They say there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! With this in mind, what a good idea it is to put your walking boots on and pack some waterproofs and sandwiches for a few hours in the countryside!

We love the Basingstoke Canal and you may love walking so we’ve put the two together with some fantastic walks. Of course you could just start at Woodham and finish 32 miles later at the Greywell Tunnel but if that’s far too energetic you can make use of our shorter walks suggested below. One or two have been taken from Rambles on the Basingstoke Canal which has 12 circular walks and is available to buy from our online shop.
Did you know that Society members get a 15% discount when shopping online or in-store at Cotswold Outdoors? Find out more about becoming a member and contributing to the future of the canal.
Suggested Walking Routes
- Brookwood Cemetery Circular
- Odiham Circular
- Frimley Lodge Park/Basingstoke Canal Hiking Route
- Basingstoke Canal Circular
- West Byfleet to Hampton Court
Several walks link to the OutDoorActive website where you will find lots of walking routes and maps. Signing up for an account with OutDoorActive is free although we suggest you refer to their privacy policy before use.
You can download .gpx or .kml map/route files from OutDoorActive and import these files into virtually any route app on your smartphone. Google Maps can utilise .kml files.
Other Useful Walking Resources
To find more walks around the Basingstoke Canal you can visit the following websites:
- Blackwater Valley Nature Walks – a great website with links to walking maps and guided walks.
- Surrey Heath Borough Council – Surrey Heath Health Walks are guided walks.
- Surrey County Council – explore Surrey’s countryside with self-guided walks, volunteering and out on Surrey’s waterways.
- Woking Borough Council – Woking Nature Walks are regular guided walks led by a trained walk leader.
Whichever way you get your walking route, we hope you enjoy your time in the fresh air and don’t forget to always adhere to the Countryside Code:
Leave everything the way you found it – take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.