Mel Lewis

Basingstoke Bridges

Whether you turn to the canal for your daily exercise, or occasionally enjoy the calming water as a place for relaxation, you most likely will have taken for granted the structures you pass over and under on your journey.  While perhaps not as immediately enchanting as autumnal leaves, there is some unique and fascinating history […]

Basingstoke Canal Watch

As a society, we know how important it is for the canal to be a safe place for all to enjoy. We were delighted, therefore, when Surrey Police were awarded the prestigious Tilley Award by the Home Office for their work in preventing crime on the Basingstoke Canal towpath. The award was for the Business […]

Volunteering with the Society

There Are So Many Ways to Volunteer & Help – It’s Fun & Rewarding If you are interested in helping, please have a look on the website where you will find a list of volunteering opportunities. The roles are all fairly flexible and the crucial thing is that people want to help and ‘make things […]

Drought & it’s effects on the Canal

As widely publicised by the Met Office this summer there has been a prolonged period of low rainfall dating back to last November, with most of England and Wales officially classified as being in drought. Met Office data widely published stated that we (in the south and east of England) experienced the driest 8-month period […]