
Newsletter No. 10 February 1968
Working parties at Ash: The next two working parties are on Saturdays on February 24th and March 16th, commencing at 9:30 a.m. The land is really starting to look better now. Let us hope we can put'it to good use in the future.
Membership Drive:
Our thanks to Messrs. McPhial, Myall, Adlam and Mr. and Mrs. Blannin who have so far offered to distribute leaflets in our membership drive. You will be contacted when we have the leaflets. More volunteers are needed in all areas please.
Membership at the moment stands at 320. May we ask that all members who have had subscription reminders but have not yet paid up, please do so. It does help the treasurer to have renewals promptly.
This will be held on March 9th. at 3p.m. in the BROOKWOOD Memorial Hall and not at St.John's as previously stated. We were unable to secure the hall there. Please save your jumble and bring it to Mrs. Woolgar or if more convenient to Mrs.Walker, 6,Carlyon Close, Farnborough; Mr.Gerry, 13, Fairland Close, Fleet or Mr.Harris, 198, Hermitage Woods Cres. St.John's.
Helpers will be needed at the hall from mid-day onwards on the day of the sale, to sort out jumble on the various stalls, and from 3pm to sell jumble, refreshments and help at the door and later to clear up. If you can help in any way on the day or are willing to collect 'jumble ' in your area please, contact Mrs.Woolgar AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Jumble can be collected from now onwards, so please help if you can.
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Annual General Meeting: The meeting was attended by about 50 members. Will members please note that the following amendments were made to the rules and Constitution of the Society:
Rule 6 now reads: The Officers of the Society shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer. These Officers shall relinquish their office every year and shall be eligible for re-election to the Executive Committee. After the election has been held,the Committee shall elect their own Officers from amongst their number.
Rule 7. now reads:
1) The Executive Committee shall direct the activities of the Society.
2) The Executive Committee shall consist of 9 elected members, including the Officers, and a quorum shall consist of 4 persons of which at least 2 are Officers.
3) These members shall stand for nomination and election annually, and a postal ballot shall be taken if nominations exceed 9 in number.
4) The Executive Committee shall have powers to co-opt further members for the duration of the elected Committee.
5)The Executive Committee shall have powers to form sub-Committees from society members and must publish their names in the Society Newsletter. The Chairman or Secretary of the sub-Committee must be a member of the Executive Commitee.
6) Nominations for the Committee must reach the Secretary by such time as he may consider necessary to organise a postal ballot; and these must be in writing supported by a seconder or na independant second nomination, and with the consent of the nominee. Requests for nominations must be made at least 14 days before the closing date.
7) The Committee shall meet periodically at its own discretion and may invite such non-Committee members as it considers necessary for the conduct of its business, but only the Committee shal vote at such meetings.
8)The result of the ballot shall be announced at the A.G.M. and the new Committee shall take office at the termination of the A.G.M.
Rule 13 has now been added to the Constitution: If in the opinion of the Executive Committee" or any 10 members, the conduct of any member is undesireable or injurious to the Society, the Executive Committee, if satisfied that the complaint is well founded, shall be empowered,by a majority decision of the Executive Committee, to expel
from Society members and must publish their names in the Society Newsletter. The Chairman or Secretary of the sub-Committee must be a member of the Executive Committee.
At the A.G.M. it was agreed that a Lock Gate Fund should be set up to collect £150 to build a pair of lock gates, in the hope that they may perhaps be used at Ash lock some time in the future. Many thanks to those who have already donated. Anyone wishing to donate anything to this fund should send cheques etc. to the Hon.Treasurer (Mrs.Woolgar) and payable to the Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society. Please make it clear that monies sent are for the lock gate fund as this will be kept separate from Society funds.
After official business refreshments were served and Mr.Snell showed slides of Society activities throughout the year.
The new Committee is the same as the 1967 Committee with the
exception of Mr. Snell, who his been replaced by Miss June Sparey. May we once again say thank you to Mr.Snell and welcome Miss Sparey. Unfortunately her first activity as a Committee member was to develop
appendicitis. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Ramble: Again we were lucky enough to have good weather for this. About 25 people took part, starting from Brookwood bottom lock at 10:30 on Sunday 18th. February. Our most sincere thanks to Mr.& Mrs. Duffil who replenished the walkers at their hone near Scotland Road Bridge. Their tea and eats were very welcome indeed.
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We would like to thank Mr. Gunner of Godalming for recently getting two new members for the Society and Mr. Duffil of West Byfleet for persuading Mr. Smithers to join as he in turn got us another member. Mr. Buck of Alton joined us last week and in sending in the family membership accompanied it with 2 other family memberships and requests for more membership forms. A very big thank you to all of you and please, other members keep up the good work.
At the beginning of the month a circular letter was sent to every Surrey and Hampshire County Councillor - some 200 of them.
It is intended as a follow-up to the conference we held for Councillors in October of last year. In the letter we yet again urge the Counties to action over the canal in the neir future. We pointed out that action will be necessary sooner or later as the canal becomes an increasing eyesore and danger to health and property. The canal could be re-established as an integral landscape feature, combining a prominent local amenity and recreational facility and if only the County Councils formed a joint organisation they could run the canal. We suggest that our voluntary labour could restore the
canal with the minimum of expenditure of ratepayers' money. We have tried to impress upon the Councillors the need for action soon, since the canal's rate of deterioration is increasing and therefore more money will be needed for its eventual ewatoration.
As a follow-up to this letter would EVERY MEMBER piease write to their own County Councillor urging him or her to press his Council for action. Anyone not sure of the name and address of their Councillor can obtain it from the Council Offices: write to the Clerk of the Council for this information at Hampshire County Council, The Castle, Winchester, Hants. or Surrey County Council, County Hall, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. Mrs. Woolgar has a list of Surrey County Councillors and their respective areas but does not have the same information about Hampshire.
This is a definite way in which EVERY MEMBER can help the cause. The Society is now of sufficient size to make those who matter take note, let them see that our members are ACTIVE.
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Recently this Company contacted the Secretary asking that the following information be made known to members, in case anyone is interested.
"The Directors wish to inform you that during the next few weeks they will be issuing their second prospectus with a view to raising approximately £10,000 in Ordinary £1 shares. It is intended that the Company should consolidate its existing position whilst expanding the scope of its activities.
Since its inception, the Company has built up a fleet of working narrow boats which, at the present, stands at five pairs. It has also carried a wide variety of traffics ranging from bicyles to asphalt puree, involving much of the existing waterways system. However, during the last few months successful negotiations with John Dickinson & Co. Ltd., have resulted in the resumption of regular coal traffic to their Croxley Mills near Watford, Herts. This traffic, which originates from the Leicestershire coalfield, employs our entire fleet and assures the Company of a steady financial turnover.
It is the Company's policy to continue expansion in the field of commercial carrying even to the point of acquiring new boats if and when required. Research into new traffic possibilities continues all the time, especially in regard to the Birmingham Canal Navigation where the Directors feel there is a considerable potential.
As the waterways system seems to be on the brink of a great boom in the pleasure boating industry, the Directors are of the opinion that, the Company's earning capacity could be considerably improved by a modest expansion into this field.
If you are interested in investing and would, like further details, please apply to the Secretary, The Birmingham and Midland Canal Carrying Company Ltd., Worcester Bar Basing, Gas Street, Birmingham 1, stating if possible, the amount you would like to invest. No obligation is involved at this stage".
In the pound below Sheerwater lock there are The remains of three narrow boats, the Netherton, Soho and Tunstall. These boats were bought by Mr. A.J. Harmsworth in Birmingham in 1913 for use for general work on the Basingstoke canal and Thames to London, and for the coal trade to Woking. They were sunk in their present position in 1928 after being used for lightening boats for some years.
Below the next lock, the second lock down the Woodham flight, there are the remains of two more narrow boats, one of which once belonged to Messrs. W.G. Tarrants, builders of Byfleet. Nothing is known of the other one except that on the last ramble this month, some of our eagle eyed members spotted a petrol paraffin engine in it.
The remains of an old cabin cruiser are also on the same spot.
This belonged to an actress .from Staines who abandoned it. It was
moved to its present resting place.
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From Saturday 29th. June until Saturday 6th. July some members are taking a 45 foot 6 berth Willow Wren boat from Rugby to Whaley Bridge. There are two vacancies on the boat for men only. The cost is £10 per person for the week plus food. Anyone interested in joining the trip, please contact: Mr.G.N. Davies, 18, Pirbright Road, Farnborough, Hants. Tel. Farnborough 44641.
Brief history of the Basingstoke Canal, with map l/-
Reprints of newsletters 1-6 1/- set
Notes from Priestly 's book on canals in Southern
England (1833) 1/-
We can also supply any of Messrs. David and Charles books post free.
Secretary - E.J. Woolgar, 56 Connaught Crescent, Brookwood, Woking,
Surrey. Tel. Brookwood 4064.
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