The Basingstoke Canal Authority today issued this update regarding the ongoing effects the hot weather is having on the canal.
From Fiona Shipp, Canal Manager, BCA
With the hot weather, water levels in the Mytchett pound (between Ash lock and Deepcut lock 28) have continued to reduce without any substantial feed of water. We have now reached the point where we need to cease all powered boat movement on this pound. This is for public safety and to reduce damage to the Canal, wildlife and boats. We apologise for any inconvenience, however this is the first time in over 10 years we have had to close this pound.
So, as of the end of the day today, powered boats are no longer able to use the Mytchett Pound until we get substantial and prolonged rainfall and levels have risen and are holding.
Can I suggest that all owners of powered boats moored on the Canal in the Mytchett pound, let out their mooring lines enough to prevent listing of their boats.
Canoes, Kayaks and Paddleboards can continue to use this pound at the moment, but we will monitor this situation (see re tree below).

Deepcut and Brookwood Lock flights and Ash Lock, remain closed.
Powered Boats are still able to use the Hampshire, Hermitage and Woking pounds where there is still enough water to operate at this time.
Please be aware that there is currently a large fallen tree blocking the Mytchett pound, just upstream of Heathvale Bridge road. It is unlikely we will be able to clear this fully, until navigation re-opens and we can get a workboat to it.

This blockage is unpassable to unpowered boats and the towpath is also currently closed.