Brookwood Cemetery and Sheet’s Heath Common
This walk is kindly reproduced from “Rambles on the Basingstoke Canal” by Malcolm Brickwood and Roger Cansdale. Within the book there are details of the history surrounding this walk and it can be purchased from our online shop.
Distance: 5 (8km) or 3.2 miles (5.1km)
Time to Walk: Allow 2h 30m or 1hr 40m
OS Maps: Explorer 145 (1:25,000) or Landranger 186 (1:50,000)
Start: Pirbright Village Hall Car Park GU24 0JT (Grid ref SU946559)
Parking: Pirbright Green
Public Transport: Bus/Train
Refreshments: Public Houses on south side of Pirbright Village Green

- From the Car Park (CP) area on the Green turn L (NW) up Avenue de Cagney for a few metres, the R down “The Gardens” and ahead for 280m to a FP on the L by a finger post – immediately after first house on L (Holly Grange) and before houses (Nos 3 & 4). Follow this for 180m straight ahead over cross-path (ignoring FP to L & R) and following waymarks through trees to meet a drive. Turn R down the avenue of pines to enter the Brookwood Memorial & War Graves.
- Continue on the main driveway (St. Lawrence Avenue) and at T-junction turn R onto Lincoln Avenue. At next T-junction turn L down an avenue of giant Sequoias on Long Avenue and through metal gate. After 470m turn R down Oak Avenue (which leads to The Crescent, past the chapel) then turn L to join Western Avenue for 120m to reach a drive junction. Turn R here to exit the cemetery and reach the main road.
- turn L along the road verge and L again where it meets the A322 to pass under the railway and ahead to the lights. Cross over Connaught Road and ahead along Bagshot Road for 40m over Brookwood Bridge, to join canal towpath on the L. In 720m, passing a series of locks, reach Sheet’s Heath Bridge (the first one you come to). At 200m after passing under the bridge bear R to join road (marked Private Road, No Bridleway) for 400m to arrive at path junction at Sheet’s Heath Common. For shorter 3.2 mile/5.1km walk, go directly to (5) below, otherwise continue.
- Continue ahead (dogleg R/L) for a further 240m to a second path junction, to turn L along a chestnut fence line for about 80m, then fork L through a pair of wooden gates. Continue on the main track over the middle of the heath for 600m then through a metal barrier to join a rough surfaced track and turn R for 230m to path junction by an information board and cattle grid. turn L here onto a small FP for 200m down to meet the main road. Turn L along the road and in 130m re-join the canal towpath on L at Pirbright Bridge for 900m back to Sheet’s Heath Bridge.
- Cross over Sheet’s Heath Bridge and down Sheet’s Heath Lane to Connaught Road. Cross over road at zebra crossing on the R and through station tunnel under railway line, to re-enter Brookwood Cemetery. Turn R down Pine Avenue for 450m and L onto Lincoln Avenue at Zoroastrian Cemetery through metal gate, then R through the American and Canadian War Cemeteries again to exit cemetery though gates. Continue ahead on drive, turn L on FP between 5th & 6th trees on L before end of drive (opposite waymark on R) through woods to retrace steps back to Pirbright Green CP.
You can download a PDF version of this walk here – Brookwood Circular