NOTICE is hereby given that the 46th Annual General Meeting of The Basingstoke Canal Society will be held on Saturday 29th April 2023 at the Mytchett Canal Centre, starting at 5.00pm.
The formal Agenda for the meeting is as follows:-
1. To hear apologies for absence.
2. To confirm the minutes of the 45th AGM held on 14th May 2022.
3. To approve the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2022.
4. To reappoint Barnbrook Sinclair Partnership LLP as Independent Examining Accountants.
5. To elect or confirm the appointment of the members of the Board of Directors (Executive Committee) for the year 2023/4 (see note 3).
6. To transact any other business relative to the Annual General Meeting of the Society.
By order of the Board of Directors
Celia Griffiths, Secretary
Following the formal business of the AGM there will presentations of the Robin Higgs Award and the Dieter Jebens Trophy.
AGM Notes:
1) This Notice is issued from 138 Alexandra Road, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 6RN. In advance of the meeting our Registered Address at IWA, Island House, Moor Road, Chesham HP5 1WA is set to change as IWA are moving .
2) Every member of the Society who is entitled to vote at a General Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy, who need not be a member, to attend and vote in his/her stead. Forms of Proxy can be obtained from the Secretary at or 138, Alexandra Road, Farnborough, Hants GU14 6RN.Only paid-up members are entitled to attend and vote at the meeting.
3) Following the changes to the Articles in 2022 :-
- one third of directors (4) – usually being those with longest service – become eligible to resign and seek re-election by rotation.
- in addition, any person who has been a director for 9 consecutive years must resign and seek re-election. This affects Philip Riley and Kevin Redway, who will be standing for re-election.
Full details of those directors who will be resigning and members seeking to being re-elected or proposed as directors for a first time by ordinary resolution – (which must be received not less than 14 days before this meeting) – will be shown on the Members webpages and on application to the Secretary.
4) The Report & Accounts and Articles of Association will be available to view on the website before the AGM. Copies can be available from the Membership Secretary by email or post if requested. In accordance with normal practice the Accounts, when approved, will be published in summary in the Basingstoke Canal News.
e) Any changes to the details given in this notice will be published on the Society’s website at
Following on from the AGM at about 6pm there will be a social for members and volunteers – further details will appear on the website nearer the time . Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided.