain. It must have a fully opening front for selling. If you can help in either way please contact me on Farnborough 513095. Another year will soon be starting and we are, I'm sure, looking forward to it. (We must be mad).
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Dear Sir,
On Saturday afternoon September 21st, my wife and I were invited to join a coach party from Four Marks to take a boat trip on the Basingstoke Canal.
We arrived at Camp Farm Road at 4.00pm to join the long boat — beautifully decorated at the front. We soon went aboard and on our way towards Aldershot.
It was my first return to the canal since 1921-22. In 1921 I had been posted to Aldershot and stationed at Nursery Camp by the side of the canal on Farnborough Road.
The Boat House on the bridge was called "Hills" who hired out boats and sold fishing tackle. Here we hired a boat in the summer time and after rowed to Fleet to spend an evening attending Fleet Fair, sometimes not returning until nearly midnight. On Sunday afternoons the canal would have plenty of traffic on it of various kinds and we would purchase teas and refreshments at a cafe on route. Many times I have walked the towpath from Aldershot to Ash and Ash Vale.
A few years later I lived in Fir Acre Road with my wife and on some summer Sunday evenings the British Legion Band would play at the Tuppers Hotel where we would sit with our beers and enjoy the boats stopping off for refreshments. There was also a very good maze on the lawn which the children enjoyed.
However we continued our canal trip as far as the Farnborough Road — no boat house — but turned round towards Ash, under the main Ash bridge where we turned round back to Camp Farm Road to disembark and getting back to our waiting coach and back to Four Marks after a very enjoyable outing.
This time I had to rely on memories because I have been blind for 25 years and not able to see a word I have written. Yours sincerely J. STOREY, 23 Gillian Close, Aldershot.
Editor's Note: Thanks Mr Storey for your efforts in writing this most interesting letter. Tuppers Hotel at Ash Vale is still in existence but is now called The Swan.
Dear Sirs,
First the result of our Jumble Sale, held in Ash on November 2nd - a cheque for £56 has been sent to the Treasurer.
Secondly, in reply to the comment by Audrey Townsend in the November newsletter (how nice and early this month, but we do deliver them so get a slight advantage). She remarked about not seeing any boats at the Fox and Hounds, Fleet. We have taken our little boat "Suzi II" as far as Church Crookham on two occasions this summer. On May Bank Holiday when the weather was so lovely, we moored at the Fox and Hounds for our lunch, as had also three canoes, and several people were enjoying lunch sitting by the towpath watching the activity on the canal. We were there again in September and found they have built a very good mooring at the Fox and Hounds which we were pleased to see. No doubt if we hadn't been out of action for two months with steering gear problems we would have been out more often. We have also been to lock 28, mooring up by The Swan at Ash Vale and enjoying ploughman's lunch in their garden overlooking the canal.
We were pleased to meet the weed cutter in Fleet and see it at work, it certainly needed it! One Sunday in July we were walking along the towpath from Ash Wharf to Mytchett Lake and we counted seven various types of boat using the canal, two motor cruisers, several canoes, small boats with outboard motors so I feel it is beginning to be used, a very rewarding sense of achievement after all the work which has been done by so many people.
Looking forward to the next boat rally. Yours sincerely, BETTY SCAMMELL 6 Grange Farm Road, Ash, Aldershot, Hants. GUI2 6SI
Dear Sir,
I am writing this letter to express my total agreement with Mr F.H. Hayward of Basingstoke, whose letter regarding the section of canal and the tunnel at Greywell appeared in your September newsletter.
I am not a member of the Society but I lived at Greywell with some very good friends of mine during the war and their house backed onto this particular part of the canal.
I still remember the lovely undisturbed section from the tunnel mouth to King John's Castle and have many a time stood in the evening and watched the bats fly in and out of the tunnel entrance.
It also abounded with wild life and I think that the people of Greywell would not like to see boats coming right up the canal and perhaps venturing into the tunnel itself.
I have been about a hundred yards inside the tunnel and I can assure you it is another world and I think should be left as such. Surely with all the miles of canal that have been restored the section Mr Hayward mentions should NOT be included in the restoration and remain as a bit of Old England. Yours sincerely, H.W. GATES
"Margarets Cottage", Gaggerhill Lane,Brighstone, Newport, Isle of Wight. PO30 4DX
Dear Editor
Why is it that whenever a literary publication jumps onto the swan death/lead shot controversy it always quotes statistics that never reflect the true situation and why do such publications never print the other side of the argument from the angler himself?
Your article in September's Issue entitled "SOS — Save Our Swans" follows the same biased course as all the others.
Firstly you state the case of Swan Upping on the R. Thames and compare figures that are 28 years apart — not a very fair comparison I suggest, a lot of things will have changed over that period. OK, so the swan population at Swan Upping has decreased dramatically, this fact I will not deny but a survey carried out by the Wildfowl Trust earlier this year has shown that the overall British swan population has increased from 17,500 to 19,000 since 1978. So where are the swans now? One major change has occurred during your comparison period and that is the excavation of hundreds of gravel pits, this is especially true of the Thames Valley. So the swans now have a choice of habitat - a river with the daily noise and harassment from the ever increasing boat traffic or a peaceful gravel pit — take a look at any gravel pit and you will discover the swan's choice.
Don't get me wrong — I'm not trying to shirk off this problem but I would like the facts straight, yes, lead shot kills swans, just as it would kill any other living animal and by now I hope that every angler is fully aware of this, but anglers are not decimating the swan population as many people are led to believe.
Road accidents and smoking kill many thousands of people every year but we don't ban cars or cigarettes, We do however try to make such things safer and endeavour to make people aware of the dangers involved. This has been the case too for the humble lead shot, there has been much publicity in the Angling press regarding this matter. Anglers are repeatedly warned of the dangers to wildlife and urged to take home and properly dispose of any discarded lead shot. Many clubs impose life bans if their members are caught discarding any tackle or litter at the waterside.
Considerable thought has been put into redesigning the packaging that lead shot is supplied in and since the beginning of this fishing season lead shot has only been available in spill proof, single shot dispensers.
To compliment this development several lead shot substitutes have been developed but as yet none have proved to be totally acceptable. Lead was originally chosen because it is malleable, very dense, easy to use and cheap, no substitute has yet to match these four qualities of lead, especially the last. The best lead shot alternative available (in my opinion) is currently 5 times more expensive than the equivalent lead shot and the angler will use more of it as it is prone to falling off the angler's line. In order to replace all the lead in the angler's tackle box, the anglers will have to arm themselves with several types of substitute in order to cover differing angling techniques, so it is easy to see why the alternatives are slow to gain popularity.
The vast majority of anglers are caring, humane people,
we do not go out with the intention of harming swans or
other wildlife and in fact, most of us are very conservation minded. Clubs, Associations and the Angling Press
alike are all urging the anglers to try out the lead alternatives and with the sale of lead being banned from 1987
we have little choice but to adopt what is available. We
realise we have a serious problem. We have addressed the
situation and we are now putting our house in order. All
we ask is that we are given a fair hearing.
Yours faithfully
Hampshire Basingstoke Canal Anglers Association 37 Mansfield Road, Basingstoke, Hants. RG22 6DX
Dear Sir
So you managed to have the trip on John Pinkerton after all — when I rang for tickets I was told it would almost certainly have to be postponed due to lack of water. I am glad for everyone else's sake that you managed to go, but how I wish I had been with you! I'm old enough to remember commercial traffic on the Basingstoke, and would have enjoyed making the first trip after so many years very much indeed.
I look forward to getting one of the new Target T-shirts - I'm sorry there aren't any of the 'old' ones in the sales list - they would have made good Christmas presents. The one I have is getting a little worn and could do with replacing, still, I've got one from the Work Camp which takes pride of place. I'm only sorry that I wasn't able to come for the whole two weeks - Mike thought the weather was dreadful: well, it was a lot better than we had been having up in the Lakes, at least I was able to wear a T-shirt and shorts quite a lot of the time, and when it did rain (and it certainly did the Sunday we
went to look at the dredger), it was a lot warmer! Many thanks to Mike for organising everything — it was one of the best weeks I've ever spent, and I felt pleased that I was able to make a practical, if small, contribution to the restoration.
I am a little puzzled by all the fuss about bats - some of which has been reported in the waterways press, I used to live on a water works, and we had bats living quite happily in a shed which housed several lorries, which were coming and going at various times six days a week. Anyway, I thought canals were built for BOATS, not bats.
I've noted the date for the Sponsored Walk for next year — I'd rather like to walk in the Hampshire area as I do not know that part as well as I do the Surrey end, but just one plea: PLEASE PLEASE use miles and not kilometres. The IWA reported that their walks hadn't done as well this year, the North Lanes & Cumbria branch (whose meetings I often attend) in their newsletter reported disappointing attendance, and I feel sure that this was the main reason. DOREEN MAYNARD Brook Wood, 51 Fell View, Gosforth, Cumberland.
Editor's Note: Oh, dear, if seems we owe Doreen another apology. In fact, to anyone else who enquired about the John Pinkerton trip down the Deepcut flight in October and was told it was a doubtful starter, the organisers offer an apology. Not that you got the wrong information: the weekend before the trip, one or two pounds along the flight were very short of water and there were doubts •whether remedial action would solve the problem or if it was due to a general shortage of water. At the eleventh hour it was decided that there was a solution, which proved to be correct, and the panic was over. So, if you phoned at the time we were about to press the 'stop' button, you would have got the best answer we had at the time which was that we anticipated a postponement. Sorry, but there will be another chance this year. The trips proved so popular that a weekend of "specials 'is planned for 17th-18th May.
Dear Sir,
Having just read that Bert and Betty Scammell cannot continue with their towpath activities, may I propose the "ADOPT-A-LOCK" principle as a possible solution to the continuing task of towpath,bankside and lock maintenance.
A family or group would be responsible for the upkeep of a lock or length of canal. This would be renewable after some defined period, say two years.
Selection would be first come, first choice.The maintenance required could be defined in a simple document stating what, when and where. The group would provide its own materials and tools. Groups could be under the management of a Lengthsman or Canal Warden.
The principle provides involvement, allows more serious problems to be speedily reported, hopefully will keep vandalism and misuse to a minimum, keep the fabric of the canal in good working order and appearance, for an estimated two to three days per month. Yours faithfully
MICHAEL J. LEDGER & FAMILY Lock 22-Phantom painters 58 Mount Pleasant Close, Lightwater, Surrey GUI 8 5TR
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Coming Events
Following the success of the Open Day celebrating
Perseverance's 50th birthday last year the event is to be
repeated this year.
The venue is Crookham Wharf, the date is Sunday 2nd March and the time is from 10.00am to 3.00pm.
The Sales Stand will be present as will the Photographic Exhibition. Refreshments will be available.
Book the date NOW and do come along.
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John Humphries and Hugh McKnight will present "Our Canal Heritage" at the RAE Assembly Hall, Farnborough at 7.30pm on Wednesday 5th March. The presentation has been arranged by the Technical Society of the RAE.
Members, families and friends are welcome — the hall is opposite Farnborough Technical College.
If possible please 'phone Alan Lucas on Aldershot 26125 to advise numbers for catering purposes (teas etc.). (Alan works shifts so keep trying if you cannot get through).
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Notice is hereby given that the Ninth Annual General Meeting of the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited will be held on Saturday 26th April 1986 at St John's Memorial Hall, St John's Lye, Woking. Following the AGM there will be a Finger Buffet Supper. Further details will be given in the next Newsletter. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE IN YOUR DIARY NOW.
In accordance with the Society's Articles of Association, all the members of the Executive Committee retire at the Annual General Meeting and all are eligible for re-election. It is always desirable,however, to have new faces and new ideas on the Executive Committee. Nominations are therefore invited for the 12 seats available commencing in May 1986. We can only achieve the aim of completing the restoration by 1988 by adapting to changing circumstances and by having an Executive Committee with the drive and enthusiasm to spur the Society to meet this target both by increasing our financial input and by encouraging more members to volunteer for all the differing tasks for which the Society needs people. So, if you feel you have something to contribute, why not put your name forward?
Nomination forms are available from the Honorary Secretary (address and phone number on the back page).77ze closing date for nominations is Saturday 15th February 1986.
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Saturday 8th March is the date for another of the highly popular Barn Dances. This dance will be held at the Fulbrook School, West Byfleet.
Festivities commence at 8.00pm and the tickets cost £3.25. Fish and chips are included in the price but please bring drinks and glasses. The Triumph Dance Band will provide the music.
Tickets available from Peter Coxhead (Byfleet 44564) — a form is included with this newsletter.
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Mrs Gwyneth Browne, who kindly took over as Promoter of our Annual Draw at short notice this year, has kindly offered her services as Honorary Treasurer. As many members will know, Peter Fethney, our present Honorary Treasurer,has returned to his native Yorkshire, and will be living in the pleasant Yorkshire Dales Village of Grassington. The Society offers Raye and Peter every good wish for their continued retirement in Yorkshire, and we thank them for all the hard and dedicated work they have put in for the Society over the years.
All correspondence and communications for the Treasurer should in future be directed to:
Mrs Gwyneth Browne, 102a, Aldershot Road, Fleet, Hampshire, GUI3 9NY. Telephone: Fleet 21745.
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Mr R.M.R. Chacksfield of Medstead near Alton wrote to us complaining that he was not allowed to lock down the Deepcut flight following the John Pinkerton trips in October.
As a Society we are of course glad to hear of boat owners making the effort to visit the canal and enjoy cruising along the restored lengths. So we can understand Mr Chackstield's disappointment at not being able to proceed down the flight.
Apart from the fact that navigation was not advisable at the time because water levels were a foot down, we should point out to all members that the Deepcut flight of locks is not yet open for general boating. In fact the gates are locked internally to prevent unauthorised use. The reason is simply that work is in progress on the three locks at Brookwood and the presence of water at the site is troublesome enough without sending more down from Deepcut. And we don't want water at St John's either.
Licenced boats are welcome to cruise along the Surrey length from the direction of Aldershot as far as the top gates of Lock 28, but no further - by order! Perhaps SCC might place a temporary notice to this effect so that there is no doubt or misunderstandings.
The John Pinkerton trips were 'specials' and our thanks have already been expressed to SCC for making them possible. All the more reason for booking seats for some more 'specials' aboard the John Pinkerton in May. More news and details in the next Newsletter.
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* The eastern portal of Greywell Tunnel was restored by HCC using a grant to mark European Architectural Heritage Year.
* The dredger crew, led by lart Cripps and Roger Thomas, had reached Lodge Copse on their laborious move westwards, from Colt Hill, to North Warnborough.
* Membership Secretary, Alan Babister, had increased the size of the Society from 518 to 2,237 members.
* David Gerry revealed the canal's missing lock No 30 installed in Greywell Cutting two years after the canal was opened in 1796. It was constructed to increase the depth of water in Greywell Tunnel and make the going easier of the bargees who had to leg their boats through the 1200 yard length.
* Voluntary work had started on the Deepcut Flight with Peter Jones leading a party at Lock 25, Jim Chisholm at Lock 26 and IVS group leader Tony Robinson at Lock 27. Clearing the canal bed of undergrowth and saplings was Mike McGrath and his helpers.
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Welcome to New Members
Mr & Mrs W.R.Richards - Ash Vale
Mrs C.B. Andrews - Esher
Mr F. Adams - Brookwood
Mr A.S.Tuffin - Farnborough
Mr M. Corbett - Blackwater
Mr G. Cavanagh - Fleet
Dr W.S. Hudson - Hartley Wintney
Mr Alan Mellor - Church Crookham
Mr J. Locke - Evesham
Newbury Family - Ashford
Mr & Mrs Skinner - Sevenoaks
Mr C. Rowe - Fleet
Miss D.Armstrong - Farnham
Mr M.S. Watkins - Woking
Mr E. Jones - Guildford
Mr A. Moss - Byfleet
Mr J.E. Gardner - Woking
Mr R.A. Freeman - Feltham
Mrs S.M. Blake - Wrexham
Miss A.R. Gilbert - Staines
Mr R.V. Waite - Ash Vale
Mr DJ. Gammage - Woking
Mrs E.G. Groves - Sunninghill
Mr I.J. Blakey - Woking
Mrs J.M. Brown - Fleet
Mr R.C. Handicott - Fleet
Mr L.R. Garrod - Fleet
Mr F.V. Hayward - Fleet
Dr A.N. Mosses - Farnborough
Mrs J.M. Ledger - Ash Vale
Mr & Mrs Pothecary - Hanworth
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Awayday Visit
The morning of Sunday, 20th October dawned with a clear sky and a light ground mist. After 3 days of gloom and low cloud this was a relief to all those who had booked on the IWA sightseeing flights for that day.
I was scheduled for the first flight out at 10.00 hours and on arriving at Fairoaks in bright sunshine the trees on the opposite side of the field were still obscured by mist. After contacting Colin Ward there was a discussion and Mr Edmonds, our pilot, advised that he intended to delay take-off until he was satisfied that visibility would be as good as possible.
Thus it was that G-BFKP did not become airborne until 10.55 hours. I was lucky to be selected for the seat alongside the pilot. This is fully equipped as a copilot's station with dual controls and instruments.
On take-off, a high rate of climb soon enabled us to have a breath-taking view of North Surrey and in excellent visibility we first followed the line of the Wey. The plane followed the line of flight in both directions so that passengers on both sides of the cabin got a "broadside" view. Thus we returned to the junction at New Haw and followed the line of the canal.
The height of cruising was in the order of 1000 to 2000 feet. At that height one can learn a lot when comparing the view with the Ordnance Survey map. The characteristic of the River Wey to divide into the many valleys comprising its watershed is very marked. But even more conspicuous is the development which has taken place in Surrey along the line of the canal. This illustrates the wisdom of our directors in examining all development proposals, particularly in Hampshire where from the air the rural scene is so easy to appreciate.
Highlights of the canal could be picked out with ease although in some places the "tree tunnels" obscured the channel completely. The weed growth in the undredged stretches of Surrey were depressing, but the workshop at lock 28 and the maintenance base at lock 29 stood out clear and distinct. The clear dredged channel in Hampshire is a joy to see and King John's castle appeared brightly as Greywell tunnel was approached.
As for the ride, the aircraft noise level was commendably low enabling conversation without difficulty. There were only very minor bumps from air pockets.
Taking this trip would be a worthwhile commission for one of our professional photographers such as Geoff Helliwell, but not from the co-pilots seat. My objective was not primarily to take photographs, just as well because room to move is restricted on what passes for the "flight deck".
Nevertheless I can strongly recommend the venture to anyone who can give it consideration. My thanks to Colin Ward for the organisation and Pilot Edmonds for a wonderful trip.
At £32.50 a lot of money? Perhaps, but excellent value as well. Quite an experience to remember.
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DONATION OF £135 by the Guildford and Reading branch of the Inland Waterways Association from the proceeds of their memorable Water Festival at Guildford in July. Thank you.
EIGHTY lock gates completed reports Frank Jones, that leaves 38 to go.
GUILDFORD Borough Council, a riparian lo cal authority, has granted £1,000 towards our full-time staff wages bill.
MIKE FELLOWS reckons 26,657 voluntary man hours were contributed to restoring the canal last year, valued at £65,642.50.
ARCHIVIST appointed. Gary Cavanagh, o f 3 3 Northfield Road,Church Crookham, Aldershot, Hants. Tel: Fleet 29329 has volunteered to safeguard the Society's archives. New items are always being sought especially old photos, documents,maps etc.
FOOTBRIDGE connecting the Wey Navigation towpath with Basingstoke Canal to be reinstated by Runnymede Council during 1987-88.
TWENTIETH Anniversary Dinner may be held to mark Society's Formation in 1966.
WANTED 2-drawer filing cabinet by trip boat company's Hon. Treasurer. If you have one going cheap or for nothing, please contact: John Elliott on Fleet 23314.
JAZZ evening planned by the landlord of the Swan, Mutton Road, Ash, probably mid-March, in aid of the Society and St. John's Ambulance Brigade.
SPONSORED Walk (18th May) marshals and other volunteers to help run this important fund raiser. Contact Graham Meade on Fleet 29466.
TIP from a member with name of top business executive to contact to support Society's work being followed up by Derek Truman. Do you have a name too? What about the boss of your firm? Contact Derek Truman on Fleet 3435.
DREDGING from North Warnborough lift-bridge to Greywell Tunnel entrance should start about the time you read this Newsletter. A cutter suction dredger will clear a channel six metres wide.
TOWPATH cleared by Hampshire canal rangers from county boundary to Pondtail Bridge, Fleet, and surfaced from Double Bridge to Blacksmith's Bridge, Dogmersfield.
THANKS to Surrey Heath Borough Council for their £1000 donation towards the Society's wage bill for 1985/86.
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Published by the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Ltd., a non profit distributing company limited by guarantee, registered as a Charity.
Editors: Dieter Jebens, Chris de Wet. Production: Jo Evans.
Collation and Distribution: Janet and George Hedger, Clive Durley and helpers.
Editorial Office: 60 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3NJ. (Farnham 715230)
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End,Woking. (Chobham 7314).
Vice-Chairman: David Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet. (Fleet 7364)
Hon. Treasurer: Mrs Gwyneth Browne, 102a Aldershot Road, Fleet. (Fleet 21745)
Hon. Secretary: Philip Riley, Meadow Vale, Guildford Road, Normandy. (Worplesdon 234776)
Membership Secretary: Chris Brazier, Heathlands, Hutton Road, Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hants GU12 5EJ. (Aldershot 25460)
Working Party Organiser: Mike Fellows, 30 Reynards Close, Winnersh, Wokingham, Berks. (Wokingham 787428)
Dredger Manager: Andy Stumpf, 37 Higham Road, Chesham, Bucks. (0494 785720)
Working Party Information: Peter Jones (Aldershot 313076) and Peter Cooper (01-993-1105)
Trip Boat: Tony Karavis, 12 Loddon Road, Farnborough, Hants. (Farnborough 549037)
Sales Manager: Aubrey Slaughter, 37 Fir Tree Way, Fleet, Aldershot, Hants. GU13 9NB. (Fleet 23102)
Mobile Sales Stand: Martin Bowers, 162 West Heath Road, Cove. (Farnborough 513095)
Talks Organiser: Mrs Janet Greenfield, 9 Mistletoe Road.Yateley, Camberley. (Yateley 873167)
Exhibitions Manager: Phil Pratt, Flat 5 Fleetwood Court, Madeira Road, West Byfleet. (Byfleet 40281)
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