No. 85 JUNE 1979
Inside page
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Our Chairman, Robin Higgs, has often emphasised the need for the Society's Job Creation grants to be regarded as a bonus. And tbat there must be no let-up in our efforts to attract more voluntary support in terms of manpower, material contributions and independent financial aid.
With the election of a Tory Government pledged to cut public expenditure, job subsidies currently amounting to £300 million will come under close scrutiny at the very least.
Since 1977 the Manpower Services Commission has granted the Society nearly £228,000 including £136,000 this year, which has made a substantial contribution towards restoration of the Basingstoke Canal in the work being done on the Deepcut 14 flight of locks, once regarded by some local councillors as a prohibitive cost.
The money has been well used. Not only in providing jobs for local unemployed
young people but also giving them a practical training which has helped most of
them to find permanent work. In addition they have made - and continue to make -
a valuable contribution towards establishing an amenity for the benefit of the
whole community.
The success of JCP, in all its aspects, has been largely due to the co-ordination of Frank Jones and his team of dedicated supervisors. There is no doubt that the current rate of restoration progress would suffer a tremendous set-back if job subsidy grants were to be withdrawn and JCP workers could no longer be employed.
We believe restoration of the canal is a special case for Government aid for industrial training and in the interests of completing a project which will go a long way to satisfying the growth demand for more recreational facilities, especially those involving water resources.
Bonus or not, JCP has become an essential and integral part of the canal's restoration and must be maintained. Otherwise the re-opening of the canal in the early 1980's - now seen as a reality - will become just another dream.
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(Top) Start of the Canoe Tourist Trial at Reading-Road Bridge, Fleet.
(Bottom left) Maggie Cansdale and Raye Fethney in traditional dress selling
refreshments end souvenirs aboard the 'John Pinkerton".
(Bottom right) Mrs. Key Burke, with her family, the 10,000th passenger aboard
the 'John Pinkerton' being presented with a book by Peter Fethney.
(Top left) IWA Guildford branch volunteers working at Lock 1 over Easter.
(Top right) Concreting the upper cill of Lock 1. (Centre right) Tony Haynes,
Jon Le Tissier and Malcolm Phillips of Mob H at Lock 1 (see story)
(Bottom left) JCP workers fitting a balance beam on the newly installed upper
gates in Lock 28. (Bottom left) Lock 19 sponsored 'dig'.
Photographs: Dieter Jebens and Clive Durley
Newsletter Production: Diana Snow and David Wimpenny.
Collation and Distribution: Janetand George Hedger and helpers, Clive Durley
and Society postmen.
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This is the first in a series of short articles about canals that were proposed in the Surrey - Hampshire - Berkshire border area but were never constructed. Because of the difficulties of producing maps in our Newsletter I shall give as detailed a description of the route of each canal as possible so that you can follow it on your own Ordnance Survey Maps - A.A. Books etc.
The early canal proposals had plans with little detail and were hardly to scale, but as time passed the quality of the plans improved; the later proposals just before the railways were built had plans with much detail and were quite accurate. It seems that survey and map making skills improved rapidly during the canal mania period.
The oldest document that I have traced so far about a Basingstoke Canal is dated 1769 and is entitled 'A plan of the River Loddon and intended Navigable Canal from Basingstoke in the County of Southampton to the River Thames near Monkey Island'. This map is in the Hampshire Record Office in Winchester, the Cartouche of it appears in Vine's 'London's Lost Route to Basingstoke'. There also exists in the Hampshire Record Office an account of a public meeting held 5th January, 1770 from which it appears that an earlier proposal had been discussed and rejected. The first proposal had been for a canal alongside the Loddon to Monkey Island, but then they evidently upset residents in Reading because, 'It would be of the greatest injury to all the country bordering the River Thames at and above Reading by enabling Basingstoke to convey goods to and from London much cheaper than those towns who were obliged to navigate by Kenley and Marlow'.
No plan of the first proposal has yet come to light but would have had a fall from Basingstoke to Monkey Island of about 177 feet and would have passed through a cutting near Shottesbrook in Berkshire. We do not yet know how it was proposed to change level, i.e. leeks or inclined planes etc. Because of Reading's opposition to this plan the second proposal mentioned at the beginning of this article was prepared and so we have considerably more information.
The Basin in Basingstoke was to have been between the River Loddon and the present railway line a little to the north of Jackson's Garage, probably under the present road roundabout. The line then followed the north bank of the Loddon quite closely until it reached Winnersh where it was to cross both the Loddon and road (now the A329) on separate aqueducts; it would then have passed to the south of Waltham St. Lawrence and Shottesbrook and north of Holyport to join the Thames just below Monkey Island. There was to have been a branch of the canal through Twyford and crossing the Loddon again to join the Thames just above Sonning Lock. A second branch was to have followed its tributary the Emmebrook towards Wokingham. This Wokingham branch on the eastern side of the Emmebrook would have climbed 14 - 15 feet in about 1-3/4 miles.
The main line would have apparently fallen to the point where the Twyford-Sonning Branch turned off. It would then have climbed again to a summit level at Shottesbrook before falling again to Monkey Island. Again we do not know how it was intended to change levels nor do we know how it was intended to supply the Shottesbrook summit pound, there being no feeders, springs or pumps shown on the plan.
Mr. Brindley attended the meeting on 5th January, 1770 and the motion proposing him as surveyor was carried unanimously. Lord Gaven in the chair had previously said that if there were any objections to the proposal that he would pay for the survey himself. The report of the meeting indicates that all was not plain sailing as, "Some personal reflections and insults were offered, which the writer for the sake of the gentlemen who offered them, wished to forget', - I suspect that it was ever thus in canal matters.
Subscriptions were opened for £20.000 in £100 shares.
Later in October 1770 the proposal to build the Sonning to Monkey Island part of the canal was launched by Reading Corporation. This was followed by another meeting
in Basingstoke which supported the plans to build the canal from the town to join the canal proposed by Reading.
During the next few months evidence was submitted to Parliament but it was decided to refuse permission for the Sonning - Monkey Island branch but ordered that the Basingstoke to Monkey Island proposal should be resubmitted. Apparently this was not done and I quote Paul Vine, 'Thus did Brindley's plan collapse and with it the first attempt to build a waterway to Basingstoke. Had it been built by Brindley it would have been probably a narrow canal with locks not inclined planes'.
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A high quality reproduction of the Basingstoke Canal Map, originally published
over 200 years ago in the 'Gentlemen's Magazine', has just been re-published by
Printed Page of 2/3 Bridge Street, Winchester. The map measures about 9"x15"
The map shows the canal as it wan intended to be built in 1777. The following year an Act of Parliament was passed, and the canal was finally completed in 1794. However, the exact route shown on the map was not followed. The intended cut to Turgis Green was never built. Instead, a more diredt line was followed which involved building one of the longest cnnal tunnels (1,230 yards), in Southern England, at Greywell, near Odiham.
The last commercial traffic used the canal in 1949, following which the canal fell into decay. Now the waterway has been purchased by the Hampshire and Surrey County Councils, and is being restored for pleasure use.
Copies of the map - framed or unframed may be obtained from Printed Page and aboard the 'John Pinkerton' at Colt Hill, Odiham. Unframed copies are available by mail order from either Printed Page or The Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Ltd., 75 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3NJ for £1.00 each -including post and packing. Mounted and Framed maps cost between £6.00 and £7-00 depending on the type of frame chosen.
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When Hampshire County Council began administering the Hampshire stretch of the canal, many individuals and clubs expressed an interest concerning the angling, so the Hampshire Basingstoke Canal Anglers Association, was formed from twenty four clubs, to provide a body to preserve the fishing and to advise on angling matters.
The canal has always held a magnificent stock of huge tench and carp augmented in 1976 by Thames Water Authority, with thousands of carp, roach, perch, rudd, tench and bream. A further 250,000 fish were deposited in 1977. This took place in the restored part between the river Whitewater and Broad Oak.
To obtain a day ticket at 15p or to join the Association contact an Association Bailiff on the towpath (identified by a badge and an I.D. card), or write to the Secretary, (Mr. Lewis A. Harris) H.B.C.A.A., 24 Hampton Court, Woolford Way, Basingstoke, Hants RG23 8AZ. Tel: Basingstoke (0256) 57596.
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Summer activities are now taking hold of willing volunteers, and why not? But
remember, your working party leaders also have other interests, but still ensure
the work goes on, so please come along and continue your committment, even if it
is only one day per month.
Every Weekend Deepcut Flight
The advent of good weather has given the Deepcut Flight a bonus. Work is forging ahead. By the end of May lock 16 will be half rebuilt. If you would like to be in on a 'success story' join us at Deepcut. The co-ordinator, MIKE FELLOWS (Wokingham 787428) or his personal assistant, CHRIS BRAZIER (Camberley 25132) or, of course, Farnborough 45032. .. ..
The full list of parties is:-
1st Weekend of thu month - Lock 16
2/3 June, 30 June/1 July, 4/5 August, 1/2 Sept. Peter Jones. Aldershot 313076
2nd weekend of the month - Lock 19 (Southampton Canal Society)
9/10 June, 7/8 July, 11/12 August, 8/9 Sept. Peter Oates, Botley 3844
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month - Lock 16
10 and 24 June, 8 and 22 July, 12 and 26 August, 9 and 23 Sept.
Alan Grimster, Farnborough 45032.
3rd weekend of the month - Lock 16
16/17 June, 14/15 July, 18/19 August, 15/16 Sept. Jules Wood, Farnborough 515737.
4th Weekend of the month - Lock 19
23/4 June, 21/2 July, 25/6 August, 22/3 Sept. Jim Chisholm, Wokingham 785146
Please note: Sundays, Lock 16.
5th Weekend of the month 28/9 July, 29/30 Sept. Mike Fellowes, Wokingham 787428
2nd Sunday of the month - Lock 5
10 June, 8 July, 12 August, 9 Sept. Pablo Haworth - Byfleet 42081
3rd Sunday of the month - Lock 1 - IWA Guildford Branch
17 June, 15 July, 19 August, 23 Sept. Ring: Dick Harper-white Weybridge 42074
Peter Jackman, Woking 72132
Our apologies for leaving news of Lock 5 and Lock 1 from the last Newsletter.
Every Weekend - Dredging in Hampshire
Well on the way to Barley Mow Bridge, the dredger team have a slow trickle of new
volunteers. Brian Bane (Hook 3627) tells us that the second tug, Sparkle,
after her refit, will be in the water again soon so another crew will be required.
Every Sunday - Ash Embankment
Plenty of saplings to pull, plus other work. Good for all the family, Ring
Martin Bowers (Farnborough 513095) or Adrian Birtles (Cam. 29897). Park at Ash Lock.
S.H.C.S. Narrow Gauge Railway
The railway group ere expanding their operations to include a new project at the Embankment. Track is to be laid on the non-towpath bank to provide transport for repair materials.
Volunteers to help build and lay track, operate the railway and maintain loco stock, both at Deepcut and Ash would be most welcome. Ring Stan Meller, Camberley 32096 or John Peart, Farnborough 46554.
Lower Wilderness Weir - Every other weekend
Due to continued demand, Peter Mayne and co., will be appearing every other weekend at Lower Wilderness Weir, just below Lock 28. For a very special Working Party ring Camberley 24701.
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A pair of upper and lower lock gates, built by Society members in 1969 and 1973 have been recovered from the Canal where they were submerged five years ago just above Silvester's Bridge, as a means of preserving the timber.
Tony Harmsworth, Hampshire's senior canal warden, who with his father showed the volunteers how to construct lock gates, reports that the gates look in good condition. They have been removed to allow dredging work to start and it is planned to instal the gates at Ash Lock in the autumn.
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Some fifty volunteers took part in the IWA's Kent and East Sussex branch sponsored dig at Lock 19 during the weekend, April 28th - 29th. The event, organised by Working Party Leader, Ken Parrish is expected to raise £400 towards the IWA's national restoration fund and the Society's funds.
Among the volunteers attending were Colin 'Sandy' Campbell, an IWA member from Boston U.S.A. and 79 year old Jeff Clarke. Job Creation supervisor Dino Spong gave up his weekend to help supervise the work.
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As part of this year's restoration programme, Hampshire County Council's work on
filling the breech in Ash iUmbankment which occured during the September 1968
floods, is already well advanced, A nearby disused railway embankment has been
purchased from British Rail and the sand is being used to fill the breach and make
good the bed of the canal in the vicinity which was scoured and damaged as water
rushed out of the breach. Later the bed will be clay puddled which will be
transported along the embankment in trucks on the railway being laid by Stan Meller
and his gang.
Work has also started on Ash Lock and two Hymacs are standing by, at the time of writing, to commence dredging above the lock once it has been drained.
For the time being, the short section between the road bridge immediately below the lock and the railway bridge will not be cleared to protect the canal bed during the summer months. A number of small 'pools' have been cleared to collect land drainage water and so keeping the lock area dry, which, is periodically pumped out.
The work in the area is expected to cost around £19,000.
Ron Jesse, who has been cannibalising the Priestman dragline excavator at Ash Cottage yard to keep our working model in running order, recently spotted a strange coincidence. Although purchased second-hand at varying times and from different places, the two machines bear consecutive manufacturing numbers.......
Ron has been helped by Arthur James, Tony Merrywerther, canal warden Roy Fowles and apprentices from the National Gas Turbine Establishment at Pyestock. Just one of the many vital back-up groups of volunteers.
SOCIAL JOTTINGS Joint Social Secretaries:
Hampshire - David Millett, Fleet 7364 Surrey - Michael Grist, Woking 71581
The winter season of illustrated talks and social evenings has now come to an end with good attendances at both Woking and Farnborough. Next winter to allow members to have more opportunity of attending both evenings the Woking evenings will stay on the second Monday of the month but the Farnborough evenings will move to the fourth Wednesday of the month, both commencing in September.
1st Monday monthly, Fox and Hounds, Crookham Road, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
3rd Wednesday monthly, The Bounty, Bounty Road, Basingstoke.
Every Tuesday evening from Colt Hill, Odiham. Members may be asked to help out with some general cleaning during the trip and crew training will also take place. THE BAR WILL BE OPEN
Departure times from Colt Hill, Odiham: May : 19.30 hrs. June & July : 20.00 hrs.
August : 19.30 hrs.
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Next Autumn Tony Clayton, who has recently moved to this area from Shrewsbury, has kindly offered to organise an Inter Society Knock Out Quiz on the lines of University Challenge and based on the highly successful competition organised every winter in the Midlands area. This autumn the Inland Waterways Association (Guildford and Reading Branch), the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust (Reading Branch) the Wey and Arun Canal Trust and ourselves will be taking part. We have been drawn AWAY to the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust (Reading Branch) and this competition will take place in Reading in September. We require to nominate six team members from whom four will be selected to represent the Society. If you really know your Waterways please put your name forward for selection as soon as possible. (Telephone David Millett on Fleet 7364)
BARN DANCE - June 15th Fleet Civic Hall
If you have not applied yet please send your application form to Mrs. Rosemary Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet (Fleet 7364) as soon as possible. Tickets £1.85.
Diary Note:
The Society is planning a SUPPER DANCE in place of the annual May Ball. Make a note of the date - Friday October 19th, Fleet Civic Hall. Dancing to 'Mainly Instrumental' catering for tastes ancient and modern. More details in the next Newsletter.
Our life member, Michael Handford and his wife are hiring a superbly converted nine berth barge on the beautiful Canal du Nivernais in Burgundy for the fortnight 8th - 22nd September this year. At the time of writing there is one twin berth cabin and one single berth (in a twin cabin) available to any interested SHCS member or friend at £37.50 per person per week. Anyone interested should contact Michael Handford, 6 Spa Lane, Hinchley, Leics., LE10 1JB or telephone 0455 611508.
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A post, bearing directions to the nearest telephone, with a life-belt tyre, rope and pole has been erected on the site of Reading Road Bridge Wharf. The life saving equipment has been provided personally by Hart District Councillors: Mrs. Dorothy Chitty, Peter Carr and Tony Gwynn,
Dear Member,
You will find with this Newsletter 2 books of 10p tickets for the Society's second Grand Draw.
I do hope you can sell as many tickets as possible so that we can really boost the Society's funds. I sae no reason why we cannot easily beat last years profit of £1561, particularly as this year all prizes have been donated. As an encouragement to sell additional books there will be prizes of £10 and £5 for the individuals selling the greatest number of tickets.
Apart from the positive benefit to the Society's balance sheet a draw on this scale acts as a marvellous opportunity for us to tell a lot of new people about our activities and restoration efforts. It always amazes me just how many people living in the area have never even heard of the Basingstoke Canal.
May I apologise to the few members who will object to this form of fund raising. I do hope those people who wrote to me last year and asked to be excluded from future draws will understand when I say that the Society's administration is not sufficiently sophisticated for them to be excluded from the mailing.
I decided that last years selling period was too long - I'm sure many people put the tickets away and forgot all about them so this year there will be two months less in which to sell them. So finally, please sell as many as possible and ensure counterfoils and money (cheque or postal order) are returned to me by 19th September in preparation for the draw on 26th September.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely, 36 Kestrel Road, Kempshott, Basingstoke,
Ted Williams, Draw Organiser. Hants. (Tel: (0256) 61579)
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JUNE 4th Pub Evening, Fox & Hounds, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
5th Members. Evening, John Pinkerton. Colt Hill, 8pm.
10th Sponsored Walk, V/ey and Arun Canal Trust.
12th Members' Evening, John Pinkerton. Colt Hill 8pm.
15th Barn Dance, Fleet Civic Hall.
19th Members' Evening, John Pinkerton 8pm.
20th Pub Evening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
2bth Members' Evening, John Pinkerton 8pm.
JULY 2nd Pub Evening, Fox & Hounds, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
3rd Members' Evening, John Einkerton, 8pm.
10th " " " " "
17 i:h " " " " "
l8th Pub evening. Bounty, Basingstoke.
24th Members' Evening, John Pinkerton 8pm.
AUGUST 6th Pub Evening; Fox S, Hounds, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
7th Members' Evening, John Pinkerton, 7-30pm.
14th " " " "
15th Pub Evening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
17/18/19 IWA National Sally of boats at Northwich, Cheshire, on the
River Weaver.
21st Members' Evening, John Pinkerton 730pm.
28th " " " " "
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Once again the Society was blessed with reasonably good weather on April 29th for the 1979 Canoe Trials based at Reading Road Wharf, Fleet. The event was organised jointly with the Westel Canoe Club and seems to be getting quite a name for itself in canoeing circles probably because any canoeist, whether experienced or a novice, can take part and also any age group. It is not a race as each canoeist selects one of three possible times in his or her selected distance of 6, 12, 20 or 30 miles and at the end receives a handsome certificate recording the time taken together with a pottery memento of the event similar to our ash tray/scatter dishes.
The six mile event used the newly dredged section from Pondtail Bridge to Claycart Bridge near Aldershot and the twelve milers went to Double Bridge, Dogmersfield and back to Claycart whilst the twenty milers went to Sandy Hill Bridge, Winchfield and back to the Farnborough Road Bridge. The thirty milers went to the Lift Up Bridge at North Warnborough, back to Sandy Hill Bridge, up again to the Lift Up Bridge and back to Farnborough Road Bridge.
All the competitors returned to Fleet in a westerly direction and finished throughout the afternoon, the last thirty miler finishing at around 6pm.
It appears that these Trials are the only one of their kind in England being based on the Reliability Trials of the Cycling World and also attract the largest entry for any Canoe event in Britain. This year 386 canoes started including 60 doublenaking 446 canoeists in all. They were split as follows: 30 mile 26, 20 mile 32, 12 mile 158, 6 mile 170. Every conceivable kind of canoe was represented and the furthest entries were from Wolverhampton, Cardiff, Che1msford and the Isle of Wight. Also very many local individual canoeists and scouts took part, the youngest being an 8 year old girl and the eldest two 60 year olds.
The event was very good for the canal as it used both restored and unrestored sections and shows the potential for recreation.
Two Americans living in England took part together with one German who arrived in this country on the Saturday, heard about the event and drove down early on the Sunday.
Thanks are due to all the members in the Fleet area who helped with the car parking, site arrangements, signposting and especially the team of lady members who provided a stream of refreshments during the day, including 25 gallons of hot soup for the competitors. All the canoeing side of the event was handled by Westel Canoe Club members.
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WE'RE COMING YOUR WAY - 'Junction' Reporter
A very satisfactory meeting took place at Woking Centre Halls on Tuesday 27th March with over 500 people attending.
The evening was organised by a small number of SHCS members from the Junction end. Six thousand leaflets were delivered house to house over selected areas from Byfleet through to Knaphill. The theme of the leaflet being 'WE'RE COMING YOUR WAY'. Delivery of the leaflets being the hardest part of the job but they certainly paid off. As 500 plus to a public meeting must bo some kind of a record.
The meeting included a restoration film on the Basingstoke by the Kingston Film Society followed by Slides and ending with question and answers.
Forty new members were signed up there and then at the time of reporting and more applications are still coming in.
The Sales Stand sold £85 worth of goods and the silver collection made £84. Our thanks to all those who helped.
Editors Note: Particular thanks to the organisers, Stuart Browning and Vie Trott.
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Standard equipment for the majority of Volunteer navvies is c pair of boots and of enthusiasm. A few raid the garden shed before turning out for a working party. But not many arrive on site in the cab of a 62ft. low-loader carrying a Liebher 921 excavator and a Massey Ferguson tractor/digger.
And that is how Tony Haynes
arrived at Scotland Bridge, Byfleet with Malcolm Phillips, Jon Le Tissier and other members of Mob H for the 4-day Easter working party at Lock 1 organised by the Guildford branch of the I.W.A.
Tony works for A.L. Peters and Sons (Plant Hire) of Hatfield. When he told his boss that he was spending the Easter holiday working on the Basingstoke Canal, Michael Peters agreed to lend Tony £65,000 worth of the Company's equipment which would otherwise have cost £1,000 to hire.
Tony and his friends first became interested in the Canal about three years ago when looking for a camp site at Colt Hill, Odiham. Whilst looking for dead bracken to fill their sleeping bags, they happened upon Frank Jones who suggested they go to Deepcut for a more plentiful supply of bracken.
Waking next morning they were attracted by the sounds of Peter Jones and his working party restoring Lock 25. Peter had a reputation for press-ganging anyone in the vicinity of the work-site which is how the campers got more than a little involved in the Canal.
Apart from joining the occasional working party ever since, Tony's job as a lorry driver was put to good use in collecting bits of heavy equipment acquired by the Society from various parts of the country.
Which is how Mob H was formed. Or, to give them their full title - the Mystical Order of Bracken Hunters.
P.S. 120 volunteers joined the Easter working party to concrete the upper cill of Lock 1, clear out the chamber and undertake lower wing wall repairs.
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Following the Society's AGM and election of the Executive Committee, the
following Officers have been appointed:
Chairman: Robin Higgs
Vice-Chairman: David Millett
Secretary: Lise Hamilton
Treasurer: Bryan Jones.
The Society offers sincere thanks to Peter Fethney, the retiring Treasurer. During his period in office, the job became increasingly demanding both in the expertise needed and time required. Added to his responsibilities were the administration and financial sides of running the trip boat.
The Society is fortunate in retaining Peter Fethney's services on the Executive Committee and his work as the Society's Archivist for which he has already compiled a detailed cataolgue of all items in our possession. Recently he and his wife, Kaye, have taken on the job of organising crews for the 'John Pinkerton'.
Anyone with items of interest for the Society's archives or wishing to crew the trip boat should contact Peter on Fleet 5524 or write: 5 Longdown, Courtmoor, Fleet, Hants.
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RAMBLES organiser and leader wanted: if you are a keen rambler, the Society would welcome your offer to organise a winter programme of rambles both along and away from the Canal. These used to be a popular and well attended Society social activity organised by John Peart. Volunteers please contact the editorial Office.
MEETING between Hampshire and Surrey County Councillors and Society representatives was held at the end of April to discuss the Society's Canal Trust proposals and alternative management structures.
JUBILEE TRUST has made the Society a donation of £2,000 towards restoration funds.
ERRATA (1) The Claverton pump lifts 100,000 gallons of water per hour, not 1000 gallons. (2) The Leche Charitable Trust donated £2,000, not £200 as reported in the December '78 Newsletter.
DOUBLE horse-box or trailer wanted by Pablo Haworth for transporting plant and equipment to lock 5. Ring Byfleet 42081.
'CANALS and the Naturalist' is the subject of a lecture by our member Jutta Manser B.A. at a weekend course on 'The world of Inland waterways' at Moor Park College on 8th - 10th June.
10,000th passenger, Mrs. Kay Burke, went aboard the 'John Finkerton' on 29th April and was presented with a book to mark the occasion by Feter Fethney.
RAT HOLE PATROL. HCC's Canal Staff have asked us to thank the Society's volunteer lengthsmen and others who have kept a sharp eye open for potential trouble spots while patrolling the canal banks last winter. 'It has been a bad winter for rat holes', writes manager David Gerry, 'We have had at least seven and one was almost a disaster. The canal staff has been so heavily involved in preparing for the summer work schedule that they have not been able to patrol nearly as often as they should or would like to have done. The lengthmen's efforts have helped no end. Please keep up the good work'.
Editor's note: Thanks also go to Surrey volunteer lengthsmen.
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Published by Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee.
Editor: Dieter Jebens, Assistant editors: Peter and Natalie Jones
75, Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3NJ.
(Tel. Farnhan 715230)
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West ind, Woking.
(Tel: Chobham 73140)
Treasurer: Bryan Jones, 16 Bliss Close, Basingstoke, Hants.
(Tel: Basingstoke 61053)
Secretary: Mrs. Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough.
(Tel: Farnborough 49651)
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 KLmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough.
(Tel: Farnborough 46147)
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