After an absence of a year, the Society is supporting another Raft Race to be held at Colt Hill, Odiham on 5th September.
The Race is being sponsored by Galleon Marine, Odiham Parish Council and 6 local businesses. Eight teams have already entered for the Race. The event will also include canoe demonstrations to be given by the Basingstoke & Deane Canoe Club and there will be sales stands and refreshments including a bar. As the Basingstoke Canal Society are involved in this event, we’re expecting good turnout by members, and we’re looking forward to seeing as great a crowd of spectators as in recent years. A great time will be had by all. The agenda is as follows:

13:00 Event opens
13:15 Basingstoke & Deane Canoe Club on water demonstration starts
14:00 Raft race starts
15:30 Tug-o-war starts
16:30 Prize giving by Angela McFarlane
17:00 event closes [Car park closes 17.30]