No 110 August 1983
Inside front cover --
While the western end of the canal is a hive of leisure activities, in contrast with the dormant pounds at the eastern end, the 6-mile centre length between Ash Lock and Deepcut top lock is now almost ready to take water again and add some more valuable miles of recreational waterway. Ash embankment has been restored, Ash Wharf has been cleaned out and the whole pound has been dredged.
But is the centre length ready? Talk of a spectacular re-opening ceremony this spring was heard last year and never materialised. Plans for a VIP tape cutting ceremony and cruise aboard the 'John Pinkerton' this autumn were actually published in a waterways journal, and that plan has now been abandoned. So, when will this section be re-opened?
Some experts will not commit themselves to more than, 'Sometime next year - all being well'.
Only now are towpath levels being checked and repair work ordered. It has also become clear that water can only be introduced gradually, with the channel being carefully and constantly checked for leaks.
Every effort should be made to re-water this centre length as quickly as possible and set a target date for re-opening - the spring of 1984, the start of the new boating season would not only be appropriate but also help to generate publicity for the canal and the restoration effort.
The long period since the water channel was dredged has, unfortunately, caused a number of riparian residents to turn their backs on the canal. A lack of water and unkempt towpath has lead people to build untidy walls and garden sheds backing onto the cut to block out the scruffy environment. Hopefully, when it once more becomes a waterway, these people will want to make the most of what will again be an attractive visual amenity.
This job should be given top priority.
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Front Cover
(Top)The dry dock nearing completion above Lock 28 at Deepcut.
(Bottom Left) YTS workers with their carpentry supervisor making the
final fittings for the dock.
(Bottom Right) Andy Stumpf and Mike Dade take a well earned break on
reaching Blacksmith's Bridge at Dogmersfield.
Inside Page
(Top) Hants canal manager, David Gerry, inspects progress on stabilising
the earth slip at Dogmersfield.
(Bottom Left) Canal rangers and MSC workers filling the wire gabion
baskets with stone which will form a firm foundation to the slope above.
(Bottom Right) Dr. Patrick Moore shares a joke with (left to right)
Ron Hursey, the Society's new trip boat bookings manager, Tony Rees
and Clive Durley, trip boat director and the Society's photographer.
(pictures: Dieter Jebens)
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The summer months are the natural time to be going away on trips, and
exploring the countryside, but we hope that Society members will still
find time, to get in the occasional working party, to keep the job
moving ahead. Many hands make light work, the proof can be seen at the
end of a day's work on a well-attended working party, when the day's
progress is purveyed.
The working parties currently operating are listed below. It's usually as well to contact your working party leader a few days before attending in case of a last rainute change of plan.
Every weekend St. Johns Flight
At lock 11 the bricklaying on the second chamber wall is complete, and
so the main constructional tasks now are the flank and return walls and
the hollow posts, and then the recess walls. Round the corner at Lock
10 constructional work is now complete and finishing touches have now
to be applied; quadrants to be laid, the ladder to be installed,
bollards to be fitted, and then it'll be waiting for its gates. The
workers will then move further down the flight.
All this work is co-ordinated for the Society by MIKE FELLOWS on Wokingham 787428, and for further details you should contact him, or one of the working party leaders listed below.
Lock 11
Every other weekend 1/2 Oct. 15/16 Oct. Woking 21710
17/18 Sept. PETER REDWAY
6/7 Aug, 20/21 Aug, 3/4 Sept.
- KEN HALLS on Woking 23981
Locks 10 and 9
Every fourth weekend - 27/28 Aug, 24/25 Sept, 22/23 Oct. - JULES WOOD
on Farnborough 515737 or TQNY GOULD on 01-941-3014.
Every fourth weekend ~ 13/14 Aug, 10/11 Sept, 8/9 Oct, - PETER JONES on Aldershot 313076.
Second and fourth Sundays of the month - 14 Aug. 28 Aug. 11 Sept 25 Sept. 9 Oct. 23 Oct. ALAN GR1MSTER on Brookwood 6127.
Every weekend Dredging in Hampshire
The Hampshire dredging operation, starring the steam dredger 'Perseverance', continues to progress well. The dredger is now at Blacksmith's Bridge, while the tugs, which are being refurbished, are being used by Hampshire County Council during the week in connection with the Dogmersfield slip repairs. More helpers would be welcome for this work. For further details contact ANDY STUMPF on Watford 37278 or BRIAN BANE on Hook 3627.
First Sunday of the month Bankside clearance
2 October.
The Surrey bank side working party will start their operations again
in October. For details of working site, contact BERT and BETTY
SCAMMELL on Aldershot 23215
One weekend per month.
13/14 Sept, 8/9 Oct.
This party have assembled the first lower gate for Lock 10, and now have
to apply the finishing touches to it. Then there will be the
other one of the pair to build. For further details o± this party contact FRANK JONES on Deepcut 5711 (lock gate workshop) or Camberley 28367 (home).
Second weekend of the month Lock 5 (Woodham)
13/l4 Augs 10/11 Sep.t. 8/9 Oct.
The list of jobs remaining to complete this lock is not very long now; the footbridge has to be finished, the bottom invert and mitre have to be cast, the recesses to be topped out and the bollards and quadrants to be installed. For further details of this party, contact PABLO HAWORTH on Byfleet 42081.
Third weekend of the month Lock 1 (Woodham)
20/21 Aug, 17/18 Sept., 15/16 Oct.
There's still a lot of bricklaying to be done here, before the new
chamber walls will be complete. For further details of this party,
contact DICK HARPER-WHITE on Weybridge 42074 or ROY DAVENPORT on
Surrey full-time team
The major task of building the new overflow weir on the Ash Embankment is now into its final stages. All the concrete work, and most of the constructional work, is done, and the job should be completed during July. Nearby, Surrey County Council's forestry team have carried out dredging, piling, and bank protection work in the Ash Wharf area. The new Dry Dock by Deepcut Top Lock is now just about complete, with it's gates and balance beams installed.
The next jobs to be started will include the finishing work on the Deepcut Flight of locks, and the installation of stop planks at Mytchett Lake Railway Bridge and consolidating the banks in the adjoining section. It is also planned to complete Lower Wilderness Weir shortly.
The young people on the full-time team have completed their in-house carpentry course, and their Life and Social Skills course at Camberley Adult Education Centre, and are now going on to a bricklaying course.
Surrey Rangers
Work continues on raising towpath levels and making repairs at Ash. Rangers are also monitoring the canal banks for water seepage as the levels are increased. The banks have been dry for so long they will take time to swell up and tighten up. Support is also being given to voluntary working parties at Woking and West Byfleet.
Hampshire Rangers
Repairs to the landslip at Dogmersfield continues to be the main task. A 12-metre foundation trench has been dug and MSC labourers are now working on the wall allowing rangers to do some towpath mowing at the western end. They were also quickly on hand to salvage the Society's dredger which sank on July 5th, without coming to any mechanical harm. On July 12th Tony Harmsworth launched a repaired 50ft. mud barge sideways onto the canal at Winchfieltl - the traditional method not seen on the canal since 1950.
MYSTERY BEAST A large animal, probably a mammal, has been seen diving in the canal, near Claycart Bridge. It is said to be black in colour. It might be an otter. It might be a mink polecat or a coypu rat. We wish anyone who sees it to observe carefully and send us a detailed description of its appearance, size and action. Children must not touch it and adults should treat it with respect. If it is what we think it is, it is capable of defending itself.
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It is not generally realised that angling in the canal is managed by a consortium of angling clubs, and The Management is allocated to the Hampshire Basingstoke Canal Anglers Association and the Basingstoke Canal Surrey Anglers Amalgamation.
The Hampshire Association is operating a code of regulations - which will later become official byelaws, with the blessing of the County Council - to control the behaviour of anglers and their methods of fishing. In the public interest permission to use the waterway is on daily, monthly and yearly temporary membership permits which are obtainable for moderate charges at the tackle shops in the towns adjacent to the canal. The Association is comprised of 14 angling clubs with an organising committee and officers and a corps of water-keepers. Every member of each affiliated angling club is issued with a membership book setting out the rules of the Association, the fishery byelaws and other information such as access points. The Surrey Amalgamation have not yet reached this stage of organisation largely due to the circumstances which make the section a very limited fishery, only about four miles and most of that in dire need of restocking and fishery management.
There is a varied stock of healthy fish; bream, carp, chub, gudgeon, perch, pike, roach, rudd and tench, many of them of specimen proportions, especially the carp to 251bs and the pike to nearly 301bs, with heavy bream and roach to 1-1/2 lbs. The Association has recently stocked 6000 mixed coarse fish in the match section between Farnborough and Fleet in anticipation of two major matches scheduled to take place in the latter parts of 1983 and 1984. These competitions will be organised by the Central Association of London and Provincial Angling Clubs and the Southern Region of tho National Federation of Anglers. Both will be limited to participants members of those organisation.
Indiscriminate match fishing is not allowed and anglers using up to two rods must not take up more than a prescribed amount of bank space.
The methods of angling must, of course, be chosen by their expondnet for the degree of success they bring. A prerequisite appears to be the longest manageable rod with running tackle; or a pole fishing a bottom bait. The float fishing tackle with the reel must be wind defeating with lines of not more than 31bs BS and tiny hooks. Such methods are for the general run of coarse fish. Much more sophisticated techniques are necessary for the huge carp and pike. Most anglers use maggots but there is much need for experiment with exotic baits and bread derivatives, with limited amounts of basic groundbait.
The popular places are those easy of access with parking areas. The pool at Odiham is the most popular of these and it is there that the mighty pike are in residence. The section between Barley Mow and Fleet, recently the victim of a landslip, is still under the dredger and will be for several months until the machinery reaches Fleet. In the vicinity of the bridges between Pondtail and Ash Lock there are huge carp to be found. Mixed in with them are the recently added Perch, Roach and Rudd with a few hundred Gudgeon and some Chubb. There are also 4000 baby carp in this section. The big tench and roach are in the lengths about Crookham, as yet to come under the dredger. The fishing has shown 100c/o improvement in 1983 with a winter upswing expected to be maintained provided Mother Nature does not perform some of her invidious acrobatics in the way of
weather and provided enough anglers use the fishery. Strangely the acceleration of usage has the tendency to improve a fishery out of all knowledge.
Members of S.H.C.S. of all ages who are registered members individually or by family may apply to me for a free annual permit and may fish the canal within the regulations. I require the membership number, the correct name and address, and a stamped addressed 6" x 4" envelope. These should be sent to H.B.C.A.A., 24 Hampton Court, Woolford Way, Basingstpke, Hants RG23 8AZ.
The canal is alive with tiddlers which are the babies of the larger fish. Netting of them and their confinement in jam jars and such other horrid containers is very illegal. Children faced with a large bearded man in rough clothes who urges them to desist from such activities should heed his words. Dads and Mums please note
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SOCIAL JOTTINGS Social Secretaries
Hampshire: Still vacant. Surrey: Mike Grist, Woking 71681
The evenings are drawing in again and autumn is approaching, and so is the season for talks, film and slide shows. Hampshire meetings will again be at the Prince of Wales, (Baronial Room) Reading Road South, Fleet on the 4th Wednesday of the month and the Woking meetings will be at the new venue, Christ Church Hall, Town Square, Woking, (50 yards from Centre Halls) on the 2nd Monday of the momth.
PLEASE SUPPORT THESE EVENINGS and bring along your friends if you wish.
WOKING SOCIAL EVENINGS: All at the Christ Church Hall, Town Square, Woking,(50 yards from Centre Halls).
Monday 10th October, 7.45pm. A joint meeting with the Inland Waterways Association (Guildford and Reading Branch). A return visit by the well known waterways author, and photographer, Hugh McKnight who will show slides entitled 'French Waterways'.
FLEET SOCIAL EVENINGS: All at the Prince of Wales (Baronial Room), Reading Road South, Fleet.
WEDNESDAY 26th October, 7.45pm. Members film and slide evening. Bring along your films and slides of waterways at home and abroad. Holiday trips and cruises, towpath rambles, rallies etc., the more the merrier. Preferably please telephone Fleet 7364 with your offer of films or slides you would like to show.
AUTUMN BARN DANCE Saturday October 8th. Crondall Village Hall, 8pm.
Tickets £2.50 inc. supper. (No increase from last year). See
separate sheet for full details.
Members who have joined the Society in recent years may wish to acquire copes of back numbers of the Newsletter, which tells the story of the campaigning days and the restoration of the canal from 1973 onwards. Photographic covers first started to appear from the January/February 1974 edition (No.54) Copies may be obtained from David Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet, Hants GU13 9SW. Tel: Fleet 7364 at 10p each but please send SAE for availability list first.
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The well known astronomer, Dr. Patrick Moore, took the tiller of the 'John Pinkerton' on the canal at Winchfield to illustrate how one planet passing another can give the effect of making the slower of the two appear to be moving in the opposite direction.
With the co-operation of a cyclist pedalling along the towpath, Patrick Moore, steered the trip boat for a film sequence in an 'Open University' programme; "Circu]£r Motion" to appear on TV next year in a series of eight probrammes entitled "Modelling with Mathematics - An Introduction" being produced by John Stratford.
24 Hours at St. Johns
A considerable amount of frenzied activity was centred on the St, Johns Locks at Woking over the weekend of 9/10 July.
The Saturday evening saw a barbecue beside lock 10 where over 60 volunteers, workers, wives and girlfriends celebrated the major completion of that lock after 2 years work.
Early Sunday morning, bunting was hung beside Kiln Bridge at the top of the flight and tables erected along with Philip Pratt's photographic displays in anticipation of the hordes of people expected for the St. John's Open Day.
Blessed with beautiful weather both the general public and Society members alike turned out in large numbers to be given guided tours around the site. In addition visitors were invited to sign the Society's petition against the proposed development of the Kiln Bridge site and an encouraging indication of public feeling was that all, without exception, supported the Society's view. In fact by the end of the day over 6 whole pages of signatures had been obtained to add to those being completed in local pubs, shops and door to door.
Thanks are due to Peter Coxhead for organising such a well worth while publicity event and to the Murrells, Pratts and the Rozelaar family for manning the sales and publicity stand throughout the day as well as, of course, all the volunteer workers who turned out to give the public something to look at.
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Stan Knight of Crookham Village found the following news item in a
page from 'The Star1 dated 18th August 19O5, which he came across
The Basingstoke Canal, 47 miles long, and running through Aldershot and Woking, to the junction with the River Wey, three miles from the Thames, has been bought as a private speculation by Mr. William Carter, a wealthy gentleman of Parkstone. The sum for which it has been purchased, is exceedingly small compared with the original outlay.
It is now proposed to try to revive trade with a service of motorboats, and if this proves impracticable a scheme would be considered
to drain off the water and use the course as a trunk line for a light
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Offers of help on the day and/or jumble to Bert and Betty Scammell on AlcLershot 23215.
There will be the following stalls:
Bric-a-brac, Books, Cakes, Handicrafts, Good clothing, Plants, Toys,
etc., and we would be pleased to accept any items for them.
Please ring Rosemary Millett (Fleet 7364) or Janet Hedger (Fleet 7465) for collection, or offers of help on the day.
Some intetesting detail was announced recently when the British Waterways Board published their Annual Report and Accounts for 1982.
Did you know for example that the cost of operating, dredging and maintaining the Board's 2000 miles of waterways in 1982 was nearly £25 million?
Add to that the cost of repairs to major structures such as Blisworth Tunnel and the effort to deal with the serious backlog of maintenance and the total spent on/the waterways approached £40 million.
Over half of this sum came from Government grants with the Board' s commercial and amenity activities generating £27,829,000. Of this over £5 million came from the management of the Board's Estate, over £2 million from fees and charges and £7.4 million from the Freight Services Division.
During the year improvements to the Sheffield and South Yorkshire Navigation proceeded, the Board entered into a joint venture to market waterway holidays in the UK to customers overseas and at long last the Board obtained Parliamentary authority to reclassify 80 miles of restored Remainder Waterways to 'Cruiseway' status.
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The 75ft x 18ft brick and concrete dry dock built by MSC workers on the site of a former and long since derelict dock, is nearing completion at Deepcut adjacent to Lock 28.
When the canal is once more re-open to navigation for boats coming off the Wey Navigation, the dock is expected to be a useful facility to owners of larger canal craft which are otherwise difficult or expensive to remove from the water for inspection and re-painting.
The Frimley dock can accommodate two full length narrow boats at a time. Its first occupant will almost certainly be the 'John Pinkerton'.
To support boats when the water is drained from the dock, Frank Jones,
MSC Manager, hit on the idea of cutting up the remnents of the iron
joists from the former Cowshot Manor Bridge.
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Woking Borough Council's leisure committee has agreed to spend £97,000 on restoration work and not £150,OOO as anticipated in the last Newsletter.
Even so, the decision is welcome and will give a big boost to the efforst being made by volunteers at St. John's to complete this importam length of the canal.
The priorities are seen as a spillway at Hermitage (£30,000) to cope with surface water draining off Hermitage Woods Estate; the completion of Sheerwater Lock 6 which has been partially restored by Society volunteers led by Pablo Haworth, and extensive piling to protect the banks throughout the Woking length.
The project will take two years to complete and will include improvements to Langmans Bridge.
TEN YEARS AGO (from Newsletter No. 51 July - August 1975)
* AT a ceremony to mark the completion of a second pair of lock gates built by Society volunteers at Ash Vale varge yard, the late Mr. David Pumfrett, chairman of H.C.C.'s Recreation Committee anticipated public acquisition of the Hampshire length of the canal later that year.
* S.C.C. published details of its compulsory purchase order for the
Surrey length.
* The Waterwitch pub at Colt Hill, Odiham was known as the New Inn and a Society venue for pub evenings.
* Restoration of the Society's dredger was progressing well, it was reported, and the first 'steaming' was expected to take place in October.
* A report published jointly by HCC, SCC, the Army and the Society put the cost of fully restoring the canal at £346,000 of which £98,000 would be voluntary labour.
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Dr. Robert Page's article in Newsletter 108 attracted this further correspondence which we were unable to publish last time.
Dear Sir,
Ecology and Nature Conservancy
I read with great interest Dr. Page's notes in the April Newsletter on natural history at the canal end. One rather feels however that whereas the counties and the Society aim to make the canal an amenity for every kind of activity, the conservancy lobby tends to overstate its case and push its own views without regard to anyone else. I must take issue with Dr. Page's remarks about the destruction caused by dredging, this is a strictly temporary effect, and a dredged and used canal will very quickly develop its own flora and fauna, although this will be quite different from the stagnant ditch variety. I consider the Society and the counties have a very good record, ecologically and I personally have planted some trees and wild flowers along the banks, including one or two undoubted rarities.
The problem of bats in the tunnel is a little tricky, in that hibernating bats should not be disturbed. If they awake and fly around they will not survive, their tiny bodies having insufficient reserves. I would put forward a limited maintenance and repair work in the tunnel, having regard to a close season for sleeping bats. Does Dr. Page consider that the tunnel should be left untouched until it finally collapses? If this happens in winter, the bats will meet an instant death and the canal will lose half its water. Do let us take a broad view.
Ted Hammond, Greenhurst Lane, Oxted, Surrey.
The Anglers View Lewis A. Harris
We must be grateful to Dr. Page for putting into words what the conservationists regard as environmental assets of the canal at its western end. I am surprised that he had no word to say about fish, birds, invertebrates, reptilia and amphibians. Lack of space I assume. We need another dissertation from the worthy doctor or his colleagues to paint for us the concise and comprehensive picture of the whole ecology of that part of the canal and the other conservation areas. That must include the terrestrial vegetation and its inhabitants as well as the aquatic fauna and flora. It is clearly implied by Dr. Page that he and his colleagues would be happiest if there were to be no dredging over the Greywell springs. The implication is at variance with his statement in the Joint Management Committee which was an unequivocal assertion that the people he represents will have no objection to necessary management exercises designed to bring water to the Surrey locks. Those of us who do not go along with the bigotry or hardnosed conservation would much prefer its representatives to lay their cards on the table. We would then know how to play our hand. While we are subjected to the wavering of vacillation we cannot decide what our answers are to be.
One aspect of the conservationists attitude is the secrecy with which they seek to preserve what, one might be led to believe, is something that they and nobody else has the right to see. What they have to preserve belongs to all of us and they should be arranging for everybody to enjoy the rarities they have found. Conservation areas with
locked gates are something which I and my fraternity regard as intolerable as fisheries without anglers.
(Mr. Harris is secretary to the Hampshire Basingstoke Canal Anglers Association).
Dear Sir,
In view of Dr. Page's account of the effect on wild life over the work of the canal working and improvements, I feel that his evidence indicates that general ecology would suffer in any redemption of the western end of the canal, and move particularly if extensive workings were made, particularly Greywell Tunnel, and so wish to register opinion against it, probably even more vehemently over power boat usage over whole of the canal.
Cyril Rowe, 27 Cranford Avenue, Church Crookham.
Dear Editor,
I was interested to read the article by Dr. Page on the effects of restoration work on the canal's wildlife. Having once been rash enougl to make similar remarks in the company of a canal enthusiast and fellow member I know the enraged response which can result. Nonetheless I would like to make the following comments.
Firstly, the cut is just that - an artificial waterway for navigation. It exists solely because it was dug and it was dug so that boats might travel its length. Restoration is about restoring this state of affairs. Without boats the canal would not have existed in the past and would be ceasing to exist now. There can be no question therefore that this is the main objective of the whole SHCS effort.
Having said that, the canal is also an existing piece of countryside, an environment in which an amazing variety of plants and animals now flourish. Some of them are sufficiently uncommon for this bit of habitat to be of real importance to their survival. Wantonly, or out of ignorance, to destroy them would be tragic, literally impoverishing the world about us. As more and more wastelands, marshes, heaths etc. are put to other uses, each remaining site becomes more vital.
Does this mean a conflict of interests which must result in navigators and naturalists shouting abuse at each other? Surely not. Navigation is the priority - without it neither the canal nor its wilfllife would be present. Restoration work involves disturbance and damage to that wildlife, but surely a second aim should be to minimise this damage. No doubt some losses are inevitable, but are we doing enough to make sure these are as few as pmssible? Not being an expert on either the needs of the plant and animal communities affected, or on the possible alternatives available to restoration workers, I would welcome more genuine information on these matters. Setting aside some Plashes as reserves and trying to save threatened species by transplanting into these areas is an obvious but limited step. Even here success depends on the level of communication and co-operation with those who advise on conservation issues. (Who are they? How much effort do we put into working together?) More fundamentally, are we planning work schedules to minimise damage, or only to speed the restoration? Leaving an undisturbed margin along sections of the canal, to act as reservoirs of wildlife and assist the re-colonisation is the sort of policy which could help. It might slow our progress a little but it would not stop it, whereas each species lost from the
canal is lost for ever.
We have a responsibility to our children to pass on as rich an heritage as we can; in this case a canal once again alive with boats - and also alive with butterflies, bogbeans and bats.
Yours sincerely,
J.E. Manser, 10 Highfield Crescent, Southampton.
Sorry about the mistake - the sponsored walk is expected to raise over £5,500 for the Society not £450 - £500 as suggested in the June issue. We need to boost our cash flow so please do not wait until September but send your sponsorship money as soon as possible to Bob Humberstone, 11 Tichbourne Close, Frimley, Camberley, Surrey.
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200 CLUB
Winners for June: Mrs. N. Jones - £41
Mr. F.W.P. Radford -- £21
Mrs. B. Jebens - £10
Mr. G.B. Hewitt - £10
Mr. Tanner of Balfour Wines Ltd., Balfour Wines Warehouse, Station Approach, Wanborough, Normandy, Surrey (Phone Guildford 810101) has promised to give the SHCS a generous commission on every case of wine (mixed or otherwise) bought by members of the Society. So drink up and improve our cash flow. Mr. Tanner is also arranging a wine taste and cheese party at 7.30pm. on Friday 30th September - the cost is £1.75 and there is room for 30 people only. First come, first served. Please send the enclosed application form and remittance to Derek Truman, 91 Tavistock Road, Fleet.
After six years serving as a director and treasurer to the trip boat company responsible for running the 'John Pinkerton', David Wimpenny feels it is time to relinquish both positions and devote more time to his growing (up) family!
David has not only kept the books very efficiently, he has also acted as storekeeper and purchasing officer for the galley.
Quite an act to follow! But it need not all fall on one person.
We need a treasurer - no qualifications are needed, just a working knowledge of book keeping and VAT administration.
The storekeeper purchasing officer can be a separate job involving visits to a local cash and carry to buy supplies, and some garage space for storage. A location within easy reach of Colt Hill, Odiham would be an advantage.
Please consider volunteering and give David Wimpenny (Fleet 5286) or Peter Fethney (Fleet 5524) a ring for further details.
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SEPTEMBER will see the demonstration on the canal of a weed cutter. The two County Councils are considering the joint purchase of such a vessel.
THANKS to Robin Towe, Jack Greenslade and all at Farnborough Technical College for reconditioning the dredger's ring grab. They are now working on the rope anchorage on the jib.
CONGRATULATIONS to lengthsman Peter Bond, for the noticeable improvements he has made to the towpath between locks 24 and 28 on the Deepcut Flight.
INAUGURAL four hour trip of the John Pinkerton to Blacksmith's Bridge will take place one Saturday in October. See separate sheet for details.
WORKING parties work wonders - Judy and Janet, wives of leaders Jules Wood and Tony Gould, gave birth within a week of each other! Congratulations to all.
PLEASED to see the appearance of canal orientated signs on the outside of the Swan at Ash Vale.
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7 Small Boat Cruise, Ash Lock 10.00am.
9, 16, 23, 30 Pinkerton Members Evenings, Colt Hill, Odiham
7.30pm 27 - 29 IWA Natinal Rally, Wigan, Leeds & Liverpool Canal.
4 Small Boat Cruise, Ash Lock 10.00am.
2 Small Boat Cruise, Ash Lock 10.00am.
8 Autumn Barn Dance, Crondall Village Hall, 8.00pm.
10 French Waterways, Christ Church Hall, Woking. 7.45 pm.>BR>
15 Jumble Sale, Victoria Hall, Ash Vale, 10.30am.
26 Members Films and Slides, Prince of Wales, Fleet 7.45pm.
Published by the Surrey & Hampshire Canal Society Limited, a nonprofit distributing company limited by guarantee, registered as a charity.
Editors: Dieter Jebens, Janet & Chris Brazier : production Diana Snow and Cecil Eynon. Collation & distribution: Janet & George Hedger, Clive Durley and helpers.
Editorial Office: 60 Middle Bourne Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU10. 3NJ (Farnham 715230)
Chairman: Robin.Higgs, 18 Barnsford Crescent, West End, Woking. (Chobham 7314)
Vice-Chairman: David Millett, 14 Dinorben Close, Fleet. (Fleet 136k)
Hon. Treasurer: Peter Fethney, 5 Longdown, Courtmoor, Fleet (5524)
Hon. Sec: Philip Riley, Meadow Vale, Guildford Rd. Normandy (Worplesdon 234776)
Membership Sec: Ted Williams, 36 Kestrel Rd., Basingstoke (61579)
Working Party Information: Peter Jones, Aldershot 313076 and Peter
Cooper, O1-993-1105
Trip Boat: Ron Hursey, 119 Keith Lucas Rd., Farnborough (519419)
Sales Manager; Aubrey Slaughter, 37 Fir Tree Way, Fleet (23102)
Talks Organiser: Pauline Hadlow, Beaulah, Parkstone Drive, Camberley (28367)
Exhibitions Manager: Phil Pratt, 26 Fleetwood Court, Madeira Rd., West Byfleet (4028l)
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The 'Perseverance' our steam dredger, has now reached and cleared the Blacksmith's Bridge winding hole at Dogmersfield. A special cruise is being run on Saturday October 15th at 2pm. to view the progress of the H.S.C. comprehensive engineering works to stabilise Dogmersfield cutting and the boat will turn in the newly cleared winding hole. Also an opportunity to see the extensive views over Dogmersfield Park and Tundry Pond. Price £2.00. Depart from Colt Hill 2pm. and return approx 5.30pm. To reserve your seats(please pay on board) Please telephone RON HURSEY on FARNBOROUGH 519619 as soon as possible.
The Autumn Barn Dance will take place at Crondall Village Hall (opposite the Church) The cost will be £2.50. including a knife and fork supper. Dancing will be to Paul Earwicker's Music. The Caller will be Chris James. Tickets will be on sale from September 1st 1983. Get your order in early because we are restricted to only 80 people.
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