The Basingstoke Canal Society is a registered charity and relies on donations from the general public and businesses to continue its work and many ongoing projects.
Our local communities across Surrey and Hampshire really value the freely accessible and varied outdoor space that is right on our doorstep. In recent years, we have all noticed the number of people enjoying the Canal as a place to improve their physical and mental wellbeing in nature, whether to exercise or simply enjoy the quiet spaces has increased so we all know how important it is to continue to
campaign for the sustainable future of the Canal.
The Basingstoke Canal not only has a rich history but is an important nature site, with the classification of a Site of Special Scientific Interest from Natural England. There is also a strong desire to improve the canal and help it develop as a leisure destination for individuals, clubs, families and nature enthusiasts to enjoy.
However, the future of the Canal is increasingly at risk as many local council budgets have become stretched – and that’s unlikely to change. Our fundraising projects provide the means by which we can continue to preserve the canal.
Current Project Details

Dredging – The Basingstoke Canal like many waterways requires a regular programme of dredging to keep it navigable for boats. If we don’t regularly dredge the canal then silt will build up and boats will become restricted from moving freely.
Regular dredging also allows for nature to flourish, which makes the Canal far more appealing for us all to see including non-boaters.
Our plan for dredging is to spot dredging which allows us to pinpoint specific locations that we know silt up but also focus on hotspots for boaters also.

Towpath Repairs – we recognise that many users of the Basingstoke Canal use it to walk, run or cycle and rely on well cared for towpaths to make this as easy and pleasant as possible. There are some patches of the Canal path that are falling into disrepair and could use some improvements and we believe these are an important priority for making sure the Canal is accessible for as many local people as possible to enjoy.

Bank Repairs – maintenance work is required to ensure that the structural integrity of the canal bank is maintained. There are many things that can cause the canal bank to need repair, many of which are natural, unavoidable and easily fixed with small remedial works in many cases. Repairs can provide benefits to those using the canal in many ways (walking, running, canoeing, kayaking, navigating) in addition to animals, plants and fish that live in and along the canal.

Benches – the installation and ongoing maintenance of benches along the canal is an important way for many people to spend more enjoyable time along the canal, whether for a quick rest, picnic or to spend time remembering a loved one. More information will follow on this project in the coming months.

Last 5 Miles walk – positive progress by our volunteer colleagues working with Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council and Parish Councils to establish the route, land ownership and rights of way needed to establish a permanent path. A long term project is generating good support and you can donate to our fundraising campaign.