Fantastic Support for Information Board Project

Great progress made towards fundraising target

We all love the Canal as shown by the fact that we have had more than three times the usual number of local people recently using it. In addition we are already £7000 towards our £20,000 target to fund Information Points along the Canal. In addition, 70 new members have recently joined the Society.

I needn’t remind you that with Council budgets stretched, it is important that we ALL do as much as we can to improve the Canal and help it develop as a leisure destination for individuals, clubs, families and nature lovers.
This is the first of many projects and the Information Signs will feature maps, details of car parking, nearby villages, how to enjoy the Canal, local regulations and also how people can support the future of the Canal

And we now have 976 members – it would be great to hit the 1000 by the end of the year!

So how can you help? 

  • Can we please ask you to make a one-off donation (suggested amount £20) to fund our Information Signs Project.
  • Alternatively, you can become a Member of The Basingstoke Canal Society – costing £15 for a year.

Your support is so important and in future Bulletins we’ll keep you updated about the progress of this fundraising campaign. You can read more and donate to our Information Signs project by clicking on the button below:

Ken Sankey, Editor