The Basingstoke Canal Society has over 1,000 members and is run entirely by volunteers. Kitty, our community trip boat is no exception with a whole band of people giving up their free time to keep her running.
Kitty is getting old and we plan to replace her with an all-electric non-polluting boat.

Thanks to the huge efforts of countless volunteers, over 320 individual donations, 2 Art sales, 6 corporate donors, 2 bequests and 3 grants, we have raised over half of what is required to replace her.
We have applied to Your Fund Surrey for a £75,000 grant to cover the rest.
We really need your help to get it and it will only take three minutes of your time. Time is running out so please do this now.
All we need you to do is click below and answer a few questions about how you feel about replacing Kitty followed by a few questions about yourself.