
There are a variety of publications available from the Society and elsewhere.

Books about the Basingstoke Canal

Many books and booklets have been written about the Basingstoke Canal over the years, several by current and past Society members. Those in print may be obtained from our online shop by clicking here.

Also available in our shop in season are calendars and Christmas cards.

There are some publications that are no longer in print, but can periodically obtained from auction sites etc. Some of these historic books and brochures are available on our News Archive website. The Society is undergoing a major review of our archive material so you may find that the article you are looking for may not be accessible.

Basingstoke Canal News

The Basingstoke Canal News (BCN) is a quarterly publication, available on-line and in printed form as an A5 colour booklet to Society members. The BCN features articles about the Canal and the Society’s activities.

The first edition was published in early 1967, and the comprehensive archive of back numbers chronicles the efforts of the then Surrey and Hampshire Canal Society and the obstacles that had to be overcome to restore the Canal to a navigable state. To access the BCN Archive with editions back to 1967, please click here.

If you would like to become a member and regularly receive this publication, please click here.

Basingstoke Canal Bulletin

The Basingstoke Canal Bulletin is an on-line only newsletter about the Canal and the Society, published every one to three months. Subscription is free to all.  It was started in 2010 to attract a wider interest in the Canal amongst perhaps a younger audience. An archive of previous editions is also available.

Various Leaflets

If you would like a brief summary of what the Society is about, or would like to become a member, then please click here to obtain your copy of the membership leaflet  The trips available on our two trip boats can be found in our trip leaflets here, and if you are interested in leaving a lasting gift to the Canal in your will, please refer to our legacy leaflet here.