You’ll be pleased to know that we’re getting closer to our target to replace our community trip boat Kitty with a fully electric boat but there’s still a good way to go.

Thanks to your generosity and a lot of hard work from volunteers, we’ve raised over £50,000 from:
- Crowdfunding last December
- Our art auction at The Lightbox in February
- Corporate contributions from Waitrose, The Ion Group and SC Johnson
- Grants from The Syder Foundation and The Shanley Foundation and from Will Forster on behalf of Surrey County Council
- Generous legacies left by Joyce Keep and Peter Harman
- A host of individual donations
Please make a contribution
We’re aiming to raise £10,000 through a second round of Crowdfunding. The Crowdfunder is live now will run until Christmas day. Please click here if you’d like to contribute.
The point of crowdfunding is to raise small donations that add up to a much bigger sum, so any contribution, no matter how small will help. The bigger the crowd, the more contributions we get, so please tell your friends and ask them to support the Kitty project.