No. 71 DECEMBER 1976
Inside front cover --
1976 marks not only the much publicised bicentenary of the USA but also
of the Basingstoke Canal. Exactly 200 years ago the first survey was made of the canal's route as we know it to-day.
The ensuing years have seen the face of America changed beyond all
recognition, but the canal has changed relatively little. Wharves have disappeared, most of the original bridges have gone or been rebuilt and the environment has changed. Yet the character of the canal remains largely intact.
This is not the first time the navigation has undergone extensive restoration. It fell derelict within thirty years of its opening and was fully restored in 1825 and again in the 1890s. This time, however, the canal is being restored for quite a different purpose. With it comes the danger of destroying that indefinable charm, derived from its commercial past, which is so much part of its attraction.
Already we hear of profit motivated schemes to build marinas on the Basingstoke. The provision of car parks ranks high on the list of 'facilities' needed to cater for the visitors. Next will come the public loos, park benches, the do's and don'ts.... With all the best intentions, the canal could easily become just another sterile playground.
The Society was instrumental in saving the minor bridges over the canal in Hampshire which were to be demolished. The rustic railings, which suddenly appeared at the mouth of Greywell tunnel have, thankfully, just as quickly disappeared.
We are fully aware of the riparian developments that have already
affected and continue to threaten the canal's amenity value. But
ill-conceived plans to cater for leisure use could prove an even
greater threat......
Restoration for recreation is undoubtedly the canal's future raison d'etre, but not its sole purpose. It must be carefully restored for its equally important historical value. A value which may not itself justify the cost of restoration but which will greatly add to the enjoyment of those who use the canal in the future.
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Front cover
1. A Hymac starting to clear the channel above Lock 27, watched by representatives of Surrey County Council {See page 7)
2. The pound between Lock 24 and Lock 25
3. Working party leader Peter Jones (right) talks to Ray Stedman (left) in the chamber of Lock 25. Mr Stedmnn is the Surrey Countryside
Officer with special responsibility for the canal.
1. Members of the IVS hard at work breaking out the top sill
of Lock 27
2. Martin Smith at work in Lock 27 (See page 2)
3. The Society T-shirt at the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal
4. The steam dredger passes under the lift bridge at North Warnborough on its way back to Colt Hill, having completed dredging as far as the winding hole west of the Whitewater Aqueduct
5. The mitre sill to the lower gates of Lock 25 ready to receive concrete. Completion of this work finishes the work to the chamber
6. HCC wardens inspect stop planks at Double Bridge.
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As the Society's dredger turned in the Whitewater winding-hole and headed back to Colt Hill, it left the last -1/2- mile to Greywell tunnel undredged.
The Society wanted to complete their dredging work before turning back but were not allowed to do so. Naturalists want the Greywell section kept as a nature reserve, and some local people fear that Greywell would become a boating centre causing disruption in the village.
Neither the naturalists nor the villagers need fear disturbance from boats. Access to the canal for launching boats at Greywell is extremely difficult, if not impossible. And just because Greywell is the western extremity of the navigation does not mean it would attract more visitors than any other part of the canal.
Only small boats would ever venture beyond the Whitewater winding-hole because of the restricted width for turning in the Greywell cutting.
The Society wants to dredge up to Greywell tunnel because it is necessary to clear the spring heads, situated in the canal bed, to provide a maximum flow of water. Since the Greywell section lies in a cutting, land-based dredging would not be practicable. Furthermore, by dredging up to the tunnel, the remaining silt would not constantly be washed down the canal.
It is simply for the practical reason of clearing the canal's main source of water that we want to return and clear up to the tunnel; not to make Greywell a boating terminus.
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PEN PORTRAIT - David Millett, Vice Chairman
David is yet another member who joined the Society at that very successful public meeting held in Church Crookham during the 1970/71 membership drive. He is a Bank Accountant working in Fleet and, perhaps not surprisingly for someone who spends his working day in an office, he enjoys the outdoor life, listing his interests as sailing, caravanning and camping.
In view of David's commitment to the restoration of the Basingstoke, however, he cannot have much time to indulge in these pastimes as, apart from his job as Vice Chairman, he is also Social Secretary, Chief Society Postman for Fleet and Working Party Leader for the offside bank clearance in Hampshire.
David's wife Rosemary will also be well known to many members who will have seen her assisting on the sales stand and at such functions as the Christmas Fayre and social evenings. We always ask our pen portraits why they would like to see the canal restored, but in David's case we are beginning to wish we had left that question out. Whilst he sees the canal as providing a benefit to all sections of the community, he did add 'especially our future generations'; the job will not take that long, will it? - perhaps it's just the Vice Chairman's way of saying we still need a lot more help on the working parties.
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Have you ever thought of giving up your job and doing your own thing? Most of us think about it at some time but never take the plunge. One person who has is Martin Smith (See cover photograph).
Martin recently gave up his job as a cost accountant to work full time
on the canal. After a basic training in bricklaying with the Waterway
Recovery Group, and by picking up some finer techniques of the trade
from Mike Kerry, he is now working on Lock 25 at Curzon bridge
throughout the week as well as weekends. Martin even moved from
Guildford to Fleet to be nearer the canal. He hopes to continue his
unpaid full-time job until his funds run out and he's back to the rat race.
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The tenth Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held on Saturday 19 February 1977 at 7.30pm.
The venue is THE VICTORIA HALL, ASH HILL ROAD, ASH. This is a change of venue and details of how to reach the hall will be given in the next newsletter, BUT PLEASE NOTE THE DATE IN YOUR DIARY NOW.
This is your opportunity to voice ideas on the future role of the Society or constructive criticism of its past management. If you wish to have an item placed on the Agenda, please contact the Secretary whose address and telephone number will be found at the foot of page 10.
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Committee nominations time is with us again and the closing date for
the receipt of nominations for the 1977 committee is 8 JANUARY. If
anyone feels they would like to become more deeply involved in the
affairs of the Society and has the time to spare for a hard but
rewarding job, please put your name forward. The last four years
have failed to produce the need for a ballot of the nine places to
be filled, and although your present committee members may be doing
all that is expected of them, it is not a healthy situation that they
are returned unopposed year after year. New faces bring new ideas, so
let's have more nominations this year. If you are uncertain what is
involved, contact our Secretary, Lise Hamilton, or any other
committee member. If you are unable to find anyone to propose or
second you, then again contact Lise so that the necessary action can
be taken.
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Within days of this appeal being announced in the last newsletter, the Treasurer was receiving donations and loans. Your response to the appeal has been splendid. At the time of going to press the appeal stands at £900. This is well on the way to our target of £2,000, but the next few weeks are critical if we are to meet our deadlines. So, should you be thinking of supporting the appeal, please do not delay. To those members who have already supported the appeal, our graceful thanks. (A list of names is attached to this newsletter).
The fund raising group is actively pursuing ways of raising the balance of the purchase money. An attractive folder has been produced to interest companies to participate in the project, and they are hopeful of receiving the necessary support.
Provided the necessary finance can be raised, the boat should be operational by late spring 1977. To keep the overheads to a minimum it is hoped members will assist in the running operation. The most important vacancy is for a bookings manager. Would any member interested in helping out next year please contact Peter Fethney, 2 Longdown, Fleet, Hampshire. Tel: Fleet 5524.
A highly successful jumble sale was held at St Peter's Church Hall, Frimley on 30 October last, producing a net profit to the Society's funds of £157.42. Our thanks are due to the ladies who organised it, to all those who helped to man the stalls and to all those who donated jumble. The proceeds are going to the Trip Boat fund.
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS David Millett, Fleet 7364
Wednesday, 15 December, Teachers' Centre, St Albans Hall, Lynchford
Road, Farnborough.
Christmas Social Evening, 8pm.
This year's Christmas Social Evening will follow the Extraordinary General Meeting and will include music, competitions, entertainment, and other surprise items. The cost will be 30p per head, payable at the door, and will include sherry and mince pies. Come along, meet your fellow members and have an enjoyable pre-Christmas get-together. It is also intended to present the prizes for the sponsored walk during the evening.
Wednesday, 12 January, Teachers' Centre
Illustrated Talk by Peter Beresford, 7.45pm
Peter Beresford, who is Chairman of the Wey & Arun Canal Trust, will
show slides of the Wey & Arun Canal, 'The Vital Link', and will bring
our members up to date with restoration progress on our neighbouring
Wednesday, 9 February, Teachers' Centre
Talk by Philip Daniell, Resources. Development Officer of BWB. 7.45pm.
Philip Daniel will entitle his talk, 'Canal Oddments' and will feature some little known and unusual waterways.
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1st Monday monthly at Woking Civic Hall Pablo Haworth is organising Social Evenings and talks at the Woking Civic Hall on the 1st Monday of the month, commencing Monday, 3 January at 8pm. The first meeting will be a film show by our own member, Tony Harmsworth, grandson of a previous owner of the canal and now senior warden on the Hampshire section. Tony will show two films - a canal journey from the River Wey to the Llangollen Canal and a cruise on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal.
3rd Thursday monthly from 20 January, 8pm. At the request of many members, we are holding a regular society club night at the Railway Enthusiasts Club, Hawley Lane, Farnborough (on the A327 Farnborough-Reading road immediately on the south side of the motorway bridge). There will be a bar in the clubroom and coffee will be available. There will be nothing organised, but impromptu slides will be shown and there will be an opportunity for members to meet your Chairman, Robin Higgs, or members of the Executive conunitte in an informal atmosphere.
Due to the introduction of the Woking social evening, the Woking pub evening will now be held on the 1st Tuesday monthly (not 1st Monday). Still at the Prince of Wales, St Johns, Woking.
The Water-witch pub evening at Colt Hill, Odiham, will continue as usual on the 2nd Monday monthly.
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RAMBLES John Peart, Farnborough 46554
The season started on Sunday, 24 October in fine style with a party
of 14 enjoying a strenuous 15 miles on footpath to the south-west
of Guildford. One of the highlights of the ramble was a 200yard
wade through flood waters formed by a breach in the river bank near
Godalming; this unfortunately left the intrepid party with wet
footwear for the rest of the day.
The December ramble will follow the route of the Itchen Navigation from Winchester to Southampton. Lunch stop will be at the Victoria Inn, Allbrook, where the usual ploughman's can be had. Please book your lunch by Tuesday, 14 December.
Sunday, 19 December meet 10.00am at Winchester station for 12 miles ramble. Return to Winchester by train. Book your lunch.
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For all working party dates, see separate section.
7 Pub/evening, Prince of Wales, St John's
12 Farnborough Road Weir Official Opening
13 Pub evening, Waterwitch, Colt Hill, Odiham
15 Extraordinary General Meeting - Attached
Christmas Social Evening
Sponsored Walk Prize Giving
19 Ramble - Winchester
3 Social Evening, Woking Civic Hall
4 Pub evening, Prince of Wales, St Johris
8 Closing date for"Executive Committee nominations
10 Pub Evening, Waterwitch, Colt Hill, Odiham
12 Illustrated Talk by Peter Beresford
20 Society Club Evening at Railway Enthusiasts club, Farnborough
1 Pub evening, Prince of Wales, St Johns
6 I W A Chandlery Bring and Buy Sale
7 Social Evening at Wokirig 6ivic Hall
9 Illustrated Talk by Philip Daniell
14 Pub evening, Waterwitch, Colt Hill, Odiham
17 Society Club Evening at Railway Enthusiasts Club, Farnborough
19 Annual General Meeting
22 Marks & Spencer Fashion-Go-Round
27 Ramble - Alresford
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On Saturday, 30 October a very enjoyable evening was had by about
70 members and friends of the Society at the Byfleet Village Hall,
where they were entertained to a Victorian Musical Evening by the
3rd Harlington Scout Group.
Many of those present were dressed in Victorian style or as canal bargees of that era which made for a very cblourful evening.
Refreshments were available, and the evening, which was arranged by local members of the Society, made a profit, towards our funds.
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AUTUMN FAYRE. 2 October 1976
The ladies who organised the Autumn Fayre in Fleet would like to thank all those members and friends who helped in any way at all on the day, those who donated items for the stalls and everyone who braved the torrential rain to come and make the event such a success. Thanks to Mr N Jones (Australia) for his generous donation. Profits were £255. As we have had two sales in Fleet during the last year, we feel it is time to call a halt - but we're sure there must be a group of ladies somewhere in the Society who would be prepared to try a similar function next year. To encourage you the Fleet ladies group are quite willing to continue making soft toys and handicrafts for stalls — so how about it Woking - Camberley - Farnborough?
The list of prize winners is given on the separate sheet with this
newsletter, and the prizes will be given during the Christmas Social
Evening on 15 December.
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Now is the season of the year for working parties. Holidays, and even the garden, don't beckon quite so strongly now, and how else can you get quite so much fresh air and exercise, while also doing useful work? Specialist skills are needed in some cases, and these are indicated below. Otherwise, just come along and participate.
The present list of working parties is given below. Because various things can cause slight changes to the schedule given here, it's usually advisable to contact the leader of a party before attending. Alternatively, contact FRANK JONES and the Ansaphone on Farnborough 45032.
(Christmas falling on a weekend this year means that certain working parties will be missing an outing)
Every weekend Dredging in Hampshire
By the time you read this, the dredger, with attendant mud boats,
tug and dragline, should have turned at the winding hole beyond the
Whitewater Aqueduct and be working east from Colt Hill. Assistance
is always needed in operating the dredger's supporting services.
For details of exact working location, contact ROGER THOMAS on
Farnborough 50389.
Every weekend Dredging in Surrey
This new working party will be establishing itself as soon as the
Priestman Wolf dragline crane is available. The proposed site of
operations is from Swan Bridge, Ash Vale, working towards Mytchett
Lake. Contact ROGER THOMAS on Farnborough 40389 for further details.
1st weekend of month Lock restoration
(4/5 Dec, 1/2 Jan, 5/6 Feb)
Restoration of Lock 25 (Curzon Bridge) is almost complete, and
attention is now being focussed more on Locks 26 and 27. The overall
co-ordinator of this work is PETER JONES on Farnborough 45032 and he
can tell you where you can best be of assistance, if you are in doubt.
The leaders of the individual locks are:-
Lock 26 JIM CHISHOLM on Wokingham 785146
Lock 27 TONY BROOKS on 01-688 3765
2nd and 4th weekends of month Lock Gate Building
(27/28 Nov, 11/12 Dec, 8/9 Jan, 22/23 Jan, 12/13 Feb, 26/27 Feb)
This is specialised work, requiring carpenters who are used to
working to tolerances. For details contact BOB BOWHILL on Woking 62916.
2nd and 4th Sundays of month Bridge Hole Clearance
(28 Nov, 12 Dec, 9 Jan, 23 Jan, 13 Feb, 27 Feb)
This party is clearing out bridge holes and, where necessary, preparing stop-plank grooves in the Ash Vale area. By the time you read this, work at Ash Wharf Bridge will probably be complete, and the party will then be moving on to other bridges in the locality. For details contact ALAN GRIMSTER on (work number) 01-211 4448.
2nd Sunday of month Woodham Flight of Locks
(12 Dec, 9 Jan, 13 Feb)
This party is currently working on Lock 6 (Sheerwater Lock). Most
of the adjoining bridge hole has been cleared, and the lock chamber
itself is now being tackled. Contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet
42081 for details.
3rd Sunday Of month Mopping up at Curzon Bridge
(19 Dec, 16 Jan, 20 Feb)
A small working party will continue to meet as long as jobs remain
to be done at Lock 25. Details from PETER JONES on Farnborough 45032.
3rd Sunday of month Deepcut Flight of Locks
(19 Dec, 16 Jan, 20 Feb)
This party, who carry out bankside clearance in this area, have been operating around Lock 17 (Cowshot Bridge) and are now working westwards from there. Contact MIKE McGRATH on Weybridge 47826 for details.
Last weekend of month Offside clearance in Hampshire
(27/28 Nov, 2 Jan, 29/30 Jan)
This party is working eastwards between Dogmersfield and Crookham,
clearing the offside ready for the passage of the dredger. For
details of exact working location contact DAVID MILLETT, Fleet 7364.
(Note that to keep some momentum over the Christmas period, this party
will be meeting (Sunday only) on 2 Jan).
Various dates Lock 24 (Deepcut)
This lock has been adopted by the London WRG, who have worked on it over a number of weekends. Society members are always welcome to come along and join in. Dates and further details can be obtained from the London WRG Working Party Organiser, MALCOLM LAWRENCE, on Basildon (Essex) 4l44.
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DREDGING PROGRESS (See cover photographs)
To those people who, over the years, have become accustomed to seeing the Deepcut Flight overgrown and neglected, the start of work on locks 24, 25, 26 and 27 was a most welcome sight. Now a change has taken place on this part of the canal. Surrey County Council has started to clear the canal bed with the aid of a Hymac. Already the pounds below locks 25 and 24 have been cleared. The result is dramatic and will surely give encouragement to the many volunteers labouring so hard on lock restoration. The Hymac has how moved to lock 27 and is working towards lock 28. The quantity of silt being removed is not as great as that in Hampshire, but the removal of the luxuriant vegetation in the bed of the canal, is leaving a deep clear-cut channel. It is hoped to clear all the pounds from lock 23 to 28 in this way, which will be a major contribution to dispersing the water in this area, which is now hampering lock restoration work - full marks to SCC. Some work has also been carried out at locks 1 and 2 where steel sheet piling has been placed across the canal above the top gates.
In Hampshire several places on the canal have been cleared by Hymac. They include a stretch west of Coxheath brridge, Crookham Swing bridge, Poulters bridge, Chequers bridge and the length of Chequers Wharf and also Double bridge where stop planks have been installed.
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An official re-opening ceremony to mark the completion of the new Farnborough Road weir, which has been re-built by volunteers lead by Peter Mayne, will be held on Sunday 12 December at 11am. An opportunity for members to meet your committee. Coming from the direction of Farnham on the A325, take the first turning left off the dual carriageway after crossing Wharf Bridge over the canal.
Ladies (and Gentlemen) If you would like 1-1/2 hours of sparkling entertainment, make a note in your 1977 diaries, for Tuesday 22 February. This is the night, 8 - 9.30pm when Marks & Spencer Ltd are presenting a Fashion Show with a difference in aid of our restoration funds, to be held in the 900-seater Military Boxing Centre, Aldershot. We expect a heavy demand so don't be disappointed, please don't wait for the AGM - there won't be any tickets left. Order your tickets NOW, £1, £1.25 and £1.50 from Janet Googe, Fleet 5402 or Janet Hedger, Fleet 7465. No reserved seats - first come, first served. Application forms at the back of this newsletter.
If any member in business wishes to advertise in a 32-page glossy A4 brochure being produced as a give-away to the 900 ticket holders, then get in touch with Fleet 5402 as soon as possible.
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Dear Sir,
It appears from the article in the last edition of the newsletter that the Canal Manager is not dredging the same canal as the Society.
Of the 1-1/2- miles (Colt Hill to North Warnborough Lift Bridge) so far dredged the only parts not dredged by the Society are from the end of the Waterwitch garden to Lodge Copse (670 yd approx) and from the west of Swan Bridge cutting to the lift bridge (250 yd approx). Admittedly, two hydraulic machines were used operating from the bank between Lodge Bridge and the eastern end of Swan Bridge cutting, but this work was not done to sufficient depth or width and one week's holiday was given up by the dredger crew to finish this work during one week while preparations were made for the assault on Swan Bridge cutting.
When dredging in the cutting was completed, the steam grab had to be removed without the assistance of a crane and it was during this operation that some damage was done to the jib; however, it was taken away, repaired and back on the dredger all within the space of two weeks.
Now for the future. We would by the publication of this newsletter have completed the section from the lift up bridge North Warnborough, past King John's Castle to the Whitewater winding hole. From here we turn back to Colt Hill for the assault towards Fleet, provided the County Council have negotiated dump sites.
With co-operation from land owners so that dump sites can be
negotiated in good time by HCC land agents, the next two miles will
not take even half the time the first two miles took, and to this
end we would reiterate the editor's remarks in the last newsletter.
If you are not working - and you're very welcome to join us - keep
well out of the way, do not clamber through fences and hedges and
wander over private fields, for the sake of your safety and the good
relations of the society with adjacent landowners.
The dredger team.
Editors' Note: The dredger team has indeed completed the section up to the winding hole. The dredger will now return to Colt Hill and then commence dredging eastwards. Until such time as Hampshire County Council's management proposals for the canal are finalised, the Society is not able to dredge the section of the canal between the winding hole and the Greywell tunnel.
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One of the big headaches in most canal restoration projects is the disposal of spoil, and the Basingstoke is no exception. In Hampshire some 10 tons of silt has to be removed for each linear yard of progress mado, but the Society has found a solution to the problem - sell it. When dredging operations were started in September at Coxheath Bridge in Fleet with the use of a Hymac, the question that had to be answered was how do we pay for the removal of the 2,000 tons of silt which it was hoped to lift during the five-day operation. Stan Googe set about the task of selling the spoil, whilst no-one would pretend it was first-class topsoil, it was very rich in organic matter and might have a market. In fact 70 people bought up 650 tons and the proceeds, some £500, not only paid for the lorry hire but also covered the cost of removing the remaining 1,400 tons.
Heavy rain has prevented further dredging in the Fleet area for the time being, but Stan now has orders for a further 4,000 tons of silt - where there's muck there's money!
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Raymonde Fethney, who is the Society's talks ordaniser, needs people to give talks in the Camberley, Basingstoke and Godalming areas. Slides are provided and out-of-pocket expenses paid. An interesting job with the opportunity of meeting people.
After about two years as Sales Manager, I am relinquishing this
office at the end of December and therefore invite members of the
Society to offer their services for the post.
The duties of the Sales Manager may be roughly sub-divided into two principal activities. The first consists of the ordering and storage of goods, together with the necessary payment and simple book-keeping. The second relates to the sale of goods, which involves a presence at various local outdoor functions during the summer months and indoors during the winter. Throughout the latter period, and particularly around Christmas time, one has to deal with a fair number of postal requests.
The work is far from arduous; indeed it can be very pleasant at
times, and I am hopeful that one of you will be prepared to take on
the job. Naturally, I will be available for a time to ensure
continuity, and I am certain that many of those who have helped me
in the past will be around to help you too.
Editors' Note:- On behalf of the Executive Committee, we would like to thank Peter and his wife Ray for the considerable amount of time they have given to this job over the last two years. During 1975 the total sales were jusf short of £1,800 which is an all-time record.
Bob Harlick is leaving Fleet early in the New Year to settle in
Norfolk and so will have to relinquish the post he has held for over
two years. This is a most vital job as, apart from anything else,
the job must be filled by the end of the year if the next newsletter
is to be out on time. So, if you have the time and a little space
to store the equipment, which is not bulky, the Secretary is waiting
to hear from you.
Editors' Note:- It goes without saying that we would wish to thank Bob for the magnificent job he has done for us over the past two years, and we will no doubt be echoing the thoughts of all our members by wishing Bob and his wife Kath every happiness in their new home. Bob will no doubt miss the canal which he has lived near since 1934, and in turn he will be missed by the many friends he has made, both in and out of the Society.
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The Administration Sub Committee would like someone to join them who would be prepared to co-ordinate 'internal' fund raising - such things as raffles, jumble sales and a l00-club. There is a great deal of money to be made from such fund raising methods; we just need a hand on the tiller.
The price of waste paper is again on the increase. Would any member be prepared to take on the job of setting up a collection scheme within the Society? Whilst they would need storage facilities, the Society's transport could assist with collection.
Offers to take on any of the above jobs to the Society's Secretary, address and phone number on the back page.
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CROOKHAM Village Residents Association have adopted Poulters Bridge and are pressing ahead with restoration Work.
FLEET COACHES have offered use of their workshops fur overhauling
one of the diesel tug engines
SUNDAY work was involved for some Dick Hampton staff who very kindly
turned out unpaid with some new wire rope for the dredging team in
CHANDLERY Bring-and-Buy sale to be held on Sunday 6 February by the Guildford branch of IWA at Farncombe Boathouse, Godalming. Will sell anything from boats to boots and anyone with a load to collect for this full day event should contact R Harper-White on Weybridge 42074.
PICTURE PUZZLE - the three lucky winners were: 1st Graham Wright of
New Haw, 2nd Pablo Haworth of New Haw and 3rd Jon Talbot of Fleet.
The picture on the left was the cutting at the eastern end of
Greywell Tunnel and on the right looking upstream to the Frimley
THIRD mud boat acquired by the Society and launched at Colt Hill on
25 October.
BANK slip at Swan Bridge, North Wamborough has been stabilised by HCC canal staff and contractors with the aid of some of the Society's dredging equipment.
HEAR Canal Street Blues from the San Jacinto Jazz Band at the Rose
and Crown, Sandhurst alternate Saturday evenings. Fast becoming
another Society rendezvous.
LEGAL advisors to the Society are preparing a detailed case for the Basingstoke Canal Trust for submission to the County Councils.
NEWS coming soon of the Society's new status as limited company.
MASSIVE working party of 200 scputs, supported by members of the Southampton Canal Society, helped to clear canal banks and towpath between Ash Wharf Bridge and Heathvale Bridge, Ash Vale.
FLEET Morning Townswomen's Guild has adopted the Society as one of its charities for the current year.
£400,000 is the amount which the Society hopes to raise towards the
cost of restoring the canal. With the reduction in Local Authority
spending, it is essential that this money be found, otherwise
restoration will be a very protracted affair. Over recent months a
team under Malcolm Irwin have been designing promotional literature
and drawing up plans for raising the funds. Malcolm now needs more
help; people with some administrative ability are needed to head
small teams undertaking specific projects. Interested? Then phone
Fleet 21781
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COPY DATE for the February newsletter - 1 January
Editorial Office: 45 Durnsford Avenne, Fleet. Tel: Fleet 5308
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking.
Tel: Chobham 7314
Working Party Organiser: Frank Jones. Tel: Farnborough 45032
Treasurer: Peter Youngs, The Coppice, 192 Upper Chobham Road,
Camberley. Tel: Camberley 25819
Secretary: Mrs Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough.
Tel: Farnborough 49651
Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove,
Farnborough. Tel: Farnborough 46147.
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At this meeting your Executive Committee are proposing the following Resolution -
'That steps be taken to wind up the Society and, subject to the approval of the Charity Commission, to transfer its assets and liabilities to The Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, (a non profit distributing company in the course of incorporation and that the Executive Committee be authorised to carry out such action as they think necessary to give effect to this resolution'.
At the last Annual General Meeting in February your Chairman, Robin Higgs, mentioned that the Society was taking advice on setting up a new company and, as the advice was strongly in favour of such action, it is now necessary to obtain the approval of members at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
At present, as an ordinary Society, in the event of a winding up, it could in certain circumstances mean that members of the Executive Committee and possibly Society members would be liable for any liabilities of the present Society in the event that there were not sufficient assets to meet these liabilities.
However, as members of a limited liability company, members would only be liable for £1 if the new Society went into liquidation and there were not sufficient assets to meet its liabilities.
In practice there will not be any apparent difference to ordinary members, as they would automatically become members of the new Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited. In taking this course of action, your Executive Committee will be following many similar organisations, including the Inland Waterways Association, the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust, the Dudley Canal Trust etc. This change of status is even more necessary now that the Society is a restoration organisation rather than a campaign organisation as it was in its earlier days. It must also be stated that in making this change the Society retains its charitable status which is vital for the covenanting of subscriptions, certain donations etc. Copies of the new Memorandum and Articles of Association will be available for perusal at the meeting.
The meeting will be immediately followed by the Christmas
Social Evening which should round off the year in festive fashion.
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Donations have been received from:-
G C & L Munday
E J Hill
A Bixley
M G N Smith
A J Merryweather
Peak Housing Ltd
L C E & C B Davis
Mrs R V Dove
A A Cripps
Mrs J M Wright
R C Snell
T J Nevill
J & A Collins
Miss M N M Snell
D G Carter
Mrs M J Dempsey
J H Outhwaite
P C Bond
Mrs D C Milsum
Mrs W Bickford-Smith
P Fethney
Mrs I R Holbrow
Major E Hughes
Mrs M J Green
E J & B J Keep
| |
Miss M E Warwick
Miss A M Thomas
H Watkins
P Cooper
B J Jordan
Mrs H D Jamieson
J A Pointer
Mr & Mrs J W Bedingfield
R D Noble
Mrs J Gross-Hodge
B Watson
Mr & Mrs B Cape
R H Nevill
P L Coxhead
Mr & Mrs R J Walter
Dr J N Gibbs
R F Riding
Miss L Taylor
Miss P Knight
Jumble Sale Frimley
E M Bevis
P R D Youngs
L Bywater
Mr & Mrs P Jones
Loans have been received from -
Miss H Austin, A C Marchant, P C Bond, Mrs P A Gaskill.
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Double Canoe - Byfleet First and Middle School. 25 walkers raised £156. Runners up Aldershot Manor Girls School raised £57.89, of which £34.99 1/2 was raised by Angela North.
Oldest Walker (Voucher) Male - J C Knight of Godalming;
Oldest Walker (Voucher) Female - Mrs Marshall of Aldershot;
Boy (8 years and under) (£2) Surrey -Martin Watson of Byfleet, 8 years;
Girl (8 years and under (£2) Surrey - Helen Davis of Byfleet, 8 years;
Boy (8 years and under) (£2) Hampshire - David Hedger of Fleet, 7 years;
Girl (8 years and under) (£2) Hampshire - Helen Hamilton of Farnborough, 4 years; Weekend Away - Mr and Mrs R Snell of Ewshot raised £154.
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