Canal Reopening Anniversary

Happy Reopening Birthday to our beautiful Basingstoke Canal!

The restored canal opened again on this day in 1991, following a 17-year programme of activity to rescue it from dereliction.

It’s original birthday though was on 5 September 1794, meaning it will be 230 years old in September!

Deepcut Lock During Restoration
Deepcut Lock Today

Did you realise the restoration was largely undertaken by volunteers, and that we still play a significant role in its upkeep today? This is one of the functions of the Basingstoke Canal Society.

We also fundraise and campaign to try to preserve this wonderful resource for future generations.

We again face a crisis in public financing of our local waterway and could really do with your support Now.

You can help by making a donation, leaving a gift in your will or joining as a member – only £15 per year for an adult!