Breaking News: JP II rated COVID-19 secure

First 2020 charter trip was run on 1st August

Some of Amy’s family disembarking at the end of the trip

After a great deal of work and effort by many people, led by Dick King (Chairman of the Boat Company) and Simon Tudor (BCS HSE Director), together with the support of the BCA, we successfully ran our first charter trip from Odiham on John Pinkerton II on Saturday 1st August.

Thanks go to Amy and the family who were the passengers, and indeed up to the last minute it was still unclear if all the approvals would come through in time, from not only Hampshire County Council, but also the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

The crew of Cheryl (Skipper), Jeremy, Simon and Connor after the 3.5 hour trip.

The Canal Society have complied with the HM Government’s guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 and completed the 5 steps of safer working together.

In addition, we have developed a very comprehensive Risk Assessment process that has shared with not only the IWA, but also other Canal Societies. The process includes mandatory Covid19 awareness training for all crew with the additional modules from UK Resuscitation Council on delivering CPR in a Covid19 global pandemic.

This is excellent news all round and after the trip we were delighted to receive an e-mail from the very happy passengers who spent their time on board John Pinkerton II:

“We had the most amazing day on the Canal – safe in the knowledge that Captain Cheryl and her great crew were more than fully conversant with all the COVID rules and advice. We all felt very safe and secure within a few minutes of embarking on the boat. We can highly recommend this great trip for young and old – good luck for the future.”

e-mail received from Amy & Michael

Find out more about boat trips on the Basingstoke Canal