No 86 AUGUST 1979
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Inside Cover
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This summer will be your last chance to enjoy the canal's unspoilt environment around Colt Hill, Odiham. The last summer when you can lean over the parapet of Colt Hill Bridge in the quietness of evening and watch the last punt or skiff return amid the green fields and pastures.
Soon the ribbon of water will no longer be the focal point of this tranquil rural scene, and the setting sun will be elipsed by the glare of headlights.
This is probably the last summer you'll be able to wander up the towpath and have a view of uninterrupted countryside and hear the gentle sounds of wildlife on and around the waterway. Next year the peaceful scene will be polluted by the incessant noise of traffic on the new Odiham by-pass running parallel with the canal from Colt Hill to Lodge Copse only 50 yards or so from the towpath.
We may have won the campaign to save the canal but we have lost yet another piece of its environment which is so essential to its charm and atmosphere.
Accepting the need for Odiham to be by-passed and given that there is no practical alternative route, what can and will be done to minimise the nuisance factor?
At the very least the roadway should be screened by planting trees along its southern side. And the existing trees and bushes along the towpath must be consolidated. But much more can be done to lessen the noise and presence of the road. Since the strip of land between the canal and the by-pass will be of little agricultural value, it could be planted with trees, or better still used for an embankment to provide even greater protection.
Clearly something can be done to reduce the effect of the new road so close to the canal. But what, if anything, will be done is not known. Perhaps Hampshire County Council can enlighten us?
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Apparently Bob Benford's boat station at Colt Hill is still a hot bed of debate in council chambers and planners' offices from Fleet to Winchester. As was the 'John Pinkerton'. Passing judgment on Bob's dozen or so neatly turned out skiffs and punts, with a small wooden hut on the bank, Hampshire's Environmental Planning Committee said, 'The proposed development is premature and prejudicial to the preparation and adoption of a development brief and management plan for the Colt Hill area of the Basingstoke Canal'. That was last January when he was refused permission to operate his boats but now Bob has been given a year's reprieve. And a lot of people who are having pleasure and exercise using the canal for the purpos for which it has been restored will be happy to hear the news.
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To the South East Region of the IWA on publishing the 150th Edition of 'Windlass' with a colour picture of the 'John Pinkerton' by Clive Durley on the front cover. Under the editorship of Neil Carter and his production team the magazine has the sort of image the IWA deserves and needs, both in content and presentation.
Help make this year's GRAND DRAW an even bigger success than last year. Send your counterfoils and money as soon as possible to: Ted Williams, 36 Kestral Road, Kempshott, Basingstoke, Hants.
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Seventytwo members set out from Fleet early on June 3rd for a visit to the Kennet and Avon Canal. One of the two coaches was driven by Jim Druitt who has been on many trips with the Society and has never batted an eyelid even when being directed down some obscure and narrow country lanes in search of a special canal feature. First stop was Bradford-on-Avon, a delightful town in the Avon Valley for a two hour cruise on the 'Ladywood' operated by the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust (West Wilts Branch) and manned by volunteers in the same way as the John Pinkerton. This boat, which holds 40 passengers, was acquired two years ago from the Midlands where it was lying half sunk in a derelict state on one of the canals in the area, the firm operating it having gone into liquidation. Hard work by the members of the branch has restored and renovated it to an excellent condition.
The cruise took the party to Semington from where the coach continued to Limpley Stoke for a look at the notorious 'Dry Section' which, with the help of a huge Manpower Services Commission grant has been relined in concrete. This should prevent forever the problems caused on this two mile section due to fissures appearing every so often in the canal bed and allowing the water to drain away. New drystone walls have been built and very attractive they look. Some of the party walked the towpath from here to Claverton Pumphouse along the glorious Avon Valley crossing the Dundas Aqueduct, built by John Rennie and one of the showpieces of the British Canals System.
The Claverton Pumphouse was very impressive with its massive 24 feet wide waterwheel and beam pumps which lift 100,000 gallons of water an hour from the River Avon to the canal on the hillside above. Built in 1813 this unique pumphouse has been restored to full working order over the last few year. The restoration was started by students from Bath University and continued by dedicated members of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust, some of whom were on duty to describe the workings to our members. We were lucky to see it working because three days before our visit the heavy rains had flooded the pumphouse to a depth of about four feet. (Further working weekends this year are 4/5 August, 1/2 September and 6/7 October).
Many of the party walked the section from Bathampton to Bath on the towpath ending up with a look at the restored flight of locks taking the canal down to the River Avon in the centre of Bath.
After an hour or two to explore the city both coaches returned via Devizes where members were able to walk up the Caen Hill flight of 17 locks. These locks, part of the Devizes total flight of 29 locks, were restored last year under a Job Creation scheme and the side pounds dredge. Over the next three years the Trust has undertaken to find the money to re-gate the locks at a cost of £300,000, a massive fund raising exercise, making our fund raising pale by comparison. Already one anonymous donation of £50,000 has been made. May we wish them every success.
After leaving Devizes a stop was made at Marlborough before returning to Fleet.
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(TOP LEFT) Three men in a boat - Hampshire's weed cutter in action on the upper end of the canal.
(BOTTOM LEFT) Surrey C.C. dredging the canal bed at Deepcut.
(BOTTOM RIGHT) 'Three Ken in a Boat' theme of the Society's float entered in Fleet and Basingstoke carnivals.
TOP LEFT) Hampshire C.C. filling the breach in Ash Embankment.
(TOP RIGHT) H.C.C. rangers repairing Ash Lock.
(CENTRE LEFT) Martin Bowers with Wrens from HMS Dauntless - the Wrens' training base at Burghfield near Reading - track laying on Ash Embankment.
(CENTRE RIGHT) Bricklayer re-building lock chamber wall around ground paddle culvert.
(BOTTOM LEFT) The dredged canal bed above Ash Lock.
(BOTTOM RIGHT) A ditch dug parallel with the canal for dumping silt to be covered with top soil and landscaped.
Photographs: Dieter Jebens, Clive Durley, David Robinson and Geoff Helliwell.
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The canal scene in summer: that lazy, idylic, nostalgic picture of summer Sunday afternoons, the family party off for a picnic in the hired skiff, with father showing his rowing prowess, the pleasant, shady walks along the towpath. All this could be yours - when you have finished restoring the Basingstoke Canal. Be a part of history NOW by helping to finish it off.
The full list of Working Parties is as follows : Every Weekend - Deepcut
Still at it? Yes, and showing results helped by good weather and a strong committment, both Locks 16 and 19 are making good progress. Lock 16 has a complete wall rebuilt by volunteer labour. The Deepcut co-ordinator is Mike Fellows (Wokingham 787428) or his Chief of Staff, Chris Brazier (Camberley 25132) are always happy to answer any enquiries.
1st Weekend of Month - Lock l6
1/2 Sept; 6/7 October; 3/4 November -Peter Jones, Aldershot 313076
2nd Sunday of Month - Lock l6
9 Sept; 14 October; 11 November - Alan Grimster, Farnborough 45032
2nd Weekend of Month - Lock 19 (Southampton Canal Society)
8/9 Sept; 13/14 October; 10/11 November - Peter Oates. Botley 3844
3rd Weekend of Month - Lock 16
15/16 Sept; 20/21 October; 17/18 November - Jules Wood, Farnborough 515737
4th Sunday of Month - Lock 16
23rd Sept; 28th October; 25th November - Alan Grimster, Farnborough 45032
4th Weekend of Month - Lock 19
22/23 Sept; 27/28 October; 24/25 November - Jim Chisholm, Wokingham 785146.
5th Weekend of Month - Lock l6
29/30 Sept. Mike Fellows, Wokingham 787428.
Regular visits are paid to us at Deepcut on Lock 19 by the Kent and East Sussex I.W.A. under Ken Parish; and by London W.R.G. (Cosmo) who have until now been working on Lock 17. Some very nice people come to Deepcut - why not join them?
Woodham Flight Comprising Locks Nos. 1 - 6.
Work has been progressing for nearly five years here. Lock 6 is almost finished and Lock 5 is now under attack, by Pablo Haworth and his 'Wey End' workers. Lock 1, under the guidance of Dick Harper-White and Peter Jackman has been more difficult. Water in the chamber has proved a big obstacle but real progress is now being made thanks to their perseverance.
2nd Sunday of Month - Lock 5
9 Sept; 14 October: 11 November; Pablo Haworth, Byfleet 42081
3rd weekend of Month - Lock 1 (Guildford Branch IWA), Dick Harper-White. Weybridge 42074.
15/16 Sept: 20/21 October; 17/18 November. Peter Jackman, Woking 72132
Every Weekend - Dredging in Hampshire
One of the oldest continuing working parties on the Canal. It still has a flow of workers in and out, so still requires plenty of trainees, although more people are coming forward than ever before. Nearer to Barley Mow Bridge than Stacey's Bridge, there will always be a welcoming smile from Brian Bane (Hook 3627) on your arrival.
Most Sundays - Ash Embankment
A family day out, clearing undergrowth, now that all saplings have been pulled.
Ring Martin Bowers, Farnborough 513095 or Adrian Birtles, Cambcrley 29897.
Park at Ash Lock.
S. H. C. S. Narrow Gauge Railway is being laid the length of the embankment on the off side. Help is required to shift rail from Deepcut and relay it at Ash. Well past the breach and present loco and rolling stock are also required to be maintained. Ring Stan Meller, Camberley 32096 or John Peart, Farnborough 46554
Lower Wilderness Weir - Every other Weekend
Often regarded as the 'Mayne' Working Party of the Canal. This gathering is set in the midst of attractive woodland at Deepcut. For a peaceful and leisurely working party in a specialist vein, ring Peter Mayne - Camberley 24701
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS Joint Social Secretaries: Hampshire - David Millett, Fleet 7364
Surrey - Michael Grist, Woking 71581
After the summer break, the autumn and winter season of illustrated talks and slide shows will commence in September, on the second Monday of the month at Woking and the fourth Wednesday of the month at Farnborough. Please support these evenings. Any suggestions, ideas, etc., will be welcomed in respect of the future programme.
Monday, September 10th. 7.45pm. MEMBERS OPEN EVENING
Come and meet your fellow members and seme of your Executive Committee. New
members especially welcome.
Monday, October 8th, 7.45pm. ILLUSTRATED TALK. Speaker to be arranged
FARNBOROUGH (opp. Lloyds Bank)
Wednesday, September 26th, 7.45pm.
SLIDE SHOW entitled 'Cruising on Narrow Boat Renfrew' by David Morton, Principal of the Teachers Centre and owner of the ex-Grand Union Canal Carrying Co., unconverted narrow boat Renfrew, built in 1936. David cruises extensively over the British canal network and the slides will feature some of his travels.
ALSO during the evening the Draw for the 1979 GRAND DRAW will be made so please bring along your tickets and see if you are one of the lucky members this year.
Monday October 29th, 7.45pm.(Note change of day)
A JOINT MEETING will be held with the Inland Waterways Association (Guildford and Reading Branch at the Teachers Centre. Hugh McKnight will give a SLIDE SHOW entitled 'Three Weeks Circular Tour of French Canals'. Hugh is a very well known Inland Waterways author and photographer and is the owner of an Ice Breaking Narrow Boat. The slides were taken as material for his recently published book called the Guiness Book of Western European Waterways.
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Historic Waterways Scenes.
Britains, Lost Waterways Volume 1: Inland Navigations by Michael E. Ware.
Published by Moorland Publishing Company Price £5.50
What could be more pleasurable than reviewing an excellent Canals book? Undoubtedly reviewing such a book written by one of our own members.
This latest book by Michael Ware takes as its theme those Canals which have, at one time or another, been closed to traffic. From an estimated total of some 60,000 original photographs the author has selected just 136 to distill for the reader a pictorial reminder of the days when these Canals were used for commercial carrying. The photographs, which for the most part are previously unpublished, are of remarkable clarity considering their age.
The text is woven around the photographs (and some sketches) and supplies a wealth of interesting detail on the construction, maintenance, operation and eventual demise of each waterway. Both photographs and text give the reader a glimpse of the life and hard times of the boat people.
Certainly this is not just another Canal book. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and
recommend it to you as a 'must' for your bookshelf. (Alan Babister)
Basingstoke Canal - The Western Length
Hampshire County Council Recreation Department has published a booklet entitled, 'Basingstoke Canal, The Western Length'.
In it the history of the canal from its concept in the 1760's as a link-up trade route to the present day is described; also the natural history and the social history around the five mile stretch of canal from Greywell to Dogmersfield. Many members will have already seen the booklet, but for those who have not, it is to be recommended.
The historical references, which include King John's Castle, a dramatic episode in the English Civil War on the banks of the river Whitewater, the Royal Deer Park, and the origin of the naming of Colt Hill are fasciniing. The lives and occupations of the villagers who lived in small settlements in the area are described, also buildings bridges, the Hunting Lodge at Wilks Water, Dogmersfield House, and other interesting landmarks are included and illustrated.
The wild flowers to be found along the banks and in the water are listed and the trees and shrubs by the tow-path. The woodland birds and birds of the water, insect life and the fish with which the canal is being restocked, complete the natural history section. Each page is appropriately illustrated with very attractive drawings. There are sketch maps of the area, and footpaths are shown.
Notes on John Pinkerton the man, and a very nice sketch of J.P. the trip boat at the lifting bridge complete the booklet written by:
John Holder and Alison Granucci.
Illustrated by Peter Davies and David Threlwell.
Obtainable on the Trip Boat. Price 30p. (Betty Jebens)
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CANALS THAT WERE NEVER BUILT No. 2. 1796-9 and 1817-8 David Gerry
Those of you who have studied Vine's, 'Londons Lost Route to Basingstoke', and perhaps the Canals Act of Parliament, will be aware that once the Canal as we know it today had been built as far as Up Nately (i.e. tunnelled through Greywell Hill), then a collateral cut (branch) could be built to Turgis Green, no further parliamentary approval being necessary.
This branch would have followed the 2.50ft (76m) contour leaving the main line just west of the Whiteewater Aqueduct. The line would have been almost due north to Hook where it would have probably passed through a shallow cutting, where the modern red brick church now stands and then turned slightly north west across a slight embankment and into another shallow cutting to pass just east of Ratherwick Church finally terminating near the A33 at Turgis Green. There would have been no locks.
In 1799 the Committee of the canal company started to explore the possibility of building this branch line but found the principle land owners unco-operative.
The shortage of finance at the time prompted Dr. Bland, the Chairman, to suggest that the branch should be of smaller scale than the main line and that it would be navigated by 'smaller barges' - narrow boats perhaps or did he mean boats like the 'Mud Lark' built by Tony Harmsworth last year? Dr. Bland proposed that goods would be removed from small barges by crane and loaded into larger vessels on entering the main line. It was expected to serve one-third or even two-fifths of the expense by that method.
This proposal also fell by the wayside at least for the time being. Early in 1818 the company records show that the project was reconsidered and it was agreed to make a branch about one mile long to Hook Common but at the next meeting the company reconsidered again and decided that it would be financially sensible to go a little farther to Hook Street but the cash was not forthcoming and so this proposal finally died.. ...
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6th Pub Evening, Fox & Hounds, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
7th Members' Evening, John Pinkertcn, 7-30pm.
14th Members' Evening, John Pinkerton, 7-30pm.
15th Pub Evening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
17/18/19 IWA National Rally of Boats at Northwich, Cheshire on River Weaver.
21st Members' Evening, John Pinkerton, 7-30pm.
28th Members' Evening, John Pinkerton, 7-30pm.
3rd Pub Evening, Fox & Hounds, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
10th Open Evening, Woking Centre Halls, 7.45pm.
19th Pub Evening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
22nd Lock 28 Opening Ceremony, Deepcut 2.30pm.
26th 'Cruising on Narrow Boat Renfrew!, talk by David Morton at Teachers Centre, Farnborough 7.45pm. Also GRAND DRAW will take place.
28th Inter-Canal Organisations Knock-Out Quiz on waterways, Walford Hall, Reading, 7.45pm.
8th Illustrated talk at Woking Centre Halls, 7.45pm.
8th Pub Evening, Fox & Hounds, Fleet (Canal Lounge)
17th Pub Evening, The Bounty, Basingstoke.
19th Autumn Supper Dance at Fleet Civic Hall,
27th Autumn Market, Byfleet Village Hall 10.00am.
29th 'Three Weeks Circular Tour of French Canals' - talk and slides by Hugh McKnight at Teachers Centre, Farnborough 7.45pm. (Joint meeting with I.W.A. Guildford and Reading Branch).
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FRIDAY September 28th. at_Walford_Hall, Carey Street, Reading. 7.45pm.
The Society have been drawn away in the opening round and meet the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust (Reading Branch). Organised by Tony Clayton who will also be Quiz Master for the evening. Based loosely on University Challenge it will feature questions and slides of waterways all over Britain. An authentic press button and lighting panel will be use. Please come along and support our team and help get us through to the final. Directions: drive round the inner distributor road and turn off onto the A4, Bath Road, Carey Street is the first minor road on the right and Walford Hall is on the right. Unfortunately one is not allowed to enter Carey Street except from the west and so it is necessary to circle round to get there. There is a small car park at the hall but parking is permitted in Carey Street and most of the surrounding roads after 8pm.
AUTUMN SUPPER DANCE - Friday October 19th at Fleet Civic Hall
Drink, eat and dance and enjoy yourselves at our SUPPER DANCE at Fleet Civic Hall on Friday October 19th. Dancing to a group called 'Mainly Instrumental', catering for tastes ancient and modern. Application form for tickets (only £3-50 per head) is enclosed with this Newsletter.
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There will be a demonstration of Lock-Gate making and
An Afternoon Barbecue.
All members are invited to attend.
Lock 28 is about 10 mins, walk west of Curzon Bridge where there is ample parking space, This event is organised by S.J. Browning, Byfleet.
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On 9th June, 1974 one of the first important stages of the restoration of the Canal was reached when Lady Verney, wife of Sir John Verney, a Vice President of the Society, officially opened the restored towpath on the Hampshire section. The ceremony took place at Fleet Weir footbridge and was combined with the completion of the installation of the footbridge by Society volunteers led by Bert Saunders. The footbridge itself is an ex-ships gangplank and Sir John Verney was instrumental in its acquisition.
Since that time the footbridge has seen heavy use as it is situated in the middle of urban Fleet. It is now in need of repair, refurbishing and repainting to make it look smart again. As the County Council staff are fully employed in restoration work in the Ash lock area for the rest of the summer we would like Society volunteers from the local Fleet and Church Crookham area to undertake the work. An ideal opportunity for local members who have not had an opportunity so far to volunteer their services to come forward. Paint etc, will be provided.
The Lift-Up Bridge at North Warnborough also needs some attention to smarten its appearance. This bridge is seen by all the passengers on the John Pinkerton and it is essential the impression it gives reflects the restoration in general. The only work required here is repainting the railings in white and similarly members in the Odiham/North Warnborough/Greywell areas may like to volunteer for the work, although members from other areas will be very welcome to apply.
Please telephone David Millett on Fleet 7364 if you feel you are able to help.
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The two County Councils are preparing to rejoin two halves of the canal. Surrey IS dredging the Deepcut length at 300 tons a day and dumping the silt on the site of the former Deepcut Railway Station. The stretch between the Swan Pub at Ash Vale and the wharf at Ash will be dredged in the autumn, after the bird breeding season is finished. Work on Ash Vale Weir is to begin.
Hampshire have filled the breach in Ash Embankment and are waiting for wetter and cooler weather before skimming the silt from the bed of the canal and clay puddling the water channel. Clay will be delivered by the S.H.C.S. railway which will be laid on the side of the canal. Cost will be jointly paid by Hants and Surrey County Councils,
Meanwhile Hampshire, with the help of two Hymacs, have dug a half mile ditch parallel to the canal, and are filling it up again with dredgings. The dump area is then landscaped and seeded. Dredging is now approaching Queens Parade Bridge,
At Ash Lock, work continues apace. The old by-pass weir (blocked off by the rebuilt bridge) has been uncovered and will be modified to present day standards. A winding hole is being dug above the lock, and the gates, built by Society members, are waiting to be fitted when the lock is complete.
The autumn will probably see water across the Embankment.
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TEN YEARS AGO..... Newsletter No. 24 August 1969
# The front page announced a members meeting to be held on September 27th to discuss the future of the Society's campaign for public ownership of the canal in the 70's and changes to the Constitution to enable application for registration as a charity.
# The mysterious death of hundreds of fish between Chequers Bridge and Poulters Bridge Crookham, was put down to a lack of oxygen brought about by the long spell of hot, dry weather.
# 11,700 signatures of local ratepayers had been collected calling for the canal to taken over by the two county councils and restored to a fully navigable condition.
# The Society's membership stood at 980.
# Surrey County Council were quoted as saying it was willing to buy the canal - subject to price and Hampshire's agreement to buy their section... the Canal Company said it
was willing to sell.
# Hampshire was also considering purchase but not before a survey was completed (an ea
survey had proved unsatisfactory), and this was not expected until March the following
Editor's Note: The Hampshire survey did prove the canal was in remarkably good condition
generally. Hampshire C.C. finally took over their 15-mile length in November 1973.
Surrey C.C, purchased the remaining 17 miles on Monday March 8th 1976.
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As a result of the success of the Canoe Trials over the last two years, there has be great interest shown in canoeing especially in and around the Fleet area. We are aware of many canoes either being purchased or built from moulds in the garage, and requests have been received for the formation of a canoe club where people of all ages can be together to learn all aspects of canoeing. Already one member, who is a qualified, canoe instructor, has offered his services. If any member is interested, or has a son or daughter who might be interested, would they please telephone David Millett on Fleet 7364 as soon as possible. If enough interest is shown a meeting will be called, and hopefully a club can be formed with affiliation to the Canal Society. As well as learning to canoe properly the club will enable its members to meet socially and organise canoe outings on the canal and elsewhere.
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After last years success when the JCP ex-LT bus operated by Frank Jones, our Job Creation co-ordinator, was decorated to resemble the 'John Pinkerton' and publicised its operation on the Canal, this year the theme was completely different.
The main theme of Fleet Carnival is 'Cinema time' to signify the provision of film & slide equipment to Fleet Civic Hall from the proceeds of the last two year's carnivals. As a result Roy and Penny Tree dreamed up the idea of 'Three Men in a Boat' and the finished result was very effective. The float builders consisted of Roy and Penny Tree, Peter and Natalie Jones, Frank Jones and Pauline Hadlow assisted on the day by Diane and Martin Smith and Douglas Gilbey.
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At the last AGM a member was kind enough to propose a vote of thanks to the Newsletter editor for an enjoyable bi-monthly read. Unfortunately the editor was lost for words (a frequent occurence) and afterwards regretted not associating all those involved, for without them the job would be impossible.
For a start I would like to welcome Natalie and Peter Jones to the editorial team. I must also thank the contributors, such as Peter Cooper who has been writing the Working Party notes, David Millett for collating the Social Jottings and David Gerry who comes up with those interesting historical articles.
Then there are the production people. Diana Snow who deciphers the copy, handles the layout and types the stencils - a good seven hours work or more each issue. David Wimpenny spends 10 hours every two months duplicating more than 13,000 sheets to make up over 1,000 copies, At the same time Clive Durley is printing the envelopes which takes a minimum of 7-1/2 hours and can take an long as 30 hours when membership renewals are involved.
It's then over to Janet Hedger and her helpers to collate and staple the sheets (plus the excellent picture page printed by Charterlith of Fleet) and that takes 12 hours. Folding, inserting and scaling the envelopes takes a further 6 hours, and finally stamping which takes an hour.
I make that a week's full-time work plus overtime for one person on production alone. So, thank you, all those volunteers who help produce the newsletter.
But the work doesn't end there. Many of you get the Newsletter delivered by one of the Society's voluntary postmen. We have four area postmen - Bill Bristow (Fleet), Marjor: Wright (Farnborough), Stuart Browning (Woking and Weybridge) and Margaret Bond (Camberley). There are a further 76 postmen all of whom face the dangers of unwelcoming dogs, snapping letterboxes and impossible gates to open.
Thanks to our intrepid postmen the Society is saved over £70 in postage each issue,
that's a tremendous saving of £420 a year. So, again, thank you to the postmen.
More recruits are always welcome. If you wouldn't mind doing a round get in touch.
Overseas Note. Eight Newsletters we just can't deliver by hand go to members in Australia, Cyprus, Hong Kong, France. Germany, U.S.A. and Seudi Arabia, to whom we send our greetings.
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Seen recently on the canal in Fleet - a local Society member commuting by rowing boat from his home fronting the canal, to his work in another part of Fleet. What an excellent way to save petrol and use the canal at the same time.
As many of our members work at tha National Gas Turbine Establishment and at the Royal Aircraft Establishment both adjoining the canal, perhaps this will encourage a new kind of commuter; the canal commuter. A glance over Pondtail Bridge at 8.30am. in the morning may well reveal a stream of small craft, some with energetic rowers (a change from jogging) or some with outboard motors. What a good way to get the canal used regularly. Perhaps in a few years time when the John Pinkerton can reach and operate from Fleet, it too could run a regular morning and evening service, to the N.G.T.S. and the H.A.E. How about that, with a bar on board too, what more could they ask for!
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If you haven't sold your GRAND DRAW tickets yet please have a go and help make this year's result even better than last year. Send your counterfoils and money as soon as possible to the organiser: Ted Williams, 36 Kestral Road, Kempshott, Basingstoke, Hants.
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GARDENERS. Well rotted manure available at Lightwater and Pirbright. 25p, small bag,
40p, large bag -- bring your own bags; trailer loads by arrangement. All proceeds will be donated to restoration funds. Ring June Sparey. Camberley 65500(day) or 29463(evening).
MANY thanks to Mike Tomlinson and Mrs. May Cadwalleder of HDR Associates, Henley-on-Thames, for providing facilities in connection with the considerable amount of correspondence generated by Richard Allnutt in his fund-raising efforts over the last three years.
ASH VALE BOATHOUSE is open once again for the hire of skiffs and canoes. My thanks to Mr. Noyce for the loan of a skiff for the Society's entry in the Fleet Carnival.
DONATIONS recently received:
£25 from R. Jesse
£ 2.50 from P.J. Allen
£ 2.50 from Mrs. J.A. Cummings.
DOLPHIN 16 for sale: comfortable 2 berth plus room for two youngsters, Evinrude Twin 6, Morse remote controls, trailer with winch. All in excellent condition, £995. Phone Audrey or Stuart Browning, Byfleet 42024.
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Dear Sir.
Please accept this small donation from the Friends and Neighbours Group from St. Saviour's Church. This is a token of thanks for a most interesting film and talk given to us last Friday by Mr, Pratt. Living in Brookwood we, of course, have a special interest in any work done to restore the Basingstoke Canal.
Yours faithfully,
Maureen Gray. St. Saviour's Church Brookwood.
Dear Alan,
Herewith a cheque to pay our membership for 1979-80. The balance is for two talks that I have done, one gained four pounds (to the Alton Blind Club) and the other £3. Perhaps you could pass on the other seven for me.
Yours in haste,
Paul Buck, The Market Square Bakery, Alton, Hants.
Editor's Note: Paul is one of the Society's regular speakers - our thanks to all those members who give talks and help publicise the Society's work. New speakers always welcome- Contact Pauline Hadlow on Camberley 28367.
Published by Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a non-profit distributing company limited by guarantee.
Editor: Dieter Jebens, Assistant Editors: Peter & Natalie Jones
75 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10 3NJ.
(Tel. Farnham 715230)
Chairman: Robin Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking.
(Tel. Chobham 7314)
Treasurer: Bryan Jones, 16 Bliss Close, Basingstoke, Hants.
(Tel: Basingstoke 61053)
Secretary: Mrs. Lise Hamilton, 2 Frome Close, Cove, Farnborough.
(Tel. Farnborough 49651) Membership Secretary: Alan Babister, 31 Elmsleigh Road, Cove, Farnborough. Tel. Farnborough 461BR>
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