As you may know, we’re raising funds to replace Kitty, our trip boat that operates from Woking.
It’s going to cost about £200,000 to replace Kitty with an electric-powered boat and put charging infrastructure in. The new Kitty will be more environmentally friendly and better adapted to less-abled passengers.

We’ve entered an application in Your Fund Surrey which is a community fund for charitable appeals like ours. As always, there is big competition for these funds and the more clicks an application gets the better chance it has of winning funding.
Your click could make all the difference.
How can you help?
Click Here to access our application then scroll down until you see a Thumbs Up and click on it to give us the Thumbs up.
You’ll then be asked for your e-mail address. After you’ve entered it the following screens are optional, so just hit Next, Next, Next and Finish.
You’ll be sent an e-mail where you have to click on the link to validate it was you who gave us a thumbs up – please don’t forget this final step as if you don’t validate your email, your “Thumbs Up” won’t be counted!
PLEASE forward this on to friends and families so they can vote for us, the more clicks we get the better!